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‎6. und 7. Leibniz-Festtage 2009/2010 : Predigten und Vorträge in der evangelisch-lutherischen Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche St. Johannis, Hannover ; Leibniz im Garten der Vernunft ; Glauben und Wissen.‎

‎Hannover, Hora-Verlag, 2011. 137 Seiten, H 21 x 15 cm, OKart. - Sehr guter Zustand. broschiert/ Taschenbuch/ paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PHI965

‎Akten d. II. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, 17.-22. Juli 1972. Bd. 2: Wissenschaftstheorie u. Wissenschaftsgeschichte.‎

‎Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1974. 3 Bl., 325 S. Lwd. (Studia Leibnitiana. Suppl. 13).‎

Bookseller reference : 606310

‎Bayle's & Leibniz' dröftelse af theodice-problemet - zwei Bände.‎

‎Köbenhavn Munksgaards Forlag, 1965. 745 S. 4° Quart Brosch. 2 Bände‎

‎En idehistorisk redegörelse af Leif Nedergaard-Hansen. I. del: Bayle. Med nogle traek af denne debats avspejling i dansk filosoferen fra Holberg til Kierkegaard. 482 S. II. del: Leibniz. 263 S. Der Vorderdeckel des ersten Bandes ist im unteren Bereich etwas knickspurig. Die Einbandkanten haben Randbestoßungen. Die unteren Kapitale sind bestoßen. Der Schnitt ist nicht beschnitten. Gute Exemplare. sehr guter Zustand‎

Bookseller reference : 16412

Antiquariat Boller
DE - Staufenberg
[Books from Antiquariat Boller]

€23.50 Buy

‎Beiträge zur Leibniz-Forschung. Hrsg. v. G. Schischkoff.‎

‎Reutlingen, Gryphius, (1947). 240 S. OBr. Etwas berieben. St. a. Tit. (Monogr. z. philos. Forsch. 1).‎

Bookseller reference : 605891

‎Geist d. Herrn v. Leibnitz oder auserlesene Gedanken üb. d. Religion, Moral, Sprachen u. Geschichte aus allen seinen Werken zusammengetragen. Dt. v. (L.L.W. Brunn). Bd. 1-2 (von 4) in 1.‎

‎Wittenberg, Zimmermann, 1775. 178 S., 4 Bl., 250 S. Ldr. d. Zt. Einbd. leicht berieben. Rücken gering beschäd.‎

Bookseller reference : 606571

‎Leben und Werk von G.W. Leibniz. Eine Chronik. Bearbeitet von Kurt Müller und Gisela Krönert.‎

‎Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann 1969. 1969. Gr. 8°, 331 S. mit einigen s/w Tafeln. Orig.-Karton.‎

‎Erste Ausgabe.- (= Veröffentlichungen des Leibniz-Archivs Nr. 2).- Einband leicht lichtrandig. Gutes Exemplar.‎

Bookseller reference : 94526

‎Leibniz (The) Renaissance. International Workshop (Firenze, 2-5 giugno 1986).‎

‎cm. 17 x 24, 308 pp. Biblioteca di storia della scienza Inglese 610 gr. 308 p.‎

‎Leibniz zu seinem 300. Geburtstag. 1646-1946. Mit Beiträgen von E. Benz, W. Conze, I. Döhl, K. Dürr, N. Hartmann (Leibniz als Metaphysiker), E. Hochstetter, J. E. Hofmann, R. F. Merkel, K. Reidemeister, J. Steudel, R. Zocher u.a. Lieferung 1-6 in 1 Band.‎

‎Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1946-1951. Gr.-8vo. Einzeln paginiert. Moderne Lwd. m. RSchild.‎

‎Beigebunden: Liselotte Richter: Leibniz und sein Rußlandbild. - Papier teils etw. gebräunt. Guter Band.‎

Bookseller reference : 8526

Antiquariat Düwal
DE - Berlin
[Books from Antiquariat Düwal]

€60.00 Buy

‎Leibniz-Faksimiles. Bekanntes und Unbekanntes aus seinem Nachlaß. Übersetzt, transkribiert und erläutert mit Unterstützung der Niedersächsischen Landesbibliothek Hannover. Herausgegeben von der Stiftung Volkwagenwerk. Mit einem Beitrag von Joachim Otto Fleckenstein über Leibniz und die Wissenschaftlichen Akademien. 2 Bände.‎

‎Hildesheim/New York, Olm, 1971. 4°, VIII, 66 Seiten mit montiertem farbigen Titelportrait; 14 Faksimiles auf 24 losen, meist gefalteten Blättern. Orig.Karton / Mappe in illustrierter Orig.Pappkassette.‎

‎Numeriertes Exemplar 463 (von ?), als Jahresgabe an die Fördermitglieder verteilt. Textband mit Fußnoten. Unter den Faksimiles: Leibniz an Heinrich Brand (1678), Entwurf zur Konstruktionsverbesserung der Rechenmaschine (1682), Über dyadische Zahlen (1705), Leibniz an Kaiser Karl VI. (1713) - Kassette an den Kanten eingerissen und abgeschabt.‎

Bookseller reference : 22467

‎Leibniz. Tradition und Aktualität. V. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongreß.. Vorträge. 2 Bde.‎

‎Hannover, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft 1988. 1080; 396 S. Original-Kartonband‎

‎Einband mit Knickspuren.‎

Bookseller reference : 192117-1 ISBN : 398009782

‎Leibniz. Werk und Wirkung. IV. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongreß.. Vorträge. 2 Bde.‎

‎Hannover, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft 1983. 967; 246 S. Original-Kartonband‎

‎Gutes Exemplar.‎

Bookseller reference : 192120-1

‎Spinozas Ethik und ihre frühe Wirkung. Herausgegeben von Konrad Cramer, Wilhelm G. Jacobs und .Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann. Vorträge gehalten anlässl. des 8. Wolfenbütteler Symposions vom 6. - 8. Dezember 1979 in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek.‎

‎Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek 1981. 130 S. 23 x 15 cm. Original-Broschur. (= Wolfenbütteler Forschungen. Herausgegeben von der Herzog August Bibliothek. Band 16.)‎

‎Erste Ausgabe. Gut erhalten. 3883730165‎

Bookseller reference : 63929


‎Specimen Novum Analyseos pro Scientia Infiniti, circa Summas & Quadraturas. [In: Acta eruditorum anno MDCCII publicata]. - [THE INTEGRATION OF RATIONAL FUNCTIONS]‎

‎Lipsiae [Leipzig], Gross, Frisch and Groschuf, 1702. 4to. Entire volume present. Bound in a nice contemporary full vellum with handwritten year and an old library-label to spine. A bit of soiling. Internally evenly brownspotted throughout, occasionally with heavier brownspotting (not the Leibnitz-article). Discreet stamp ti title-page and to first leaf of text. Pp. 210-219 + one folded plate (""Regulae universales pro fractionibus numeratoris indeterminati...""). [Entire volume: (2), 566 pp. + 9 folded engraved plates.‎

‎First edition of Leibnitz' important work on the integration of rational fractions, the ""New specimen of the Analysis for the Science of the infinite about Sums and Quadratures"", in which Leibnitz investigates the factorization of real polynomials and thus comes close to the ""fundamental theorem of algebra"" (the theorem that states that every non-constant single-variable polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one complex root, and that field of complex numbers is algebraically closed), which was not attempted proven until 1746 (by d'Alembert, whose proof was incomplete), and which was not actually proven before the 19th century (by Argand, and more fully by Gauss).The present work constitutes the first printing of Leibniz' new examples of calculating with infinite numbers, a most fundamental work for the further development within algebraic equations and integral formulae.Apart from Leibnitz' ""Scientia infiniti"", the present volume also includes an essay by Halley on Hooke's barometer (pp. 180-83, one engr. Plate depicting a barometer).‎

