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‎Egenhændig notits m.underskrift.(Dat.for neden m.blyant: ""15.5.1962."" 3 linier.‎

‎""Det skrevne er aldeles ikke mig,/ men hvad jeg kunne tænke mig maa-/ ske vilde interessere andre./ Jacob Paludan.""‎

Référence libraire : 16170

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

26,86 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr.Poul Holst."" Dat.""Birkerød. Solbakken 8 Jan.1964."" 1 side 8vo.‎

‎Brevet omhandler en el.anden forestående litteratur-serie, og begynder: ""Vi har pt Södergrans Breve""...‎

Référence libraire : 16171

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

53,72 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr.Bibliotekar Poul Holst."" Dat. ""Birkerød 4.6.48."" 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎P.rekvirerer svar på et brev sendt for 3 uger siden.‎

Référence libraire : 16172

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

33,57 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift ""Til/ Dagens Nyheders Redaktion."" Dat. ""Birkerød, 14.1.34."" 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎J.P.har fremsendt en kronik,"" der formentlig har/ Interesse for mange."" etc. ...‎

Référence libraire : 22199

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

30,22 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brevkort med underskrift til ""Hr. Boghandler D. Emmerich"".‎

‎Kortet poststemplet Birkerød, 18.7. 1948. Oplyser at ""Billedbog uden Billeder"" tænkes udsendt i 1949 i Hasselbalchs Kulturbibliotek.‎

Référence libraire : 39010

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

53,72 € Acheter


‎Egenhændig notits m.underskrift.(Dat.for neden m.blyant: ""15.5.1962."" 3 linier.‎

‎""Det skrevne er aldeles ikke mig,/ men hvad jeg kunne tænke mig maa-/ ske vilde interessere andre./ Jacob Paludan.""‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift ""Til/ Dagens Nyheders Redaktion."" Dat. ""Birkerød, 14.1.34."" 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎J.P.har fremsendt en kronik,"" der formentlig har/ Interesse for mange."" etc. ...‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Hr. Bibliotekar Poul Holst"". Dat. 7.5.48. 1 side 4to.‎

‎Vedr. en udgivelse i Kulturbiblioteket, som P. var redaktør for. Også omhandlende Vilh.Grønbechs eventuelle optagelse i Kulturbiblioteket.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr.Bibliotekar Poul Holst."" Dat. ""Birkerød 4.6.48."" 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎P.rekvirerer svar på et brev sendt for 3 uger siden.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr.Poul Holst."" Dat.""Birkerød. Solbakken 8 Jan.1964."" 1 side 8vo.‎

‎Brevet omhandler en el.anden forestående litteratur-serie, og begynder: ""Vi har pt Södergrans Breve""...‎


‎Egenhændigt brevkort med underskrift til ""Hr. Boghandler D. Emmerich"".‎

‎Kortet poststemplet Birkerød, 18.7. 1948. Oplyser at ""Billedbog uden Billeder"" tænkes udsendt i 1949 i Hasselbalchs Kulturbibliotek.‎


‎Samling af 7 egenhændige breve, alle m. underskrift og til ""Kjære Borihsenius!"" Dat. ""30. Dec. 69"", 1 Marts 70"", ""13 September 1870"", ""8 Marts 1871"", ""11 Sept. 71"", ""31 October 1871"", ""16 Januar 1872"". I alt ca. 4 sider 8vo + 1 side 12mo.‎

‎Brevene omhandler arbejde, bøger, udgivelser, invitationer etc. ...‎

Référence libraire : 28769

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

167,87 € Acheter


‎Samling af 7 egenhændige breve, alle m. underskrift og til ""Kjære Borihsenius!"" Dat. ""30. Dec. 69"", 1 Marts 70"", ""13 September 1870"", ""8 Marts 1871"", ""11 Sept. 71"", ""31 October 1871"", ""16 Januar 1872"". I alt ca. 4 sider 8vo + 1 side 12mo.‎

‎Brevene omhandler arbejde, bøger, udgivelser, invitationer etc. ...‎


‎Egenhændigt brev med underskrift til ""Kære Frue"".‎

‎Dateret 18/4 02. 1 side, lille 8vo.‎

‎Takker for trofasthed. Olaf Poulsen (1849-1923), dansk skuespiller. Sin tids førende komiker.‎

Référence libraire : 39015

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

26,86 € Acheter


‎Poesibog tilhørende Yelva Munksgaard med tre egenhændige poetiske stykker m. underskrift fra hhv. Otto Gelsted (Dat. ""Nytaarsaften 1921""), Paul La Cour (Dat. ""26/11-22"") og Carl Jørgensen (Dat. ""27-11-1922.""). 3x2 sider 8vo.‎

