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‎Cabinets-Bibliothek der Deutschen Classiker. 124., 152., 181. und 123. Lieferung.‎

‎Hildburghausen, New-York:, Verlag vom Bibliographischen Institut., 1831/32/33. Kl.8°. 117,111,123 (4)116 S. Pappband der Zeit mit montiertem rotem goldgeprägtem Rückentitel. [2 Warenabbildungen] Einband leicht berieben, Ecken und Kapitale etwas bestoßen, Eigenvermerk auf fliegendem Vorsatz, papierbedingt leicht gebräunt, stellenweise leicht stockfleckig, insgesamt gut erhalten.‎

‎Der Sammelband enthält: Anthologie aus den Schriften von J. D. Falk. (124. Lieferung, neue Folge: 44. Bändchen, 1831). - Anthologie aus J. G. Fichtes sämmtlichen Werken. Erstes und Zweites Bändchen. (152. und 181. Lieferung, neue Folge 62 und 101. Bändchen,1832/33). - 4 Seiten Subscriptionsanzeigen. - Fabeln für die Zeit. Von Fröhlich und Pfeffel (123. Lieferung, neue Folge 43. Bändchen, 1831).‎

Référence libraire : 29667A

‎Die Schriften zu J.G.Fichtes Atheismus-Streit. Hrsg. von F.Böckelmann.‎

‎München, Rogner & Bernhard, 1969. 8°. 253 S. Original-Karton. (=Passagen).‎

Référence libraire : 113288AB

‎Fichte: El dominio de la Razón.‎

‎Murcia, Compobell 1994. 386 S. Original-Kartonband‎

‎Revista de Filosofia, Heft 9/1994. - Mit Beiträgen in Spanisch, Deutsch und Englisch. - Stolzenberg, J. Selbstbewußtsein: Ein Problem der Philosophie nacht Kant (Zum Verhältnis Reinhold-Hölderlin-Fichte); Breazeale, D. Kant, Fichte and "The Interests of Reason"; Janke, W. Amor Dei intellectualis. Vernunft- und Gottesliebe in Gipfelsätzen neuzeitlicher Systembildungen (Spinoza, Hegel, Schelling, Fichte); Soller, A. K. Fichtes Lehre vom nicht bewußten Vernunfthandeln; Stahl, J. Philosophiegeschichte als Problemfeld der Wissenschaftslehre Fichtes.; Hoff, P. Der Begriff der psychischen Krankheit aus der Sicht der Fichteschen Transzendentalphilosophie u. a. - Gutes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 195384-1

‎IIe Centenaire de la naissance de Fichte. IN: Archives de Philosophie. Recherches et documentation. 1962/2.‎

‎Paris, Beauchesne 1962. Gr.8°. 636 S. Original-Kartonband‎

‎Le probleme de l`interpersonnalite chez Fichte (Lauth); Le savoir absolu chez Fichte et le probleme de la Philosophie (Julia); La structure interne de la W.L. de 1804 (Widmann); Comment Fichte accede a l`histoire (Hammacher); La "Grundlage des Naturrechts" de Fichte et la Philosophie politique de l`Aufklaerung (Schottky); Le developpement de la Theologie de Fichte (Coreth); La theorie de l`image chez Fichte (Tilliette). - Einband lichtrandig. Unbeschnitten.‎

Référence libraire : 188459-1

‎Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762 /1962). Verzeichnis d. handschriftlichen Nachlasses.‎

‎Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, 1962. 4°. M. 29 Faks.-Taf. 54 S. Gepr. OKart. Umschl. angeschmutzt.‎

Référence libraire : 170104

‎Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Bearb. v. Fr. Färber.‎

‎Langensalza, 1891. M. 1 Portr. 318 S. Hldr. m. Rsign. Einbd. bestoßen. St. a. Tit. Sehr vereinzelt Bleistiftunterstreich. (Die Klassiker d. Pädagogik 12)‎