Bookseller reference : 41371

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,678.75 Buy


‎Methodus datae figurae, rectis lineis & curva Geometrica terminate, aut Quadraturam, aut impossibilitatem ejusdem Quadraturae determinandi. (+) Nova Methodus determinandi Maxima & Minima.‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1683. 4to. Without wrappers. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCLXXXIII"", No.III + X (March and October issues). Pp. 81-128 + pp. 417-464 a. 2 engraved plates. (Entire issues offered). Tschirnhaus's papers: pp. 122-124 + pp. 433-437. Some browning as usual.‎

‎First appearance of Tschirnhaus's two papers in which he used infinitisimal methods which were very close to Leibniz's method and where he tried to lay down criteria for rational quadratures in the case of conic, cubic and quadratic curves, papers that led Leibniz to publish his first paper on the differential calculus, the ""Nova Methoda"" in the Acta for 1684 in order to secure his priority over Tschirnhaus concerning the calculus. Leibniz discovered, when he read Tschirnhaus' papers, that Tschirnhaus had here published results showing similarity with Leibniz's invention of the calculus as he had confided to Tschirnhaus earlier, during their Parisian stay, and this without references to Leibniz.The second issue contains an original paper by LEIBNIZ: ""Meditatio Juridico-Mathematica de Interusurio simplice"". Pp. 425-32.‎

Bookseller reference : 45599

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€671.50 Buy


‎Collectanea Etymologica illustrationi linguarum veteris Celticae (+) Elogium Godofredi Guiliemi Leibnitii (+) Problema Posthum ab incomparabili Viro Perillustri Dn. Godefrido Guilielmo Lib (+) Notitia de Historia Brunsuicensi. - [LEIBNITZ'S OBITUARY BY WOLFF IN ACTA ERUDITORUM]‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1717. 4to. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCCXVII"". The entire volume offered in contemporary full vellum. Hand written title on spine. A yellow label pasted on to top of spine. A small stamp to title-page and free front end-paper. Library label to pasted down front free end-paper. As usual with various browning to leaves and plates. Pp. 317-322" Pp. 322-336 Pp. 353-360 Pp. 360-362. [Entire volume: (4), 553, (39) pp. + seven engraved plates.].‎

‎First printing of the famous Libnitz-issue of Acta Eruditorum published a year after the death of Leibnitz, including the renowned obituary by the German philosopher Christian Wolff. In 1706, Leibniz recommended Wolff for the Professorship at Halle, the post Wolff held for seventeen years until his dismissal, and in 1711, Leibniz sponsored Wolff's membership to the Berlin Academy. It is also mentioned that during the year of Leibniz's death in 1716, Leibniz visited Wolff in Halle when returning to Hanover from Vienna. To honor Leibnitz memory Wolff undertook the project of writing ELOGIUM GODOFREDI GUILIEMI LEIBNITII, a treatise of the life of Leibnitz. As early as 1679 George I, acting as Leibnitz patron, directed him to write the history of the house of Brunswick. Immediately after he began arranging material he had collected. The work was, however, only the preparatory steps when Leibnitz died in 1716 and the work was never published. The present paper, NOTITIA DE HISTORIA BRUNSUICENSI, is the only part of the work, which could have become a opus magnum with historiography, that has ever been published. The volume also contains:Goldbach, Christian. Temperamentum Musicum Universale. Pp. 114-15.And many other papers by influential contemporary mathematicians, philosophers and historians.‎

Bookseller reference : 44194

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€872.95 Buy


‎Observatio, quod rationes sive proportiones non habeant locum circa quantitates nihilo minores, et de vero sensu methodi infinitesimalis. - [LEIBNIZ ON INFINITESIMALS]‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1712. 4to. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCCXII"". The entire volume offered in contemporary full vellum. Hand written title on spine. A yellow label pasted on to top of spine. A small stamp to title-page and free front end-paper. Library label to pasted down front free end-paper. As usual with various browning to leaves and plates. Pp. 167-69. [Entire volume: (2), 555, (35) pp. + five engraved plates.].‎

‎First printing of one of Leibniz's latest publications in which he proposed an interpretation of infinitesimals by a comparison of bodies of different extensions. The paper is a response to to a problem raised by French philosopher and mathematician Antoine Arnauld, who wrote an important philosophical work known as ""The Logic of Port-Royal"" from 1662 and ""Geometry"", 1667. In the book he includes an example of symbolic rules that he considers to be against our basic intuitions on magnitudes and proportions. His reasoning goes as follows ""Suppose we have two numbers, a larger and a smaller one. The proportion of the larger to the smaller one should evidently be larger than the proportion of the smaller to the larger one. But if we use 1 as the larger number and - 1 as the smaller one this would lead to (1/-1) > (-1/1) which is against the rules of algebra"". (Heeffer, The Methodological Relevance of the History of Mathematics for Mathematics Education, 1992).Leibniz saw this as a genuine mathematical problem but argued that the division should be performed as a symbolic calculation. ""Following Leibniz, the infinite appeared in two forms as the (i) Contiuous infinite and (ii) the discrete infinite. The status of the differentials is closely related to the status of the infinite. [...] As a consequence, there is no clear and consistence distinction between continua of different kind related to (i) geometry and to (ii) mechanics. [...] Leinbiz did neither consequently argue mathematically or arithmetically nor consequently geometrically, phenomenologically and mechanically. [But] The correlation between mathematics and physics is as impressive as possible. (Suisky, Euler as physicist, 2009, p. 89-90).The volume also contains:Bernoulli, Johann. Angulorum arcuumque sectio indefinita per formulam universalem expressa. Pp. 274-277" 329-30.And many other papers by influential contemporary mathematicians, philosophers and historians.‎

Bookseller reference : 44073

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€738.65 Buy


‎Specimen Dynamicum (+) Notatiuncula Constructiones Lineae in qua Sacoma aequilibrium cum pondere moto faciens incedere debet. Et quaedam de Quadraturis (+) Resposio ad nonnullas Difficultates a Bern. Nieuwentüt circa Methodum differentialem motas (+) ... - [FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE ""BERNOULLI EQUATION"".]‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1695. 4to. Contemp. full vellum. Faint handwritten title on spine. A small stamp on titlepage and pasted library label to pasted down front free end-paper. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCXCV"". (2), 560, (52) pp. + 10 plates. As usual with various browning to leaves and plates. The entire volume offered. Leibniz's papers: pp. 145-57" 184-185 310-316 369-372 493-495. Jacob Bernoulli's paper: pp. 537-553 + one folding table 65-66. Johann Bernoulli's: pp. 59-65" 374-376.‎

‎First printing of a series of influential papers by Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli and Johann Bernoulli.First publication of Jakob Bernoulli's famous and influential ""Bernoulli Equation"". In ""Notatiuncula Constructiones Lineae"" Bernoulli proposed a solution to non linear equations which today is one of the most common used solutions of the general fluid. Bernoulli equations are significant because they are nonlinear differential equations with known exact solutions. In the ""Specimen dynamicum"" Leibniz presents a conception of body and force which distinct between primitive and derivative forces and between active and passive forces. This article is regarded as being the clearest exposition of Leibniz' dynamics. (DSB VII, 151b).""The first attempt at a detailed account of the dynamics was a long dialogue, the ""Phoranomus seu de potentia et legibus naturae,"" written in July 1689 while Leibniz was in Rome. This was quickly followed be the composition of the massive Dynamica de potential et legibus naturae corporeae (1689-90) [...]. Though it was written with the intention of publication, and though Leibniz work at publishing it, he never considered it entirely finished and it remained unpublished during his lifetime.The later [...] he finally revealed some of the metaphysical foundations of the project in an essay [the present paper]."" (Garber, Daniel. Leibniz: body, substance, monad. 2009. 132 p.)""Its title suggests a summary of or a selection from the earlier work [...]. However, it actually contains something in a way rather more interesting: a careful exposition of the metaphysical foundations of the new science, something that is hard to find in the old Dynamica or any of the more Technical pieces."" (Garber, Daniel. Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. 2009. 133 p.)‎

Bookseller reference : 42860

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€2,014.50 Buy


‎Lettres de M. de Leibnitz á M. Herman. Part I-II. (I.No. I-III - II. No. 1-26).‎