‎Digtet fra Otto Gelsted bærer titlen ""Den første Sne"" og blev trykt i ""Enetaler"" i 1922. Paul La Cours digt hedder ""Nuet"", og Carl Jørgensens lille fortælling, der nok snarere er et lille stykke prosa end poesi går under titlen ""Dorthe.""‎

Référence libraire : 16881

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

134,30 € Acheter


‎Poesibog tilhørende Yelva Munksgaard med tre egenhændige poetiske stykker m. underskrift fra hhv. Otto Gelsted (Dat. ""Nytaarsaften 1921""), Paul La Cour (Dat. ""26/11-22"") og Carl Jørgensen (Dat. ""27-11-1922.""). 3x2 sider 8vo.‎

‎Digtet fra Otto Gelsted bærer titlen ""Den første Sne"" og blev trykt i ""Enetaler"" i 1922. Paul La Cours digt hedder ""Nuet"", og Carl Jørgensens lille fortælling, der nok snarere er et lille stykke prosa end poesi går under titlen ""Dorthe.""‎


‎Egenhændigt brev med underskrift til ""Kære Frue"".‎

‎Dateret 18/4 02. 1 side, lille 8vo.‎


‎Mécanique Philosophique, ou Analyse Raisonnée des diverses parties de la Science de l'Équilibre et du Mouvement. - [FROM NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY]‎

‎Paris, Imprimerie de la République, an VIII [i.e. 1800]. 4to. Bound in a lovely full mottled calf binding with fine, gilt ornamental borders to boards, double gilt line-borders to all edges of boards and a richly gilt spine. Spine with gilt red leather title-label and with the gilt monogram of Joséphine and Napoléon - ""JB"" - to lower spine. Neatly rebacked. With a handwritten inscription for Napoleon to title-page ""Au Citoyen Bonaparte/ premier Consul de la République francaise/ De la part du Conseil [de]/ L'Ecole Polythechnique"", with a signature underneath and the stamp of the Ecole Polytechnique. The inscription is slighly cropped at the outer margin. A bit of brownspotting here and there. (4), VII, (1), 477, (3) pp.‎

