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‎Etats unis‎
Nombre de résultats : 8 677 (174 Page(s))

[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 30 53 76 99 122 145 168 ... 174 Page suivante Dernière page

‎Annali della propagazione della fede. Raccolta delle lettere dei vescovi e dei missionarj delle missioni dei due mondi. Volume iv Missioni in: Malabari Tonchino Cina Alabama Florida Ohio New York‎

‎21 cm, rilegatura coeva in mezza pelle, titoli e fregi in oro al dorso, piatti marmorizzati; p. 478; qualche brunitura, qualità della carta‎

‎Beschreibung des Königreichs Württemberg. Achtundzwanzigstes Heft: Oberamt Stuttgart, Amt. Mit drei Tabellen und einer Karte des Oberamts, nebst Titelbild und drei Holzschnitten. -‎

‎Stuttgart:, Müller, 1851. 275 (1) Seiten, 1 lithographische Tafel, 1 lithographische Karte als Faltkarte, 3 gefaltete Tabellen, moderner Ppbd. unter Verwendung des Originalumschlags, 20 x 12 cm.‎

‎Oberamtsbeschreibung von Stuttgart. Mit allen vier Ortsansichten (eine als Tafel, drei als Textholzstiche), der Karte und dem Tabellenanhang. - (= Beschreibung des Königreichs Württemberg 28). - Einige wenige Blätter vorne und hinten fleckig. Sonst und insgesamt sehr gutes, wohlerhaltenes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 78252AB


‎16mo, 128 pages, colour illustrations and maps. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Livres de Gravity Books]

4,45 € Acheter

‎Florida Architecture: Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture 34th Edition 1967‎

‎This is very good softcover copy of the annual Florida Architecture. Completely clean inside and out. These annuals presented the best of Florida architecture for the year. This is the 34th edition. Covers residential, commercial, and landscape architecture. Residential features include: a Lake Rowena home by Gerald A. Gay (on the cover); 4 homes by Antonio Fojo at Bay Colony; 2 homes by Merle Smith; a large section on landscape architecture; a luxury condominium section; among other work. Illustrated mostly in black & white with some color. Also large advertising section. 13" high X 10" wide, 176 pages. This book will be securely packed and shipped with tracking.‎


Design Books
New York, US
[Livres de Design Books]

46,36 € Acheter

‎GIRO (IL) del mondo. Giornale di viaggi, geografia e costumi, diretto dai signori Edoardo Charton ed Emilio Treves e illustrato dai più celebri artisti. Nuova Serie - Edizione popolare. Volume III. Fascicoli dal n. 27 del 1 luglio 1869 al n. 53 del 30 dicembre 1869. [Secondo semestre completo].‎

‎Milano, E. Treves Editore, 1869, fascicoli 27 legati in un volume, in-4, legatura di poco successiva in piena tela con le copertine della brossura editoriale rimontate sui piatti, pp. [4], 430, [2]. Con centinaia di illustrazioni xilografiche n.t., anche a piena pagina. Dall'indice segnaliamo: Poussielgue "Quattro mesi in Florida", A. Humbert "Il Giappone", G. Catlin "Escursioni fra le tribù indiane dei bacini della Colombia e dell'Alto Missouri", E. Duhousset "Le caccie in Persia", ecc., ecc. Il volume di presenta con la cartonatura piuttosto danneggiata (con mancanze marginali sui piatti e qualche segno d'umidità); l'interno è invece in buone condizioni con solo una piccola perdita all'angolo superiore esterno (margine bianco) delle ultime carte.‎

‎Kleidung und Haeuser der Floridianer. - [Kupferstich].‎

‎[Leipzig:, Arkstee und Merkus, 1758]. Kupferstich, Blattmaß: 23,5 x 20 cm. Bildmaß: 19 x 14 cm.‎