Référence libraire : 164175


‎Un volume di VI-109 pagine. Firmetta alla pagina bianca. Brossura editoriale‎

‎Text + Kritik. Zeitschrift für Literatur. Heft 72. Hubert Fichte. Herausgegeben von Heinz Ludwig Arnold.‎

‎München: edition text + kritik. 1981. 118 S. Gr.8vo. Original-Broschur.‎

‎Ordentliches Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 11184

‎Wissen u. Gewissen. Beiträge zum 200. Geburtstag Johann Gottlieb Fichtes 1762-1814. Hrsg. v. M. Buhr.‎

‎Berlin: Akademie Vlg. 1962. 291 S. Br.‎

Référence libraire : 274771

‎Wissen u. Gewissen. Beiträge zum 200. Geburtstag Johann Gottlieb Fichtes 1762-1814. Hrsg. v. M. Buhr.‎

‎Berlin, Akad.-Vlg. 1962. 291 S. OKart.‎

Référence libraire : 185794


‎Ueber den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre oder der sogenannten Philosophie, als Einladungsschrift zu seinen Vorlesungen über diese Wissenschaft. - [THE FOUNDATIONAL SYSTEM OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE - PMM 244 - COINING ""WISSENSCHAFTSLEHRE""]‎

‎Weimar, 1794. Small 8vo. Bound in a very nice recent half leather binding of red morocco with gilt title to spine and red marbled paper over boards. A very nice and clean copy. 68 pp. (pp. I-VIII + (9) - 68).‎

‎The rare first edition of Fichte's main work, in which he coins the word ""Wissenschaftslehre"" (science of knowledge) and introduces his philosophy in general"" the work is widely accepted as being one of the most important works of German idealism, as well as of the philosophy of the Romantic era. In the beginning of the 1790'ies Fichte wrote the work ""Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbahrung"", which Kant approved of and found a publisher for. The work appeared without mention of author on the title-page, and the work was immediately ascribed to Kant, -a better mistake could not have happened for Fichte, and when Kant corrected it, Fichte's reputation was secured. Already at the end of 1793 he was offered a chair teaching philosophy at the University of Jena. It was here in Jena that he wrote the work that became his most important and influential, his seminal ""Ueber den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre"", which came to hugely influence epistemological philosophy throughout the 19th century.""In this perfected ""Wissenschaftslehre"" the way is prepared for all the later Hegelian dialectic. If Kant had opened up the path which German, and indeed all, philosophy was to take in the nineteenth century, the credit for the complete description of its subject-matter belongs to Fichte."" (PMM 244).Fichte represented a more radical version of Kant's philosophy, in which he, in direct opposition to Kant and his ""Ding an Sich"", explained everything as coming from the ""I"" (""Ich""). Even that which appears as being the independent, physical world around us, is in reality set by the I, which needs something that is different from itself (a ""not-I"") in order to define itself. In the present work, Fichte uses the term ""Wissenschaftslehre"" in his attempt to create a system of human knowledge. He sets out to find an irrefutable foundation for human knowledge that would be raised above all doubt. In Fichte's system everything is connected to everything and the foundational theorem of the science of knowledge is the theorem of which all knowledge is dependant. Apart from that the science of knowledge makes sure that every single science contains its own foundational theorem which it cannot acquire itself.Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) was of one of the founding thinkers of German idealism. He is considered a very important philosopher in at least two respects: 1) as the uniter of the ideas of the two great - Kant and Hegel -, and as an important philosopher in himself, who has contributed originally to the philosophy of the self. By some he is considered the father of German nationalism. PMM 244‎

Référence libraire : 38384

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

1 611,60 € Acheter



‎Berlin, in der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1800. 8vo. Cont. hcalf w. signs of wear. Upper capital worn, crack to lower front hinge. Corners bumped. Old stamps to title-page and verso of t-p. Some brownspotting. VI, 338 pp.‎

