
‎Nietzsche frédéric‎



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‎"Sardellen Salat sehr gut" Kochbücher, Rezepte und Menükarten aus dem Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv.‎

‎Wiesbaden, Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft, 2018. 99 S. 8° Oktav, Broschiert‎

‎Ein Ausstellungsbuch herausgegeben von Evelyn Liepsch, mit einer Einführung von Eva Beck. Schätze aus dem Gothe- und Schiller-Archiv. Band. 4. Mit Fotos in Farbe. Der Einband ist gering berieben. Sonst guter Zustand.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 90556


‎Gallimard 1942. Traduction nouvelle d'Alexandre Vialatte. Résidu de colle en page de garde.‎

‎Frais de port calculés en fonction du mode d'envoi choisi.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : MM-179

Livre Rare Book

Les Mondes Magiques
Rouen France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Les Mondes Magiques]

€ 25.00 購入

‎Friedrich Nietzsche 1900-2000. Atti del convegno internazionale di filosofia. Rappallo 14-16 settebre 2000‎

‎Genova, il melangolo, 2000. In-8 (205x135mm) broché, 253 p. Très bon état.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 21651

‎HENRI GUILLEMIN Regards sur Nietzsche‎

‎Seuil 1991. Tâche en première de couverture.‎

‎Frais de port calculés en fonction du mode d'envoi choisi.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : MM-257

Livre Rare Book

Les Mondes Magiques
Rouen France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Les Mondes Magiques]

€ 8.00 購入



‎Morgengabe - Eine Auslese aus den Werken und Zeitschriften der Deutschen Buch-Gemeinschaft mit vielen Bildtafeln und Zeichnungen‎

‎Berlin (Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft) o.J. 8°, Originalleder, 155 S., Bildtafeln‎

‎minimal beschabt, Widmung auf dem Vorsatz, sonst gutes Exemplar‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : V9500

‎Nietzsche in lingua minore‎


‎Nietzsche in seinen Briefen und Berichten der Zeitgenossen. Die Lebensgeschichte in Dokumenten. Hrsg. von Alfred Baeumler.‎

‎Leipzig, A.Kröner, (1932). 8° (18 x 11 cm). XXVII, 561 (1) S., [40] S. Verlagsanzeigen, 1 Titelportrait und 10 Abb. auf Tafeln sowie 3 Handschriftenproben. Blauer Original-Leinenband mit Deckel- und Rückentitel sowie typographisch gestaltetem OUmschlag. (=Kröners Taschenausgabe; 100).‎

‎Erste Ausgabe dieser Sammlung. Anhang mit Erklärungen und Nachweise, Personenverzeichnis, Verzeichnis der Briefempfänger u.a. Schrift in Antiqua. - Umschlag angerändert, mit kleinen Einrissen und kleinen Fehlstellen, ansonsten ein sehr gutes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 4286AB

‎Nietzsche La critica più estrema ai valori e alla morale della cultura dell'Occidente‎

‎Serie Imparare a pensare‎

‎Nietzsches Werke. In 2 Bänden.‎

‎Stuttgart. Kröner Verl. 1939. 2 Bände. 8° insg. 1156 S. m. je 1 Bildnis u. 1 Faksimile. Or.-Leinen., m. Schutzumschlag. guter altersgemäßer Zustand., Schutzumschlag etw. berieben u. leicht verfärbt.‎

‎Auf Wunsch gerne Foto via E-mail.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 9606BB

‎Süddeutsche Monatshefte : An die Jugend. 18. Jahrgang.Heft 1.‎

‎München, Süddeutsche Monatshefte., 1920. 72,XXII Seiten. Originalbroschur 25 cm‎

‎Umschlag papierbedingt gebräunt. SEHR gutes Exemplar. U.a.: Hoffnung auf Jung-Deutschland. Mathilde von Kemnitz: Ein Wort an die weibliche Jugend. LUDWIG CURTIUS: Der Student und die deutsche Gegenwart. JOSEF HOFMILLER: Das Vermächtnis von OTTO BRAUN. ERNST BERTRAM: Speyer. Ludwig Thoma: Salzburg. - Der Kommunismus‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 295268

‎Thomas Mann`s Addresses. Delivered at the Library of Congress 1942-1949.‎

‎Library of Congress, Washington, 1963. V, 132 Seiten. Gr-8vo. Kartoniert.‎

‎Einband etwas fleckig, berieben und begriffen, sonst gutes Exemplar. Cover slightly stained, rubbed, and scuffed, otherwise a good copy.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 16799

‎Wagner-Nietzsches Briefwechsel während des Tribschener Idylls.‎

‎Bern, Alfred Scherz Verlag, 1951. Ca. 18,5 x 11,5 cm. 61 Seiten, 2 Seiten Verlagswerbung. Rosafarbener Original-Leinenband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel und Titelschild.‎

‎Parnass-Bücherei Nr. 89. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Wilhelm Jerger. Rücken leicht aufgehellt. Schönes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 27617A

‎Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie. (WNB). Bearb. von S. Jung, F. Simon-Ritz u. a. Bd. 4: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Zu Nietzsches philos.-literarischem Werk insgesamt. Zu einzelnen Werken.‎

‎Stgt., J. B. Metzler ( 2002). Gr.8°. VI, 254 S. Opbd. mit SU.‎

‎Personalbibliographien zur neueren dt. Literatur, Bd. 4/4. - Fußkanten mit einer Druckstelle, sonst gutes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 199974-1

‎Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie. (WNB). Bearb. von S. Jung, F. Simon-Ritz u. a. Bd. 5: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Wirkungs- und Forschungsgeschichte. Register zu den Bänden 2-5.‎

‎Stgt., J. B. Metzler ( 2002). Gr.8°. VIII, 805 S. Opbd. mit SU.‎

‎Personalbibliographien zur neueren dt. Literatur, Bd. 4/5. - Einband am unteren Eck gestaucht. Stauchung mit eingerissener Stelle am Rücken u. Schutzumschlag (ca. 2 x 2 cm).‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 199973-1

‎Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie. (WNB). Bearb. von S. Jung, F. Simon-Ritz u. a. Bd. 2: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Allgemeine Grundlagen und Hilfsmittel; Leben und Werk im Allgemeinen; Biographische Einzelheiten.‎