‎First edition, original offprint from Journal Polytechnique, Tome III, Cahiers 7 & 8, of Prony's magnum opus ""Mécanique phlilosophique"". The three parts here are all that appeared, as the planned two parts announced on the verso of the extra title-page never appeared. A truly splendid copy from Napoleon's library, with the gilt monogram of him and Joséphine from the library at Malmaison and with a presentation-inscription for Napoléon, which is rare. Books from the library at Malmaison do occasionally appear on the market, although they are rare. They are usually taken to be mainly Joséphine's, as she spent more time there. This, however, is a rare exception. First, we know that Napoléon actually did spend time at Malmaison at the time that he was given the present volume, around 1800, second, it bears an inscription for him, which is rare, determining for a fact that this was one of his books, not Joséphine's. Together with the Tuileries, Malmaison was the French government's headquarters from 1800 to 1802, exactly the time that Napoleon will have been given the present book and incorporated it in his library. Many of the books at the Malmaison library were books on things like gardening that Joséphine cared a great deal about. These were clearly her books. And some of the books, like the present, were clearly those of Napoleon himself. Napoleon was a voracious reader and he spent much time in his library studying his books. He had a personal librarian, always travelled with books, and took pride in constructing portable libraries as well as the rooms for his own actual library. On 9 July 1800, he gave the commission for a study to be built in place of the three small rooms situated on the south corner pavilion of Malmaison. Fontaine removed the partition walls and commissioned the Jacob brothers to make the teak woodwork. On 18 September, Fontaine wrote: “Everything is now in place, and even though the First Consul found that the room looked like a church sacristy, he was nevertheless forced to admit that it would have been difficult to do better in such an unsuitable space”. The paintings of the great ancient and classical authors which surround Apollo and Minerva on the ceiling were probably executed by Lafitte. Napoleon had been an avid reader since he was quite young, and when he began studying at the École Militaire in Paris, he continued to read classics, literature, and philosophy, as he would throughout his life, but he also read more scientifically and strategically aimed books. “His appetite for reading books continued as he rose in power. In 1798, about to depart on the Egyptian campaign, he gave Bourrienne a list of books he wanted in his camp library. These included works in Sciences and Arts (e.g., Treatise on Fortifications), Geography and Travels (e.g., Cook’s Voyages), History (e.g., Thucydides, Frederick II), Poetry (e.g., Ossian, Tasso, Ariosto), Novels (e.g., Voltaire, Héloïse, Werther and 40 volumes of “English novels”), and Politics and Morals (the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, etc.)” (Shannon Selin: Bonaparte the Book Worm), giving us a great insight into his preferences at the time. Prony, with his great Mechanical Philosophy, will have fallen perfectly amongst these great writers, when Napoleon returned to Malmaison, combining politics, science, and philosophy. It is not difficult to see how Napoleon will have been intrigued by mechanical philosophy, which is a form of natural philosophy that compares the universe to a large-scale mechanism. Mechanical philosophy is associated with the scientific revolution of Early Modern Europe, and one of the first expositions of universal mechanism is found in the opening passages of Hobbes’s Leviathan. Prony, in the present work, argues that mechanical principles in the practical arts themselves call for philosophical analysis. Baron Gaspard de Prony (1755-1839) was a French mathematician and engineer. He was educated at the Benedictine College at Toissei in Doubs. From there, he entered the École des Ponts et Chaussés in 1776, where he studied engineering until graduating in 1779. “In 1780 he became an engineer with the École des Ponts et Chaussés and after three years in a number of different regions of France he returned to the École des Ponts et Chaussés in Paris 1783. This was the same year he published his first major work in the Académie des Sciences on the forces on arches. Monge was impressed with this paper and realised that de Prony was someone of great potential. In 1785 de Prony visited England on a project to obtain an accurate measurement of the relative positions of the Greenwich Observatory and the Paris Observatory. Two years later he was promoted to inspector at the École des Ponts et Chaussés. Around this time he was involved with the work on the Louis XVI Bridge in Paris which is now called the Pont de la Concorde. Further promotion in 1790 was followed the next year by his being appointed Engineer-in-Chief of the École des Ponts et Chaussés. This promotion was as a result of the opening of the Louis XVI Bridge. Also around 1791 de Prony was working on geometry with Pierre Girard. Then in 1792, de Prony began a major task of producing logarithmic and trigonometric tables, the Cadastre. With the assistance of Legendre, Carnot and other mathematicians, and between 70 to 80 assistants, the work was undertaken over a period of years, being completed in 1801. […] In 1794 the École Centrale des Travaux Publics was founded by and was directed by Carnot and Monge. It was renamed the École Polytechnique in 1795 and de Prony was certainly one of the main lectures by this time. He is listed among the first teachers at the university […] In 1798 de Prony refused Napoleon's request that he join his army of invasion to Egypt. Fourier, Monge and Malus had agreed to be part of the expeditionary force and Napoleon was angry that de Prony would not come. It did mean that de Prony was to fail to receive the honours he deserved from Napoleon but de Prony's wife was a close friend of Joséphine and this probably saved de Prony from anything worse. In 1798 de Prony achieved his ambition of being appointed director of the École des Ponts et Chaussés. His desire for this post was almost certainly a main reason for his refusing to join Napoleon. As director he began producing a number of important texts on mathematical physics.” (From University of St. Andrews scientific biographies). The present book and its presentation to Napoleon comes from this time, linking the two even closer. After Napoleon was defeated, the reorganization in France included a reorganization of the École Polytechnique, which was closed during 1816. De Prony lost his position as professor there and was not part of the reorganization committee. However, as soon as the school reopened, de Prony was asked to be an examiner so he continued his connection yet only had to work one month per year.‎

Référence libraire : 60104

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

20 145,00 € Acheter


‎Mécanique Philosophique, ou Analyse Raisonnée des diverses parties de la Science de l'Équilibre et du Mouvement. - [FROM NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY]‎

‎Paris, Imprimerie de la République, an VIII [i.e. 1800]. 4to. Bound in a lovely full mottled calf binding with fine, gilt ornamental borders to boards, double gilt line-borders to all edges of boards and a richly gilt spine. Spine with gilt red leather title-label and with the gilt monogram of Joséphine and Napoléon - ""JB"" - to lower spine. Neatly rebacked. With a handwritten inscription for Napoleon to title-page ""Au Citoyen Bonaparte/ premier Consul de la République francaise/ De la part du Conseil [de]/ L'Ecole Polythechnique"", with a signature underneath and the stamp of the Ecole Polytechnique. The inscription is slighly cropped at the outer margin. A bit of brownspotting here and there. (4), VII, (1), 477, (3) pp.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev signeret ""C. C. Rafn.""‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, den 25de April 1863. 1 side 8vo. ""Kjøbenhavn, den 25de April 1863 / Betræffende Bogladeprisen / og ligeledes Subskriptionsprisen / paa Oldnordiske Ordbog kunde / der tages nærmere Bestemmelse, / efterat Bestyrelsens Betænkning / er indhentet. Vi maatte / jo see til at faae Bogen / udbredt. / Paa Tirsdag Eftermiddag kan / Bestemmelsen være truffen og for- / inden kunne Bøgerne ikke vel / afsendes. De ere vel heller ikke / alle heftede endnu. / Med megen Agtelse. / C. C. Rafn. / Gyldendalske Boghandling.""‎