‎(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1759). 4to. No wrappers as issued in ""Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"". tome XIII, 1757. Titlepage (Classe de Philosophie Spéculative) and pp. (451-)522.‎

‎First appearance of this remarkable, mathematical correspondance, comprising 29 letters mostly of mathematical content, and after the death of Herman leading to some controveries in relation to priorities.Ravier ""Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Leibniz"" No. 465.‎

Bookseller reference : 42999

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€604.35 Buy


‎Oeuvres philosophiques latines & francoises de feu. Tirées de ses manuscrits qui se conservent dans la bibliotheque royale a Hanovre et publiées par Mr. Rud. Eric Raspe. Avec une Préface de Mr. Kaestner. [Nouveau essais sur l'entendement humain, -New ... - [FIRST PRINTING OF ""NEW ESSAYS ON HUMAN UNDERSTANDING""]‎

‎Amsterdam et Leipzig, Chez Jean Schreuder, 1765. 4to. Uncut in the original marbled boards. Professionally rebacked preserving almost all of the original back. The fragile orginal binding is here preserved in its entirety, and it has quite a bit of overall wear. Apart from a small hole to two leaves in the index, affecting ab. one work on each of the four pages, it is internally nice and clean. Title-page printed in red and black. Beautiful eng. title-vignette and a few other woodcut vignettes and initials. (4), XVI, (2), 540, (18) pp.‎

‎First edition thus, being the first collected edition of Leibnitz' philosophical works in French and Latin, and containing the FIRST PRINTING of one of Leibnitz' most important philosophical works, his ""Nouveaux essays sur l'entendement humain"" (New Essays on Human Understanding), in which he attacks and refutes Locke and his ""Essay on Human Understanding"" and gives important testimony to his own philosophical ideas. With its 496 pages, this extensive work takes up most of this collection of philosophical works, and it also constitutes one of his largest and most important of his philosophical works. As explained by Raspe, the editor, in his preface to this publication, ""LES NOUVEAUX ESSAIS SUR L'ENTENDEMENT HUMAIN, qui sont la partie principale de recueil, sont connûs trés imparfaitement par l'histoire de la Philosophie de Leibnitz, que Mr. Ludovici a publiée"" (p. X), and the reason why the work was known, even though it had not been published, is because of a letter that Leibnitz had written in 1714, in which he explains why he did not wish to publish the work. Raspe quotes the letter (p. X), from which it becomes clear that Leibnitz had not wished to publish an attack on Locke and his work, because Locke had died in 1704 (the same year that Leibnitz had actually written the work), and because Leibnitz was against publishing refutations of dead authors: ""Mais je me suis degouté de publier des refutations des Auteurs morts, quoiqu'elles dissent paroitre Durant leur vie & étre communiqués à eux memes"". Raspe points to the nobleness of this decision, but he also points to what could be other reasons for Leibnitz not wishing to publish his seminal work, one of them being that towards the end of his life (he died in 1716), he did not wish to enter into any more controversies with the British, since he was already engaged in two very important ones that occuopied much of his time and energy: The first concerned the invention of the differential calculus, the second was against Mr. Clarke on liberty and important metaphysical and theological questions. Another reason could also be that he did not want to begin controversies with the friends of Locke, who at that time were many and important.Locke's ""An Essay Concerning Human Understanding"", which is the work here being refuted by Leibnitz, became the crucial groundwork for the future empiricists with David Hume in the foreground, and thus Leibnitz' work, though published posthumously, probably came to play a bigger role in the history of philosophy than it would have done had it been published just after he wrote it. Few philosophers of his time were susceptible to Leibnitz' ideas and his application of logic to the problems of metaphysics, as most of them were far more receptive to Locke's empiricism. However, when Leibnitz' ""Nouveaux essays..."" was finally published here in his ""Oeuvres philosophiques"" in 1765, it became hugely influential and was also an important factor in the development of Kant's transcendental philosophy.The hugely famous work by Locke, in which he stated his famous theory that the mind of the newborn is like a blank slate (tabula rasa) and concluded that all ideas come from experience and that there are no such things as innate principles, was generally sharply criticized by the rationalists, the most important of them being Leibnitz. Leibnitz' response, his ""Les nouveaux essays sur l'entendement humain"" constitutes the most important of the rationalist responses and it is written in the form of a chapter-by-chapter refutation. He refutes the major premise of Locke's work, that the senses are the source of all understanding, primarily by adding to this ""except the understanding itself"", thus going on to distinguish between his three levels of understanding, which are part of the centre of his philosophy.For Leibnitz as well as for Locke the great inspiration was Descartes, but they chose two fundamentally different directions, Locke the materialistic one and Leibnitz the idealistic one. The present work represents the greatest clash between the two giants of late 17th century philosophy. The effect of Leibnitz' work was enormous, and among the Germans he invoked a great passion for philosophical studies. Leibnitz represents a striking contrast to both Locke with his empiricism and Spinoza. One earlier collection of some of Leibnitz' works had been printed before this one, but it did not contain his ""New Essays on Human Understanding"", and only consisted of his ""Smaller Philosophical Works"". This is the German 1740-edition ""Kleinere philosohische Schriften"". The other writings contained in this publication are ""Examen du sentiment du P. Malebranche que nous voyons tout en Dieu"", """"Dialogus de connexione inter res & verba"", ""Difficultates quaedam Logicae"", ""Discours touchant la methode de la certitude & de l'art d'inventer"", ""Historia et commendatio charactericae universalis quae simul sit ars inveniendi"".Graesse IV:152.‎

Bookseller reference : 38096

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€4,297.60 Buy


‎1. De Linea in quam Flexile se pondere proprio curvat, ejeuque usu insignia adinveniendi quotcunque medias proportionales & Logarithmos. - 2. De Solutionibus Problematis Catenarii vel Funicularis in Actis A. 1691, aliisque a Dn. I.B. propositis. (1-2:...‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1691. 4to. Contemp. full vellum. Faint handwritten title on spine. a small stamp on titlepage. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCLXXXXI"". (8),590,(6) pp. and 13 (of 15) folded engraved plates. The 2 first plates lacks, but they do not belong to the papers listed.Leibniz' papers: pp.277-281 a. 1 plate, pp. 435-439. Johann Bernoulli: pp. 274-276 a. 1 plate. Huygens: pp. 281-282. - Jacob Bernoulli: pp. 282-290 a. 1 plate.‎