‎Das Blatt stammt aus Johann Joachim Schwabe (Hrsg.): Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und zu Lande, oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis itzo in verschiedenen Sprachen von allen Völkern herausgegeben worden, und einen vollständigen Begriff von der neuern Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte machen; Worinnen der wirkliche Zustand aller Nationen vorgestellet, und das Merkwürdigste, Nützlichste und Wahrhaftigste in Europa, Asia, Africa und America, in Ansehung ihrer verschiedenen Reiche und Länder; deren Lage, Größe, Gränzen, Eintheilungen, Himmelsgegenden, Erdreichs, Früchte, Thiere, Flüsse, Seen, Gebirge, großen und kleinen Städte, Häfen, Gebäuden u.s.w. wie auch die Sitten und Gebräuche der Einwohner, ihrer Religion, Regierungsart, Künste und Wissenschaften, Handlung und Manufacturen enthalten ist; Mit nöthigen Landkarten nach den neuesten und richtigsten astronomischen Wahrnehmungen, und mancherley Abbildungen der Städte, Küsten, Aussichten, Thiere, Gewächse, Kleidungen und anderer dergleichen Merkwürdigkeiten, versehen. Durch eine Gesellschaft gelehrter Männer im Englischen zusammen getragen, und aus dem demselben ins Deutsche übersetzt.- Das Blatt ist stark angerändert, randrissig und randfleckig. Die Zeichnung selbst ist sauber, unbeschädigt und fein.‎

Référence libraire : 900141AG

‎LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE. 13 ottobre 1929. Anno XXXI - N. 41.‎

‎In-4, brossura, in buono stato di conservazione. In questo numero: "Nella Florida, classica terra di cicloni, s'e abbattuto un nuovo spaventoso uragano che ha scoperchiato o addirittura raso al suolo innumerevoli case e ha distrutto i raccolti. Vi sono state molte vittime." "A un passaggio a livello sulla linea Montebelluna-Padova, un autocarro con rimorchio, carico di barili di birra, è stato investito dal treno. Il conducente e un operaio che si trovava pure sull'autocarro sono rimasti uccisi; il fuochista della locomotiva ha riportato leggiere ferite." .‎

‎LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE. 18 giugno 1950. Anno LII - N. 25.‎

‎In-4, brossura, in buono stato di conservazione. In questo numero: "Tigri del mare contro naufraghi dell'aria. Al largo della Florida un bimotore con a bordo 65 uomini, quasi tutti braccianti agricoli, e precipitato in Atlantico. Passeggeri ed equipaggio hanno fatto in tempo a uscire dalla carlinga mettendo a mare vari battellini pneumatici di salvataggio. Ma immediatamente le acque si sono popolate di una torma di grossi pescicani che hanno fatto strage. Dalle navi accorse sono state tratte in salvo solo 37 persone." "Fuoco antiaereo in tempo di pace. Nel Bergamasco, tra il Serio e il Cherio, per proteggere vigne e frutteti dalla grandine che ogni anno provoca gravi danni, sono state sparate con successo, all'avvicinarsi di un minaccioso nembo, varie serie di razzi che, scoppiando a grande altezza, hanno interrotto la grandinata e sconvolto la formazione temporalesca che si è sminuzzata e dispersa; cosicche le piantagioni sono state salve.".‎

‎LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE. 2 Dicembre 1928. Anno XXX - N. 49.‎

‎In-4, brossura, in buono stato di conservazione. In questo numero: "Una brutta sorpresa. Nel porto di Pensacola (Florida), un velivolo, che si era appena staccato da terra, precipitava sopra un battello da diporto. Le tre persone che erano sull'imbarcazione rimasero miracolosamente incolumi. Il tenente che pilotava l'apparecchio riporto ferite lievissime." "Un dramma nella Manica. Una barca di salvataggio uscita da Rye, presso Folkestone, per accorrere in aiuto di un piroscafo, al ritorno, non lontano dalla terra, veniva ingoiata da una formidabile ondata. Tutti i diciassette uomini dell'equipaggio annegarono, sotto gli occhi delle loro famiglie, che si erano raccolte a pregare su una rupe.".‎

‎Merian: Florida‎

‎Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Campe Verlag, 1998. 51. Jahrgang, Heft 12. zahlr. teilw. farb. Abb., 1 Karte, 138 S., 4°, OBr.‎

‎Sehr gut erhalten.‎

Référence libraire : 31258

DE - München
[Livres de Alpen-Antiquariat]

4,00 € Acheter

‎Merian: Florida.‎

‎Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Campe Verlag, 1990. 43. Jahrgang, Heft 10. zahlr. teilw. farb. Abb., 1 Karte, 170 S., 4°, OBr.,‎