‎First edition of Fichte's important ""The Vocation of Man"", the first (and best) work he wrote after having been dismissed from Jena.In the beginning of the 1790'ies Fichte wrote the work ""Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbahrung"", which Kant approved of and found a publisher for. The work appeared without mention of author on the title-page, and the work was immediately ascribed to Kant, -a better mistake could not have happened for Fichte, and when Kant corrected it, Fichte's reputation was secured. Already at the end of 1793 he was offered a chair teaching philosophy at the University of Jena. In Jena he published several important works, and in 1798 he published an essay ""On the Basis of Our Belief in a Divine Governance of the World"". In this short essay he wished to indicate how a philosophy of religion should be developed in accordance with the principles developed in his ""Wissenschaftslehre"". Because of this Fichte was accused of atheism, and as a consequence he was forced t leave his position and Jena. The matter had greatly escalated and involved a great number of German writers, who wrote articles both for and against Fichte. The whole thing culminated, when Jacobi wrote his ""open letter"", in which he directly accused Fichte's transcendental philosophy of being nihilistic, and Fichte afterwards had to flee to Berlin in the summer of 1799.Fichte was forced to live from giving private lectures and tutorials and also by writing more easily understandable works. The first of these more popular writings is his ""Vocation of Man"", in which he presents the main ideas and notions of his system, especially the moral and religious character of it. The work is considered a brilliant performance, and ""perhaps Fichte's greatest achievement"" (Encycl. Britt.). It was a direct response to Jacobi's misunderstood attack, which had just lost him his position. Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) was of one of the founding thinkers of German idealism. He is considered a very important philosopher in at least two respects: 1) as the uniter of the ideas of the two great - Kant and Hegel -, and as an important philosopher in himself, who has contributed originally to the philosophy of the self. By some he is considered the father of German nationalism.‎

Référence libraire : 34917

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

644,64 € Acheter


‎Das System der Sittenlehre nach Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre.‎

‎Jena u. Leipzig, bei Christian Ernst Gabler, 1798. 8vo. Recent hcalf. Gilt spine and with gilt lettering. (2),494 pp. The ""Vorwort"" lacking. A few underlining, otherwise fine.‎

‎First edition of one of Fichte's most important works, the ""System of Ethics"" (or ""System of a Theory of Morals""), which constitutes the second of his two main practical works. With this work the foundation of the practical side of Fichte's system is laid, and it represents one of the cornerstones of German idealism. (See PMM 224). ""If Kant had opened up the path which German, and indeed all, philosophy was to take in the nineteenth century, the credit for the complete description of its subject-matter belongs to Fichte."" (PMM 244, p. 148).Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) was of one of the founding thinkers of German idealism. He is considered a very important philosopher in at least two respects: 1) as the uniter of the ideas of the two great - Kant and Hegel -, and as an important philosopher in himself, who has contributed originally to the philosophy of the self. By some he is considered the father of German nationalism.‎

Référence libraire : 49841

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

194,73 € Acheter


‎Versuch einer Kritik aller Offenbarung. Zweite, vermehrte, und verbesserte Auflage. - BOUND WITH (Fichte:) Grundlage der Naturrechts nach Principien der Wissenschaftslehre. (1. Theil) - BOUND WITH (Kant:) Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Vierte ...‎

‎Königsberg, 1793. - Iena und leipzig, Gabler, 1796. - Riga, Hartknoch, 1797. Bound together in contemp. boards. Titlelabel with wear. Spine rubbed and somewhat worn. Engraved titlevignette. (2),IX,249 pp., a wormtract in upper right corners on the last 35 leaves, not affecting text. - (22),229,(1) pp. Some scattered brownspots. - (18),128 pp. A faint dampstain to lower margins of the last 15 leaves. Last leaf with a nick in inner margin.‎

‎With the first edition of Ficte's ""Naturrecht"", 1796 (1. Part) - An. Kant: Warda:96.‎

Référence libraire : 49839

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

376,04 € Acheter

‎(Weigandt H. hrsg.)‎

‎Reden an die deutsche Nation. Unserer Zeit zugänglich gemacht v. H. W.‎

‎Hmbg. Hanseatische Verlagsanst. 1922. 8!°. 117 S. 1 Bl., OLn., Goldaufschrift a. Rü. u. Deckel,‎