‎All papers first apperance. All 5 of extreme importence in the development of the Calculus. Leibniz' 2 papers on the catenary curve (paper 1-2 offered here) was written at the instigation of Jacques Bernoulli. Following the example of Blaise Pascal, who had initiated, in 1658, a contest for the construction of the cycloid, Leibniz also provoked the geometers of his time, by challenging them to submit, at the fixed date of mid-1691, their geometric method for the construction of the catenary curve. Leibniz later provided the answer, followed by Johann Bernoulli and Huygens.'These two papers are a historical account of the origin of the study of this transcendental curve, and, at the same time, the first physical-geometric construction showing the species-relationship between the catenary and the logarithmic curves, as two companion curves" one arithmetic, the other geometric. All of the differentials of the catenary curve, are arithmetic means of corresponding differentials of the logarithmic curve" and, all of the differentials of the logarithmic curve, are geometric means of the catenary.'""The Catenary is the form of a hanging fully flexible rope or chain (the name comes from ""catena"", which means 'chain'), suspended on two points. The interest in this curve originated with Galileo, who thought that is was a parabola. Young Christiaan Huygens proved in 1646 that this cannot be the case. What the actual form was remained an open question till 1691, when Leibniz, Johann Bernoulli and the then much older Huygens sent solutions to the problem to the ""Acta"" (Jakob Bernoulli, 1690, Johann Bernoulli 1691, Huygens 1691 and Leibniz 1691), - these 4 1691-papers offered here - in which the previous year Jakob Bernoulli had challenged mathematicians to solve it. As published, the solutions did not reveal the methods, but through later publications of manuscripts these methods have been known. Huygens applied with great ( paper 4) virtuosity the by then classical methods of 17th century infinitesimal mathematics, and he needed all his ingenuity to reach a satisfactory solution. Leibniz ( the papers 1-2) and Bernoulli (paper 3), applying the new Calculus, found the solutions in a much direct way. In fact, the catenary was a test-case between the old and the new style in the study of curves, and only because the champion of the old style was a giant like Huygens, the test-case can formally be considered as ending in a draw."" (Grattan-Guiness in ""From the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630-1910."").The paper by JACOB BERNOULLI ( no. 5 offered here) is a milestone papers as it marks the invention of the ""SYSTEM OF POLAR COORDINATES"" with points located by reference to a fixed point and a line through that point. Although newton had earlier also devised such a coordinate system (in 1671), his work was not known, so that the credit for the discovery generally goes to Bernoulli. (Parkinson, Breakthroughs (1691).Further papers contained in this volume of Acta Eruditorum:DENYS PAPIN: Mecanicorum de Viribus Motricibus sententia, asserta a D. Papino adversius C.G.G. L. (Leibniz) objectiones. pp. 6-13. The plate lacks. - and Dion. Papini Observationes quaedam circa materias ad Hydraulicam spectantes. Pp. 208-213 a. 1 plate. This importent paper is part of the LEIBNIZ-PAPIN-CONTROVERSY.JACOB BERNOULLI: Specimen Calculi Differentialis in dimensione Parabolæ helicoidis, ubi de flexuris curvarum in genere, carundem evolutionibus. Pp. 13-22. The plate lacks. - and J.B. Demonstratio Centri Oscillationis ex Natura Vectis, reperta occassione eorum, quæ super hac materia in Historia Literaria Roterodamensi recensentur, articulo...Pp.317-321.LEIBNIZ: O.V.E. Additio ad Schediasma de Medii Resistentia publicatum in Actis mensis Febr. 1889. Pp. 177-178. and O.V.E. Quadratura Arithmetica Communis Sectionum Conicarum quæ centrum babent,...Pp. 178-182 a. 1 plate.TSCHIRNHAUS: Singularia Effecta Vitri Caustici bipedalis, quod omnia magno sumtu hactenus constructa specula ustoria virtute superat, per D.T. Pp. 517-520‎

Bookseller reference : 41859

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€3,357.50 Buy


‎1. Nova Calculi Differentialis. Applicatio & usus, ad multiplicem linearum constructionem, ex data tangentium conditione. 2. Constructio Propria Problematiis de Curva Isochrona Paracentrica....& de constructione linearum transcendentium, una maxima ge...‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1694. 4to. Contemp. full vellum. Faint handwritten title on spine. a small stamp on titlepage. In: ""Acta Eruditorum Anno MDCXCIV"". (2),518 pp.. and 11 folded engraved plates. As usual with various browning to leaves and plates. The entire volume offered. Leibniz's papers: pp. 311-316, pp. 364-375. - Johann Bernoulli's papers: pp. 200-206, pp. 394-99, pp. 435-437, pp. 437-441. - Huygen's papers: pp. 338, pp. 339-41. - Jakob Bernoulli's papers: pp. 262-276, pp. 276-280, pp. 336-338, pp. 391-400. Some mispaginations.‎

‎All papers first appearance, dealing with, and clarifying the problems and the new applications of Leibniz' inventions of the differential- and integral calculus.In the papers Leibniz shows how to reduce linear first order ordinary differential equations to quadratures. I the other paper he gives a general method of finding the envelope of a family of curves, which helped to spread the theory of plane curves.In the groundbreaking paper offered here, Jakob Bernoulli introduces THE LEMNISCATE, a symmetric self-intersecting curve resembling a figure eight and defined by the condition that the product of the distance of anay point on the curve from two fixed points is (d/2)2, where d is the distance between the fixed points.""Jacob Bernoulli was fascinated by curves and the calculus, and one curve bears his name - the ""lemniscate of Bernoulli"", given by the polar equation r2=a cos 2""0"". The curve was described in the Acta Eruditorum of 1694 as resembling a figure eight or a knotted ribbon (lemniscus). However the curve that most caught his fancy was the logarithmic spiral....he swowed that it had several strioking properties not noted is easy to appreciate the feeling that led Bernoulli to request that the ""spira mirabils"" be engraved on his tombstone together with the inscription ""Eadem mutata resurgo"" (Though changed, I arise again the same)."" (Boyer in his History of Mathematics).‎

Bookseller reference : 41704

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,275.85 Buy


‎Accessiones Historicae quibus potissimum continentur Scriptores Rerum Garmanicarum, & aliorum, hactenus inediti sequentes. Tom. I-II. Tom. I: 1. Chronographus Saxo. 2. Joh. Vito Durani Chronicon. 3. Gesta Trevirorum. 4. Vetus Chronicon Holsatiæ. (Tom....‎

‎Hannover, Nicolai Förster, 1700 - Leipzig, Nicolai Förster, 1698. 4to. Contemp. full calf. Raised bands, richly gilt spine. (16),315,40,124,119 pp. Tome 2: (12),292,592 pp. First titlepage and Praefatio (16) leaves a bit browned, otherwise clean with only a few scattered brownspots. Some neath marginal notes in 2 contemporary hands.‎

‎Second edition of volume one, and first edition of volume two. In the 15 century chronicle ""Vetus Chronicon Holsatiae"", first printed here by Leibnitz, states, that the Danes were of the Tribe of Dan, while the Jutes the Jews. This is the first announcement of the theory later called Nordic Israelism or Norse Israelism. ""It is the belief that Scandinavian peoples, or the Nordic countries (Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) descend from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Although there is evidence of such a belief from literature during the Early Modern Period, Nordic Israelism as a movement and ideology only emerged in the latter half of the 19th century among several early proponents of British Israelism.""(Wikipedia).Ravier: 49 (tome I), 44 (Tome II, but Ravier is not clear on this point)‎

Bookseller reference : 46424

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,007.25 Buy


‎Tentamina Theodicaeae De Bonitate Dei Libertate Hominis Et Origine Mali / Latinè versa & Notationibus illustrata à M. D. L. (Barth. Des Bosses). Ab ipso Auctore emendata & auctiora. Tomus Primus (3 Parts, all). (Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God...‎

‎Franckfurt, Bencard, 1719. 8vo. Contemp. full vellum. A few small brownspots to covers. Large engraved titlevignette. (48),(40),408,(12) pp. 1 folded table (between p.48/49). Clean and fine.‎

‎Extremely scarce first Latin edition of Leibniz's hugely influential work ""Essais de Theodicée sur la Bonté de Dieu, la Liberté de L'Homme, et L'Origine du Mal"" (1710). It is his importent treatise on the goodnes of God, the free will of man and the causes of evil in the world, The principal subject of the work being the problem of liberty and free will. It is the only larger philosophical work published by Leibnitz himself.The ""Théodicée"" was a response to skeptical Pierre Bayle, who wrote in his work Dictionnaire Historique et Critique that, after rejecting three attempts to solve it, he saw no rational solution to the problem of evil.The work was composed at the instigation of Sophia Charlotte, with whom Leibniz had conversed concerning the views of Bayle. In response to a request from Prince Eugene for an abstract of the Théodicée, Leibniz in 1714 wrote the ""Principes de la nature et de la grâce fondées en raison and the Monadologie"".It is often the case, that this Latin edition is followed by the small work ""Causa Dei Asserta per Justitiam Ejus..."" (32) pp. This work is not withbound here.Ravier ""Bibliographie des Oeuvres de Leibniz"", No 344. - PMM (1710-edition).‎

Bookseller reference : 49802

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€2,484.55 Buy


‎Principia Philosophiae [i.e. ""The Monadology""/""Monadologie""/""Theory of Monads""] + (Chr. Wolff:) Das Herrn Gottfrid Wilhelm von Leibnitz Lehrsätze über die Monadologie &c... [In: Actorum Eruditorum, Supplementa. Tomus VII + Acta Eruditorum anno 1721]. - [THE MONADOLOGY - A NEW PHILOSOPHY]‎