‎Stgt., J. B. Metzler 2002. Gr.8°. X, 500 S. Opbd. mit SU.‎

‎Personalbibliographien zur neueren dt. Literatur, Bd. 4/2. - Schutzumschlag berieben, sonst gutes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 199976-1

‎Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie. (WNB). Bearb. von S. Jung, F. Simon-Ritz u. a. Bd. 3: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Nietzsches geistige und geschichtliche-kulturelle Lebenszeziehungen, sein Denken und Schaffen.‎

‎Stgt., J. B. Metzler ( 2002). Gr.8°. VIII, 1013 S. Opbd. mit SU.‎

‎Personalbibliographien zur neueren dt. Literatur, Bd. 4/3. - Fußkanten mit minimaler Druckstelle, sonst gutes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 199975-1 ISBN : 347601648

‎Werbeschrift für die Mitschaffenden des neuen Freundes- und Förderkreises der Arbeitsstätte für Nietzsche-Forschung Sophienhöhe genannt Heinrich-Stollwerck-Stiftung e.V. in Loope-Bliesenbach (Aggertal).‎

‎Hochkirchen-Rondorf b. Köln 1940. 44 S. Mit 3 mont. Abbildungen. 4°, OKart.‎

‎Mit Textbeiträgen der Preisträger Carl Alfred Strohbach, Erwin Beisel u. Gustav Kohne, einem Textbeitrag von Hans Ulbrich u.a. - Einband leicht aufgehellt,Seiten etwas gebräunt, eine Abbildung mit kl. Eckknick, sonst gut erhalten.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 220113

‎Zarathustras Erlösung.‎

‎München Oskar Schloss Verlag, 1924. 81 S. Gr. 8° Groß-Oktav Ln.‎

‎Also sprach der letzte Zarathustra. Benares-Bücherei. Perlensammlung buddhistischer Literatur in Vorzugsausgaben. Nr. 2. Auf dem vorderen Vorsatz befindet sich eine handschriftliche Widmung. Die Kopfecken sind bestoßen. Die Kapitale sind bestoßen. Der Rücken ist lichtrandig. Der Vorderdeckel ist im oberen Bereich fleckig. Das Buch ist etwas verzogen. guter Zustand‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 17883

‎Zur Erinnerung an Friedrich Nietzsche, geboren am 15. October 1844, gestorben am 25. August 1900. Die Trauerfeier im Nietzsche-Archiv zu Weimar, den 27. August 1900. Die Beerdigung im Erbbegräbniss zu Röcken, den 28. August 1900.‎

‎Druck: Leipzig, C. G. Naumann 1900. * 51 Seiten. 23 x 15 cm. Späterer Halbleinenband (etwas angestaubt und fleckig) mit Rückentitel. [2 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎*** Seltene Gelegenheitsschrift zum Tod des Philosophen. Enthält u. a.: "Gedächtnisrede auf Friedrich Nietzsche" von Ernst Horneffer; "Gedenkrede an Friedrich Nietzsche's Bahre" von Curt Breysig; "Rede am Grabe Friedrich Nietzsche's" von Adalbert Oehler. - Vorsatz papierbedingt gebräunt, sonst sauber und gut erhalten.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 124552

‎"etc. Stéphane Mallarmé Yvonne Caroutch Pierre Boulez Richard Wagner Franz Liszt Louis II de Bavière Julien Gracq Gérard de Nerval Friedrich Nietzsche"‎


‎"1979. Paris éditions Borderie revue Obliques numéro spécial dirigé par Yvonne Caroutch 1979 - Broché 21 cm x 27 cm 320 pages photos noir & blanc in et hors-texte 4 planches hors-texte en couleur - Textes de Yvonne Caroutch Pierre Boulez Richard Wagner Franz Liszt Louis II de Bavière Julien Gracq Gérard de Nerval Stéphane Mallarmé Friedrich Nietzsche etc. - Etat neuf"‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 4968

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sedon
Rochefort France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Librairie Sedon]

€ 40.00 購入


‎Analecta Laertiana. [Extract from: Rheinishes Museum für Philologie, Vol. XXV. Herausgegeben von F.G. Welcker und F. Ritschl].‎

‎(Frankfurt am Main, Verlag von Johann David Sauerländer, 1870). 8vo. Bound in a very nice recent marbled paper binding with gilt leather title-label to front board. Pp. (217) - 231. The paper is extremely brittle and cracks very easily, thus a few smaller marginal pieces of paper have chipped off, no loss of lettering.‎

‎Rare first edition of one of Nietzsche's earliest publications, his ingenious and daring philological essay on six disputed passages of Diogenes Laertius' ""Lives of the Philosophers"", his favoured philological topic. Nietzsche's first published work was a philological essay published in 1867 in the respected journal of classical studies, the ""Rheinisches Museaum für Philologie"". That article, published on the urging of his teacher, appeared when Nietzsche had merely been studying philology for a couple of years. Nietzsche began studying philology at the University of Bonn in the winter semester og 1864/65 and quickly became a prize student. His university studies were fairly quickly interrupted, though, as he spent a year in the Prussian Artillary, from October 1867. After about half a year, he was seriously injured and had to spend the last five months there as a reconvalescent. Nonetheless this year did not mean a break in Nietzsche's studies, quite the contrary. Already in April 1868, before his injury (in May), he published his first book review, namely that of Schoemann's work on ""Die hesiodische Theogonie"", which had just appeared. And after the injury, he naturally had even more time for studying at his disposal"" ""Nietzsche's protracted recovery from his military injuries allowed him considerable time to study and to take on other scholarly duties… (Schaberg, The Nietzsche Canon, p. 10).Following his important ""On the Sources of Diogenes Laertius"" from 1869-69, Nietzsche publishes this present article on the same subject, focusing on a different part, in 1870. ""[I]t is uncertain whether all of these articles [i.e. in the Rheinisches Museum] were issued individually and there is no evidence in Nietzsche's letters to suggest the standard offprint policies of Rheinisches Museum at the time."" (Schaberg, p. 13). Schaberg 13‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 41471

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 1,477.30 購入


‎Beiträge zur Kritik der griechischen Lyriker. [Extract from: Rheinishes Museum für Philologie, Vol. XXIII. Herausgegeben von F.G. Welcker und F. Ritschl]. - [NIETZSCHE'S THIRD PUBLICATION]‎