‎Nydeligt håndskrevet og signeret brev fra den danske oldforsker C. C. Rafn.‎

Référence libraire : 59970

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

67,15 € Acheter


‎Spansk Sproglære efter en ny Plan udarbejdet af R. Rask. [Spanish Grammar] - [OTTO JESPERSEN'S COPY]‎

‎København, Beekens Forlag, 1824. 8vo. Cont. hcalf, somewhat worn. Spine with wear and a tear to front hinge. Internally brownspotted. Inner hinges a bit weak. 22,226 pp.‎

‎First edition of Rask's important ""Spanish Grammar"", Otto Jespersen's copy, with his name in own hand on front free end-paper. Otto Jespersen (1860 - 1943) was one of the greatest linguists of the 20th century. He was professor of English language at the university of Copenhagen, and his works on English language and grammar are some of the best within their field and they were used at most English universities. He is the inventor of the famous artificial language ""Novial"", and his work ""Fonetik"" is considered a mile-stone of European linguistics.""Through a long life Otto Jespersen has offered valuable contributions to general phonetics and grammar and to our knowledge of English and Danish and other languages, thus being a worthy successor of the great Danish linguists of the last century (Rask, Thomsen, Verner, and others). His revolutionary work for the improvement of the teaching of modern languages has had great effects far beyond the boundary of his own country."" (Niels Haislund, in: Sebeok, Portraits of Linguists. A Biographical Source Book for the History of Western Linguistics, 1746-1963, 1967). Rasmus Rask is one of the absolutely most prominent and famous Danish philologers and is very well esteemed worldwide. He was the first to systematically study the ancient Nordic languages and is the discoverer of the relations between the consonants in the Indo-European languages. This discovery served as the foundation of the rules Jacob Grimm later formulated, underlying the Germanic and High-German soundshifts. In PMM Rask is yielded as ""one of the founders of the modern science of language."" (PMM 266).‎

Référence libraire : 38780

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

483,48 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev signeret ""C. C. Rafn.""‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, den 25de April 1863. 1 side 8vo. ""Kjøbenhavn, den 25de April 1863 / Betræffende Bogladeprisen / og ligeledes Subskriptionsprisen / paa Oldnordiske Ordbog kunde / der tages nærmere Bestemmelse, / efterat Bestyrelsens Betænkning / er indhentet. Vi maatte / jo see til at faae Bogen / udbredt. / Paa Tirsdag Eftermiddag kan / Bestemmelsen være truffen og for- / inden kunne Bøgerne ikke vel / afsendes. De ere vel heller ikke / alle heftede endnu. / Med megen Agtelse. / C. C. Rafn. / Gyldendalske Boghandling.""‎


‎Spansk Sproglære efter en ny Plan udarbejdet af R. Rask. [Spanish Grammar] - [OTTO JESPERSEN'S COPY]‎

‎København, Beekens Forlag, 1824. 8vo. Cont. hcalf, somewhat worn. Spine with wear and a tear to front hinge. Internally brownspotted. Inner hinges a bit weak. 22,226 pp.‎


‎Egenhændigt bonmot på 3 linier:‎

‎Udateret. Teksten lyder: ""Jeg hader Blæk, Papir og Penne, tvinger Mig ei en Guddom eller Djævel til det, Saa rører jeg dem aldrig med en Finger."" Ernst v.d. R. 1 side, lille 8vo.‎

‎Ernst von der Recke, 1848-1933, dansk forfatter og filolog.‎

Référence libraire : 39013

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

26,86 € Acheter



‎Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. Lex 8vo. Bound uncut with the original printed wrappers in a very nice and elegant half morocco binding with five raised bands and gilt author and title to spine (Trinckvel). Wrappers a bit soiled, and a small repair to margin of front wrapper. Lower right corner of first two leaves repaired, far from afecting lettering. Otherwise a fine copy. Original handwritten and signed letter from Renan inserted between front end-papers. Withe the half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier""). (4), LIX, (1), 462 pp. + (1) leaf (colophon).‎

