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‎Bacon francis‎


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‎Skira Editore 2008 In-4 cartonné 30,3 cm sur 28,3. 250 pages. Cartonnage et dos légèrement passés et poussiéreux. Pas de jaquette. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Sans jaquette Bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 110056

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

62,00 € Acheter

‎Dictionnaire des artistes contemporains‎

‎50 artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs présentés par 22 critiques en 1964.Paris, Les Libraires associés, in-4 reliure d'editeur beige illustrée en couleurs 144 pages, Liste des artistes : Alechinsky, Atlan, Berrocal, Francis Bacon, Victor Brauner, Dufour, Le Corbusier, Max Ernst, Gromaire, Matta, Edouard Pignon, Sugaï, Vasarely, Rothko, Rauschenberg,Zao Woo ki, Tobey , Hartung , Esteve etc.‎

‎Ray J7*‎

Référence libraire : 4522

Livre Rare Book

Antiquités Duvert Martial
Crest France Francia França France
[Livres de Antiquités Duvert Martial]

40,00 € Acheter

‎Die Rawleysche Sammlung von 32 Trauergedichten auf Francis Bacon. Ein Zeugniss zu Gunsten der Bacon-Shakespeare-Theorie. Mit einem Vorwort u. hrsg. v. G. Cantor.‎

‎Halle, Niemeyer, 1897. M. 1 Portr. XXVII, 32 S. OBr. Umschl. lichtrandig. Schnitt teils braunfl. Unaufgeschn. Ex.‎

‎Wenig bekannt ist, daß sich der Prof. d. Mathematik u. Schöpfer d. Mengenlehre Georg Cantor (1845-1918) mit Fr. Bacon beschäftigte u. damit zugleich einen Beitrag zur "Bacon-Shakespeare-Frage" lieferte.‎

Référence libraire : 606884

‎Francis Bacon Peintures récentes‎

‎Paris Galerie Lelong 1987 In-4 Broché, couverture illustrée Edition originale‎

‎Collection "Repères, Cahiers d'art contemporain" n° 39. Préface de Jacques Dupin et entretien de Francis Bacon avec David Sylvester. Photo de l'artiste et 19 reprodustions en couleurs de ses oeuvres, l'une reprise en couverture. 44 pp. Très bon exemplaire 0‎

Référence libraire : 006551

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

20,00 € Acheter

‎Francis Bacon S W Hayter Barbara Hepworth‎

‎Sao Paulo V Bienale do museu de arte moderna 1959 In-4 Agrafé‎

‎Catalogue de cette exposition organisée au Brésil par le British Council, pour la cinquième biénnale du musée d'art moderne de Sao Paulo. Textes en anglais, en portugais et en espagnol. Etudes de Robert Melville sur Bacon, de Robert Erskine sur Hayter et de J. P. Hodin sur Hepworth. Note biographioques sur les artistes, et liste des oeuvres exposées; 15 reproductions en noir. 32 pp. Très bon 0‎

Référence libraire : 009919

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

300,00 € Acheter

‎Francis Bacon. Ediz. illustrata‎

‎ill. Uno sguardo al percorso artistico di uno dei grand maestri della seconda metà del XX secolo, capace di raggiungere la sensibilità più recondita dell'individuo con immagini emblematiche della violenza e dell'angoscia caratteristiche della nostra epoca. La sua opera, dai piccoli intensissimi ritratti ai monumentali trittici, risulta contraddistinta da valenze simboliche del tutto personali, ricche di allusioni cinematografiche, letterarie e religiose, ed è sostenuta da un'eccezionale perizia esecutiva e da una profonda partecipazione emotiva.‎

‎Francis Bacon. Mit Beiträgen von Dawn Ades und Andrew Forge, einer Anmerkung über Bacons Technik von Andrew Durham und einer ausgewählten Bibliographie von Krysztof Cieskowski. Ausstellungskatalog.‎

‎London, Thames & Hudson, 1985. 246 Seiten. 4°, Original Karton [4 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Guter Zustand OT2-65 Bei Bestellungen auf Rechnung bleibt Vorkasse vorbehalten. Bestellungen erfolgen ohne Gewähr und gelten erst nach Bestätigung der Verfügbarkeit. Wir bieten günstigere Versandvariante für Bücher bis 1000 gr. Bitte Anfragen. Payment in advance is reserved for orders on account. Orders are made without guarantee and are only valid after availability has been confirmed. The shipping costs to non-EU countries may vary depending on the weight. We also offer cheaper shipping options for books up to 1000g.‎

Référence libraire : 13531

‎PARIS –LONDRES KEEPSAKE FRANÇAIS 1837 : NOUVELLES INEDITES Illustrées par Vingt –six vignettes gravées à Londres par les meilleurs artistes.‎

‎In -8 reliure de plein chagrin brun. Dos richement orné de fers romantiques dorés, Encadrements et motifs en angles des plats estampés à froid avec au centre motif doré sur le premier plat aux initiales D. M. , second plat au même ornement et couronne dorés. Reliure dorée sur les trois tranches. 4ff. -216 p. 26 gravures hors –texte sur papier fort dont plusieurs « Marines » , page de titre illustrée. Ed. Belloye, Desme et Cie et Librairie Delloye , Paris, 1837.‎

‎Gravures de J. Thomson, H. Robinson, J. Goodyear, R. Brandard, F. Bacon, J.-C. Edwards, T. Higham, C. Armytage, E. Radclyffe, R. Wallis, S. Fisher, C. Heath, J. Appleton, J. Lewis, L. Stocks, J. Cousen, Nouvelles de Aurore Dupin ( pseud. George Sand ), A. de Chateaubriand, Princesse de Craon, Bibliophile Jacob, Louise Colet, Alphonse Karr, Alfred de Vigny, E. Fouinet, E. Theaubon, A. Tassin, Emile Deschamps… Bel exemplaire malgré des rousseurs.‎

Référence libraire : 228

Livre Rare Book

A Althée
Marseille France Francia França France
[Livres de A Althée]

280,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Atkinson, Bacon, and Coffee Counties, Georgia‎

‎1988 United States Department of Agriculture, soil Consevervation Service Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Atkinson, Bacon, and Coffee Counties, Georgia soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 207 pages + 35 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014681

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎The Copyartor Swatch. Issue number one‎