Référence libraire : 21069AB

‎[Fichte, J. G.]. - Lindau, Hans (Hg.)‎

‎Die Schriften zu J. G. Fichtes Atheismus-Streit. [= Bibliothek der Philosophen, Bd. 4].‎

‎München, Georg Müller, 1912. 8°. XXVII [statt XXIX], 387 (1) S., Blauer OHLdr.-Bd. m. blanko OUmschlag in am Vorderdeckel gestempeltem OKart.-Schuber.‎

‎Seltene, wohl spätere Bindequote in blauem Halbleder ohne den ursprünglichen Reihentitel. - Schuber leicht berieben u. etw. braunrandig, sonst schönes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 63772

‎[Fichte, Johann Gottlieb]. - Hoffmann, J. L‎

‎Fichtes Reden an die deutsche Nation im Hinblick auf die Gegenwart. Ein Vortrag gehalten im literarischen Verein in Nürnberg am 19. Januar 1849.‎

‎Nürnberg, Bauer und Raspe, 1849. 8°. 36 S., OBrosch.‎

‎Erstausgabe. - ?Der Ueberschuss über die Druckkosten ist zum Beitrag für die durch das jüngste Hochwasser beschädigten Einwohner Nürnbergs bestimmt?. - Umschlag m. kl. Randläsuren bzw. -einrissen. Einige Knickspuren. Etw. gebräunt.‎

Référence libraire : 58292



‎GUIDA 2004 242 PP. FONDO DI MAGAZZINO: PERFETTO E INTONSO. Parole e frasi comuni alcun assoluto Auschwitz banalità del male Baum Carl Schmitt compito comunità concezione coscienza costituisce costruire Cracovia crisi Cristo dell'Olocausto dell'uomo dice diritto domanda ebraica ebraismo ebrei Eckardt Eichmann Elie Wiesel esiste esso etica f1glio fascismo fede filosofia funzione Germania Gerusalemme Gesù ghetto Giobbe guerra Gumplovicz Hannah Arendt headship Hegel Heidegger Hitler Ibid ideologica Ihid interpretazioni interrogativi Israele Judenrat Judenriite Kafka l'ebreo L'Olocausto l'uomo lager Lévinas liberalismo Lissa lotta male naturale mente Metz mistico mondo morte Movimenti giovanili nazista nemico notte nulla nuovo parlare parola passato Paul Celan pensare poema poesia politica anti - ebraica possibile potere problema processo proprio questione radicale Raul Hilberg razze realtà Reich religiosa responsabilità resurrezione Ruether ruolo sembra senso Shoah signif1cato silenzio situazione sociale sofferenza Sombart storia storico sviluppi tedesco Tel Aviv teodicea teologia cristiana termini Terzo Reich totalitario totalmente tradizione tratta trova umano vuol dire XX secolo‎

‎Aiken, Henry D. (editor)‎

‎The Age of Ideology (The 19th Century Philosophers)‎

‎A clean, unmarked book with a tight binding. Light wear to cover. Age toned pages. Previous owner's name inside. 220 pages.‎

‎Albrecht, Erhard‎

‎Das nichtmarxistische Denken in seinem Verhältnis zur Erkennbarkeit der Welt. (Zur Kritik der vormarxschen Erkenntnistheorie).‎

‎Rostock: Landesdruck, 1949. 40 S. Broschiert.‎

‎Besitzstempel auf Vorsatz. Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Die historischen Wurzeln und das Wesen der Kantschen Transzendentalphilosophie -- Die Fichtesche Wissenschaftslehre als erster Versuch zu ein" Überwindung der Kantschen Noumena. -- Vom abstrakten Transzendentalsystem (Schelling) über den dialektischen Idealismus (Hegel) zum dialektischen Materialismus (Marx, Engels).‎

Référence libraire : 923142

Fundus-Online GbR
DE - Berlin
[Livres de Fundus-Online GbR]