‎Leipzig, 1721. 4to. Both entire volumes (Acta Eruditorum 1721 + Supplementa VII, 1721) present, in uniform contemporary full vellum bindings with handwriting to spines. A small later label to top of spines. Old handwritten ex libris-inscription to top of both title-pages as well as a small stamp. The supplement-volume with an additional stamp to title-page, and both volumes with library label (Archiv des k.k. militär.-geograf Institutes) to pasted down front free end-paper. As usual some brownspotting. A nice set. pp. 500-514 (Supplement-vol.) + pp. 94-95. [Entire volumes: (2), 537, (39) pp. + three plates (Suppl.-vol.) + (4), 547, (42) pp. + five plates].‎

‎The highly important first Latin translation of Leibnitz' seminal ""The Monadology"" - his main philosophical work and the work that stands as the epitomization of anti-materialism - which was not published in the original French until 1814, and which only appeared in a German translation (exceedingly scarce) in 1720 and in a Latin translation, by Christian Wolff, in 1721, as it is here. Up until then, Leibnitz' key philosophical text had only circulated in manuscript form (written in 1714). - Here sold together with Wolff's anonymously written review of (the German version of the) ""Monadology"", which had great impact upon the reception of the seminal philosophical text that is the ""Monadology"".""Until the XXth century, criticism about Leibniz's ""Principles of Nature and Grace"" and ""Monadology"" has been characterised by a number of mistakes and misunderstandings, which have roots in the circumstances surrounding the genesis of these manuscripts. As a consequence, erroneous information about these texts was included in an anonymous review, published in 1721 in the ""Acta eruditorum"" of Leipzig. Research on primary sources proves that the author of this review (who was in fact the author of the latin translation of the Monadology, published immediately afterwards) was Christian Wolff, who was in possession of a copy of Leibniz's manuscript as early as 1717. Wolff's initiative of translating the Monadology can be seen as part of a cultural strategy aiming to prevent any idealistic interpretation of Leibniz's monadological thought. From this point of view, to consider the theory of pre-established harmony as based on a system of strictly dualistic metaphysics was an essential element of Wolff's philosophical strategy.""(Antonio Lamarra: Contexte génétique et première reception de la ""Monadologie"". Leibniz, Wolff et la doctrine de l'harmonie préétablie""). During his last stay in Vienna from 1712 to September 1714, Leibniz wrote two short texts, which were meant as concise expositions of his philosophy, namely the ""Principes de la Nature et de la Grace fondés en raison"" (written as a letter to Prince Eugene of Savoy) and the work we now know as the ""Monadology"" (which he had been asked to write by Nicolas Redmond, Duke of Orleons) - the latter being the work that established Leibnitz' fame as a philosopher and which has gone down in history as, not only as one of the most important philosophical texts of the 18th century, but also, arguably the most important work of immaterialism. After his death ""Principes de la Nature et de la Grace fondés en raison"" appeared in French in the Netherlands. Without having seen this publication, Christian Wolff and collaborators had assumed that it contained the French original of the ""Monadology"" as well, although this in fact remained unpublished until 1840. Thus it happened that Leibnitz' key philosophical text, which came to be known as ""The Monadology"", was printed in German and Latin ab. 120 years before it appeared in the original French. The German translation appeared in 1720 as ""Lehrsätze über die Monadologie"" and the following year the Latin translation appeared, in Acta Eruditorum, as ""Principia philosophiae"". Three manuscript versions of the text exist: the first written by Leibniz and overcharged with corrections and two further emended copies with some corrections appearing in one but not the other. ""Leibniz was one of the last ""universal men"" of the type which the Italian Renaissance had ideally postulated: philosopher, historian, mathematician, scientist, lawyer, librarian, and diplomat. In all these fields either all his actual achievements or his seminal suggestions have become part and parcel of European thought. Although trained for the law, mathematics was his favourite subject. Independently of Newton he worked out the infinitesimal calculus, introduced a number of mathematical symbols now in general use, and constructed an early calculating machine, the ancestor of our computers. Mathematical conceptions also determine his philosophy. In it, Leibniz tried to combine physics and metaphysics and to reconcile philosophy and theology. The ""essay on a Theodicy"" is the only larger philosophical work published by himself"" but his fame as a philosopher rests on his ""Theory of Monads"". The original French text of this was published for the first time in 1840"" but it had circulated in manuscript in its initial form of a letter addressed to Prince Eugene of Savoy (1714) and it was printed in German (1720) and Latin (1721) translations. Leibniz proclaimed a ""pre-established harmony"" of the universe which he explained as composed of hierarchically ordered ""monads"", i.e. the ultimate substances of mind as well as matter. This concept clearly reflects the ideal of the properly organized absolutist state of the baroque period and derives partly from the ""idées simples"" of Descartes whom Leibniz greatly admired. A generation later, Voltaire ridiculed the ""pre-established harmony"" in ""Candide"""" but modern nuclear science has vindicated Leibniz's basic ideas, albeit from different presuppositions."" (Printing and the Mind of Man, pp. 105-6). The ""Monadology"" is an extremely condense work that consists of 90 (in this Latin version, 93) numbered sections/paragraphs, which outline a metaphysics of a single substance. The Monadology ends the dualistic mind-body-problem of Descartes and offers a new solution to the question of the interaction between mind and matter, by explaining the pre-established harmony and the synchronous (not causal) relationship between the realm of final causes and that of efficient causes. Leibniz' groundbreaking work came to profoundly influence not only 18th century thought, but also much later philosophy and logic. For this we have to thank Christian Wolff, the translator of the ""Monadology"" into Latin and the first reviewer of the work. It is through Wolff and his elaboration of the development of Leibniz' speculative and metaphysical views that Leibniz becomes a recognized figure of importance, particularly in Germany from the 1720'ies onwards, where Wolff's writings were standardly studied. ""Notably, Wolff's Leibnizianism made a deep impact on Kant, in whose ""Critique of Pure Reason"" (1781) Leibniz himself came to figure as one of the main targets of Kant's anti-metaphysical programme. In particular, Kant saw Leibniz as pretending to ""a priori"" knowledge of the world as it is in itself and presented his own claim that the only knowledge we can have is of the world as it appears in our experience as sharply opposed to the Leibnizian vision. [...] today shows that his thought has survived even the extreme empiricism of the Vienna Circle in the 1930s, which would have viewed its principal doctrines as unverifiable and hence utterly meaningless. Although not in evidence in the ""Monadology"" itself, one of Leibniz' preoccupations was with the philosophy of logic and language, and the twentieth-century's concern for those topics has discovered in what he had to say about them a treasure house of good sense and wisdom which can be detached from the less appealing of his metaphysical speculations. Then, more recent writers who have been interested in the metaphysics of possibility and necessity have found inspiration in the Leibnizian image of possible worlds, and that too has helped keep his name alive for us."" (Savile, ""Leibniz and the Monadology"", pp. 6-7). ""The long span of Leibniz' intellectual life and his early involvement with philosophy made for engagement with a wide variety of philosophical traditions and issues. Early studies at home exposed him to the thought of the Scholastics"" during his university years he was something of a materialist, influenced by the atomism of Bacon and Gassendi. In his mid-20s and early 30s, becoming disenchanted with the intellectual prospects for materialist thought, he turned towards the sort of immaterialism that came to shape his mature thinking after the decade between 1675 and 1685 when he was more narrowly concerned with mathematics than philosophy. It is this anti-materialism that is epitomized in the ""Monadology"" itself...Although Leibniz produced a prodigious quantity of philosophical writing very little of it was published in his lifetime"" indeed, very little was intended for publication. For the most part..., his philosophical thoughts were prepared for individual scholars he had met, or with whom he corresponded, and were never presented as a worked-out system... it was not until the last period of his life that he found the time and the impetus to set down the whole, which he did in two condensed papers written in French during a visit to Vienna.The more popular and less taxing of these was the ""Principles of Nature and Grace Founded on Reason"", which he prepared for Prince Eugène of Savoy, and the second, which he had been asked to write by the councellor of the Duke of Orleans, Nicolas Remond, but never sent off, was the ""Principles of Philosophy"" or, as he called it ""Elucidation Concerning Monads"" ... The title by which that work is known today, ""Monadology"", was not one that Leibniz ever gave it, but was invented by the work's first editor, Henrich Kohler, who published it in a German translation under that title in 1720."" (Savile, ""Leibniz and the Monadology"", pp. 3-4). ""Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was one of the great thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and is known as the last ""universal genius"". He made deep and important contributions to the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of religion, as well as mathematics, physics, geology, jurisprudence, and history. Even the eighteenth-century French atheist and materialist Denis Diderot, whose views were very often at odds with those of Leibniz, could not help being awed by his achievement, writing in his entry on Leibniz in the Encyclopedia, ""Perhaps never has a man read as much, studied as much, meditated more, and written more than Leibniz... What he has composed on the world, God, nature, and the soul is of the most sublime eloquence. If his ideas had been expressed with the flair of Plato, the philosopher of Leipzig would cede nothing to the philosopher of Athens."" (""Oeuvres complètes"", vol. 7, p. 709) Indeed, Diderot was almost moved to despair in this piece: ""When one compares the talents one has with those of a Leibniz, one is tempted to throw away one's books and go die quietly in the dark of some forgotten corner."" (""Oeuvres complètes"", vol. 7, p. 678) More than a century later, Gottlob Frege, who fortunately did not cast his books away in despair, expressed similar admiration, declaring that ""in his writings, Leibniz threw out such a profusion of seeds of ideas that in this respect he is virtually in a class of his own."" (""Boole's logical Calculus and the Concept-script"" in ""Posthumous Writings"", p. 9)."" (SEP).Ravier: 357(PMM 177b - being the Latin translation)‎

