Documents internationaux de l'Esprit nouveau
Paris Place 1977 In-4 Broché
Référence libraire : 014043
Kunsthaus Mürzzuschlag. Jahresmuseum 1994. Christy Astuy ? Tony Cragg ? Jiri Georg Dokoupil ? Martin Honert ? Thomas Huber ? Jeff Koons ? Attila Richard Lukacs ? Tom Otterness.
(Mürzzuschlag, Kunsthaus Mürzzuschlag 1994; Druck: Stiepandruck Leobersdorf). 2°. 54(2) S. Mit farb. Abb. OKart. Ordentlicher Zustand.
Référence libraire : EEzz7448f
XXIIe Salon de mai
Paris Musée d'Art Moderne 1966 In-4 agrafé, couverture illustrée Edition originale
Référence libraire : 011277
(BARBIERI, Giovanni Maria)
La guerra d’Atila, flagello di Dio. Tratta dallo Archivo dei Prencipi d’Esti
In-4°, 127cc, (3) cc, grandi capilettera figurati incisi su legno. Legatura in piena pergamena coeva con titolo manoscritto al dorso e tagli in azzurro. Edizione originale molto rara. Copia Fletcher. Si tratta della prima traduzione in prosa della prima parte del poema epico cavalleresco di Niccolò da Casola, redatta a partire da un celebre manoscritto databile nei primi decenni della seconda metà del Trecento. L’Attila di Barbieri è al contempo una grande opera filologica di studio della lingua provenzale, un affresco storico dell’Italia contemporanea riletto attraverso la leggenda delle invasioni barbariche, un quadro della vita cortigiana del tempo e, soprattutto, la celebrazione della famiglia estense, cui l’autore doveva personalmente molto per essere stato accolto alla corte di Ferrara, e che grazie a un illuminato mecenatismo si era conquistata la riconoscenza di letterati e uomini d’arte. Giovanni Maria Barbieri, erudito e filologo modenese (1519-1574), apprese il provenzale durante il suo soggiorno alla corte di Francesco I d’Este, e ne promosse gli studi; rientrato a Modena divenne amico di Castelvetro ed entrò a far parte della corte di Alfonso II d’Este che gli affidò il compito di tradurre questo antico poema provenzale, il cui manoscritto era conservato presso la Biblioteca Estense. Gamba 1160; G. Stendardo, G. Bertoni, Niccolò da Casola. La guerra d’Attila poema franco-italiano, Società tip. Modenese, 1941. In-4 °, 127cc, (3) cc, large figured woodcut letterheads . Full parchment coeval binding with handwritten title on the spine and cuts in blue. Very rare original edition. Fletcher copy. This is the first prose translation of the first part of Niccolò da Casola's epic chivalric poem, drawn up from a famous manuscript datable to the first decades of the second half of the fourteenth century. Barbieri's Attila is at the same time a great philological work of study of the Provencal language, a historical fresco of contemporary Italy reinterpreted through the legend of the barbarian invasions, a picture of the courtly life of the time and, above all, the celebration of the Este family, to which the author personally owed much for having been accepted at the court of Ferrara, and who, thanks to an enlightened patronage, had won the recognition of writers and men of art. Giovanni Maria Barbieri, a scholar and philologist from Modena (1519-1574), learned Provençal language during his stay at the court of Francesco I d’Este, and promoted his studies; back in Modena he became a friend of Castelvetro and joined the court of Alfonso II d’Este who entrusted him with the task of translating this ancient Provençal poem, whose manuscript was kept in the Estense Library. Leg 1160; G. Stendardo, G. Bertoni, Niccolò da Casola. The war of Attila Franco-Italian poem, Society tip. Modenese, 1941.
Nicht hinauslehnen.
Nicht hinauslehnen. [Internationale Situationniste, fevrier 1962]. Un depliant de papier couché fort 9,7 x 14 cm à trois volets, impression noire et rouge sur fond blanc, reproduction du Radeau de la Méduse en illustration centrale. Edition originale de ce tract édité en français et en allemand qui rend publique l'exclusion des membres du groupe Spur et annonce la création d'une nouvelle revue en langue allemande : " il est démontréque l'activité fractionniste de ce groupe a été fondée sur une incompréhensionsystématique des thèses situationnistes; et que ce groupe a gravement négligé la discipline de l'I.S. pour s'engager dans la voie de l'arrivisme artistique... " Très bon état.
Référence libraire : 21731
- Attila Tamas
La France Fortifiée Vue Par GEO
Solar Jaquette en très bon état reliure Rigide Décorative 2006 143 pages en format 26 - 31 cm - photographies en couleurs - reliure rigide en percaline 2-263-04017-X
Référence libraire : 057097 ISBN : 226304017
- Attila Tamas
Le Demeure Du Silence - La Femme Yoga
Gallimard - L' Air Du Temps broché Bristol illustré Paris 1975 239 pages en format 15 - 20 cm
Référence libraire : 056736
N° 259 Juillet-août 1990) : 78 pages, format 215 x 285 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état
Référence libraire : LFA-126740200
[ATTILA] - BRION (Marcel).-
La vie d'Attila. 9e édition.