‎(Frankfurt am Main, Verlag von Johann David Sauerländer, 1868). 8vo. Bound in a very nice recent marbled paper binding with gilt leather title-label to front board. Pp. 479 - 489. The paper is extremely brittle and cracks very easily, thus a few smaller marginal pieces of paper have chipped off, no loss of lettering. One small piece with a few letters is chipped off, but the piece is present and no part of lettering is missing.‎

‎The scarce first printing of Nietzsche's third publication, the second of his philological essays. Nietzsche's first published work was a philological essay published in 1867 in the respected journal of classical studies, the ""Rheinisches Museaum für Philologie"". That article, published on the urging of his teacher, appeared when Nietzsche had merely been studying philology for a couple of years. Nietzsche began studying philology at the University of Bonn in the winter semester of 1864/65 and quickly became a prize student. His university studies were fairly quickly interrupted, though, as he spent a year in the Prussian Artillary, from October 1867. After about half a year, he was seriously injured and had to spend the last five months there as a reconvalescent. ""In the same month he was injured, Nietzsche's second philological essay, ""Contribution Towards a Critique of the Greek Lyric Poets""[ Beiträge zur Kritik der griechischen Lyriker], was published in the ""Rheinisches Museum"". The essay examined the text, verse structure, and meter of Simonides' ""Greek Lament"" in an attempt to restore it to the poet's original meaning and intent. ""[I]t is uncertain whether all of these articles [i.e. in the Rheinisches Museum] were issued individually and there is no evidence in Nietzsche's letters to suggest the standard offprint policies of Rheinisches Museum at the time."" (Schaberg, p. 13). Schaberg 10‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 41472

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 1,343.00 購入


‎De Laertii Diogenis fontibus. I-VI. [Extract from: Rheinishes Museum für Philologie, Vol. XXIII + XXIV. Herausgegeben von F.G. Welcker und F. Ritschl]. - [NIETZSCHE'S FOURTH PUBLICATION]‎

‎Frankfurt am Main, Verlag von Johann David Sauerländer, 1868-69. 8vo. Bound with the general title-pages to both volumes of Rheinishes Museum in a very nice recent marbled paper binding with gilt leather title-label to front board. (Vol. XXIII:) pp. (632) - 653 + (Vol. XXIV:) pp. (181) - 228. The paper is extremely brittle and cracks very easily, thus there are a few smaller marginal tears, no loss of lettering and occassional marginal chipping, far from affecting text.‎

‎The scarce first printing of Nietzsche's fourth publication, the third of his philological essays and his most comprehensive, dealing with the question of the sources for Diogenes' work ""The Lives of the Philosophers"", Nietzsche's main interest at the time and the question that took up most of his philological research. It is in this work that Nietzsche concludes that Diogenes had two sources, namely Diocles of Magnesia and Favorinus of Arles.Nietzsche's first published work was a philological essay published in 1867 in the respected journal of classical studies, the ""Rheinisches Museaum für Philologie"". That article, published on the urging of his teacher, appeared when Nietzsche had merely been studying philology for a couple of years. Nietzsche began studying philology at the University of Bonn in the winter semester of 1864/65 and quickly became a prize student. His university studies were fairly quickly interrupted, though, as he spent a year in the Prussian Artillary, from October 1867. After about half a year, he was seriously injured and had to spend the last five months there as a reconvalescent. Nonetheless this year did not mean a break in Nietzsche's studies, quite the contrary. Already in April 1868, before his injury (in May), he published his first book review, namely that of Schoemann's work on ""Die hesiodische Theogonie"", which had just appeared. And after the injury, he naturally had even more time for studying at his disposal"" ""Nietzsche's protracted recovery from his military injuries allowed him considerable time to study and to take on other scholarly duties...(Schaberg, p. 10).""By September of 1868, Nietzsche's studies had produced the first half of a two-part, entitled ""On the Sources of Diogenes Laertius"" (""De Laertii Diogenis fontibus""), which was published in Ritschl's journal. Diogenes Laertius, the third-century author of Lives of the Philosophers, and the question of his sources was Nietzsche's main ongoing interest and the topic represented well over half of his philological publications. Ritschl had been aware of this interest, and he actually encouraged the writing of the article by his most brilliant pupil by designing a school competition with ""The Sources of Diogenes Laertius"" as the recommended topic. Nietzsche, who had been working hard on these studies for several years, won the competition easily."" (Schaberg, p.11)De Laertii Diogenis fontibus was published the year Nietzsche finished his studies and meet Richard Wagner for the first time. The following year, in 1869, Nietzsche intensive studies bore fruit and he was appointed professor of classical philology at the University of Basel. To this day, Nietzsche is still among the youngest of the tenured Classics professors on record. Nietzsche's interest in classical studies did however not last and ""By early January of 1871, Nietzsche was sufficiently disillusioned with philology to apply for the chair of philosophy at Basel, proposing his friend Rhode for his own position. The request was denied but the refusal did little to delay the end of Nietzsche's classical career."" (Schaberg 14 pp). ""[I]t is uncertain whether all of these articles [i.e. in the Rheinisches Museum] were issued individually and there is no evidence in Nietzsche's letters to suggest the standard offprint policies of Rheinisches Museum at the time."" (Schaberg, p. 13). Schaberg 11 - 12‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 41474

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 2,686.00 購入


‎Der Florentinische Tractat über Homer und Hesiod, ihr Geschlecht und ihren Wettkampf. I-V. [Extract from: Rheinishes Museum für Philologie, Vol. XXV + XXVIII. Herausgegeben von F.G. Welcker und F. Ritschl]. - [ENDING THE TRADITIONAL SCHOLARSHIP]‎

‎Frankfurt am Main, Verlag von Johann David Sauerländer, 1870-73. 8vo. Bound with the general title-pages to both volumes of Rheinishes Museum in a very nice recent marbled paper binding with gilt leather title-label to front board. (Vol. XXV:) pp. (528) - 540 + (Vol. XXVII:) pp. (211) - 249. The paper is extremely brittle and cracks very easily, thus there are a few smaller marginal tears, no loss of lettering. Occassinal light pencil-underlinings in text.‎