‎Gut erhalten.‎

Référence libraire : 26290

DE - München
[Livres de Alpen-Antiquariat]

4,00 € Acheter

‎Merian: Florida.‎

‎Hamburg, Hoffmann u. Campe Verlag, 1980. 33. Jahrgang, Heft 8. zahlr. teilw. farb. Abb., 1 Karte, 136 S., 4°, OBr.‎

‎Gut erhalten.‎

Référence libraire : 21880

DE - München
[Livres de Alpen-Antiquariat]

4,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Clay County, Florida‎

‎1989 United States Department of Agriculture, soil Consevervation Service Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Clay County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 207 pages + 35 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014680

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Nassau County, Florida‎

‎USA 1991 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Nassau County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 219 pages + 94 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014758

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Jackson County, Florida‎

‎USA 1979 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Jackson County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 157 pages + 76 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014798

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Hernando County, Florida‎

‎USA 1979 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Hernando County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 152 pages + 40 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014799

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Marion County Area, Florida‎

‎USA 1979 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Marion County Area, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 148 pages + 173 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014800

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Orange County, Florida‎

‎USA 1989 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Orange County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 175 pages + 84 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014801

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida‎

‎USA 1989 United States Department of Agriculture Soft cover‎

‎Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida soft cover: 28 x 23 cm, 178 pages + 55 double pages sheets, very good condition‎

Référence libraire : 014802

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v
Berchem Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Antiquariaat Tanchelmus b.v]

47,00 € Acheter

‎TA., Blick aus halber Höhe von bewachsenem Strandbereich mit Palmen, Kakteen etc. auf Küste, am Horizont Großsegler, "On the Coast of Florida",‎

‎N.Y. Appleton, 1871. Stahlstich Hinshelwood nach Fenn, Darst. 23 x 13,7 (excl. Text); Bll. 31,8 x 23,3 Auf Wunsch Digitalaufnahme in jpg-Format erhältlich- photo in jpg-format available. Je nach Versandart können die Portokosten bis zu 2 ? weniger als angegeben betragen.+‎

‎Florida, Staat und Halbinsel im Südosten der USA, zwischen Atlantischem Ozean und Golf von Mexiko, feuchtwarmes Klima, im Süden tropisch; wurde 1821 von Spanien verkauft, 1845 27. Unionsstaat.‎

Référence libraire : 4478AG

‎The Ports of Jacksonville, Fernandina, Miami, Key West, Tampa, and South Boca Grande, Florida. Part 2: The Ports of Miami and Tampa, Florida. -‎

‎Washington:, United States Government Printing Office, 1931. viii, 114 (2) Seiten, 6 (Falt-)Tafeln, OKart., 23 x 14 cm.‎

‎Überarbeitete Auflage. - (= War Department Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army and United States Shipping Boards: Port Series No. 8). - Herausgegeben vom Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbours, War Department. - Mit allen sechs (Falt-)Tafeln. - In englischer Sprache. - Etwas angerändert, Titelblatt gering, einige wenige Seiten mit Anstreichungen, sonst und insgesamt gutes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 90035DB

‎The Ports of Jacksonville, Fernandina, Miami, Key West, Tampa, and South Boca Grande, Florida. Part 1: The Port of Jacksonville, Fla. -‎

‎Washington:, United States Government Printing Office, 1930. viii, 118 Seiten, 11 (Falt-)Tafeln, OKart., 23 x 14 cm.‎

‎Überarbeitete Auflage. - (= War Department Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army and United States Shipping Boards: Port Series No. 8). - Herausgegeben vom Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbours, War Department. - Mit allen elf (Falt-)Tafeln. - In englischer Sprache. - Etwas angerändert und eselsohrig, sonst und insgesamt gutes Exemplar.‎

Référence libraire : 90034DB

‎Walt Disney's Guide to Disneyland.‎

‎o. O., Walt Disney Productions, 1964. 27 S. 8° Oktav, Softcover/Paperback‎

‎Mit zahlr. farb. Abb.Die Fußecke des Vorderdeckels ist bestoßen. Die ersten paar Blätter sind in der Fußecke bestoßen.‎

Référence libraire : 100584

Antiquariat Boller
DE - Staufenberg
[Livres de Antiquariat Boller]