‎Dusseldorf Manipulator 1985 En feuilles, couverture illustrée‎

‎Très rare plaquette publicitaire de la célèbre marque de montre suisse Swatch, montrant les images réalisées à la photocopieuse par 30 jeunes artistes, présentés le 20 mars 85 à l'IRCAM - Centre Georges Pompidou, sous la direction de Stephen Huljak, Pierre de Ferluc, Boris Safronoff. Oeuvres de Hervé Le Cerf, Vincent Moreau, Agathe May, Yaya Lung, K.H. 2 Kalach, Antonetti, Sylvie Mirto, Kiki Picasso ... 8 pp. dont la couverture en noir et rouge. Cette publication reprend la maquette et la taille de la revue "The Manipulator" (67,5 x 48 cm). Bon 0‎

Référence libraire : 014431

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

180,00 € Acheter

‎XVIIe Salon de mai‎

‎Paris Musée d'Art Moderne 1961 In-4 agrafé, couverture illustrée Edition originale‎

‎Catalogue du Salon de mai, organisé du 7 au 28 mai. Couverture illustrée par Picasso. Préface de Gaston Diehl " L'Accession à l'universel ". Liste des oeuvres exposées, avec les adresse des artistes. Reproductions d'oeuvres de Magnelli, Schneider, Lapicque, Arp, Manessier, Severini, Tobey, Chastel, Adam, Le Moal, Picasso, Zwobada, Lataster, Bacon, Villon, Lagrange, Sam Francis, Tabuchi, Hérold, Muller, Hayter, Hundertwasser, Couzijn, Sonderberg, DmitrienkoSaura, Leroy, Hultberg, Corneille, Peverelli, Ernst, Vieira da Silva. Nombreuses publicités pour toutes les galeries parisiennes. 60 pp. Bon exemplaire 0‎

Référence libraire : 009912

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

25,00 € Acheter

‎XXe Siecle n 23‎

‎Paris San Lazzaro 1964 In-4 Broché, couverture illustrée Edition originale‎

‎23, mai 1964 : UN SIECLE D'ANGOISSE. En couverture, LITHOGRAPHIE originale en couleurs de ERNST, empoussiérée. Textes de Hodin, Waldberg (sur Ernst), Dora Vallier, Alloway (sur Bacon), Volboudt, Berger (sur Soutter), Taillandier, Boudaille ... Nombreuses reproductions. Bon 0‎

Référence libraire : 001707

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

30,00 € Acheter

‎XXIIe Salon de mai‎

‎Paris Musée d'Art Moderne 1966 In-4 agrafé, couverture illustrée Edition originale‎

‎Catalogue du Salon de mai, organisé du 2 au 22 mai. Couverture illustrée par Alechinsky. Préface de Gaston Diehl. Liste des oeuvres exposées, avec les adresse des artistes. Reproductions d'oeuvres de Severini, Giacometti, Jorn, Lam, Bram Van Velde, Oelze, Tapies, Arman, Fiorini, Friedlaender, Reinhoud, Rebeyrolle, Atila, Poliakoff, Lee, Pinto, Malaval, Lindstrom, Stahly, Calder, Picasso, Ting, Bontecou, Segui, Ravel, Agam, Tinguely, Ipousteguy, Weiss, Kudo, Tisserand, Telemaque. Nombreuses publicités pour toutes les galeries parisiennes. 56 pp. Bon exemplaire 0‎

Référence libraire : 011277

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

25,00 € Acheter


‎Novum Organum scientiarum.‎

‎Lugd. Bat. (Leyden), Adrianum Wijngaerde et Franciscum Moiardum, 1645. 12mo. Contemp. full vellum with flaps. Ms title on spine. Nicks to backflap with wear to lower corner of backcover. Engraved titlepage. (22),435 pp. Internally clean with a few brownspots.‎

‎Early edition (the first published 1620) of Bacon's famous treatise in which he attacked the ""Atomism"" and the concept of the absolute void.‎

Référence libraire : 49959

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

604,35 € Acheter


‎Operum moralium et civilium.... - [LARGE-PAPER COPY - FIRST ED. IN LATIN OF ""NOVA ATLANTIS"" AND THE ""ESSAYS""]‎

‎London, Edward Griffin [John Haviland, Bernard Norton, and John Bill], Richard Whitaker [& John Norton], 1638. Folio. (Binding: 32x22 cm, leaves: 31,1x20,8 cm.). Contemporary full speckled calf binding with six raised bands and gilt red leather title-label to spine. Boards with blindstamped ornamental border. Scuff marks to boards and hinges worn, so bands showing. Large woodcut head- and tail-pieces, initials, printer's devices, and typographical ornaments (that have been of great significance to the Baconians in their attempts to establish Bacon as the author of the works attributed to Shakespeare). Roman and Italic lettering, and some Greek. Several neat inscriptions to front free end-papers and verso of frontispiece, in Latin, Greek, English, and German, dated 1704, 1740, and 1926, the last being a presentation-inscription for the renowned German Bacon-scholar and noted Baconian George J. Pfeiffer. Neat early 18th century inscription to top of title-page. Old description of the copy (1946) neatly pasted on to inside of front board. Vague minor damp-staining to lower margin throughout, far from affecting text, and mostly barely visible. A vague minor dampstain to margins of a few leaves at the beginning, also far from affecting text. All in all a lovely, clean and crisp copy on large paper. Full page engraved frontispiece-portrait + (14), 386 (pp. 177-78 omitted in pagination)"" (16), 475, (1) pp. Fully complete, with separate half-titles for the different works.‎