Bookseller reference : 49396

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€6,715.00 Buy


‎Supplementum defectus geometria Cartesianae circa inventionem locorum. [Joh. Bernoulli] + [Two other papers]. Notatiuncula ad acta decemb. 1695. [LEIBNIZ]. - [THE BRACHISTOCHRONE PROBLEM]‎

‎Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1696. 4to. Entire volume present. Nice contemporary full vellum. Small yellow paper label pasted to top of spine and library-label to front free end-papers. Internally some browning and brownspotting. Overall a nice and tight copy. [Bernoulli paper:] pp. 264-69. [Leibniz-paper:] pp. 45-47. [Entire volume: (2), 603, (1) pp. + plates].‎

‎First printing of the famous 1696-edition of Acta Eruditorum in which Johann Bernoulli published a challenge to the best mathematicians:""Let two points A and B be given in a vertical plane. To find the curve that a point M, moving on a path AMB , must follow such that, starting from A, it reaches B in the shortest time under its own gravity.""Johann adds that this curve is not a straight line, but a curve well known to geometers, and that he will indicate that curve, if nobody would do so that year. Later that year Johann corresponded directly with Leibniz regarding his challenge. Leibniz solved the problem the same day he received notice of it, and almost correctly predicted a total of only five solutions: from the two Bernoullis, himself, L'Hospital, and Newton. Leibniz was convinced that the problem could only be solved by a mathematician who mastered the new field of calculus. (Galileo had formulated and given an incorrect solution to the problem in his Dialogo). But by the end of the year Johann had still not received any other solutions. However, Leibniz convinced Johann that he should extend the deadline to Easter and that he should republish the problem. Johann now had copies of the problem sent to Journal des sçavans, the Philosophical Transactions, and directly to Newton. Earlier that year Johann had accused Newton for having filched from Leibniz' papers. Manifestly, both Johann and Leibniz interpreted the silence from June to December as a demonstration that the problem had baffled Newton. They intended now to demonstrate their superiority publicly. But Newton sent a letter dated Jan. 30 1697 to Charles Montague, then president of the Royal Society, in which he gave his solution and mentioned that he had solved it the same day that he received it. Montague had Newton's solution published anonymously in the Philosophical Transactions. However, when Bernoulli saw this solution he realized from the authority which it displayed that it could only have come from Newton (Bernoulli later remarked that he 'recognized the lion by its claw'). The present volume contains the following articles of interest:Jakob Bernoulli: 1, Observatiuncula ad ea quaenupero mense novembri de Dimensionibus Curvarum leguntur.2, Constructio Generalis omnium Curvarum transcendentium ope simplicioris Tractoriae et Logarithmicae.3, Problema Beaunianum universalius conceptum.4, Complanatio Superficierum Conoidicarum et Sphaeroidicarum.Johann Bernoulli5, Demonstratio Analyticea et Syntetica fuae Constructionis Curvae Beaunianae.6, Tetragonismus universalis Figurarum Curvilinearum per Construitionem Geometricam continuo appropinquantem.Tschirnhaus7, Intimatio singularis novaeque emendationis Artis Vitriariae.8, Responsio ad Observationes Dnn. Bernoulliorum, quae in Act. Erud. Mense Junio continentur.9, Additio ad Intimationem de emendatione artis vitriariae.‎

Bookseller reference : 42863

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,678.75 Buy


‎Recueil de diverses Pieces, sur la Philosophie, La Religion naturelle, L'Histoire, les Mathematiques, &c par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, & autres Aucteurs célèbres. Seconde Edition, Revue, corrigée, & augmentée. 2 Vols.‎

‎Amsterdam, Francois Changuion, 1740. Small 8vo. Bound in 2 fine contemp. full calf. Profusely gilt spines, title-and tomelabels in leather with gilt lettering. Gilt border on covers. Titlepages in red/black with engraved vignettes. CII,(2),429(6),550 pp. and 2 engraved plates, each with 3 portraits (Leibniz, Newton, Clarke). Printed on good paper. Internally fine and clean.‎

‎Scarce collection which contains among other correspondences, the correspondence of Leibnitz and A.S. Conti, on the dispute on the invention of the calculus and also Newton's remarks and Leibnitz's letter to him.Babson 233 (the 3rd edition) - Ravier: 410. - Gray: 380.‎

Bookseller reference : 46487

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€651.35 Buy


‎Leibnitzens System der Theologie. Nach dem Manuskripte von Hannover (den lateinischen Text zur seite) ins deutsche übersetzt von Andreas Räss un Nikolaus Weis, mit einer Vorrede von Lorenz Doller. Zweite Auflage.‎

‎Mainz, Simon Müller'schen Buchh., 1820. Contemp. full mottled calf. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. VI,CXXVI,346,(2) pp. A faint dampstain to lower right corners of thelast ca. 40 lvs. Clean and printed on good paper. German-Latin paralelltext.‎

Bookseller reference : 44416

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€127.58 Buy


‎MONADO 74. DU SIMPLE SELON LEIBNIZ. Discours de métaphysique et monadologie. Étude comparative critique des propriétés de la substance appuyée sur l'opération informatique "Monado 74".‎

‎1975 Paris, librairie J. Vrin / éditions du CNRS, collection Philosophie et Informatique, 1975. Préface par Yvon Belaval. In-8 broché de IX - 198 pp. Très bon état, proche du neuf.‎

Bookseller reference : 18239

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre Penseur
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Le Livre Penseur]

€20.00 Buy


‎COMMENTAIRE - N° 114 (Eté 2006)‎

‎Revue trimestrielle fondée par Raymond Aron : 288 pages, format 185 x 255 mm, brochée, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : L'Ordre mondial et l'énergie chère ; Juifs et Chrétiens ; Bishops follies ; Le fondamentalisme islamique ; L'entreprise aux travailleurs ? ; Les nouveaux déséquilibres économiques ; Pourquoi la concurrence favorise l'emploi ; Le modèle britannique ; La Ve République oligarchique ; Leibniz, Leo Strauss, Heidegger. Philosophie et politique ; Exercices littéraires ; Le Prince de Ligne et le XVIIIe siècle‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126719576