‎The rare first edition of Nietzsche's important last piece of traditional scholarship, the final of his earliest publications. ""By early January of 1871, Nietzsche was sufficiently disillusioned with philology to apply for the chair of philosophy at Basel, proposing his friend Rhode for his own position. The request was denied but the refusal did little to delay the end of Nietzsche's classical career. All of his philological works were published prior to the appearance of The Birth of Tragedy (January 1872) except for the last article, the second haft of Der Florentinische Tractat über Homer und Hesiod, dated August 1872, which appeared in February of 1873. It was the last piece of traditional classical Scholarship that Nietzsche published."" (Schaberg 13-14 pp.)""Both Wagner and Cosima found several of Nietzsche's works especially enriching [...]. Wagner was also familiar with Nietzsche's scholarship on the epic poets Hesiod and Homer, through his work on the Florentine Manuscript Concerning Homer and Hesiod, Ancestry and their Contest."" (Foster, Daniel. Wagner's Ring Cycle and the Greeks, Cambridge University Press"" 2010, pp. 279-80).""In later years, Nietzsche was understandably dismissive of his philological works. He once wrote to Georg Brandes that ""there are of course, also ""Philologica"" by me but that need not concern either of us anymore."" Cartainly this was true in 1888, but twenty years earlier when these articles were published, they were of major personal importance. Nietzsche's mentor Ritschl used the first four articles as justification for the recommendation that resulted in Nietzsche's spectacularly early appointment to Basel as professor at the age of twenty-four. Ritschl then went further and allowed the articles to be accepted as the dissertation requirement for Nietzsche's doctorate, which was offered without oral examination on 23 March 1869."" (Schaberg, p. 13).""[I]t is uncertain whether all of these articles [i.e. in the Rheinisches Museum] were issued individually and there is no evidence in Nietzsche's letters to suggest the standard offprint policies of Rheinisches Museum at the time."" (Schaberg, p. 13). Schaberg 14+16‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 41473

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 2,148.80 購入


‎Gedichte und Sprüche. - [FRIEDRICH JODL'S COPY]‎

‎Leipzig, Naumann, 1898. Small 8vo. Uncut in the original green printed wrappers. Spine with a bit of wear and minor wear to extremities. A very fine and clean copy in the scarce original wrappers. A 4-line presentation-inscription by Friedrich Jodl to front free end-paper, dated ""23.8.98"".‎

‎The rare first edition of Nietzsche's poems and maxims, the first complete collection of his poetry, which furthermore constitutes the first appearance of all nine, properly corrected, ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"" in one volume.This one of 1.000 copies printed of the first run, without ""Second Edition"" on the title-page, as the other 1.000 copies of the first edition had. According to Elizabeth Förster-Nietzsche, Nietzsche's sister who has assembled the present collection ""[t]his collection of poems and maxims shows the entire poetic development of my brother over a period of 30 years. It begins at a time when the earliest stuttering poetical expression has been overcome and ends with the highest rising of the poetic spirit, who in order to find words can now only speak in dithyrambs."" (own translation, from the Introduction, p. [XIII]). Numerous of the poems have never been printed before, and many are printed from the original manuscripts, which Elizabeth had in her possession.Though Nietzsche is primarily understood and remembered as one of the greatest philosophers of all times, his poems occupy a central place in his literary production and many of them (e.g. the Dithyrambs) are intimately linked with the philosophy for which he is so famous today. Furthermore, the present volume underlines the popular modern view of Nietzsche as the not only philosophical, but also literary and artistic genious. The first edition of the work is difficult to find and is rarely seen for sale.THE PRESENT COPY HAS BELONGED TO FREIDRICH JODL (1849-1914), the famous German philosopher and contemporary of Nietzsche, and bears his signature as well as a 4-line dated presentation-inscription to front free end-paper. Jodl ranks as one of the most significant representatives of German expressionism and is still remembered for his original ontological works with their constant focus on empiricism as the only true strand of philosophy. He has also written a number of important works within the history of philosophy and ethics, psychology and aesthetics, which for decades counted as standard works, and he is among the first to develop the intellectual environment that ultimately led to, among many other things, the founding of the Vienna Circle. His main task was to develop and spread a purely naturalistic ethics free of any religious or metaphysical elements, and he is considered a modern ""Enlightenment philosopher"", whose consistent empiricism, well-founded philosophical ideas, optimistic theories of culture, ethics, the value of life & the progress of man inspired many later thinkers and furthermore helped promote important political and social ideas, such as free popular education, etc. His main works, which are now standard works within ethics and psychology, and which were printed over and over again, are ""Geschichte der Ethik als philosophischer Wissenschaft"", in which he presents man's cultural development as the process of liberation from religious and metaphysical ideas and the change from a theocentric to an anthropocentric foundation of ethics. This work is followed up by his purely epirically founded ""Lehrbuch der Psychologie"", which grounds the same ideas psychologically. After having been Privatdzent in Munich, he was named professor of philosophy at the German University in Prague, and in 1896 he accepted a professorship of philosophy at the University of Vienna. He was greatly successful in Vienna and was considered the most prominent liberal professor here, whose numerous lectures and articles against the reigning ""Ultramintanismus"" and the clerical influence in schools and universities found great resonance with scholars and students. He had a huge number of followers, not only at the university, but also in the public, as a political figure as well. He is partly to thank for the emergence of an intellectual climate in Vienna in the 20th century, which later led to Neopositivism and the founding of the Vienna Circle.""We need no other mediator between us and nature except our understanding and a courageous will, nor any mystery behind nature to console us for her"" we are alone with nature, and we feel secure because we possess intellect and she behaves according to laws"" (Jodl, Vom wahren und vom falschen Idealismus, p. 40).‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 43879

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 2,014.50 購入


‎Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert. + Dionysos-Dithyramben. - [WHAT DOES NOT KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER]‎

‎Leipzig, C.G. Naumann, 1889 + (1890 - released 1892). 8vo. Very nice contemporary half calf with five raised bands, gilt ornamentations, and gilt lettered title to spine. Double gilt lines to boards. A bit of wear to capitals and corners. A nice, clean, and tight copy. Internally fresh and clean, uncut. (8), 144 pp. + 21, (1) pp., 1 f. (contents).‎