‎Scarce first edition, first issue, on large paper - THE GREAT BOOK COLLECTOR VOLLBEHR'S COPY, GIVEN TO THE IMPORTANT BACONIAN G.J. PFEIFFER - of the monumental first collected edition of the works of Francis Bacon, containing the seminal first printing in Latin of not only his greatly influential ""Nova Atlantis"" (""The New Atlantis"" - often referred to as ""the blueprint for the founding of America""), but also his groundbreaking Essays (""Sermones Fideli"") as well as his history of Henry VII (""Historiam Regni Henrici Septimi"") and his Dialogue on the Holy War (""Dialogum de Bello Sacro""), published by Bacon's literary executor, his close friend William Ramsey, to whom Bacon bequeathed most of his manuscripts. This first edition of his works in Latin is of the utmost importance to Bacon-scholarship and has played a seminal role in the spreading of his works as well as the understanding of two of his greatest achievements, The Essays and The Nova Atlantis, which is usually referred to with its Latin title instead of the English.This magnificent copy with its wide margins contains several interesting inscriptions in different languages. One of them, 19th century, in German states that ""This book is to remind you of the ""15th Century Plot"". When, in 1926, you showed to scholars his collection of 2000 incunables. He is also known as ""Otto H.F. Vollbehr., [...]"" - "" Dated ""N. York City 29/11 26"" And in the same hand, the presentation inscription is continued: ""This ""little book"" is being handed over in friendship to Mr. George J. Pfeiffer the famous ""Bacon-scholar"" in order for him to continue his fruitful studies [...]."" -THE PRESENT COPY THUS EVIDENTLY BEING THE GREAT BOOK COLLECTOR VOLLBEHR'S COPY, GIVEN TO THE IMPORTANT BACONIAN PFEIFFER. ""Vollbehr was a German industrial chemist turned book collector who at the close of World War I found himself with more assets than most. Either in his own collection or through consignment Vollbehr had control of thousands of incunabula. In 1926 Vollbehr came to the United States, bringing with him a collection of 3,000 incunabula to be exhibited at the Eucharistic Congress in Chicago. After the exhibition in Chicago, Vollbehr traveled with the collection by train to several other cities. His last stop was in Washington, and over 100 of the books were exhibited in the Great Hall of the Library of Congress. Vollbehr proposed that if a benefactor would step forward to buy the collection for an American institution for half the asking price of $1.5 million, he would donate the other half. In addition, he would include a complete copy of the Gutenberg Bible printed on vellum as one of the 3,000 incunabula.The Gutenberg Bible which crowned Vollbehr's collection had had only three owners. The first owner was said to have been Johann Fust, who took it to Paris and sold it as a manuscript to a representative of the monks of Saint Blasius. It resided with the monks in the Black Forest until they had to move to St. Paul in Carinthia in the face of the Napoleonic army. Finally, in 1926, Otto Vollbehr purchased the three volumes from the monks for $250,000.In December 1929, a bill was presented to Congress proposing that public funds be used to acquire the Vollbehr collection for the Library of Congress. In June 1930 Congress passed the bill and President Hoover signed it into law. Between July 15 and September 3 the Vollbehr books arrived at the Library of Congress. The Bible, one of three known perfect copies printed on vellum, is one of only a few items that are permanently on display in the Library."" (from the Library of Congress web-site). George J. Pfeiffer, Ph. D., of New York, graduate of Harvard University, and Vice-president of the Bacon Society of America, is considered one of the most important Bacon-scholars of his time. His thorough scientific studies convinced himself and many others that Bacon was in fact the author of the works attributed to Shakespeare. With THE FIRST PRINTING IN LATIN OF ""NOVA ATLANTIS"", Bacon's famous theories of his masterly utopian work became widespread and hugely influential. It had originally been printed, posthumously, in English and appeared at the very end of his ""Sylva Sylvarum"" of 1626, where it was more or less hidden away and quite humbly presented by Rawley, who was responsible for his leftover papers. Rawley's introduction to the Latin edition of the work is quite different from that of the English edition and has had quite an impact upon the reception of the work, a work which came to inspire a totally new philosophical and political genre and which fundamentally changed the way that we view the world. The ""Nova Atlantis"" occupies a unique place within the works of Bacon"" among many other things, it is the only overtly fictional product of his career (if one does not, like Pheiffer, believe that he is actually the true author of the Shakespearean works). The printing of this major work in the history of man's thought is quite interesting and fairly complicated. As mentioned, it appeared at the back of the larger, and much more conform, work ""Sylva Sylvarum"", which was published by his secretary and friend William Rawley shortly after Bacon's death. It does not, however, seem to have much in common with the ""Sylva Sylvarum"", and the ""New Atlantis"" was not even mentioned when that work entered the Stationers' Register on July 4th, 1626.The ""Sylva Sylvarum"" was being compiled during the last couple of years of Bacon's life, and there is evidence to conclude that ""Nova Atlantis"" was being translated into Latin at the same time, whereas it seems that the English version of it was written about a year or two earlier. Although the Latin translation was thus left lying around for quite some years before it was finally printed, perhaps due to the fact that it was an unfinished text, Bacon himself seems to have concerned himself a great deal with the Latin translation of the work (as well as the other works). The appearance of them in the ""universal language"" were, in the words of Bacon himself to be carried out 'for the benefit of other nations', a phrase which is paralleled in the text of ""Nova Atlantis"", as the father of Salomon's House remarks of his relation of the institution's working that 'I giue thee leave to Publish it"" for the Good of other Nations'. And finally does this great work appear to the benefit of all men and all nations, in the universal Latin language, when in 1638 Rawley publishes the ""Operum moralium"", in which his ""Essays"" also appear in Latin for the first time, as does the History of Henry VII, and the Dialogue on the Holy War, two other greatly important works. The printed title of the ""Operum Moralium"" not only informs the reader which texts are included within the volume" Rawley also provides information on the texts themselves, dividing them into two distinct sections (with two separate title-pages). The first section consists of five translations which (apart from De sapientia) had never appeared in Latin translation before" the second section consists in the first part of the ""Instauratio"" (originally published in 1620). The second issue of the ""Operum Moralium"" furthermore has the reissued sheets of the last part of the ""Novum organum"".Rawley's prefatory letter tells us quite a bit about the way that he (and Bacon himself) would like the ""Nova Atlantis"" to be viewed, and for the first time the work is addressed in a direct and assertive manner, bringing it forth as an important philosophical work, now for the first time properly introduced. Rawley informs the reader that Bacon began the process of translating the Essays and the Nova Atlantis, because he wished his moral and political works not to perish. He goes on to explain the importance of the moral and political works being published in the ""universal"" Latin and groups the texts in a new way. He now makes a new category of text for the final two works, ""De bello sacro"" and ""Nova Atlantis"", calling them 'fragmentary', as opposed to the ""Worke Unfinished"" that he used for the English ""Now Atlantis"" of 1626/7, stating that this is at the request of Bacon himself: ""And finally he ordered that two fragments be added, the Dialogue of the Holy War, and the New Atlantis: but he said that these were the three kinds of fragments."", giving to them a certain status of their own and a deliberate character that they had not possessed before. For the first time, the ""Nova Atlantis"", the hitherto hidden-away work that was never properly introduced, is now included in the general preface, which it was not in 1626/27, and the ""Nova Atlantis"" is given the central position within Bacon's works that it deserved - and that it has possessed ever since. This also explains the great impact of the first Latin version of the ""Nova Atlantis"" as opposed to the English version, which was far less influential. Not only is ""Nova Atlantis"" no longer just an unfinished work worthy of no more than being hidden away at the back of a larger work, it is now the central part of a seminal collection of works appearing for the first time in Latin ""for the Good of other Nations"".""Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. As a lawyer, member of Parliament, and Queen's Counsel, Bacon wrote on questions of law, state and religion, as well as on contemporary politics"" but he also published texts in which he speculated on possible conceptions of society, and he pondered questions of ethics (Essays) even in his works on natural philosophy (The Advancement of Learning).After his studies at Trinity College, Cambridge and Gray's Inn, London, Bacon did not take up a post at a university, but instead tried to start a political career. Although his efforts were not crowned with success during the era of Queen Elizabeth, under James I he rose to the highest political office, Lord Chancellor. Bacon's international fame and influence spread during his last years, when he was able to focus his energies exclusively on his philosophical work, and even more so after his death, when English scientists of the Boyle circle (Invisible College) took up his idea of a cooperative research institution in their plans and preparations for establishing the Royal Society.To the present day Bacon is well known for his treatises on empiricist natural philosophy (The Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum Scientiarum) and for his doctrine of the idols, which he put forward in his early writings, as well as for the idea of a modern research institute, which he described in Nova Atlantis."" (SEP). Gibson: 196" Lowndes I:96.‎