P., NRF, Gallimard (Vies des Hommes Illustres), 1928, in 12 broché, 261pp. ; rares annotations marginales au crayon ; couverture légèrement fanée.
Référence libraire : 13921
Attila au chateau.
Bruxelles, Dupuis, 1969; in-4, 48 pp., broché, couverture illustr (ptes usures).
Référence libraire : 200618558
Le lion et le moucheron.
Paris, Dargaud, 1970; in-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur. N° 2.
Référence libraire : 200620113
N° 894 - Juin 2021 : 98 pages, format 240 x 270, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état
Référence libraire : LFA-126738526
HISTORIA - n° 377 - Avril 1978
Revue de 136 pages, format 155 x 240 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, publiée en 1978, bon état
Référence libraire : LFA-126722760
[JOSZEF (Attila)]
Hommage à Attila Jozsef par les poètes français.
Seghers, 1955. In-12 br. Introduction de Tristan Tzara. Contributions de P. Eluard, A. Bosquet, R. Depestre, P. Emmanuel, Guillevic, L. Masson, P. Morhange, P. Seghers, C. Sernet, Vercors, J. Cocteau, etc. Fac-similés. Adaptations d'après les traductions du hongrois d'A. Gyergyl, C. & L. Gara. E.O.
Référence libraire : L10176
L'ARCHEOLOGUE - N° 93 - Décembre 2007-Janvier 2008
Revue de 68 pages, format 215 x 285 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, bon état
Référence libraire : LFA-126741560
[Notre Histoire]
N° 125 (Septembre 1995) 66 pages, format 220 x 295 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état
Référence libraire : LFA-126739920
DOCUMENTS INTERNATIONAUX DE L'ESPRIT NOUVEAU. N° 1 et seul paru. [Printemps 1927].
DOCUMENTS INTERNATIONAUX DE L'ESPRIT NOUVEAU. Paris (23, rue des Morillons). Direction : Paul Dermée, Enrico Prampolini et Michel Seuphor. In-4° broché. Un seul numéro a paru, au printemps 1927. (Admussen, 81) (Destribats, 259) /// Cette revue programmatique vise à l'unification de tous les mouvements d'avant-garde sous le terme générique d' " Esprit Nouveau ". En page 2 de couverture se trouve cette déclaration-manifeste : " Le futurisme, l'expressionisme, le cubisme, le dadaïsme, le purisme, le constructivisme, le néo-plasticisme, le surréalisme, l'abstractivisme, le babilisme, le soporifisme, le mécanisme, le simultanéisme, le suprématisme, l'ultraïsme, le panlyrisme, le primitivisme - et tous les -ismes à venir (jusqu'à concurrence d'un -isme réactionnaire ravageur des grandes conquêtes de notre temps) - VALENT UN SEUL ESPRIT NOUVEAU ". /// Un papillon précise : " Cette revue n'est ni la suite ni la contrefaçon d'aucune autre ". Il est évidemment fait allusion à la revue l'Esprit Nouveau, dirigée par Paul Dermée - que l'on retrouve à la direction des Documents internationaux de l'Esprit Nouveau. Néanmoins, les Documents internationaux de l'Esprit Nouveau paraissent quand cesse la publication de l'Esprit Nouveau, dont ils reprennent (outre le titre) la typographie et les code chromatiques. Il était donc très nécessaire de nier la parenté de ces deux revues, tant leur même lignée est évidente.
Référence libraire : 9889
[STAR] - CSAMPAI (Attila ) -
, Edition du collectionneur , 2001; grand in-4, 251 pp., broché, couverture illustr.
Référence libraire : 200612115
A. De Vet & Bujdoso Attila
Subjective Atlas Of Hungary English and Hungarian Edition
Kitchen Budapest/hvg Koenyvek 2011-01-10. Paperback. VeryGood. 0.4000 inches 8.6000 inches 6.4000 inches. Kitchen Budapest/hvg Koenyvek paperback
Référence libraire : mon0002304864 ISBN : 9633040582 9789633040584
Kozak: �amfistigindan yemeklerine bir yaylanin �yk�s�.
Istanbul: �zt�re K�lt�r Yayinlari 2010. Hardcover. Fine. 8vo - over 7� - 9�" tall. Original bdg. HC. Large 8vo. 23 x 23 cm. In Turkish. 108 p. color ills. Signed and inscribed by author to Tevfik G�ng�r Uras. Kozak: �amfistigindan yemeklerine bir yaylanin �yk�s�. <br/> <br/> �zt�re K�lt�r Yayinlari hardcover
Référence libraire : 049099 ISBN : 9759773740 9789759773748
Aa. Vv.