28,00 € Acheter

‎! A Florida Town's Message To Kids With Aids : GET OUT‎

‎People Weekly MICHAEL JACKSON September 14 1987‎

‎PW. PAPERBACK. B007WC6FCQ We ship daily good service buy with confidence . Good. PW paperback‎

Référence libraire : KHMG-1044

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de buyhereforbestdeals]

16,63 € Acheter

‎"Woodpecker"; McDade, J.; Heilner, V.C.; Macdonald, T.A.; West, J.; Von Blon, J.L.; Jordan, John A.; Rose, Frank; Walkey, C.E.G.; Heald, T.D.; Leslie, H.; Strong, Robert D.; Et al‎

‎The Wide World Magazine - The Magazine for Everybody, Vol. XLIII - No. 257, September (Sept.) 1919 - The Thrills of Parachuting (Cover Illustration)‎

‎Pages 353-440, plus 16 pages of nostalgic ads. Features: Flying in Central Africa - part 2 - tales from the log book of an R.A.F. officer during the campaign in German East Africa - article with interesting photos; Torn by Starving Jackals in Macedonia - Private James McDade of the 6th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers recounts his experience - with photo of McDade; Death-Struggle with An Alligator - what happened to Van Campen Heilner when he was photographing an alligator in a Florida swamp - photo-illustrated article; The Thrills of Parachuting - early and marvelously photo-illustrated article on this topic; Photo of tourist party in Solomon's Quarry, the world's most ancient quarry; My South African Adventures - part 1 of Jack West's incredible recollections, including photo of him aged 17; Ship Built By One Man - Liberian missionary, the Rev. James E. Lewis - photo-illustrated article of him, his wife and "The Coloured Missionary Yacht"; John A. Jordan and his African Leopard-Hunting Adventures; Our Trip to Catch Murderers - the rough and ready methods of achieving justice in Bolivia; An Exciting Night Drive - 35 miles in a South African Cape Cart; Relief Workers' Adventures - part 2 of this superb photo-illustrated article on thrilling experiences among the War Victims of Armenia, Syria and Persia; With a Caravan in Corsica - photo illustrated article which relates the primitive life of the people; A Mountain of Gold - photo-illustrated article about the discovery made by the Fisk Expedition - Captain James L. Fisk and Dr. William Denton Dibb; In the Wilds of Siberia - part 2 - fascinating article with great photos document the explorations of Harry Somerset-Lister; The Adventures of a Newspaper-Man - part 4 - Exploring New York - article with nice photos and fascinating observations of the people; A Butterfly Farm in France - French Entomologist M. Andre's farm near Macon - article with photos; Fascinating photo of flume in British Columbia, by which logs are carried to the sawmills; Photo of amber mine on the coast of Samland in the eastern Prussian peninsula. Somewhat above-average external wear. Openings and loss at each end of backstrip. Unmarked. A worthy vintage copy of this marvelous issue. Book‎

‎(Wit, Frederick de)‎

‎Indiarium Occidentalium Tractus Littorales com Insulis Caribicis. Pascaert van Westindien ende Caribise Eylanden. Altkolorierte Kupferstichkarte aus: Frederick de Wit, Orbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas.‎

‎Amsterdam, de Wit, 1675 (recte um 1700). Ca. 49,5 cm x 57 cm. [4 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Koeman M. Wit 1, 24. - Seekarte des Karibischen Meeres mit Kuba, Jamaica, den Bahamas, Haiti, der Dominikanischen Republik und Puerto Rica im Zentrum. Die Küstenlinie reicht von Long Island (bei New York) über Florida, Mexiko und Mittelamerika bis nach Venezuela mit Trinidad. - Dekorative Karte mit zwei Schiffszenen, 14 Windrosen und 1 Kompassrose. Die Einfassung der Titelkartusche mit figürlicher Staffage. - Frederik de Wit (1610 - 1698) war ein niederländischer Verleger, Kupferstecher und Kartograph. Er gründete sein Unternehmen 1648, auf dem Höhepunkt des Goldenen Zeitalters in Amsterdam und war ab etwa 1670 Herausgeber von Weltatlanten. Seine erste publizierte Karte war die von Dänemark 1659. Es folgte eine Weltkarte von 1660. Die weitere Datierung seiner Atlanten ist schwierig. Sie erschienen ab 1670 und umfassten 17 bis 190 Karten. Die nautischen Atlanten umfassten 27 Seekarten und erschienen ab 1675. "Frederick de Wit muss als einer der bedeutendsten Kartenverleger der 2. Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts angesehen werden. Die meisten seiner Karten sind von hervorragender Qualität, sie zeichnen sich durch einen deutlichen und schönen Stich, durch die Aktualität und Reichhaltigkeit des Kartenbildes sowie durch die Ausgewogenheit des Kartenschmuckes aus" (Lexikon der Kartographie II, S. 899). - Gebräunt. Einige kleine hinterlegte Papierdurchbrüche (ca. 1 cm Bildverlust im Bereich der Kartusche) durch Kupferfraß. - Siehe Abbildung der Rückseite.‎