Référence libraire : 46277

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

9 132,40 € Acheter


‎Opera. Tomus primus: Qui continet De Dignitate & Augmentis Scientiarum. Libros IX [i.e.: De Augmentis Scientiarum]. (All). - [A NEW FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE]‎

‎London, Joannis Haviland, 1623 [later altered in manuscript to 1624]. Small folio. Bound in a lovely early 19th century full vellum binding with gilt borders to boards and gilt ornamentations and gilt title-label to spine.Lower front hinge cracked, but bindning still tight. A bit of edge wear, but overall very nice. Woodcut title-vignettes (burning heart) and woodcut initials in beginning. Text within single woodcut borders. (18), 493, (1 - errata) pp. Complete with both title-pages (no final blank). Old owner's name to title page (along with the dates 1624 and 1648), unlegible scribbles to second title-page, and ""collated e perfect"" in old hand to last leaf. A very nice and clean copy with good margins.‎

‎The extremely rare first edition of what is arguably Bacon's main work ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"", in which he sets out to lay the foundations of science entirely anew and reform the process of knowledge for the advancement of learning. Bacon believes that the advancement of learning will ultimately relieve mankind from its miseries and needs, and as such he not only reformed the foundations of science, he also laid the philosophical foundations for the dawning of the Industrial age. His proposed change of the collective thought of mankind completely reshaped the entire course of science in history. The aim of the present work - to investigate and re-classify philosophy and the sciences - marks a turning point in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, which is still essential for our conceptions of proper methodology today.The ""De Augmentis Scientarum"" constitutes a greatly expanded and completely re-written version of the ""Advancement of Learning"" (1605). The Latin is by William Rawley, in close collaboration with Bacon himself, who oversaw the entire process. When speaking of ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" one never refers the incomparable English forerunner of the work (which was only in 2 books as opposed to the 9 of the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum""). The first English translation of the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" appeared in 1640 and is translated by Gilbert Wats as ""Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning"".The ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" was intended as Part 1 of Bacon's proposed, but never completed ""Instauratio magna"" (PMM 119). ""Bacon conceived a massive plan for the reorganization of scientific method and gave purposeful thought to the relation of science to public and social life. His pronouncement ""I have taken all knowledge to be my province"" is the motto of his work... [His] proposal was ""a total reconstruction of sciences, arts and all human knowledge... to extend the power and dominion of the human race... over the universe"". The plan for this was to be set out in six parts: (1) a complete survey of human knowledge and learning"" this was expounded in the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"", 1623 (a greatly extended version of ""The Advancement of Learning"", 1605)... Of parts (3) to (5) only fragments were ever published"" part (6) remained unwritten."" (PMM 119 - the header being ""The Advancement of Learning""). Francis Bacon's Great Instauration for learning and the sciences was thus to be introduced by his most important work, the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"", which he himself considered the most fundamental for the project that caused him to be considered one of the fathers of modern science. ""In ""De augmentis scientiarum"", which is concerned primarily with the classification of philosophy and the sciences, Bacon develops his influential view of the relation between science and theology. He distinguishes in traditional fashion between knowledge by divine revelation and knowledge by the senses, and divides the latter into natural theology, natural philosophy, and the sciences of man... Having placed his project within the complete framework of knowledge in true Aristotelian fashion, Bacon proceeds to demolish all previous pretentions to natural philosophy. His aim is to lay the foundations of science entirely anew, neither leaping to unproved general principles in the manner of the ancient philosophers nor heaping up unrelated facts in the manner of the ""empirics"" (among whom he counts contemporary alchemists and natural magicians). ""Histories,"" or collections of data, are to be drawn up systematically and used to raise an ordered system of axioms that will eventually embrace all the phenomena of nature.""... (D.S.B. I:374-75). For Bacon, this proposed reformation would lead to a great advancement in science and a progeny of new inventions that would relieve mankind of its miseries. His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a turning point in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds conceptions of proper methodology today.It is due to his ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" that Bacon is referred to as the creator of empiricism. With this work and the work intended as the second of the Great Restauration project, the ""Novum Organum, Bacon established and popularized inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, that which we now call the Baconian method, or quite simply ""the scientific method"". With his belief in the possibility of the advancement of learning of relieving mankind from its miseries and needs, Bacon is furthermore considered the philosophical influence behind the dawning of the Industrial age. He continually proposes that all scientific work should be done for charitable purposes, as matter of alleviating mankind's misery, and that therefore science should be practical and have the purpose of inventing useful things that will improve the conditions of mankind. This proposed change of our collective mind changed the entire course of science in history. The state was no longer merely contemplative"" it became a practical and inventive state - one that would have eventually led to the inventions that made possible the Industrial Revolutions of the following centuries.It is furthermore to be noted that it is in the present work that Bacon presents his cipher method for the first time. He had first mentioned the Biliteral Cypher in a brief paragraph of his ""Advancement of Learning"" in 1605, but it is in the present work that he details with illustrations how to write and use the Biliteral Cypher. As most will know, Bacon's Cypher has had the greatest of impact on modern Bacon-Shakespeare scholarship. Almost all theories of Bacon as the true author of the Shakespearian corpus can be traced back to the cipher that is presented in 1624 in the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"".""The system has been recognized, and used, since the day that ""De Augmentis"" was published, and has had its place in every translation and publication of that work since, but the ages have waited to learn that it was embedded in the original books themselves from the date of his earliest writings (1579 as now known) and infolded his secret personal history."" (Elizabeth Wells Gallup, The Bi-Literal Cypher of Sir Francis Bacon Discovered in His Works and Deciphered, p. 48).As is known, since the 19th century, many people have suggested that the plays attributed to William Shakespeare were in fact written by Francis Bacon, and that the published plays contain enciphered messages to that effect. Both Ignatius L. Donnelly and Elizabeth Wells Gallup attempted to find such messages by looking for the use of Bacon's cipher in early printed editions of the plays.For roughly a century from 1850, Bacon's Cypher set the world of literature on fire. A passion for puzzles, codes, and conspiracies fuelled a widespread suspicion that Shakespeare was not the author of his plays. Professional and amateur scholars from all places all over the world have spent extraordinary amounts of time, energy, and money combing Renaissance texts in search of signatures and other messages that would reveal the true identity of their author. Also great authors and thinkers have been convinced that Shakespeare's works contained a secret message. These include Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Sigmund Freud, Henry James, Henry Miller, etc. Francis Bacon, with his biliteral cipher -Renaissance England's first and clearest statement about how to hide texts within texts - became the leading candidate for the holder of the key to the puzzle.The cipher, which consists in an alphabet, was first printed in the present first edition, in 1623. It is to be found in Book 6, Chapter 1. It was reprinted in all the later editions of the work (2nd ed. Paris, 1624" London, 1638" English translation, Oxford, 1640) and the alphabet in all are substantially the same. Bacon devised this ingenious code in the late 1570s (when he spent three years in the entourage of the English ambassador in France), but he did not describe its workings until 1623. ""Bacon gives both mathematics and analogy which he considers a science and calls ""grammatical philosophy,"" a high place in his Great Instauration"" which, when used together help to unlock the doors to that which Bacon has deliberately concealed-- including certain mysteries hidden in the Shakespeare plays. For instance, the two great books published in 1623 were the Shakespeare's Folio ""Comedies, Histories & Tragedies"" and Bacon's ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" {the philosophical background and purpose of the Shakespeare plays} two masterpieces published together, since they are as twins, each being a key to unlock hidden treasures in the other-- two relating to the twin faculties of the mind--imagination and reason--and both drawing upon the third faculty, memory."" (Peter Dawkins, ""Francis Bacon Herald of the New Age""). Bacon's Cypher, however, has not only been used as the key to the Shakespearian puzzle. It was in fact a highly important cryptographical invention, which constitutes on the the very first English works on the subject (predating Both Wilkins' ""Mercury"" And Falconer's ""Cryptomenysis""). This is one of the earliest illustrations of a cipher intended to hide a text within a text.Not only is this the first edition of ""de Augmentis Scientiarum"", it is also the most correct, and in addition the most beautiful. ""First edition, exceedingly scarce, and according to Archbishop Tenison, the ""fairest and most correct edition."" A copy is in the British Museum."" (Lowndes I:95). Gibson 129a. With the date on both title-pages altered in manuscript, adding a ""I"", as in some copies (as also noted in the description of e.g. the copy in the Huntington). This was presumably done by either the printer or publisher to those copies that remained unsold at the end of 1623. A second edition of the ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" appeared in Paris in 1624. The first English translations of ""De Augmentis Scientiarum"" appeared in 1640.We have not been able to locate a single copy of this first edition in auctions within the last 40 years.‎