Annuario 2005-2006. 2006-2007
Mm 160x240 Annuario dell'Accademia d'Ungheria in Roma, Istituto storico "Fraknoi". Brossura editoriale di 548 pagine. Esemplare in ottime condizioni. SPEDIZIONE IN 24 ORE DALLA CONFERMA DELL'ORDINE.
Agh Attila
Declining Democracy in East-central Europe: The Divide in the Eu and Emerging Hard Populism
Edward Elgar Pub 2019. Hardcover. New. 344 pages. 9.25x6.25x0.75 inches. Edward Elgar Pub hardcover
Référence libraire : __1788974727 ISBN : 1788974727 9781788974721
Agh Attila; Kurtan Sandor; editors
Democratization And Europeanization In Hungary: The First Parliament 1990-1994
Budapest: Hungarian Centre for Democracy Studies. Very Good with no dust jacket. 1995. Softcover. 9630451859 . Slight creasing to upper outer corners of first few pages. . Hungarian Centre for Democracy Studies paperback
Référence libraire : 201556 ISBN : 9630451859 9789630451857
Agh Attila
Emerging Democracies in East Central Europe and the Balkans
Edward Elgar Pub 1999. Hardcover. New. 359 pages. 8.75x5.75x1.00 inches. Edward Elgar Pub hardcover
Référence libraire : __1858988179 ISBN : 1858988179 9781858988177
Agh Attila/ Kis Varga Judit eds.
The Global Crisis and the EU Responses.
2009. Budapest 'Together for Europe' Research Centre 2009 15 x 21 cm. 353 pages. Softcover. Excellent condition. As new. contains among others: Rolling Policies of the Two Team Presidencies; The Lisbon Agenda in a Future-oriented Hungarian Approach etc. etc. paperback
Référence libraire : 25511AB
Agh Attila/ Kis varga Judit eds.
The Global Crisis and the EU Responses. The Perspectives of the SBH Team Presidency.
Budapest Together for Europe Research Centre 2009 2009. Paperback. Used; Very Good. Paperback copy. <p><i><strong>Fast Dispatch. Expedited UK Delivery Available. Excellent Customer Service. </strong></i> <br/><br/>Bookbarn International Inventory #2229427</p> Budapest, Together for Europe Research Centre 2009 paperback
Référence libraire : 2229427
Agh Attila
The Politics of Central Europe Sage Politics Texts Series
Sage Publications Ltd 1998. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has soft covers. With usual stamps and markings In fair condition suitable as a study copy. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item450grams ISBN:9780761950325 Sage Publications Ltd paperback
Référence libraire : 8804300 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Agh Attila
The Politics of Central Europe Sage Politics Texts Series
Sage Publications Ltd 1998. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has soft covers. With usual stamps and markings In fair condition suitable as a study copy. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item450grams ISBN:9780761950325 Sage Publications Ltd paperback
Référence libraire : 8804282 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Agh Attila
The Politics of Central Europe Sage Politics Texts Series
Sage Publications Ltd 1998. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has soft covers. With usual stamps and markings In fair condition suitable as a study copy. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item450grams ISBN:9780761950325 Sage Publications Ltd paperback
Référence libraire : 8804283 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Agh Attila
The Politics of Central Europe Sage Politics Texts Series
Sage Publications Ltd 1998. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has soft covers. With usual stamps and markings In fair condition suitable as a study copy. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item450grams ISBN:9780761950325 Sage Publications Ltd paperback
Référence libraire : 8804295 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Agh Attila
The Politics of Central Europe SAGE Politics Texts series
SAGE Publications Ltd 1998. 1. Paperback. Used; Very Good. <p><i><strong>Fast Dispatch. Expedited UK Delivery Available. Excellent Customer Service. </strong></i> <br/><br/>Bookbarn International Inventory #3326561</p> SAGE Publications Ltd paperback
Référence libraire : 3326561 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Agh Attila
The Politics Of Central Europe.