‎True first edition of this seminal classic on the life of Jesus, which caused an immediate scandal when it appeared. Rare with the original wrappers. Renan's masterpiece constitutes the first attempt to write a biography of Jesus the man and strongly puts forth the notion that the Bible too can be subject to historical investigation and critical scrutiny. The 1 full page original handwritten and signed (E. Renan) letter is dated August 1869 is about a certain Mr. Bambal, who, Renan writes, has left made a very good impression on him and has been a great help during his candidacee. He praises him as an intlligent man. Renan furthermore mentions a book that he wishes to give to the brother of the addressee of the letter. The work enraged the Roman Catholic Church but was an immediate success in most of Europe. ""In six months sixty thousand copies of the French edition had been sold and edition succeeded edition. Renan regarded the book as the first of a series on the ""Origins of Christianity"", which he continued with ""The Apostles"" (1866), ""Saint Paul"" (1869), ""The Anti-Christ"" (1873), ""The Gospels"" (1877), ""The Christian Church"" (1879) and ""Marcus Aurelius"" (1881) but none of these emulated the success of the ""Life of Jesus""... Immediate success was partly a ""succès de scandale"" but this would not have kept the book alive. It is Renan's approach to the subject and his beautiful prose that gave it lasting eminence."" (PMM 352). This groundbreaking work analyses the personality of the man Jesus, -a figure created by Renan out of his mind, but based on historical sources. ""It is a pastoral idyll with the central figure a gentle, albeit oracular visionary, his power to work miracles a part of his unique personality -the son of man, but not the Son of God... In this great work it seems clear that the audience he has found was the one he sought: the general reading public rather than the limited coterie of scholars"" and there is no doubt of the fact or the degree of his success."" (PMM 352). ""C'est le livre plus célèbre d'Ernest Renan (1823-1892) et le premier volume de l'Hisoire des origines du Christianisme""... on peut considérer cette ""Vie de Jésus"" comme une oeuvre de vulgarisation: l'auteur cherche à déterminer ce qui, au point de vue ""scientifique"", est de créance dans la vie du Nazaréen?"" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Apart from causing a world-wide scandal, the work was also a world-wide success, and no matter how many harsh words can be said about the historical and religious contents of the work, there is no doubt about the fact that it influenced the destiny of Catholicism decisively and that it is a masterpiece of 19th century French literature. It is very elegantly written and is renowned for its description of the historical setting, charming descriptions of sceneries, its penetrating psychological analysis and its overall style and class. ""Il faut ajouter que la ""Vie de Jésus"" compte au nombre des livres les mieux écrits de son temps"" le charme de la peinture des paysages, le pittoresque géneralement exact des évocations historiques, l'analyse pénétrante de l'âme des personnages, des seductions du style enfin, n'ont pas été pour rien dans le succès universel de cette oeuvre."" (Laffont-Bompiani IV:681). Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a French philologist, philosopher and historian. His father died when he was aged five, and his mother wanted him to become a priest. Until he was about 16 years old, he was trained by the Church, but due to his investigative and truth-seeking nature as well as his studies (e.g. Hebrew), he was in doubt as to the historical truth of the Scriptures, and with the help of his sister he chose his own path in life. ""He studied intensively the languages of the Bible and filled a number of minor academic positions, frequently encountering difficulties because of the heterodoxy and outspokenness of his religious opinions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man 352). In 1840 he began studying philosophy and later philology, in 1847 he took his degree as Agrégé de Philosophie and became master at the Lycée of Vendome. After having returned from a mission to Italy in the year 1850 where he gathered material for his historical-philosophical masterpiece, ""Averroës et l'Averroisme"", he was offered employment at the ""Bibliothèque Nationale"" (at the manuscript department). In 1861 he was chosen to become professor of Hebrew at the Collège de France, but because the emperor refused to ratify the appointment (inspired by the Clerical party), he was not established in the chair untill 1870. In 1878 he was elected for the Academy. Renan is considered a scholar of the greatest excellence and an impressive writer.‎

Référence libraire : 44687

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

2 954,60 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt bonmot på 3 linier:‎

‎Udateret. Teksten lyder: ""Jeg hader Blæk, Papir og Penne, tvinger Mig ei en Guddom eller Djævel til det, Saa rører jeg dem aldrig med en Finger."" Ernst v.d. R. 1 side, lille 8vo.‎



‎Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1863. Lex 8vo. Bound uncut with the original printed wrappers in a very nice and elegant half morocco binding with five raised bands and gilt author and title to spine (Trinckvel). Wrappers a bit soiled, and a small repair to margin of front wrapper. Lower right corner of first two leaves repaired, far from afecting lettering. Otherwise a fine copy. Original handwritten and signed letter from Renan inserted between front end-papers. Withe the half-title (""Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre premier""). (4), LIX, (1), 462 pp. + (1) leaf (colophon).‎

‎"RESQUEMORES" [Ramón García Rodrigo Nocedal].‎

‎Anales Taurinos. Toros. Toreros. Empresas. Ganaderos. Aficionados. Año Primero, 1900.‎