Référence libraire : 48295

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

33 575,00 € Acheter

‎"Francis Bacon et David Sylvester Francis Bacon"‎

‎"L'art de l'impossible"‎

‎"1976. Genève Éditions Albert Skira coll. Les sentiers de la création 1976 - 2 volumes brochés sous emboitage 16 5 cm x 21 5 cm 132+145 pages ills noir & blanc et couleur in et hors-texte - Entretiens de Francis Bacon avec David Sylvester préface de Michel Leiris- Très bon état"‎

Référence libraire : 18705

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sedon
Rochefort France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Sedon]

180,00 € Acheter

‎"hannah Bacon Wendy Dossett and Steve Knowles"‎

‎Alternative Salvations: Engaging the Sacred and the Secular‎

‎Brand New. PAPERBACK Book Condition New. We Do not Ship APO FPO AND PO BOX. Printing in English language. Quick delivery by USPS/UPS/DHL/FEDEX/ARAMEX Customer satisfaction guaranteed. We may ship the books from Asian regions for inventory purpose paperback‎

Référence libraire : 9781350039506 MNR ISBN : 1350039500 9781350039506

India India Índia Inde

39,63 € Acheter

‎"hannah Bacon Wendy Dossett and Steve Knowles"‎

‎Alternative Salvations: Engaging the Sacred and the Secular‎

‎Blooms Bury 2017. Softcover. New. Blooms Bury paperback‎

Référence libraire : Manohar-9781350039506 ISBN : 1350039500 9781350039506

A - Z Books
India India Índia Inde
[Livres de A - Z Books]

121,48 € Acheter

‎"hannah Bacon Wendy Dossett and Steve Knowles"‎

‎Alternative Salvations: Engaging the Sacred and the Secular‎

‎Blooms Bury 2017. Softcover. New. Blooms Bury paperback‎

Référence libraire : Manohar-9781350039506 ISBN : 1350039500 9781350039506

India India Índia Inde
[Livres de BookVistas]

80,99 € Acheter

‎"Heward Lyn;Cirque Du Soleil;Bacon John U.""‎

‎La magia‎

‎2006. Paperback. Very Good-New. Rare book paperback‎

Référence libraire : T144558 ISBN : 8495787997 9788495787996

Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentine
[Livres de Unique&Rare]

165,84 € Acheter

‎# AUTEUR: Bacon Pierre J.J.‎

‎# TITRE: Recherches sur les origines celtiques, principalement sur celles du Bugey, considéré comme berceau du delta Celtique‎

‎# AUTEUR: Bacon Pierre J.J. # ÉDITEUR: Arthus Bertrand - Paris # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 1808 # ENVOI, BEAUX PAPIERS: Vergé # COUVERTURE: 1/2 basane marron - dos plat - faux nerfs dorés - pièces de titre rouges # DÉTAILS: 2 volumes in 8° reliés: T1 - 2ff.( titre, portrait en frontispice) + 572pp. plan et planche dépliante hors-texte. T2 - 2ff.(fx titre, titre) + 80pp.+ 24pp. (la pagination repart à 109) + 479pp. 8 planches dont 7 hors-texte avec 2 déplantes. Manque comme souvent les pages 81 à 108, remplacées par les 24pp de la notice raisonnée d'un buste antique d'Alcibiade, sculpté par Socrate. La dernière partie du tome 2 est une courte explication d'un grand nombre de noms propres celtiques encore existants. # PHOTOS visibles sur‎