‎The scarce first edition of the epitome of Nietzsche's final project -a re-valuation of all values (""Eine Umwerthung aller Werthe""), -his hugely interesting ""declaration of war"" (preface p. (4): ""Diese Schrift ist eine grosse Kriegserklärung""), which was written during his last productive year, just before his big breakdown in Turin. - Bound together with the first printing of the ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"", which appeared as a separate appendix to the fourth part of ""Also sprach Zarathustra"".""Götzen-Dämmerung"" (""The Twilight of the Idols"") must be said to constitute the culmination of the production of this giant of philosophy, who turned mad after having finished it.Early in 1889 Nietzsche began to exhibit signs of serious mental illness, and in Turin he finally broke down, and was brought back to Basel by his friends. ""The Twilight of the Idols"" was released merely a few weeks after this collapse, and Nietzsche never wrote again.Nietzsche had 1.000 copies of the work privately printed. The work is considered one of his most popular, and it is here that we find some of the most frequently quoted passages from the works of Nietzsche, e.g. ""What does not kill me, only makes me stronger"" (p.2.: ""Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker"").The Twilight was meant as an introduction to, or summary of, Nietzshe's philosophy, and as such it is one of his most interesting works. It is written almost as in a rage of fever -in only about a week-, and as he himself states at the end of the preface: ""Turin, am 30. September 1888, am Tage, da das erste Buch der Umwerthung aller Werthe zu ende kam."" (i.e. ""Turin, on September 30. 1888, on the day that the first book on the re-valuation of all value came to an end.""). This highly polemical work makes clear reference to Wagner's opera ""Götterdämmerung"", and it presents us with a sharp critique of the most influential philosophers in history, e.g. Kant, Plato, Socrates, and of Christianity in general, but also the likes of Rousseau, Hugo, Renan, Mill, Darwin, Dante etc. are attacked as the causes of cultural decadence in Europe, and only the likes of Caesar, Napoleon, Dostojevski, Goethe and Thukydides represent the opposite -healthy and strong- strand.Nobody who had read this work could have been surprised with the mental collapse of the author.Of the 1.000 copies, 659 still remained unsold by October 1893.Though Nietzsche is primarily understood and remembered as one of the greatest philosophers of all times, his poems occupy a central place in his literary production and many of them (e.g. the Dithyrambs) are intimately linked with the philosophy, for which he is so famous today. The first printing of the ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"" furthermore occupies a central place in the legendary feud over the rights to his works that emerged after his break-down. Nietzshe no longer had any say in the matter of which or where his remaining works were to be printed, and a complicated struggle over the right to decide over these works begins to unfold with the printing of these first six ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"".""The first of the ""books"" to be published without his editorial corrections was actually a collection of nine poems, entitled ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"", which Nietzsche had gathered together during the last few months of 1888. One of them, ""Last Will"" (""Letzter Wille""), had originally been composed in 1883... The remaining five poems [being the five that are present here, together with ""Last Will""] also saw their first drafts during the ""Zarathustra"" period but did not receive their final revisions until 1888... He prepared the manuscript for printing and composed a dedication on 1 January 1889, but then decided to withhold it temporarily for future publication. Shortly thereafter he was insane. One year later, Gast and Naumann decided to publish the poems in same volume as the first public edition ""Zarathustra IV"" and because three of the poems already appeared in the text - albeit in a slightly revised format - they elected to print the other six poems in an addendum entitled ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"". But what started out as a simple publishing venture soon became the focal point of a complicated struggle to decide who would control the contents and the timing of the publication of Nietzshe's literary estate... Naumann had finished the printing of ""Zarathustra IV"" - which included the addendum of six ""Dinysian Dithyrambs""...on 23 November 1890, with every intention of introducing the work at the Easter Book Fair of 1891. But on 24 March and again on 29 March, Franziska wrote to Overbeck pleading that the work not be published. On 1 April, Gast received a similar letter. Naumann was sent a telegram demanding that he withhold ""Zarathustra IV"" until the issues of blasphemey and liability could be settled. On 13 April, the publisher reluctantly agreed to postpone publication until these issues were resolved.Elisabeth took this opportunity to begin searching for a new publisher who would assume responsibility for all of her brother's works, including the remaining copies that he had paid to have self-published. Negotiations dragged on for months as Elisabeth continued to browbeat Naumann on a number of issues. Finally, on 9 February 1892, a contract was signed in which C.G. Naumann gained control of all of Nietzsche's previously published works... The ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"" appeared as an addendum to the fourth part of ""Zarathustra IV"", which had been printed in late 1890, and were finally released to the public in March of 1892...Publication of all nine poems - with the proper revisions - had to wait another six years..."" (Schaberg: pp. 173-177).As mentioned, the ""Dionysian Dithyrambs"" were published as an appendix (with its own title-page) to ""Also sprach Zarathustra IV"". The work was published in 1.000 copies (printed in late 1890)" by October 1893, 171 copies still remained unsold.Twilight of the Idols: Schaberg: 56Dionysian Dithyrambs: Schaberg: 58‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 43145

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 3,223.20 購入


‎Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert. - [WHAT DOES NOT KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER]‎

‎Leipzig, C.G. Naumann, 1889. 8vo. Bound with the original printed wrappers in a nice near contemporary brown half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Lovely marbled end-papers. A bit of light soiling and brownspotting to wrappers, which are otherwise very well preserved. A few leaves with some very light brownspotting and a couple of leaves with small closed tears to blank inner margin, far from affecting text. Overall very nice. With the engraved book plate of Adolf Fischer to inside of front board. (8), 144 pp.‎

‎First edition - with the scarce original wrappers - of the epitome of Nietzsche's final project -a re-valuation of all values (""Eine Umwerthung aller Werthe""), -his hugely interesting ""declaration of war"" (preface p. (4): ""Diese Schrift ist eine grosse Kriegserklärung""), which was written during his last productive year, just before his big breakdown in Turin. ""Götzen-Dämmerung"" (""The Twilight of the Idols"") arguably constitutes the culmination of the production of this giant of philosophy, who turned mad after having finished it.Early in 1889, Nietzsche began to exhibit signs of serious mental illness"" in Turin, he finally broke down and was brought back to Basel by his friends. ""The Twilight of the Idols"" was released merely a few weeks after this collapse, and Nietzsche never wrote again.Nietzsche had 1.000 copies of the work privately printed. The work is considered one of his most popular, and it is here that we find some of the most frequently quoted passages from the works of Nietzsche, e.g. ""What does not kill me, only makes me stronger"" (p.2.: ""Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker"").The Twilight was meant as an introduction to, or summary of, Nietzshe's philosophy, and as such it is one of his most interesting works. It is written almost as in a rage of fever - it took him no more than a week to write it -, and he regarded it a world-changing magnum opus. As he states at the end of the preface: ""Turin, am 30. September 1888, am Tage, da das erste Buch der Umwerthung aller Werthe zu ende kam."" (i.e. ""Turin, on September 30. 1888, on the day that the first book on the re-valuation of all value came to an end.""). This highly polemical work makes clear reference to Wagner's opera ""Götterdämmerung"", and it presents us with a sharp critique of the most influential philosophers in history, e.g. Kant and Plato, and of Christianity in general, but also the likes of Rousseau, Hugo, Renan, Mill, Darwin, Dante etc. are attacked as the causes of cultural decadence in Europe. Giants like Caesar, Napoleon, Dostojevski, Goethe, and Thukydides are considered representatives of the opposite.The mental collapse of the author may not come as a surprise to anyone reading the work.Of the 1.000 copies, 659 still remained unsold by October 1893.Twilight of the Idols: Schaberg: 56a‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 60004