Référence libraire : 17337

Matthäus Truppe
AT - Graz
[Livres de Matthäus Truppe]

1 926,00 € Acheter


‎Una pittoresca e coreografica “parata” carnevalesca in Florida (America del Nord) il paese della perenne estate.‎

‎Napoli, 1926, marzo 29, copertina illustrata a colori in fascicolo originale completo di pp. 16 de "Il Mattino Illustrato" .‎


Libreria Piani
Monte San Pietro, IT
[Livres de Libreria Piani]

10,00 € Acheter

‎- Stamper Dave -‎

‎Partition de la chanson : Swanee river blues‎

‎Partitions sur l'Amérique du Nord,Partitions sur les États-Unis Salabert 1923‎

‎Très bon état Grand format Piano‎

Référence libraire : 27109

Livre Rare Book

Le Temps des Chansons
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Le Temps des Chansons]

30,00 € Acheter


‎Socie'te' generale de transports maritimes a vapeur. Lloyd latino. Societa' italiana di navigazione‎

‎Opuscolo (cm 12 x 14,5) all'interno del quale si trovano quattro tavole piu' volte rip. (cm 33 x 14) con quattro foto in b/n raff. il piroscafo Pincio, l'Alsina, il Florida, il Mendoza, il Valdivia, il Formosa, con l'indicazione dei vari menu di terza classe e due illustrazioni d'interni.‎

‎[Auto Collection]‎


‎Une publication de 34 pages, format 210 x 295 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, publiée en 1998, SNEP, bon état‎

‎Revue de presse, pratique, histoire, compétition, technique, essai de cette voiture‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126737161

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

10,00 € Acheter


‎Florida. Touring-Karte.‎

‎London, New York, München, Sydney, Dorling Kindersley Verlag, 2000. 22 cm, 29 Seiten, mit großer Faltkarte (ca. 39 x 79 cm) in Pappeinschub, farbig illustrierter Pappband. 1. Auflage Rücken an den Kapitalen angeplatzt, sonst gut erhalten. Dorling & Kindersley Touring-Karten.‎

‎Gross-Karte 1 : 1.000.000‎

Référence libraire : 16917AB ISBN : 392804463

Steamhead Records & Books
DE - Rodgau-Nieder-Roden
[Livres de Steamhead Records & Books]

4,00 € Acheter

‎[Dorling Kindersley] [Hrsg.]‎

‎Club-Reiseführer. Florida. Reisen - Sehen - Erleben. [Sport, Shops, Strände, Restaurant, Vergnügungsparks, Museen, Pläne, Nationalparks, Angeln, Essen, Hotels, Tierwelt, Touren].‎

‎[Gütersloh], RM Buch und Medien Vertrieb, 2002. 22 cm, 384 Seiten, mit zahlreichen Farbfotos, Karten und Abbildungen, kartoniert, Englische Broschur, Karten auf den Vorsätzen. Ungekürzte Lizenzausgabe leichte Gebrauchsspuren, gut erhalten. Club-Reiseführer.‎

‎mehrspaltiger Druck‎

Référence libraire : 35761AB

Steamhead Records & Books
DE - Rodgau-Nieder-Roden
[Livres de Steamhead Records & Books]

9,00 € Acheter

‎[Dorling Kindersley] [Hrsg.]‎

‎Club-Reiseführer. Italien. Reisen - Sehen - Erleben. [Kirchen, Fresken, Kunstgalerien, Landhäuser, Museen, Pläne, Architektur, Wein, Hotels, Landschaften, Gebirgsstädte].‎