6,00 € Acheter

‎Andr? Fichte‎

‎A Day in Capetown. Buch CD‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006. Hardcover. Very Good. Disclaimer:A copy that has been read but remains in excellent condition. Pages are intact and are not marred by notes or highlighting but may contain a neat previous owner name. The spine remains undamaged. At ThriftBooks our motto is: Read More Spend Less.Dust jacket quality is not guaranteed. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : G3937406689I4N00 ISBN : 3937406689 9783937406688

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de ThriftBooks]

23,75 € Acheter

‎Andr? Fichte‎

‎A Day in New York‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006. Hardcover. Very Good. Disclaimer:A copy that has been read but remains in excellent condition. Pages are intact and are not marred by notes or highlighting but may contain a neat previous owner name. The spine remains undamaged. At ThriftBooks our motto is: Read More Spend Less.Dust jacket quality is not guaranteed. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : G3937406670I4N00 ISBN : 3937406670 9783937406671

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de ThriftBooks]

5,21 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Capetown‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-11-03. Hardcover. Used:Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : DADAX3937406689 ISBN : 3937406689 9783937406688

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

23,62 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Capetown‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-11-06. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406646 ISBN : 3937406646 9783937406640

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

31,86 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Capetown‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-11-27. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406689 ISBN : 3937406689 9783937406688

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

14,58 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day in London‎

‎EarBOOKS 01/01/2007. Hardcover. Used; Good. WE SHIP WITHIN 24 HRS FROM LONDON UK 98% OF OUR ORDERS ARE RECEIVED WITHIN 7-10 DAYS. We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! EarBOOKS hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 3550792 ISBN : 3937406751 9783937406756

Greener Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Greener Books Ltd]

5,14 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day in London‎

‎EarBOOKS. Used - Good. Shows some signs of wear and may have some markings on the inside. EarBOOKS unknown‎

Référence libraire : GRP79563449 ISBN : 3937406751 9783937406756

Better World Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Better World Books]

29,70 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In London mini Ear Books Mini‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-09-15. Hardcover. Used:Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : DADAX3937406840 ISBN : 3937406840 9783937406848

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

41,54 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In London‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-04-16. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406751 ISBN : 3937406751 9783937406756

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

36,86 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In London mini Ear Books Mini‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-10-17. Hardcover. Very Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406840 ISBN : 3937406840 9783937406848

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

61,26 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In New York mini‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-06-16. Hardcover. Used:Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : DADAX3937406670 ISBN : 3937406670 9783937406671

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

13,53 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In New York‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-05-01. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406425 ISBN : 3937406425 9783937406428

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

5,41 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In New York mini‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2006-11-06. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406670 ISBN : 3937406670 9783937406671

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

9,49 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Paris‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-01-03. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406743 ISBN : 3937406743 9783937406749

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

46,26 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Paris mini‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-03-15. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406832 ISBN : 3937406832 9783937406831

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

22,57 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day in Rome - Fotobildband inkl. 4 Musik-CDs Book & Cds‎

‎earBOOKS Edel Germany 2007. hardcover. gebraucht sehr gut Mit CDs leichte Gebrauchsspuren . 2860 x 2860 x 200. earBOOKS (Edel Germany) hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 105448 ISBN : 3937406948 9783937406947

Germany Alemania Alemanha Allemagne
[Livres de Leserstrahl]

17,55 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day in Rome‎

‎EarBOOKS. Hardcover. VERY GOOD. Light rubbing wear to cover spine and page edges. Very minimal writing or notations in margins not affecting the text. Possible clean ex-library copy with their stickers and or stamps. EarBOOKS hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 3191953478 ISBN : 3937406948 9783937406947

Discover Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Discover Books]

9,94 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎A Day In Rome Book & Cds‎

‎Edel Classica Gmbh 2007-05-14. Hardcover. Good. Edel Classica Gmbh hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG3937406948 ISBN : 3937406948 9783937406947

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

29,35 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎Day in New York‎

‎edel CLASSICS GmbH. Used - Very Good. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. edel CLASSICS GmbH unknown‎