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 4,969.10 購入


‎Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert. - [WHAT DOES NOT KILL ME ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER]‎

‎Leipzig, C.G. Naumann, 1889. 8vo. Bound in a contemporary red half cloth binding with red marbled paper over boards and single gilt lines. Gilt lettering and a single gilt ornamentation to spine. Lovely patterned irdiscent end-papers in blue with white flowers. Boards slightly faded at top. Front hinge a bit soiled. Spine a bit discoloured and a bit worn at capitals. A few leaves with light, scattered brownspotting, but overall very clean and fresh. A few minor pencil marks on several pages and some faint brown spots on the final page. (8), 144 pp.‎

‎First edition, published in 1889 from Nietzsche's private press, of the epitome of Nietzsche's final project -a re-valuation of all values (""Eine Umwerthung aller Werthe""), -his hugely interesting ""declaration of war"" (preface p. (4): ""Diese Schrift ist eine grosse Kriegserklärung""), which was written during his last productive year, just before his big breakdown in Turin. ""Götzen-Dämmerung"" (""The Twilight of the Idols"") arguably constitutes the culmination of the production of this giant of philosophy, who turned mad after having finished it.Early in 1889, Nietzsche began to exhibit signs of serious mental illness"" in Turin, he finally broke down and was brought back to Basel by his friends. ""The Twilight of the Idols"" was released merely a few weeks after this collapse, and Nietzsche never wrote again.Nietzsche had 1.000 copies of the work privately printed. The work is considered one of his most popular, and it is here that we find some of the most frequently quoted passages from the works of Nietzsche, e.g. ""What does not kill me, only makes me stronger"" (p.2.: ""Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker"").The Twilight was meant as an introduction to, or summary of, Nietzshe's philosophy, and as such it is one of his most interesting works. It is written almost as in a rage of fever - it took him no more than a week to write it -, and he regarded it a world-changing magnum opus. As he states at the end of the preface: ""Turin, am 30. September 1888, am Tage, da das erste Buch der Umwerthung aller Werthe zu ende kam."" (i.e. ""Turin, on September 30. 1888, on the day that the first book on the re-valuation of all value came to an end.""). This highly polemical work makes clear reference to Wagner's opera ""Götterdämmerung"", and it presents us with a sharp critique of the most influential philosophers in history, e.g. Kant and Plato, and of Christianity in general, but also the likes of Rousseau, Hugo, Renan, Mill, Darwin, Dante etc. are attacked as the causes of cultural decadence in Europe. Giants like Caesar, Napoleon, Dostojevski, Goethe, and Thukydides are considered representatives of the opposite.The mental collapse of the author may not come as a surprise to anyone reading the work.Of the 1.000 copies, 659 still remained unsold by October 1893.Twilight of the Idols: Schaberg: 56a‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 61353

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 4,029.00 購入


‎Menschliches, allzumenschliches. Ein Buch für freie Geister. Dam Andenken Voltaire's geweiht zur Gedächtnis-Feier seines Todestages, des 30. Mai 1778. - [NIETZSCHE: ""MY MOST IMPORTANT BOOK""]‎

‎Chemitz, Schmeitzner, 1878. Lex 8vo. Contemporary reddish-brown half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Inner hinges weak and a tear to back hinge. Library-stamp to title-page and library-labels to back end-papers. Apart from that a very nice and clean copy, with the half-title, the advertisement-leaf and the ""eere""-correction that was cut out and pasted in by Schmeitzner over ""enon"" of the word ""menon"" to spell ""meere"", on p. 290. (6), 377, (1), (2, -advertisements) pp.‎

‎The scarce first edition, first issue, of the work in which Nietzsche the philosopher comes into being, his seminal ""Human, All Too Human"", according to Nietzsche himself, his most important book, by many considered his first actual philosophical work, ""a book that marks a turning point in his philosophical style and that, while reinforcing his friendship with Rée, also ends his friendship with the anti-Semitic Wagner, who comes under attack in a thinly-disguised characterization of ""the artist."""" (SEP).The present work is also the first of Nietzsche's Books, on the title-page of which he is listed merely by his name, not followed by ""Prof.""The highly controversial philosophical masterpiece, ""Human, All Too Human"", that Nietzsche according to himself began writing in August 1876, is, together with ""The Birth of Tragedy"", the work that is surrounded by the most drama. Not only does the story of the beginning of the work differ, due to the wish to signal certain personal opinions and relationships, but the title of the work also allegedly changed quite a lot. ""Whatever the original starting date or title, ""Human, All Too Human"", signaled a redical departure in style and content from anything that Nietzsche had previously written, indicating a new direction that was to continue for his next five books."" (Schaberg, p. 55). The history of the actual printing of the book and the conditions and discussions that surrounded it are fairly complicated, however, in the end, the book appeared as Nietzsche had wanted it, except that the publisher persuaded him not to publish it pseudonomously or anonomously. What he didn't want, and might not have expected, were the horribly low sales-numbers. Out of the 1.000 printed copies, only 120 copies were actually sold, and in 1886 the 551 remainders were sold to Fritsch for use in a new edition, making the actual number of the present first edition merely 449.""Nietzsche's friends responded in various ways, but the highly positive reactions were limited to Gast and only three other people. Paul Rée, as expected, thought the book was brilliant... The negative reactions were far more widespread... Nietzsche's former supporters and readers were not prepared to accept the stylistic and philosophical ""about-face"" and the book's poor sales reflected this rejection"" (Schaberg, p. 63-64). It is also to be noted that the book was banned in Russia.In his ""Ecco Homo"", Nietzsche stated that """"Human, All Too Human"" is the monument of a crisis"", referring both to the important change in his formerly so close friendship with Wagner as well as to his general situation (he had to resign as professor in Basel the following year and his health deteriorating) and the end of his former philosophical period (also meaning the beginning of a new). """"Human, All Too Human"" represents a coming of age for Nietzsche the man./ It is a coming of age for Nietzsche the philosopher as well... [it] marks the beginning of a second period in Nietzsche's philosophy, for in it he rejects decisively the romanticism that had characterized his first major work..."" (Marion Faber's Introduction to the 1986 English translation of the work, p. (XXI)).Schaberg no. 29.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 42205