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€6.00 Buy


‎La philosophie de Leibniz.‎

‎Paris, Hachette, 1860, in 8° relié demi-basane, dos orné de filets dorés, VIII-502 pages.‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 73016

‎[LEIBNIZ] - PIAT (Clodius).-‎


‎P., Alcan, 1915, in 8° broché, VII-375 pages.‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 44785


‎Deux mémoires sur le calcul différentiel et l'infini‎

‎Toulouse, 1782 et 1788, , 2 ouvrages en 1 volume in-4 de 22 pages et 1 planche, puis de 40 pages, demi-veau moderne, dos lisse portant une pièce de titre, Deux mémoires en édition originale tirés des "Histoire et mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles lettres de Toulouse" (pages 43-64 du premier volume paru en 1782, et pages 29-72 du troisième volume publié en 1788). Roger Martin, appelé aussi Abbé Martin jusqu'à la Révolution, naquit en 1742 à Estadens dans la Haute-Garonne ; brillant élève de sciences, il fut nommé professeur de philosophie à 20 ans au Collège Royal de Toulouse. Passionné de physique et de mathématique, il parvint à faire instaurer dans ce même Collège un cabinet de physique expérimentale ; les leçons qu'il y professait eurent un grand succès. Dans les deux présents mémoires, lus à sept ans d'intervalle devant l'Académie de Toulouse, l'auteur pose le problèmes de l'infini mathématique à l'aune de la méthode du calcul différentiel initié par Newton et développé par Leibniz, tout en appréhendant ses méthodes nouvelles et modernes par le biais de "la méthode des Anciens, connue sous le nom de méthode d'exhaustion ou des limites". Traces de mouillures anciennes sur le premier mémoire. Couverture rigide‎

‎Bon 2 ouvrages en 1 volume in-4‎

Bookseller reference : 60306

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Alain Brieux
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Alain Brieux]

€300.00 Buy


‎Oeuvres philosophiques.‎

‎Paris, Librairie Philosophique de Lagrange, 1866; in-8, 695-706 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Les 2 volumes. Avec une introduction et des notes par M. Paul Janet en 2 volumes - Gravure en noir et blanc en frontispice du tome I (portrait). As dos.coins un peu usagés Tampons de bibliothèque en pages de titre. Bords des plats légèrement frottés. Avec une Intro. et des Notes par Paul Janet. In-8 Relié demi-cuir noir Bon état. Couv. convenable. Dos à nerfs. rousseurs.‎

‎Avec une introduction et des notes par M. Paul Janet en 2 volumes - Gravure en noir et blanc en frontispice du tome I (portrait). As dos.coins un peu usagés Tampons de bibliothèque en pages de titre. Bords des plats légèrement frottés. Avec une Intro. et des Notes par Paul Janet. In-8 Relié demi-cuir noir Bon état. Couv. convenable. Dos à nerfs. rousseurs.‎

Bookseller reference : 201607780

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€110.00 Buy


‎Revue internationale de Philosophie Tome XIX (19e annee).‎

‎Hardcover in-8°, 496 pages, reliure plein simili, titre dore. (voir aussi "Revue Philosophique") N° 71-72 : Husserl - N° 73-74 : La Notion de structure Tres bel exemplaire. [NV-41] Tres bel exemplaire.‎


[Books from Pique-Puces]

€45.00 Buy


‎Revue internationale de Philosophie Tome XIX (19e annee).‎

‎Paris-Bruxelles, 1965. Hardcover in-8°, 496 pages, reliure plein simili, titre dore. (voir aussi "Revue Philosophique")‎

‎N° 71-72 : Husserl - N° 73-74 : La Notion de structure Tres bel exemplaire. [NV-41] Tres bel exemplaire.‎

Bookseller reference : 38578

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Pique-Puces]

€45.00 Buy


‎Revue internationale de Philosophie.- 20e annee.‎

‎Hardcover in-8°, 511 pages, reliure plein simili, titre dore. (voir aussi "Revue Philosophique") N° 75 : Maine de Biran - N° 76-77 : Leibniz - N° 78 : Franz Brentano. Tres bel exemplaire. [109B-6] Tres bel exemplaire.‎


[Books from Pique-Puces]

€45.00 Buy


‎Revue internationale de Philosophie.- 20e annee.‎

‎Paris-Bruxelles, 1966. Hardcover in-8°, 511 pages, reliure plein simili, titre dore. (voir aussi "Revue Philosophique")‎

‎N° 75 : Maine de Biran - N° 76-77 : Leibniz - N° 78 : Franz Brentano. Tres bel exemplaire. [109B-6] Tres bel exemplaire.‎

Bookseller reference : 40327

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Pique-Puces]

€45.00 Buy

‎[sans auteur] - [PELLISSON FONTANIER (Paul)].‎

‎Réflexions sur les différends de la religion avec les preuves de la tradition ecclésiastique.‎

‎A Paris, chez Gabriel Martin, 1686. 3 parties reliées en un vol. au format in-12 (164 x 98 mm) de 10 ff. n.fol., 154 pp. et 1 f. bl. ; 164 pp. et 111 pp. Reliure de l'époque de plein veau glacé et moucheté havane, plats jansénistes, dos à nerfs orné de filets gras à froid, roulette dorée sur les nerfs, caissons d'encadrement dorés, larges fleurons dorés, titre doré, palette dorée en tête et queue, roulette dorée sur les coupes, tranches jaunes et mouchetées.‎

‎Edition en partie originale agrémentée de jolis ornements typographiques. Ensemble complet de ses 3 parties ; ici reliées en un volume. ''Si, dans la seconde moitié du XVIIème siècle, la tolérance est devenue un sujet de réflexion, les positions tranchées engendrent bien des débats. Un des plus célèbres est celui qui est initié par Paul Pellisson (1624-1693). Très proche de l’Académie française, dont il publie l’Histoire, et secrétaire du surintendant des finances Nicolas Fouquet, il devient historiographe du roi en 1666. Ayant abjuré le protestantisme en 1670, il est doté de riches bénéfices ecclésiastiques dont l’abbaye de Cluny. À côté d’une œuvre chantant le roi, comme son Panégyrique du Roy Louis Quatorzième (1671), il s’intéresse aux questions religieuses, donnant, par exemple, des Réflexions sur les différends de la religion (1686). Ses pensées sur la tolérance sont transmises à Leibniz (1646-1716) par la duchesse Sophie de Hanovre (1630-1714). Le philosophe lit ce texte, en fait une synthèse qu’il enrichit d’observations''. (Philippe Martin in Entre politique et philosophie). Barbier IV, Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, 164-f - Cioranescu III, Bibliographie de la littérature française au XVIIème, 54067. Dos présentant un éclat légèrement altéré. Rares tout autant que discrètes rousseurs dans le texte. Petit travail de ver en marge des feuillets ; sans atteinte au texte. Du reste, bonne condition.‎

Bookseller reference : 25828

Livre Rare Book

Babel Librairie
Périgueux France Francia França France
[Books from Babel Librairie]

€150.00 Buy

‎A cura di A. Lamarra e R. Palaia.‎

‎Unit? e molteplicit? nel pensiero filosofico e scientifico di Leibniz. Simposio Internazionale (Roma, 3-5 ottobre 1996).‎

‎cm. 17 x 24, x-286 pp. Lessico intellettuale europeo Sono raccolti i risultati di tre giornate di studio dedicate a temi assolutamente centrali e caratteristici della speculazione del filosofo tedesco: i concetti di unit? e di molteplicit?, nel loro reciproco richiamarsi, costituiscono due polarit?, due termini antagonisti ma complementari, del pensiero leibniziano e ne caratterizzano in maniera specifica esiti e svolgimenti. A collection of the results of a 3 day symposium dedicated to themes characteristic of the speculation of the German philosopher: the concepts of unity and multiplicity, in their continual attraction, create dual polarity, two antagonistic yet complementary expressions of Leibniz?s thought characterising its development in a specific way. 542 gr. x-286 p.‎