Référence libraire : GRP114280223 ISBN : 3937406425 9783937406428

Better World Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Better World Books]

8,49 € Acheter

‎Andre Fichte‎

‎Day in New York: The Pulse of the Big Apple‎

‎edel Distribution GmbH 01/01/2008. Hardcover. Used; Good. WE SHIP WITHIN 24 HRS FROM LONDON UK 98% OF OUR ORDERS ARE RECEIVED WITHIN 7-10 DAYS. We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! edel Distribution GmbH hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 2336363 ISBN : 3937406425 9783937406428

Greener Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Greener Books Ltd]

4,56 € Acheter

‎Antoni, Carlo‎

‎Il Problema Della Filosofia Moderna e Lo storicismo (parti I e II) La Filosofia Di Hegel‎

‎Mm 170x240 Volume cartonato rigido contenente le dispense degli Anni Accademici 1952-1953, 1954-1955: Il Problema Della Filosofia Moderna parte e lo storicismoI, pagine 183, Il Problema Della Filosofia Moderna e lo storicismo (parte II) pagine 137, La filosofia di Hegel pagine 182. Carte ingiallite. Opera in buone condizioni. Spedizione in 24 ore dalla conferma dell'ordine.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Livres de Salvalibro Snc]

25,00 € Acheter

‎Antonini, Fausto‎

‎Antropologia e filosofia‎

‎Mm 135x205 Collana "Saggistica". Prefazione di Paolo Filiasi Carcano - Brossura editoriale di viii-260 pagine, in perfette condizioni. SPEDIZIONE IN 24 ORE DALLA CONFERMA DELL'ORDINE.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Livres de Salvalibro Snc]

9,90 € Acheter



‎EDITORI RIUNITI 1991 LIEVI SEGNI DEL TEMPO, VOLUME INTONSO, MAI SFOGLIATO. Parole e frasi comuni afferma Antonio Labriola appunto astratta attività cattolici cattolicismo certo Civiltà Cattolica concepire concetto concezione del mondo concreto correnti creare critica Croce cultura culturale dell'economia determinato dialettica dire diventa dottrina elaborazione elementi esiste etico-politica fase filosofia classica filosofia classica tedesca filosofia della praxis forma forze francese Hegel ideologia individuali intel intellettuali Kant l'affermazione l'economia l'uomo lavoro libertà linguaggio logica logica formale losofia lotta Marx marxistica massa materialismo storico mente metafisica metodo metodologia Missiroli moderna morale movimento nazionale necessario noumeno nuova occorre pensare pensiero plusvalore polemica politica popolari posizione prassi pratica presente problema processo produzione progresso proprio Proudhon punto di vista pure quistione rapporti reale realtà religione ricerca Riforma rivoluzione Rivoluzione francese Saggio popolare scientifica scienza economica scritto senso comune significa significato sistema società sociologia Sorel specialmente speculativa spirito storia Storia d'Europa strumenti struttura studio superstrutture sviluppo svolgimento tecnica tendenza teoria teoria del valore teorica tratta uomini valore‎




‎Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (Hrsg.)‎

‎Hubert Fichte. (= Text + Kritik 72). Zeitschrift für Literatur. Herausgegeben von Heinz Ludwig Arnold.‎