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 3,357.50 購入


‎Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. Erstes Stück: David Strauss. Der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller. + Zweites Stück: Vom Nutzen und Nachteil. Der Historie für das Leben. - [POLEMIZING AGAINST EUROPEAN CULTURE]‎

‎Leipzig, Fritzsch, 1873 + 1874. 8vo. Both works bound together in a nice contemporary brown half calf with gilding to spine. Binding very nice, clean, and tight. Internally quite a bit of brownspotting to first and last leaves of each work. (2), 101, (1) pp. + 111, (1) pp.‎

‎First editions, first issues of these two separate works that make up the first two parts of the ""Untimely Observations"", which was originally intended by Nietzsche to be a series of thirteen separate works gathered together under this common title. The ambitious project didn't come about as intended, and only four works appered in the series. ""Nietzsche actually produced four of these compositions before abandoning the plan, although it is evident that his heart was no longer in the series after the publication of the third essay."" (Schaberg, p. 32). Of each of the two works, 1.000 copies were printed. Of the first 483 remained unsold, and this is this one of 517 copies. Of the second, 778 remained unsold, and this is thus one of merely 222 copies. The ""Observations"" were to deal with aspects of contemporary European culture, with a focus on German culture. The first works of the series combine the Nietzsche that we know from e.g. ""The Birth of Tragedy"" with an early polemical style that properly comes to live in his later works. Especially the first of the ""Observations"", the fierce attack on ""David Strauss, the Confessor and Writer"" is considered one of Nietzsche's most humorous works and a prime example of his early polemical style. He attacks Strauss, accusing him of being a philistine of pseudo-culture, and his latest work ""The Old and the New Faith: A Confession"" from 1871, taking it to be an example of the German thought of the time, and accuses it of being a vulgar reading of history in the service of a degenerate culture.In the second of the ""Observations"", ""On the Use and Abuse of History for Life"", Nietsche introduces his attack on classic humanism and presents his own alternative way of interpreting history. With his attacks on the historicism of man and his view of history as such, this constitutes one of Nietzsche's most interesting works and the one that best captures his concept of ""untimeliness"". Schaberg 23a. + 25a‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 45438

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€ 1,611.60 購入

‎# AUTEUR: Nietzsche Frédéric‎

‎# TITRE: Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra - Le livre pour tout le monde et personne -‎

‎# AUTEUR: Nietzsche Frédéric # ÉDITEUR: Mercure de France Paris # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 1898 # COUVERTURE: sans le 1er plat # DÉTAILS: In 8° broché 1ff.(page de titre)+ portrait en frontispice + 473pp.+ 2ff. (errata). Etat d'usage, le 1er plat est absent, léger manque au dos, coins inférieurs du 2eme plat déchirés. Ouvrage à relier. # PHOTOS visibles sur‎

‎Edition originale française. Première traduction française par Albert Thomas, publiée quinze ans plus tôt dans sa langue originale; traduction saluée pour sa qualité littéraire par A. Gide et P. Valéry.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 3014

Livre Rare Book

Latour infernal
Chambéry France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Latour infernal]

€ 600.00 購入



‎Maximes et textes recueillis et présentés par Georges BATAILLE. P., N.R.F., 1945, in-12, br., 189 p. Edition originale. 1/1650 ex. num. sur alfa vergé Lafuma (seul tirage).‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 24194

‎(Geucke, Kurt:)‎

‎Nächte. Gassen- und Giebelgeschichten. Bilder aus Zeit und Zukunft von einem Mitmenschen. -‎

‎Berlin:, Hermann Walther, 1897.‎

‎Von Nietzsches Ecce Homo inspirierte Zusammenstellung von kurzer Prosa und Gedichten des Journalisten und Schriftstellers Kurt Geucke (1864-1941). - EA (eine zweite Auflage erschien 1906). - "Das Bemerkenswertheste an diesem Buch ist die Ausstattung. Schon das Format fällt auf, Papier und Druck sind vortrefflich, künstlerisch werthvoll sind die Kopfleisten und Zierstücke von Fidus u.A." (Literarisches Centralblatt 1898, 679). - Provenienz 1.: Julie Holmström (Namenszug von alter Hand auf dem Titelblatt; nicht identifiziert). - Provenienz 2.: Bibliothek des Pädagogen und Bibliophilen Jürgen Engel (1933-2023; kleines typographisches Nachlassexlibris auf dem vorderen Spiegel). - Gering berieben und bestoßen; das vordere fliegende Vorsatzblatt etwas randrissig und mit Eselsohr. Sonst und insgesamt gutes, gepflegtes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 97709HB

‎(Mynona, hier hichtig:) Friedlaender, S(alomo)‎

‎Friedrich Nietzsche. Eine intellektuale Biographie.‎

‎Leipzig, Göschen, 1911. 149 S. Kl.-8°. OKart. (Einband lose, etw. gebräunt und bestoßen).‎

‎Erste Ausgabe. - Raabe 217, 34. - "Seit 1910 spielte Mynona in den Berliner expressionistischen Kreisen eine wichtigte Doppelrolle als Philosoph und Schriftsteller. 1911 erschien unter seinem bürgerlichen Namen die vielbeachtete theoretische Studie Friedrich Nietzsche, Eine intellektuale Biographie? (NDB XVIII, 470). - Etw. gebräunt und in den Rändern fleckig.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 21187

‎(NIETZSCHE Fr.) - QUINOT (Armand) - DASKE (Yves) - KOEKEL (Fritz) - KREMER-MARIETTI (Angèle) - GAUDEFROY-DEMOMBYNES (Jean) - Collectif -‎

‎Bulletin de la société française d'études nietzschéennes - Septembre 1959 -‎

‎Manosque : Société française d'études nietzschéennes, 1959 - un volume agrafé sous couverture illustrée, de 47 pages - bon état -‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 35767

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre à Venir
Chantelle France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Livre à Venir]