London: Sage Publications 1998. 244 pages. Book appears to have hardly been read and is in As new condition throughout. This Book Places The Political And Social Changes Of This Complex Region In A Geniuney Comparative Perspective. It Will Be Essential Reading To All Students Of European Politics Comparative Politics And Democratization. First Edition. Soft Cover. As New/None Issued. Sage Publications Paperback
Référence libraire : 128094 ISBN : 076195032x 9780761950325
Akan Atila
Antalya Museum Guide
Antalya Museum. Paperback. GOOD. Spine creases wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy will have the markings and stickers associated from the library. Accessories such as CD codes toys may not be included. Antalya Museum paperback
Référence libraire : 3198564738 ISBN : 9751716403 9789751716408
Akan Atila
Antalya Museum Guide
Antalya Museum 1996. Paperback. Good. Disclaimer:A copy that has been read but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting and the copy can include previous owner inscriptions. At ThriftBooks our motto is: Read More Spend Less.Dust jacket quality is not guaranteed. Antalya Museum paperback
Référence libraire : G9751716403I3N00 ISBN : 9751716403 9789751716408
Akan Atila
Antalya Museum Guide
Antalya Museum. Used - Good. Good condition. Antalya Museum unknown
Référence libraire : V06G-01224 ISBN : 9751716403 9789751716408
Akan Atila
Antalya Museum Guide
Antalya Museum. Used - Good. Shows some signs of wear and may have some markings on the inside. Antalya Museum unknown
Référence libraire : GRP26178195 ISBN : 9751716403 9789751716408
Corvina. 1968. In-8. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 115 pages. Photos noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Référence libraire : RO60011096
Alexis Katina cover illustration by Attila Hejja
New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates distributed by Pinnacle Books 1982. Good. 1982. First Edition. Mass Market Paperback. 0523480288 . First edition."Slowly Electrta came to realize that an evil of unspeakable power was gathered about Ariadne. An ancient evil that had nothing to do with the cool white American light of modern medicine. And everything to do with the dark future of the world". 283 pages. Good copy spine rolled and creased cover creasing cheap text paper tanning with two tiny holes dwarf vampire bite to the lower left corner of the rear cover. . Tor / Tom Doherty Associates distributed by Pinnacle Books [1982] paperback
Référence libraire : 36796 ISBN : 0523480288 9780523480282
Alfred Bernhard Walcher; Kiss Attila
Référence libraire : X-3529
Algon Atila
Van G�l�'n�n Gemileri - Tatvan'dan Bodrum'a Yelken Pesinde Bir Yasam
Naviga Yayinlari 2011. New. 231 pages Naviga Yayinlari unknown
Référence libraire : B1102085 ISBN : 6058885329 9786058885325
Avrupa Hun Imparatorlugu.
Very Good English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (23 x 16 cm). In Turkish. [xii], 203 p., 1 folding map. Avrupa Hun Imparatorlugu. History of the European Huns.
Alvarez Maria D. Editor/ Yuksel Atila Editor/ Go Frank Editor
Heritage Tourism Destinations: Preservation Communication and Development
Cab Intl 2016. Hardcover. New. 200 pages. 9.75x7.00x1.00 inches. Cab Intl hardcover
Référence libraire : __1780646771 ISBN : 1780646771 9781780646770
Amedee Simon D . Thierry Attila
Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs jusqu'àl'établissement des Hongrois en Europe 1864 Leather Bound
2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1864. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - French Pages 449. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover
Référence libraire : LB1111003174443
Amedee Simon D . Thierry Attila
Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs jusqu'à l'�tablissement des Hongrois en Europe 1864
2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - French Pages 449. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1864. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback
Référence libraire : PB1111003174443
Amedee Simon D . Thierry Attila
Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs jusqu'à l'�tablissement des Hongrois en Europe 1864 Hardcover
2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - French Pages 449. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1864. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover
Référence libraire : 1111003174443
Anca, Tibor Attila
Minderheitenkirche in Ökumene und Gesellschaft. Eine Untersuchung im Rahmen der Leuenberger Kirchengemeinschaft zur Reformierten Kirche in Rumänien. [Von Tibor-Attila Anca]. (= Ökumenische Studien, Band 32).
Berlin & Münster: Lit 2007. X, 265 Seiten. Gr. 8° (22,5-25 cm). Orig.-Broschur. [Softcover / Paperback].
Référence libraire : 154578
Andrade Attila S. L. Jr.
USA 2030 Predictions
Astemari Publishers 2008. Book. Fine. Soft cover. Signed by Authors. 9" by 6". Clean and tight inscribed by author to former owner on first page 242 pages. Astemari Publishers Paperback
Référence libraire : 030414
Andras Hajnal Peter Hamburger Attila Mate Translator
Set Theory London Mathematical Society Student Texts
Cambridge University Press 1999-11-28. 1st English. Paperback. Used:Good. Cambridge University Press paperback
Référence libraire : DADAX052159667X ISBN : 052159667X 9780521596671
Andras Hajnal Peter Hamburger Attila Mate Translator
Set Theory London Mathematical Society Student Texts
Cambridge University Press 1999-11-28. 1st English ed. Hardcover. Used:Good. Cambridge University Press hardcover
Référence libraire : DADAX0521593441 ISBN : 0521593441 9780521593441
Andras Hajnal; Peter Hamburger; Translator Attila Mate
Set Theory London Mathematical Society Student Texts
Cambridge University Press 1999-11-28. Hardcover. Good. Cambridge University Press hardcover
Référence libraire : SONG0521593441 ISBN : 0521593441 9780521593441