‎# ÉTAT: Bon état,‎

Référence libraire : 2797

Livre Rare Book

Latour infernal
Chambéry France Francia França France
[Livres de Latour infernal]

220,00 € Acheter

‎# AUTEUR: Bacon Francis‎

‎# TITRE: Essais de morale et de politique de Bacon, chancelier d'Angleterre‎

‎# AUTEUR: Bacon Francis # ÉDITEUR: Dentu, Paris # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 1807 # COUVERTURE: 1/2 basane rouge # DÉTAILS: 2 tomes in 18° reliés 3ff.+ 168pp.+ 16pp.(notes)+ 1ff.(table); 2ff.+ 207pp.+ 13pp.+ 1ff. 1/2 basane rouge, dos à faux nerfs décor estampillés à froid. Etat d'usage, légères rousseurs, notes à la plumes sur les pages de garde de 1867. # PHOTOS visibles sur‎

‎Nouvelle édition, augmentée de différends éloges de ce philosophe, par Gassendi, Voltaire, Dalembert et autres hommes célèbres; de la traduction des citations latines et italiennes répandues dans son ouvrage, et faisant suite à la ”collection des moralistes”.‎

Référence libraire : 2968

Livre Rare Book

Latour infernal
Chambéry France Francia França France
[Livres de Latour infernal]

100,00 € Acheter



‎GRANGE BOOKS 1995. Hardcover. Good. Disclaimer:A copy that has been read but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting and the copy can include previous owner inscriptions. At ThriftBooks our motto is: Read More Spend Less.Dust jacket quality is not guaranteed. GRANGE BOOKS hardcover‎

Référence libraire : G1856277313I3N00 ISBN : 1856277313 9781856277310

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de ThriftBooks]

8,65 € Acheter

‎( BACON Francis ) - CHIAPPINI Rudy (sous la direction de).‎


‎Skira 2008, in-4 (30,5 x 28,8 cm) de 250 (2) pp., reliure pleine toile noire à la bradel sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs. Exemplaire en très bel état de conservation, très frais, exempt de toute rousseur, page cornée, annotation ou ligne soulignée. Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition organisée et produite par Palazzo Reale, Milan 5 mars - 29 juin 2008.‎

‎. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Nous sommes membre du SLAM et vous invitons à découvrir notre site personnel :‎

Référence libraire : 3916

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Darreau
Mâcon cedex France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Ancienne Darreau]

100,00 € Acheter

‎(BACON Francis) HERPIN A. Dr.‎

‎Essai sur Francis Bacon ses opinions sur la médecine‎

‎J.-B. Baillière & fils & Librairie philosophique Vrin, Paris 1947, 14,5x23cm, broché.‎

‎Edition originale imprimée à petit nombre. Agréable exemplaire. Rare. - Photos sur -‎

Référence libraire : 13233

Livre Rare Book

Le Feu Follet
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Le Feu Follet]

40,00 € Acheter

‎(BACON Jean-Baptiste Pierre).‎

‎Panégyrique de Henri le Grand, ou Éloge historique de Henri IV... contenant les actions de sa vie, et les principaux événements de son règne, avec des notes et des observations critiques‎

‎1769 A Londres et se trouve à Paris, chez d'Houry, Prault, 1769; in-12°, plein veau marbré fauve de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné et doré titre doré sur étiquette de maroquin brun, tranches marbrées; (4) - 400pp. Portrait gravé par Duchesne d'après Jannet en frontispice.‎

‎Très rares rousseurs, manque à la coiffe supérieure, exemplaire ayant été verni anciennement. ( GrTab)‎

Référence libraire : 10823

Livre Rare Book

Livres Anciens N. Rousseau
Reuilly France Francia França France
[Livres de Livres Anciens N. Rousseau]

120,00 € Acheter

‎*Bacon Franciis‎

‎The Essayes or Counsels Civill & Morall of Francus Bacon Lord Verulam‎

‎J. M. Dent & Sons. Hardcover. Good. Dark wine Faux Leather with gild edges to text on three sides. Gilt wreath on front board J. M. Dent & Sons hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 042130

Storybook House
Canada Canadá Canadá Canada
[Livres de Storybook House]

13,58 € Acheter

‎- Dearly - Barcy Noël,Bacon Billy‎

‎Partition de la chanson : Dans l'ombre Vivien Leigh – Robert Taylor Auld lang syne Valse dans l'ombre (La)‎

‎Hit Music 1940‎

‎Bon état Petit format Piano‎

Référence libraire : 81829

Livre Rare Book

Le Temps des Chansons
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Le Temps des Chansons]

10,00 € Acheter

‎[BACON] LEIRIS (Michel)‎

‎"Le grand jeu de Francis Bacon". OEuvres‎

‎Édition originale. 20 reproductions à pleine page et un triptyque en couverture. Longue préface de Michel Leiris. Envoi signé. Paris, Galerie Claude Bernard, (17 décembre) 1976. 1 vol. (215 x 290 mm) de [6] f., 16 p. et [3] f. Broché, sous couverture à rabats illustrée. Édition originale. 20 reproductions à pleine page + un triptyque en couverture. Longue préface de Michel Leiris : « Le grand jeu de Francis Bacon ». Envoi signé : « À Bernard avec mes meilleures amitiés. Francis Bacon, Paris, 20/1/77 ».‎

‎Ce catalogue fut publié à l’occasion de l’exposition organisée à Paris par Claude Bernard, en collaboration avec les galeries Marlborough de Londres, New York, Rome et Zurich. Son importante préface est l’œuvre de Michel Leiris, ami très proche de l’artiste et son « critique le plus pénétrant » : « J’ai vu souvent, écrira Philippe Sollers, autrefois, au fond du bar du Pont-Royal, à Paris, Leiris et Bacon ensemble, penchés l’un vers l’autre pour une conversation complice. J’aimais les regarder, Leiris sérieux, Bacon s’appliquant à l’être. » Leiris, avait écrit dix ans plus tôt : « Ce que m’ont dit les peintures de Francis Bacon » en préface au catalogue de l’exposition Maeght (1966) ; il rédigera encore celle de la rétrospective consacrée au peintre en 1971 au Grand Palais puis celle-ci, à la galerie Claude Bernard (1976). Ces trois manifestations constituent les seules expositions personnelles de Francis Bacon qui eurent lieu à Paris, entre 1960 et 1980.‎

Référence libraire : 29917

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Walden
Orléans France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Walden]