‎Madrid, Avrial, Impresor, 1900. 4to. mayor; 528 pp. Retratos fotográficos y dibujados entre el texto, y anuncios publicitarios. Ejemplar con envío autógrafo del autor. Encuadernación de época en media tela.‎


‎Orig. handwritten and signed manuscript for ""Chanson Illustrée."" 6 pages narrow 4to., 25-30 lines to each page.‎

‎Nice hcalf. Boards with marbled cover paper. Leather title label on front board. Compositor marks in text.‎

‎Complete autographed manuscript by Jean Richepin (1849-1930) who was imprisoned for the boldness in his writings (Chanson des Gueux, 1876). This story is complete in itself, and is, as far as seen, not published by itself. As it is not a poem, it is not to be found in R.'s poetical works, but the compositor marks do point to printing.‎

Référence libraire : 21828

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

1 141,55 € Acheter


‎Orig. handwritten and signed manuscript for ""Chanson Illustrée."" 6 pages narrow 4to., 25-30 lines to each page.‎

‎Nice hcalf. Boards with marbled cover paper. Leather title label on front board. Compositor marks in text.‎


‎Original handwritten manuscript-leaf in Rousseau's hand constituting in a series of notes on marriage from the ""Rituel de Chartres"" (printed in Paris in 1531). - [HANDWRITTEN NOTES BY ROUSSEAU ON MARRIAGE RITUALS]‎

‎(Unsigned, and no date, but penned between 1746 and 1751). 1 leaf 4to (25,5 x 19 cm), off-white paper in fine condition. Fully penned on both recto (24 lines) and verso (5 lines).‎

‎This magnificent manuscript leaf in Rousseau's hand constitutes notes on marriage rituals taken from ""Rituel des Chartres"", which was printed in Paris in 1531. This manuscript leaf is part of a grandiose project that Rousseau was working on with his employer Madame Dupin during his years as her secretary. The project was that of writing the history of womankind. With its focus on gender equality, the work is nothing less than pioneering and would no doubt have been a work of seminal importance in the history of feminism and women's rights, had it ever been published. The manuscript ended up comprising more than 2.000 pages, but was never printed. Louise Marie Madeline Fontaine Dupin (1706-1799) was one of the most famous salonnieres of the 18th century, renowned for the beauty as well as her intelligence. Rousseu met her in 1743 and took an instant liking to her. In 1745, she offered him the position as her private secretary and tutor to her son. During his six years in her employment, he spent most of the time working on the grandiose project of the history of women, until it was abandoned in 1751. ""In the years between 1745 and 1749 Jean Jacques Rousseau was employed by Louise Marie Madeline Dupin as a research assistant on her ambitious project to delineate in print the history of women. After years of labor by Rousseau and Madame Dupin her ""Ouvrage sur les Femmes"" was shelved, unfinished. The research notes, drafts, and fair copies written by Rousseau and his employer were stored at the chateau of Chenonceaux, essentially forgotten, until their sale at a series of auctions held between 1951 and 1958."" (Harry Ranson Center, University of Texas)‎

Référence libraire : 60957

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

6 715,00 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr. Direktør Jakob Jakobsen"". 2 sider 8vo.‎

‎R.skriver, at han har omarbejdet skuespillet ""grønlandsfærd"", ""i det Håb, at de måtte finde det brugeligt for åben Teater""...‎

Référence libraire : 16148

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

26,86 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt digtmanuskript (""Nytårs ny"") m. underskrift. 7 vers, 2 sider stor 8vo.‎

‎Digtet blev trykt i 1908 i ""Under aaben Himmel"", og begynder således: ""Intet er lyst og intet er let/ som Nytårets ny lille Måne""... Side 2 bærer præg af tryksværte.‎

Référence libraire : 16462

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

90,65 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt digtmanuskript (""Rasmus Nellemann"") med underskrift. 37 vers, 10 sider‎

‎Dateret "" Juni 1904 - 24/II 1905."" 10 sider, folio. Vedlagt egenhændigt brev med underskrift til Harald Nellemann (1872-1908), udateret. 4 sider., 8vo.‎

‎Digtet handler om Nellemanns farbror, der faldt i 1864. Han beder Nellemann om at medvirke til trykning af digtet. Digtet er trykt i ""Den gamle Kaptajn"", bd.1, side 21.‎

Référence libraire : 40548

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

201,45 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Hr. Direktør Jakob Jakobsen"". 2 sider 8vo.‎

‎R.skriver, at han har omarbejdet skuespillet ""grønlandsfærd"", ""i det Håb, at de måtte finde det brugeligt for åben Teater""...‎