€ 15.00 購入

‎(NIETZSCHE Fr.) - OTT (Louise) -RICHTER (R.) HARTMANN (H.) - RAUZE (J.) - Collectif - QUINOT (A.) -‎

‎Etudes nietzschéennes - Tome VI-VII - Septembre 1949 -‎

‎Aix-en-Provence, 1949 - un volume 13,2x20,4cm, 80 pages ronéotées - bon état -‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 35765

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre à Venir
Chantelle France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Livre à Venir]

€ 15.00 購入

‎(NIETZSCHE Fr.) - OTT (Louise) - CODINO (G.) - HARTMANN (H.) - RAUZE (J.) - Collectif -‎

‎Etudes nietzschéennes - Tome IV-V - Mars 1949 -‎

‎Aix-en-Provence, 1949 - un volume 13,2x20,4cm, 80 pages ronéotées - bon état -‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 35766

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre à Venir
Chantelle France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Livre à Venir]

€ 15.00 購入


‎MERCURE DE FRANCE N° 400. 16 février 1914.‎

‎Dir. : Alfred Vallette. P., 1914, in-8, br. Textes de F. Vielé-Griffin, E. Raynaud, A. Métérié, Paterne Berrichon, F. Nietzsche "Réflexion sur Richard Wagner", G. Duhamel, J. de Gourmont, Rachilde, G. Apollinaire, etc.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 10498



‎1944 Paris, éditions Bernard Grasset, 1944. Édition originale, exemplaire du tirage courant, avec mention fictive de 8è édition. In-12 broché de 590 pp., orné de 14 planches hors texte dont un portrait photographique de l'auteur en frontispice. Couverture grise imprimée en brun clair et noir. Dos un peu usagé, sans manque. A l'intérieur quelques rares et discrètes accolades en marge, sinon très bon état. Papier de l'époque, uniformément jauni.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 18166

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre Penseur
Paris France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Livre Penseur]

€ 40.00 購入

‎(NIETZSCHE). Magazine LittEraire n° 141.‎


‎P., Magazine Littéraire, octobre 1978, in-8, agrafé, 106 p. Dossier Nietzsche par P. Boudot, L. Dispot, C. Dubigeon-Dollé, D. Grisoni, J.-P. Dollé, F. de Towarnicki. également La maison des romans, entretien avec Georges Pérec, la littérature suisse romande, lettres de Ramuz à Cingria, etc.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 15268


‎Nietzsche. Homme et Surhomme.‎

‎Bruxelles, Lettres Latines, 1946. in-12, 186 pages, broche, couv.‎

‎Bon état, non coupe. [CL-4][LP-8-coupé]‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 10599

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Librairie Pique-Puces]

€ 13.00 購入


‎Nietzsche. Essai de mythologie. Traduit de lallemand par Robert PITROU.‎

‎Paris, Rieder, 1932. in-8°, 468 pages, index, broche, couverture‎

‎Qq. pass. soul. sinon bel exemplaire. [CA31-5]‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 10812

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Librairie Pique-Puces]

€ 25.00 購入


‎Nietzsche. Homme et Surhomme.‎

‎Bruxelles, Editions La Boétie, 1946. In-12, 187 pages, broché.‎

‎Très bel exemplaire. [CL-4]‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 81704

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Librairie Pique-Puces]

€ 15.00 購入

‎(NIETZSCHE Friedrich) GARNIER Paul-Louis‎

‎Réflexions sur Nietzsche‎

‎Petite collection de l'Ermitage, Paris 1902, 14x19cm, broché.‎

‎Edition originale imprimée à petit nombre. Envoi autographe signé de l'auteur à André Rivoire. Une mouillure angulaire affectant les plats également piqués marginalement. Rare. - Photos sur -‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 20609

Livre Rare Book

Le Feu Follet
Paris France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Feu Follet]

€ 120.00 購入



‎1957 Paris, éditions Lettres Modernes, collection Thèmes et Structures, 1957. Avant-propos de Joseph Müller-Blattau. In-8 broché de 338 pp. Couverture à peine usagée. Intérieur en très bon état, sans annotations ni soulignements.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 18502

Livre Rare Book

Le Livre Penseur
Paris France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Le Livre Penseur]

€ 25.00 購入


‎Nietzsche. Homme et Surhomme.‎

‎in-12, 186 pages, broche, couv. Tres bel exemplaire, non coupe. [CL-4]‎

‎[48|14, La Revue du Musée d'Orsay]‎

‎48|14, La REVUE du MUSEE d'ORSAY - n° 13 - Automne 2001‎

‎Revue de 114 pages, format 210 x 295 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, bon état‎

‎Dossier "Böcklin entre antique et moderne"‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : LFA-126742964

‎[Association des Amis de l'Université & Société des Ecrivains Dauphinois]‎

‎CAHIERS de l'ALPE - N° 14 - Juin-juillet 1964‎

‎Revue culturelle, économique et sociale des activités dauphinoises, savoyardes, provençales et vivaroises : 56 pages, format 215 x 270 mm, illustrée, brochée, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire, entre autres : Présentation des Basses-Alpes ; Nietzsche et Nice ; Les parfums de Virginie ; Le port de Nice ; Le château de Nice ; La collection égyptienne au Musée de Grenoble, etc.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : LFA-126738082

‎[Commerce cahiers trimestriels publiés par les soins de Paul Valéry, Léon-Paul Fargue, Valery Larbaud] ; Nietzsche ; Suarès André, Woolf Virginia ; Barilli Bruno ; Supervielle Jules ; Lanux P. De‎

‎Commerce cahier X. Hiver 1926‎

‎L. Giraud-Badin 1926 Exemplaire n60 sur Hollande Van Gelder numérotés de 1 à 100. In-8 broché 25,5 cm sur 20. 200 pages. Grande marge conservée. Pages non coupées. 4ème de couverture avec déchirure de 5 cm, intérieur frais bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Textes contenus dans le cahier : le Drame musical grec traduit par Jean Paulhan, variables, le Temps passe traduit par C. Masson, Oraison funèbre d’une fable, Trois essais traduits par Maria Nebbia et Valery Larbaud, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Second récit du naufrageur, Voix dans le vieux Louvre, Brulement d’un hérétique traduit par Eugène Marsan Bon état d’occasion‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 119271

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Librairie de l'Avenue]

€ 59.00 購入

検索結果数 : 8,610 (173 ページ)

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