2 000,00 € Acheter

‎[BACON (François)] DELEYRE, Paul)‎

‎Analyse de la philosophie du chancelier François Bacon‎

‎A Amsterdam, et se trouve à Paris, 1755, 1755 Tome I : (1bl), (1), 411 p., (1) Tome II : (1bl), (1), 347 p., (1) 2 vol in-12, en plein veau marbré de l'époque, dos à 5 nerfs orné de fleurons, pièces de titre et de maroquin rouge, tranches rougies. deux volumes sur trois.‎

‎L'auteur de cette analyse, Paul Deleyre, était le bibliothécaire de l'infant du Duc de Parmes, dont le précepteur n'était autre que Condillac. On adjoint parfois à cette analyse de la philosophie de Bacon, une vie de Bacon par le même Deleyre. Bel exemplaire. acheté 400‎

Référence libraire : 1748

Livre Rare Book

L'Oeil de Mercure
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de L'Oeil de Mercure]

100,00 € Acheter

‎[BACON] Charles de REMUSAT.‎

‎Bacon. Sa vie, son temps, sa philosophie et de son influence jusqu'à nos jours.‎

‎Paris, Didier, 1865. In-12, reliure du Lycée St-Louis.‎


Référence libraire : 10754

Livre Rare Book

Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie DHOUAILLY SAS]

25,00 € Acheter

‎[BACON] - REMUSAT (Charles de).-‎

‎Bacon, sa vie, son temps, sa philosophie et son influence jusqu'à nos jours.‎

‎P., Didier, 1858, in 8° relié demi-basane aubergine, dos à faux nerfs orné, XV-464 pages ; quelques rousseurs ; petit accroc à la coiffe supérieure.‎

‎Bel exemplaire. PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Référence libraire : 38192


‎Francis Bacon.‎

‎Paris, Maeght, 1966. In-folio, 34 pages, en feuilles, sous couverture lithographique.‎

‎Edition originale. DLM édité en 1966 pour l'exposition de 17 peintures, dont 3 triptyques, de BACON à la Galerie Maeght. Texte de Michel Leiris et interview de Francis Bacon par David Sylvester. Illustré de 5 reproductions en impression lithographique en couleurs d'après les peintures, 8 reproductions en couleurs dont un triptyque en triple page et 5 reproductions en noir. Bel exemplaire.‎

Référence libraire : 41408

Livre Rare Book

Le Cabinet d'Amateur
Neuchâtel Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Livres de Le Cabinet d'Amateur]

477,84 € Acheter


‎Francis Bacon. Science et Méthode. Actes du Colloque de Nantes édités par Michel Malherbe et Jean-Marie Pousseur.‎

‎Paris, Vrin, 1985. 1 vol. in-8° br., 207 pp.[C52]‎


Référence libraire : 14909

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne J.-Marc Dechaud
Crissay-sur-Manse France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Ancienne J.-Marc Dechaud]

15,00 € Acheter

‎[Bacon] Trucchi (L.)‎

‎Francis Bacon : Oeuvres 1944-1982‎

‎1944 Celiv 1989 In-4 reliure éditeur sous jaquette, 130 pp. Illustrations noir & couleurs Très bon état doccasion‎

Référence libraire : 14414

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Chanut
Fourchambault France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Chanut]

25,00 € Acheter

‎[Bacon] Trucchi (L.)‎

‎Francis Bacon : Oeuvres 1944-1982‎

‎Celiv 1989 In-4 reliure éditeur sous jaquette, 130 pp. Illustrations noir & couleurs‎

‎Très bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 3637

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

21,00 € Acheter

‎[Bacon] Leiris, Michel‎

‎Francis Bacon, Face et Profil‎

‎Hazan 2015 In-4 cartonné, couv. illustrée en coul., 235 pp. 240 reproductions de tableaux en coul. majoritairement à pleine page, toutes légendées. Etat neuf.‎

‎Préface de Michel Leiris. Les portraits majeurs, les séries “études de nus” ou “études de corps”, présentés par ordre chronologique et révélant ainsi toutes les facettes de la peinture de Bacon. Très bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 22777

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

36,00 € Acheter

‎[BACON (François)] MALLET (David)‎

‎La vie de François Bacon, Baron de Vérulam Vicomte de Saint-Alban, et chancelier d'Angleterre ; suivie des Maximes de cet illustre auteur, traduction de l'Anglais par M. Bertin‎

‎A Londres, et se trouve à Paris, 1788, 268 p. In-12, en plein veau marbré, tranches marbrées, dos plat orné de fleurons.‎

‎Charmant exemplaire de ce fameux texte narrant la vie de Bacon, initialement paru en 1740 en Angleterre sous la plume de David Mallet, et en 1742 dans la traduction française de Bertin. acheté 400‎

Référence libraire : 1746

Livre Rare Book

L'Oeil de Mercure
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de L'Oeil de Mercure]

100,00 € Acheter



‎Paris, Mathiss, 1931. In-4, 27 x 22 cm, agrafé, 31 pages. Première édition (mention imprimée) de ces aventures d’un jeune lapin autour du monde. Sous ce même titre, une édition de format réduit à dos toilé a également été diffusée.‎

Référence libraire : 9550

Livre Rare Book

Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairielegalet]

20,00 € Acheter

‎[Beaux Arts]‎


‎N° 147 - Juillet-août 1996 : Revue de 118 pages, format 285 x 220 mm, illustrée, brochée‎

‎Au sommaire : Avignon retrouve son musée ; Francis Bacon ; la peinture à fleur de peau‎

Référence libraire : LFA00b10

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

4,00 € Acheter

‎[DELEYRE (Alexandre)]‎

‎Analyse de la Philosophie du Chancelier François Bacon, avec vie.‎

‎1778 2 volumes in-8, plein veau granité, dos ornés d'un riche décor romantique de compartiments garnis dun fer spécial répété, grecque et palette dorés, pièces de titre de tomaison de veau noir, plats encadrés d'une roulette dorée, tranches jaspées (rel ca 1830), (1), 424 p. et (1) f., (2) f., 428 p. Leyde, Libraires Associés, 1778.‎

‎Seconde édition qui contient, outre l'"Analyse", "La Vie de François Bacon" (tome I, p. 1-199), adaptation par Pouillot de "The Life of Francis Bacon" de David Mallet ; "Essai sur la reine Elisabeth" traduction de "Felix memoria Elizabethae" dû à Francis Bacon et "Eloges du chancelier François Bacon".Collaborateur à l'Encyclopédie, lié à Diderot, Rousseau, Condillac, proche de Montesquieu, Deleyre fut élu député montagnard à la Convention. Cette minutieuse étude sur la philosophie de Bacon contribua, dès la première édition (1755), à propager les doctrines du philosophe anglais et à asseoir sa notoriété auprès des hommes des Lumières. Naigeon inséra cette étude à l'article "Bacon" du "Dictionnaire de la Philosophie" de l'Encyclopédie méthodique Panckoucke.Quelques infimes accrocs à la reliure.Très bon exemplaire, frais, bien relié.‎