‎Egenhændigt digtmanuskript (""Nytårs ny"") m. underskrift. 7 vers, 2 sider stor 8vo.‎

‎Digtet blev trykt i 1908 i ""Under aaben Himmel"", og begynder således: ""Intet er lyst og intet er let/ som Nytårets ny lille Måne""... Side 2 bærer præg af tryksværte.‎


‎Egenhændigt digtmanuskript (""Rasmus Nellemann"") med underskrift. 37 vers, 10 sider‎

‎Dateret "" Juni 1904 - 24/II 1905."" 10 sider, folio. Vedlagt egenhændigt brev med underskrift til Harald Nellemann (1872-1908), udateret. 4 sider., 8vo.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Kære Kjeld Elfelt"". Dat. ""Fathers Point, Sct. Laurence,/ 19. August 1927."" 2 sider 8vo.‎

‎Brevet omhandler et tidligere brev, S. har skrevet, som skulle have forårsaget Elfelt problemer. S. kan imidlertid ikke genkalde sig anledningen til brevet, men ved, at han ""ikke skrev/ i galhovedet Tilstand."" Han kritiserer desuden sit opholdssted på det kraftigste: ""Deres tilsyneladende ophidsede/ Skrivelse modtaget paa Verdens/ tristeste Punkt, læg mærke til/ Navnet: Fathers Point... Til at diskutere Forfatter- og/ Anmeldervirksomhed opfordrer/ Stedet heller ikke... Naar Floden staar op igen, letter/ vi for Montreal, og jeg vil/ faneme ikke diskutere Kommaer."" ...‎

‎Brevet er skrevet på brevpapir fra ""Canadian Pacific/ S.S. Montcalm.""‎

Référence libraire : 27496

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

537,20 € Acheter


‎La mort dans l'âme, roman. Les chemins de la liberté III. + manuscript-fragment for the novel. - [ONE OF THREE COPIES OUT OF COMMERCE & FRAGMENT OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT]‎

‎(Paris), Gallimard, (1949). Uncut and unopened in the orig. printed wrappers, excellent copy + original handwritten manuscript-leaf in ink, 2pp., 4to, for the pages 134-138 in the first edition, containing numerous corrections and emendations as well as a burnt hole from one of Sartre's cigarettes. The paper is watermarked ""Herakles"". Both items are placed in a very beautiful custom-made red full-morocco box, internally broadened to fit both items, w. single gilt line-borders to boards and back, beatifully gilt titles on back. The manuscript-fragment is placed in a red morocco-backed plastic-folder.‎

‎First edition of this splendid and important novel, without doubt the best of the novel-cycle, one of three copies out of commerce printed on ""vergé antique blanc"", numbered ""C"". The manuscript-fragment greatly varies from the printed leaves, and is probably part of Sartre's very first notes to the manuscript, which were written several years before the publication of the work. The work was announced already in 1945 under the title ""La Dernière Chance"", and was supposed to appear in ""Les Temps modernes"" in November 1947, but because the work grew to great, Sartre let it become part three of the novel-cycle ""Les chemins de la liberté"", instead of setting free the characters in the already printed novels (I and II) and casting them as main characters in new independent novels. This work represents one of Sartre's best literary works, and in it he presents us with the existentialist moral sentiments that were philosophically outlined in his main philosophical work, L'être et le néant, but this time in literary form.""Le volume - qui est sans doute le meilleur de la série - fut écrit en 1947-1948 en même temps, notons-le que l'ébauche de la morale de l'existentialisme promise à la fin de L'ÊTRE ET LE NÉANT. Le première partie couvre chronologiquement la période du 1 au 18 juin 1940 et se termine en laissant Mathieu dans une situation particulièrement despérée"" la deuxième partie décrit le début de captivité d'un groupe de soldats francais qui comprend le militant communiste Brunet et un certain Schneider que l'on soupconne d'être un indicateur."" (Contat & Rybalka, p. 207).The first edition of the work appeared in 2163 copies , out of which 8 were on ""vergé antique blanc"", numbered I-V and A-C (the last three being ""hors commerce""), 105 were on ""vélin pur fil Lafuma Navarre"", numbered VI-CV and D-H (the last five being ""hors commerce""), and 2.050 on ""alfa Navarre"", numbered 1-2050 (the last 50 being ""hors commerce""). Contat & Rybalka 49/179.‎

Référence libraire : 34301

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

10 072,50 € Acheter


‎To orig. håndskrevne og signerede beskeder. 2 x 1 side 4to.‎

‎Den ene besked er til ""en eller annen Suszkiewicz"", i hvilken S. beder om at blive vækket kl. 11, da han skal ""Telefonere til en mann kl. 12.30"", så han får 1 1/2 tima at vågne i.Den anden besked består af Eva Sandemoses adresse i Rom, under hvilken er skrevet ""To tusen kroner i lire/ ligger på det norske/ konsulat i Roma/ Aksel/ Koster?""‎