‎Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Bertelsmann Club, 1998. 22 cm, 672 Seiten, mit zahlreichen Farbfotos, Karten und Abbildungen, kartoniert, Englische Broschur, Karten auf den Vorsätzen. Ungekürzte Buchgemeinschafts-Lizenzausgabe, aktual insgesamt leichte Gebrauchsspuren, gut erhalten. Club-Reiseführer.‎

‎mehrspaltiger Druck‎

Référence libraire : 41916AB

Steamhead Records & Books
DE - Rodgau-Nieder-Roden
[Livres de Steamhead Records & Books]

8,00 € Acheter

‎[Laet (Joannen de ; 1581-1649)]‎

‎Hispania sive de regis Hispaniae regnis et optibus. Commentarius.‎

‎Lugd. Batav. (Leyde), ex officina Elzeviriana, 1629 ; in-24 (108 mm), vélin rigide de l’époque, titre manuscrit au dos ; [16], 498 pp., [1] f. de Privilège, titre gravé illustré de blasons.‎

‎Edition originale (Willems-313) ; une seconde édition a vu le jour la même année. Né à Anvers, le géographe flamand Jean de Laet était directeur de la Compagnie des Indes. Très versé dans l’histoire et la géographie, il a laissé des descriptions de la France, de l’Espagne, de la Belgique, de l’empire Mongol, etc., écrites avec beaucoup d’exactitude ; les géographes venus après lui profiteront largement de ses travaux. (Pierre Larousse). Impression de Bonaventure et Abraham Elzevier, exemplaire bien relié, sans ses lacets, en bel état.‎

Référence libraire : 21438

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé
Saint Symphorien d’Ozon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Ancienne Clagahé]

600,00 € Acheter

‎A. J. Diamond Donald Schmitt Don Gillmor Witold Rybczynski Introduction Richard Florida Foreword‎

‎Insight and On Site: The Architecture of Diamond and Schmitt‎

‎Douglas & McIntyre 2008-07-07. Hardcover. Used:Good. Douglas & McIntyre hardcover‎

Référence libraire : DADAX1553652770 ISBN : 1553652770 9781553652779

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

69,80 € Acheter

‎A. J. Diamond; Donald Schmitt; Don Gillmor; Introduction Witold Rybczynski; Foreword Richard Florida‎

‎Insight and On Site: The Architecture of Diamond and Schmitt‎

‎Douglas & McIntyre 2008-07-07. Hardcover. Good. Douglas & McIntyre hardcover‎

Référence libraire : SONG1553652770 ISBN : 1553652770 9781553652779

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ergodebooks]

38,53 € Acheter

‎A. Rashad Abdel Khalik University of Florida‎

‎Government Regulation of Accounting and Information University of Florida accounting series ; no. 11‎

‎University Press of Florida. Used - Very Good. Former Library book. Great condition for a used book! Minimal wear. University Press of Florida unknown‎

Référence libraire : GRP63338602 ISBN : 0813006635 9780813006635

Better World Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Better World Books]

18,41 € Acheter


‎Il Giro del Mondo. Giornale di Geografia, Viaggi e Costumi diretto dai Signori Edoardo Charton ed Emilio Treves e illustrato dai più Celebri artisti. Edizione Popolare. 5 volumi‎

‎Mm 220x320 Cinque volumi rilegati in mezza pelle, titolo e fregi in oro al dorso, piatti con carta marmorizzata con piccole abrasioni alla base. Legature tutte ben salde. Vol. I°, ( 2 Luglio - 24 dicembre 1968 ) di 414 pp. Vol. II°, ( 1° gennaio - 24 giugno 1969 ) di 414 pp. Vol. III°, ( 1° luglio - 30 dicembre 1869 ) di 430 pp. Vol. IV°, ( 6 gennaio - 30 giugno 1870 ) di 414 pp. Vol. V°, ( 7 luglio - 29 dicembre 1870 ). Tutti i volumi sono illustrati da xilografie con immagini anche a piena pagina. Alcune fioriture e bruniture in alcune pagine del testo, peraltro lo stato d'insieme di questo importante settimanale, di forte caratterizzazione eurocentrica, è ottimo. Raccolta di tutto il pubblicato della nota rivista a carattere geografico che seguì la edizione di lusso orientata ad un pubblico più facoltoso e che venne poi continuata e surrogata col nuovo anno dal " Giornale popolare di Viaggi". Spedizione in 24 ore dalla conferma dell'ordine.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Livres de Salvalibro Snc]