Référence libraire : 32564

‎[DELEYRE (Alexandre)]‎

‎Analyse de la Philosophie du Chancelier François Bacon, avec vie.‎

‎2 volumes in-8, plein veau granité, dos ornés d'un riche décor romantique de compartiments garnis d’un fer spécial répété, grecque et palette dorés, pièces de titre de tomaison de veau noir, plats encadrés d'une roulette dorée, tranches jaspées (rel ca 1830), (1), 424 p. et (1) f., (2) f., 428 p. Seconde édition qui contient, outre l'"Analyse", "La Vie de François Bacon" (tome I, p. 1-199), adaptation par Pouillot de "The Life of Francis Bacon" de David Mallet ; "Essai sur la reine Elisabeth" traduction de "Felix memoria Elizabethae" dû à Francis Bacon et "Eloges du chancelier François Bacon". Collaborateur à l'Encyclopédie, lié à Diderot, Rousseau, Condillac, proche de Montesquieu, Deleyre fut élu député montagnard à la Convention. Cette minutieuse étude sur la philosophie de Bacon contribua, dès la première édition (1755), à propager les doctrines du philosophe anglais et à asseoir sa notoriété auprès des hommes des Lumières. Naigeon inséra cette étude à l'article "Bacon" du "Dictionnaire de la Philosophie" de l'Encyclopédie méthodique Panckoucke. Quelques infimes accrocs à la reliure. Très bon exemplaire, frais, bien relié.‎


‎ENDEAVOUR - Volumes VIII- N° 32 - 1949‎

‎Revue trimestrielle destinée à tenir registre du progrès des sciences au service du genre humain : 52 pages, format 210 x 280 mm, illustrée, brochée, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : L'homme de science dans la société ; Bactériologie et cinétique chimique ; Couleurs d'automne ; L'Opus maius de Roger Bacon ; Nuages de laboratoire ; Qu'Est-ce qu'un verre ? ; Au fond des océans ; Le rôle des hormones végétales dans la fructification ; L'électroencéphalographie‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126738429

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

4,00 € Acheter

‎[Francis BACON] Opus International‎

‎Opus International 68.‎

‎Ed. Georges Fall 1978 In-8, broché couv. illustrée par Bacon, illustrations et photographies en n. & b., 112 pp. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎“Francis Bacon” par Jean-Luc Chalumeau, Max Clarac-Serou, Dominique le Buhan, Jean-Louis Pradel, Gerard-Georges Lemaire, Giovanni Joppolo, Michel Gerard, Eddy Batache et Jesse Fernandez. Bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 19739

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

19,00 € Acheter

‎[GUERRE 1418] - BACON (Vice-amiral Sir Reginald) -‎

‎Le scandale de a bataille du Jutland.‎

‎Paris, Payot, 1929; in-8, 220 pp., br. Broché usures reliure salis - etat correct.‎

‎Broché usures reliure salis - etat correct.‎

Référence libraire : 201502319

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Lire et Chiner]

20,00 € Acheter

‎[GUERRE 14-18] - BACON (Amiral Sir R. H.).-‎

‎Lord Fisher, Amiral de la Flotte. Traduit de l'anglais par A. Thomazi.‎

‎1931 Paris, Payot, 1931, in 8° relié demi-veau vert, dos à nerfs, couverture conservée, 507 pages ; dos éclairci.‎

‎...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Référence libraire : 77848

‎[LITTERATURE] - BACON (Arilde) -‎

‎Le batelier de loire - la creole.‎

‎Paris, Le semaphore, 1997; in-8, 213 pp., broché. Roman.‎


Référence libraire : 200613900

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Lire et Chiner]

8,00 € Acheter

‎[LITTERATURE] - BACON (François)‎

‎Pensées philosophiques et morales choisies par M. Solovine.‎

‎Paris, Payot et Cie, vers 1950 ; petit in-12, 136 pp., reliure pleine toile d'éditeur, tranches dorées. Collection "Bibliothèque miniature".‎

Référence libraire : 202006794

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Alphabets
Nancy France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Alphabets]

10,00 € Acheter

‎[Massac (Pierre-Louis ; 1728-1770)]‎

‎Les amusemens des gens d’esprit.‎

‎A Berlin, s.n. (Paris, Etienne-Vincent Robin), 1762 ; 162, [3] pp.Suivi de : Vallet (Pierre) : Méthode pour faire promptement des progrès dans les sciences et dans les arts. Grenoble, Veuve d’André Faure, 1767 ; [12], VI, 156, [4] pp.Suivi de : Billy, De : Nouveau traité de la Mémoire, ou l’on explique d’une manière nette et mécanique ses effets les plus surprenans. Paris, Vve de Jean Boudot et Jean Boudot fils, 1708 ; [44], 127, [1] pp. Reliés en un volume in-12, demi veau marbré, dos à nerfs, pièce de titre marron, tranches rouges (reliure ancienne).‎

‎Né à Humet près de Tonneins dans l’Agenais, Pierre-Louis Massac fut un temps avocat au Parlement de Paris, avant de se consacrer à l’agronomie, il a notamment publié un Mémoire sur la manière de gouverner les abeilles en 1766 ; son ouvrage, frappé au coin du bon sens, est une analyse suivie de considérations sur divers aspects de l’individu et des sociétés.Vallet, lui, considère son ouvrage comme un complément à Bacon et sa méthode tient en trois points : l’art d’analyser, l’art de dresser des tables d’analyse et l’art de combiner ces mêmes tables. Au début du XVIIIe, la mémoire reste un grand mystère ; en s’inspirant des principes de Descartes, De Billy pense qu’elle est un effet de la mécanique du corps humain, c’est à dire que la mémoire est le trésor et la magasin où l’esprit dépose tout ce qu’il sait et qui lui rapporte les idées de tous les objets quand il en a besoin. Les images des objets sont gardées sur les plis et replis du cerveau et elles s’y marquent avec tant d’ordre qu’elles se réveillent aux premiers ordres de la volonté. Mais en quel endroit du cerveau se placent ces images pour les retrouver à point nommé dès qu’on en a besoin ?‎

Référence libraire : 21789

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé
Saint Symphorien d’Ozon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Ancienne Clagahé]

700,00 € Acheter

Nombre de résultats : 26 570 (532 Page(s))

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