Référence libraire : 27506

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

201,45 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Kære Kjeld Elfelt"". Dat. ""Fathers Point, Sct. Laurence,/ 19. August 1927."" 2 sider 8vo.‎

‎Brevet omhandler et tidligere brev, S. har skrevet, som skulle have forårsaget Elfelt problemer. S. kan imidlertid ikke genkalde sig anledningen til brevet, men ved, at han ""ikke skrev/ i galhovedet Tilstand."" Han kritiserer desuden sit opholdssted på det kraftigste: ""Deres tilsyneladende ophidsede/ Skrivelse modtaget paa Verdens/ tristeste Punkt, læg mærke til/ Navnet: Fathers Point... Til at diskutere Forfatter- og/ Anmeldervirksomhed opfordrer/ Stedet heller ikke... Naar Floden staar op igen, letter/ vi for Montreal, og jeg vil/ faneme ikke diskutere Kommaer."" ...‎


‎To orig. håndskrevne og signerede beskeder. 2 x 1 side 4to.‎

‎Den ene besked er til ""en eller annen Suszkiewicz"", i hvilken S. beder om at blive vækket kl. 11, da han skal ""Telefonere til en mann kl. 12.30"", så han får 1 1/2 tima at vågne i.Den anden besked består af Eva Sandemoses adresse i Rom, under hvilken er skrevet ""To tusen kroner i lire/ ligger på det norske/ konsulat i Roma/ Aksel/ Koster?""‎


‎La mort dans l'âme, roman. Les chemins de la liberté III. + manuscript-fragment for the novel. - [ONE OF THREE COPIES OUT OF COMMERCE & FRAGMENT OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT]‎

‎(Paris), Gallimard, (1949). Uncut and unopened in the orig. printed wrappers, excellent copy + original handwritten manuscript-leaf in ink, 2pp., 4to, for the pages 134-138 in the first edition, containing numerous corrections and emendations as well as a burnt hole from one of Sartre's cigarettes. The paper is watermarked ""Herakles"". Both items are placed in a very beautiful custom-made red full-morocco box, internally broadened to fit both items, w. single gilt line-borders to boards and back, beatifully gilt titles on back. The manuscript-fragment is placed in a red morocco-backed plastic-folder.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Kjære Ven!"" Dat. ""Mandag Aften."" 1 side lille 8vo.‎

‎Omhandler bl.a. en artikel af Daudet.‎

Référence libraire : 21816

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

26,86 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Kjære Ven!"" Dat. ""Mandag Aften."" 1 side lille 8vo.‎

‎Omhandler bl.a. en artikel af Daudet.‎


‎Originalt håndskrevet brev til ""Herr Licent: Lind"", signeret ""Sibbern"".‎

‎2 sider 8vo. på godt skrivepapir.‎

‎Nydeligt egenhændigt brev fra den danske tænker og professor F.C. Sibbern (1785-1872), hvori han takker P.E. Lind (1814-1903), senere biskop over Aalborg Stift, samt kollegiets øvrige alumner for ""den forunderlige, ja jeg kan sige mere end forunderlige, Aften, som jeg tilbragte paa Borchs Collegium"". Breve fra Sibbern er særdeles ualmindelige.‎

Référence libraire : 61384

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

114,15 € Acheter


‎""En Røst fra Dybet"". Egenhændigt, signeret manuskript. 7 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎Essay om sømanden og hans kår.‎

Référence libraire : 28771

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

154,44 € Acheter


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Fru Professorinde Bögh!"" Dat. ""Rosenvænget 22-3-19."" 1 side 8vo.‎

‎S.takker for nogle tilsendte fotografier efter Marstrand, og afslår anmodningen om nogle linier om, hvordan juleaften blev fejret i hans fædrene hjem.‎

Référence libraire : 16175

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

53,72 € Acheter


‎""En Røst fra Dybet"". Egenhændigt, signeret manuskript. 7 1/2 side 8vo.‎

‎Essay om sømanden og hans kår.‎


‎Egenhændigt brev m.underskrift til ""Fru Professorinde Bögh!"" Dat. ""Rosenvænget 22-3-19."" 1 side 8vo.‎

‎S.takker for nogle tilsendte fotografier efter Marstrand, og afslår anmodningen om nogle linier om, hvordan juleaften blev fejret i hans fædrene hjem.‎

Nombre de résultats : 72 212 (1445 Page(s))

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