‎München : Edition Text und Kritik, 1981. 118 S. ; gr. 8°; Orig.-Broschur;‎

‎Kopfschnitt etwas angestaubt/fleckig, sonst sehr gut. Scheint ungelesen. // "Die (?) ?recherche?, die das Werk Hubert Fichtes darstellt, bewegt sich auf drei Ebenen: auf der der personalen, autobiographischen Erinnerung und Vorgeschichte, auf der der überpersonalen, kollektiven wie mythischen wie magischen Erinnerung (?) und auf der der sprachlichen Aufschlüsselung (?)." (H. Heißenbüttel). Das Heft gibt Aufschluss über das komplexe Projekt dieses Solitärs der deutschen Literatur. - Helmut Heißenbüttel: Hubert Fichte definitiv - Hubert Fichte: Die Geschichte der Empfindsamkeit - Hubert Fichte: Forschungsbericht - Wolfgang von Wangenheim: Zum Stil Hubert Fichtes - Gisela Dischner: Das poetische Auge des Ethnographen - Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs: Dichtung und Ethnologie - Hans Mayer: Die Grenzen der Befragung. Anmerkung zu Hubert Fichtes Roman "Wolli Indienfahrer" - Rüdiger Wischenbart: "Ich schreibe, was mir die Wahrheit zu sein scheint.". Ein Gespräch mit Hubert Fichte - Peter Bekes: Poetische Erfahrungen des Fremden. Fichtes Romane vor dem Hintergrund der Romanpoetik in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren - Gisela Ullrich: Anpassung und Abweichung. Rollengestaltung in Hubert Fichtes Prosa - Rita Mielke: Doppel-perspektivisches Erzählen bei Hubert Fichte. Eine Untersuchung zu zwei frühen Erzählungen und dem Roman "Das Waisenhaus" - Gisela Ullrich: Bibliographie - Notizen /lager 2 0070-73 ISBN: 9783883770758‎

Référence libraire : 134121

‎Asmuth, Christoph (Hrsg.)‎

‎Sein - Reflexion - Freiheit. Aspekte der Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes.‎

‎Amsterdam, Grüner 1997. 320 S. Original-Pappband‎

‎Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, Band 25. - Mit Widmung von Christoph Asmuth und Alfred Denker an Wolfgang Janke auf Titel. - Fußkante angestoßen, sonst gutes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 192828-1

‎Augusti, J.Ch.W.‎

‎Die Erscheinungen d. Engels Gabriel, Oder: der Engel Gabriel u. Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Tl. 1. Im siebenten Jahr d. Fichte'schen Offenbarungen.‎

‎(Leipzig, Küchler, 1799). XII, 132 S. Br. Umsch. teils angeschmutzt u. angerissen. M. Exlibris a. Vors. Teils ein wenig stockfl.‎

‎Baumgartner/Jacobs 3716x. Sehr seltene Schrift zum Atheismusstreit. - Erste und einzige Ausgabe.- Eine Posse in 4 Akten auf Fichtes Philosophie und Lebensschicksale und was der Erzengel Gabriel anstellte, "um die kantische Philosophie zu verdrängen" (S. 15). Die Schrift steht vor dem Hintergrund des sog. Atheismus-Streits und Fichtes Vertreibung aus Jena. Augusti, "einer der gelehrtesten evangelischen Theologen des 19. Jahrhunderts" (ADB), hatte sich 1798 an der Universität Jena habilitiert. Mit den dortigen Koryphäen, dem Kantianer Reinhold und mit Fichte, hat er sich nicht anfreunden können und Friedrich Schlegel schlug er in einer öffentlichen Disputation buchstäblich in die Flucht.- Holzmann/Boh. II, 1866; Hamberger/Meusel 17, 57; Weller, Druckorte I, 179; nicht bei Adickes.‎

Référence libraire : 401394

‎Azzaro Salvatore‎

‎Politica e storia in Fichte.‎

‎pp. 156, in 8°, bross.‎



‎18x11,7 cm; 134, (2) pp. Brossura editoriale color carta da zucchero con scritte e decori in rosso. Fichte e Gioberti, due scuole di pensiero a confronto. Lo scolasticismo di Gioberti, il valore della religione e la sua liertà. La fede di Fichte, il valore dell'educazione e il soggettivismo. Prima edizione di questo studio del grande e controverso politico e storico, originario di Fossano (Cuneo), Balbino Giuliano che fu anche insegnante di Piero Gobetti. In barbe. Ottimo stato di conservazione e ancora in barbe, prima edizione non comune.‎


‎Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Geschichtsphilosophie. Diss.‎

‎Leipzig, 1911. Gr.-8vo. 72 S. Br. Tit. angestaubt u. am Rand etwas braunfl.‎

Référence libraire : 1230568

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