550,00 € Acheter

‎Aaron Shirley L. Smith Sue O.; Davie Judith F. ; Library. Florida State‎

‎A study of the combined school public library : phase I‎

‎School of Library Science Florida State University. B007FD7G5C Ex-library book with usual markings. Clean text. SATISF GNTD SHIPS W/IN 24 HRS. Sorry no APO deliveries. Ships in a padded envelope with free tracking. 1572 . Good. 1977-01-01. School of Library Science, Florida State University unknown‎

Référence libraire : SKU-800087776

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis

14,38 € Acheter

‎Abrams, Paul‎

‎Making Money Through Art Fraud: How "royalgallerie" (Ricardo Fernandez de Gaceo, "Royal Palace Gallery") Has Cheated Thousands of People on eBay and Artmajeur‎

‎Ricardo Fernandez de Gaceo, a Spaniard living in Weston, Florida, is one of the world's leading suppliers of fake lithographs, etchings, and woodcuts. This report explains how to identify them. (If you order through ABE, I will reduce shipping charge to zero.)‎


William Cole
Sitges, ES
[Livres de William Cole]

25,00 € Acheter

‎Adapted by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus‎

‎ALICE IN WONDERLAND: A PLAY IN TWO ACTS REVISED AND REWRITTEN As Presented by Rita Hassan and the American Repertory Theatre April 1947‎

‎New York: Samuel French. Vintage Copy. Softcover. Book condition is Very Good in wraps. Edgwear to wraps including a few bumps. Staining smudging and creasing to wraps. Previous owner sticker and notes to front cover. Previous owner notes to front end page. A few unobtrusive pencil marks otherwise text is clean. No date circa 1960. Illustrated with a few photographs and diagrams. ; 12mo 7" - 7�" tall . Samuel French paperback‎

Référence libraire : 14363

Evolving Lens Bookseller
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Evolving Lens Bookseller]

25,38 € Acheter

‎Adapted by Gallienne Eva Le and Friebus Florida from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass‎

‎Alice In Wonderland: A Play in Two Acts Adapted for the Stage‎

‎New York: Samuel French 1960 Book. Good. Soft cover. Moderately worn; former owner's marks on exterior. Samuel French paperback‎

Référence libraire : 084338

UHR Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de UHR Books]

6,35 € Acheter

‎Advanced Ceramic Coatings for Structural Environmental and Functional Applications 37th: 2013: Daytona Beach Florida Edited by‎

‎Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Materials for Extreme Environments III; select papers Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings; Volume 34 Issue 3‎

‎Wiley 2014. Hardbound. New Book. Hardbound. The 12 papers include discussions of such matters as creep and the environmental durability of environmental barrier coatings and ceramic matrix composites under imposed thermal gradient conditions the dynamic oblique angle of deposition of nanostructures for energy applications preparing epitaxially grown chromium-silicon-nitrogen thin films by pulsed laser deposition nanocomposite molybdenum-copper-nitrogen coating deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering process with a single alloying target and improving the service life of shaft-bushing tribo-systems by a plasma sulfur nitrocarburing process. 2014 Ringgold Inc. Portland OR Wiley hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 438088 ISBN : 1118807553 9781118807552

Gulls Nest Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Gulls Nest Books]

30,44 € Acheter

‎Aerosol Measurement Workshop University of Florida 1976 Lundgren Dale A.‎

‎Aerosol Measurement‎

‎Good. Used book in good condition. Has wear to the cover and pages. Contains some markings such as highlighting and writing. Ex-library with the usual stamps. 100% guaranteed. 062120 unknown‎

Référence libraire : 0813006031[go] ISBN : 0813006031 9780813006031

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de allianz]

13,44 € Acheter

‎Aerosol Measurement Workshop University of Florida 1976 Lundgren Dale A‎

‎Aerosol Measurement‎

‎Univ Pr of Florida. Used - Good. Former Library book. Shows some signs of wear and may have some markings on the inside. Univ Pr of Florida unknown‎

Référence libraire : GRP3090250 ISBN : 0813006031 9780813006031

Better World Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Better World Books]