‎A cura di A. Lamarra.‎

‎Infinito (L') in Leibniz. Problemi e terminologia. Atti del simposio internazionale (Roma, 6-8 novembre 1986).‎

‎cm. 17 x 24, x-250 pp. Lessico intellettuale europeo 452 gr. x-250 p.‎



‎DISPONIBILITÀ GARANTITA AL 99%; SPEDIZIONE ENTRO 12 ORE DALL'ORDINE. RIMANENZA DI MAGAZZINO PARI AL NUOVO. LIEVISSIMI SEGNI DEL TEMPO. Il ruolo centrale svolto dal filosofo tedesco Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) nello sviluppo della riflessione sul linguaggio e la conoscenza in Europa fra Seicento e Settecento è l'oggetto di studio di questo libro. La innovatività del contributo di Leibniz è affidata sia alla sua personalissima elaborazione teorica (con l'idea del funzionamento "cieco o simbolico" del pensiero e la connessa attribuzione al linguaggio di una funzione attiva, non solo strumentale, nella formazione della conoscenza), sia alla rete straordinaria di contatti e stimoli scientifici intessuta coi maggiori dotti del tempo. I grandi nomi della tradizione retorica, filosofi come Cartesio, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke spiccano fra i moltissimi interlocutori, diretti o indiretti, della ricerca leibniziana, cui si rifaranno, dopo la morte del grande filosofo, pensatori centrali del periodo successivo, da De Brosses a Herder, fino a coinvolgere temi dell'attuale dibattito in filosofia della mente. I contributi raccolti in questo volume, opera di noti studiosi di Leibniz e di storici delle idee linguistiche, illustrano i "casi" più importanti di questo ricchissimo confronto filosofico-linguistico che ha influito in maniera notevole sulla formazione del paradigma "semiotico" della moderna teoria della conoscenza. Indice Premessa, di S. Gensini 1. Tra Valla e Scaligero: Leibniz, la linguistica rinascimentale e il problema del cambiamento semantico, di Francesco Piro 2. Impegno "editoriale" e temi retorici nella prefazione a Nizolio, di Giovanna Varani 3. Leibniz alla caccia di Spinoza, di Enrico Pasini 4. De Brosses e Leibniz: un modello di naturalismo linguistico, di Marina De Palo 5. Eins in Vielem: motivi leibniziani nella filosofia del linguaggio di Herder, di Ilaria Tani 6. Spiral Lines: Aspects of Leibniz' Language Philosophy and Semiotics, by Klaus Dutz 7. Spiegazione e riduzione: Leibniz e i filosofi della mente, di Clotilde Calabi Gli autori Indice dei nomi Descrizione bibliografica Titolo: Linguaggio, mente, conoscenza. Intorno a Leibniz Autore: AA.VV. (Autori Vari) Curatore: Stefano Gensini Editore: Roma: Carocci, febbraio 2005 Lunghezza: 224 pagine; 22 cm ISBN: 8843027816, 9788843027811 Collana: Volume 310 di Biblioteca di testi e studi, Filosofia Soggetti: Filosofia, Università, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Saggi, Storia della scienza e della cultura scientifica, Linguaggio universale, Rinascimento, Linguistica, Language and languages, Philosophy, Forschung, Heinekamp, Dascal, Monadi, Metafisica, Conoscenza, Matematica, Filosofi tedeschi del XVIII secolo, Scienza, Logica, Panglossismo, Candide, Voltaire, Characteristica universalis, Calcolo, Ars combinatoria, Simboli, Dalgarno, J. J. Becher, J. Wilkins, Numeri, Arabi, Cina, Sinologia, Segni, Fonemi, Significato, Pasigrafia, Monadologia, Formule, Lettere, Equazioni, Giudizi, Giordano Bruno, Notazione, Proposizioni, Cartesio, Marsenne, Semantica, Liber observationum, Loci rhetorici, Scritti giovanili, Opere, Libri fuori catalogo, Dissertatio de Arte combinatoria, Intelletto umano, Scritti filosofici, University, Essays, History of science and scientific culture, Universal language, Renaissance, Linguistics, Monads, Metaphysics, Knowledge, Mathematics, 18th century German philosophers, Science, Logic, Panglossism, Calculus, Symbols, Dalgarno, Numbers, Arabic, China, Sinology, Signs, Phonemes, Meaning, Pasigraphy, Monadology, Formulas, Letters, Equations, Judgments, Notation, Propositions, Descartes, Semantics, Youth Writings, Works, Books not in the catalog, Combinatorial Art, Human Intellect, Philosophical Writings‎


‎Physis Volume XXVIII‎

‎Mm 170x240 Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza fascicolo 3. Brossura editoriale di 648-1026 pagine,alcune illustrazioni, piccolo segno d'uso alla testa del dorso. Testo inglese-italiano. Ottimo stato. Spedizione entro 24 ore dalla conferma dell'ordine.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Books from Salvalibro Snc]

€25.00 Buy

‎Aceti G.‎

‎Indagini sulla concezione leibniziana della felicità. In: Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica.‎

‎Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1957, in-8, br. editoriale, pp. (45). Estratto.‎

‎ADAMS Robert Merrihew‎

‎Leibniz. Determinist, theist, idealist‎

‎xi + 433pp., 24cm., previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

‎ADAMS Robert Merrihew‎

‎Leibniz. Determinist, theist, idealist‎

‎Oxford, Oxford University Press 1994 xi + 433pp., 24cm., previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

Bookseller reference : F66949

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€50.00 Buy

‎Adolph Friedrich Heinrich Schaumann Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr Von Leibniz‎

‎Geschichte der Erwerbung der Krone Grossbritanniens von Seiten des Hauses Hannover. Aus Akten und Urkunden des Archivs zu Hannover und den Manual-Akten Leibnitz's. German Edition‎

‎British Library Historical Print Editions 2011-03-28. Paperback. Good. British Library, Historical Print Editions paperback‎

Bookseller reference : SONG1241551502 ISBN : 1241551502 9781241551506

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Ergodebooks]

€24.82 Buy

‎Ahn, Jong-Su‎

‎Leibniz' Philosophie und die Chinesische Philosophie. [Konstanzer Dissertationen. 273]. Dissertation, Konstanz.‎

‎Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre 1990. 8°. 271 pp. Broschur. Kleines Signaturschild. Stempel verso Titel. Sonst ordentlich.‎

Bookseller reference : 6045854

‎Aiton, Eric J‎

‎Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : eine Biographie. Aus dem Engl. übertr. von Christiana Goldmann und Christa Krüger 1. Aufl.‎

‎Frankfurt am Main ; Leipzig : Insel-Verl., 1991. 532 S. Mit Illustr. 8°. Originalleineneinband mit Schutzumschlag.‎

‎Wenige leichte Anstreichungen und Marginalien mit Bleistift.‎

Bookseller reference : 29076

‎Aiton, Eric J. und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz‎

‎Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : eine Biographie. Aus dem Engl. übertr. von Christiana Goldmann und Christa Krüger 1. Aufl.‎

‎Frankfurt am Main ; Leipzig : Insel-Verl. 1991. 532 S. : Abbildungen., graph. Darst. ; 21 cm, mit Schutzumschlag Gewebe, gebundene Ausgabe, Leinen, Exemplar in gutem Erhaltungszustand‎

‎Phil Leibniz 3458161511 +++++ 30 Jahre Antiquariat Christmann in Wiesbaden +++++ Wir liefern außer nach Deutschland, nur noch nach Schweiz / Holland / Belgien / Italien / GB / USA / +++ We now only deliver to Switzerland / Holland and Belgium / Italy / GB / USA +++ Keine Lieferung nach Österreich ++++‎

Bookseller reference : 11579

‎Albert Lemoine Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Freiherr von Creator‎

‎Quid Sit Materia Apud Leibnitium. Latin Edition‎

‎Nabu Press 2012-03-16. Paperback. Good. Nabu Press paperback‎

Bookseller reference : SONG1278305726 ISBN : 1278305726 9781278305721

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Ergodebooks]

€26.80 Buy

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