6,73 € Acheter


‎Sunshine and Sport in Florida and the West Indies‎

‎London.1907.In-8 en percaline éditeur avec caractères blancs et arbustes dorés.272 pages avec Index.47 illustrations.(photos sur papier glacé).En langue anglaise.BE.Tête dorée.Quelques rousseurs sans gravité.‎

Référence libraire : 39839

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Laurencier
Bordeaux France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Ancienne Laurencier]

420,00 € Acheter



‎AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY: FLORIDA. FIELD Henry M. BRIGHT SKIES AND DARK SHADOWS. With Maps. New York:: Charles Scribner's Sons 1890. First edition. . A fine bright copy. . Octavo green cloth spine lettered in gilt 316 pages illustrated with maps top edge gilt. The author's recollections of the Civil War with discussions of Florida's "race problem." Chapters include: "Capacity of the Negro" "Expatriation of a Whole Race" "The Last Days of General Lee" "Stonewall Jackson and the Valley Campaign" etc. Charles Scribner's Sons, hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 50804

Waiting for Godot Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Waiting for Godot Books]

55,00 € Acheter



‎AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY: FLORIDA. FIELD Henry M. BRIGHT SKIES AND DARK SHADOWS. With Maps. New York:: Charles Scribner's Sons 1890. First edition. . Two corners slightly bumped spine tips rubbed else a near fine bright copy. . Inscribed by Henry M. Field on the second front flyleaf: "Miss Alice DeWitt Sprague/ From her friend/ Henry M. Field./ Feb. 5th/ 1894. Octavo green cloth spine lettered in gilt 316 pages illustrated with maps top edge gilt. The author's recollections of the Civil War with discussions of Florida's "race problem." Chapters include: "Capacity of the Negro" "Expatriation of a Whole Race" "The Last Days of General Lee" "Stonewall Jackson and the Valley Campaign" etc. Charles Scribner's Sons, hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 49422

Waiting for Godot Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Waiting for Godot Books]

114,22 € Acheter


‎THE EXILES OF FLORIDA: or The Crimes Committed by Our Government Against the Maroons‎

‎AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY: FLORIDA. GIDDINGS Joshua R. THE EXILES OF FLORIDA: or The Crimes Committed by Our Government Against the Maroons Who Fled from South Carolina and Other Slave States Seeking Protection Under Spanish Laws. Columbus Ohio:: Follett Foster and Co. 1858. First edition . Moderate early staining on spine and extremities of the binding endpapers are quite soiled scattered foxing to the text else a good copy with the text otherwise clean. . Sabin 27327; Work p. 337. Octavo brown cloth pp. viii 338 illustrated with portraits of Native Americans and African-Americans. Follett, Foster and Co., hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 51905

Waiting for Godot Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Waiting for Godot Books]

84,61 € Acheter

‎African American Photographica: Florida‎


‎Hastings Fl 1920. Two volumes. Eighteen sepia-toned photographs each approximately 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches. Oblong quarto. Contemporary black leatherette all photographs linen-backed and bound in on stubs. Mild shelf wear. Photographs in excellent condition. A very interesting pair of photo albums with large-format images featuring African- American field workers and other manual laborers working for Superior Brand New Potatoes in Florida in the early 20th century. The photographs were professionally produced by the Higginbotham Photo Company of Dallas Texas with their paper label affixed to the inside front cover of each album. Ten of the eighteen photographs feature African- American laborers in the fields on tractors posed outside the processing area or on trucks loading freight trains. Of the ten photographs four are unique examples and three are present in duplicate. In addition to the African-American workers several shots feature poor white laborers processing potatoes including one shot of workers using a Boggs Potato Grader. <br> <br> Hastings became the "Potato capital of Florida" in the early 1900s after Thomas Horace Hastings established a 1569-acre plantation to grow winter vegetables. Soon he switched to potatoes and by 1917 he enjoyed great success. Hastings remains an important agricultural center today serving as the packing and shipping center for a tri- county consortium of potato farmers with farms that also produce cabbage onions eggplant and other vegetables. hardcover books‎

Référence libraire : WRCAM54681


William Reese Company
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de William Reese Company]

1 480,67 € Acheter

Nombre de résultats : 8 677 (174 Page(s))

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