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Number of results : 1,131 (23 Page(s))

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‎Analectes. Du Démon de Socrate. 2 vols.‎

‎Théraplix.1978. 2 ,couvs.souples ills.93 et 96 p.TBE.‎

Bookseller reference : 42610

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Laurencier
Bordeaux France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Laurencier]

€15.00 Buy

‎JACQUES-TRÈVE L'évangile de Socrate‎

‎Société Française d'éditions littéraires et techniques 1935. Nombreuses rousseurs en couvertures. Étiquette au dos.‎

‎Frais de port calculés en fonction du mode d'envoi choisi.‎

Bookseller reference : MM-491

Livre Rare Book

Les Mondes Magiques
Rouen France Francia França France
[Books from Les Mondes Magiques]

€5.00 Buy

‎LA VIE DE SOCRATE. Traduite de l'Anglois.‎

‎1751 / 247 pages. Relié au format : 8 x 14,5 cm. A Amsterdam par la Compagnie.‎

‎Reliure présentante de lègers frottements d'usage, intérieur trés frais. Très bel état.‎

Bookseller reference : PHI243M

Livre Rare Book

Librairie du Levant
Bayonne France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie du Levant]

€100.00 Buy

‎Plato and Aristotle: Order and History, Volume Three (Collected Works of Eric Voegelin)‎

‎Book is in excellent condition. Binding is solid and square, covers have sharp corners, exterior shows no blemishes, text/interior is clean and free of marking of any kind. Dust jacket shows light edge wear, shelf wear only, no tears, is price clipped. Contents include: Plato and Socrates, The Gorgias, Phaedrus and Statesman, Timaeus and Critias, The laws, Aristotle and Plato, Science of the polis, On types of character and skepticism, etc. with three indexes.‎

‎Regiae Friderico-Alexandrinae Litteratum Universitatis Prorector D. Adolfus de Struempell, pathologiae et therapiae specialis professor publicus ordinarius cum procancellario relique senatu academico successorem suum civibus academicis commendat. Praemissa est Hermanni Varnhagen, de libro italico, inscripto fiori e vita di filosafi ed altri savii ed imperadori dissertatio.‎

‎Erlangae (Erlangen), Typis Friderici Iunge Typographi Aulae Reg. Bavar. et Univers. Erlang. 1843. 47, (2) Seiten, mit Abbildungen, 4° (28,5 x 22,5 cm), Originalbroschur.‎

‎Broschur berieben, bestoßen, fleckig und stark randrissig. Klammern der Klammerheftung oxidiert.‎

Bookseller reference : 2030292


‎Serie Imparare a pensare‎

‎SOCRATE. A cura di Luciano Aleotti.‎

‎(Milano), Mondadori, 1973, in-16, cartone edit., pp. 124, (4). Con illustrazioni. Collana "I Grandi Contestatori", n. 1.‎

‎Valori Plastici. Revista d'Arte Roma 1918 - 1921 - Riproduzione anastatica conforme all'originale.‎

‎Milano Gabriele Mazzota - Achivi d'arte des XX seculo 1969 In-4 Cartonnage de L'éditeur‎

‎Edition en facsimilé de la célèbre revue d'avant-garde italienne, dirigée par M. Broglio. La collection complète comprend : Année I. 1918-1919. N°1, novembre 1918 - N° 2/3, février - mars 1919 - N° 4/5, avril - mai 1919 - N° 6/10, juin - octobre 1919 - N° 11/12, novembre - décembre 1919. Année II. 1920. N° 1/2, janvier - février - N°3/4, mars - avril - N° 5/6, mai - juin - N° 7/8 - N° 9/12. Année III. 1921. N° 1 - N° 2 - N° 3 - N° 4 - N° 5. Textes - parfois en français - et illustrations de Armando Spadini, Carlo Socrate, Giorgio De Chirico, Alberto Savinio, Carlo Carrà, Ardengo Soffici, Roberto Melli, Maria Mancuso, Luciano Folgore, Gilbert Clavel, Filippo de Pisis, Mario Broglio, Léonce Rosenberg Georges Braque, Pablo Picaso, André Salmon, Jean Cocteau, Fernand Léger, Juan Gris, Max Jacob, Herbin, Metzinger, Paul Dermée, Pierre Albert-Birot, Blaise Cendrars, André Breton, Maria Blanchard, Louis Aragon, Philippe Soupault, Theo van Doesburg, Teodoro Daubler, Maurice Raynal, Ardengo Soffici, Emilio Bacchelli, Emilio Cecchi, Guido Ghersi, Wassili Kandinsky, Matteo Marangoni, Italo Tavolato, Leopold Zahn, Alexander Archipenko, Heinrich Campendonk, Oswail Spengler, Arturo Martini, Ossip Zadkine ... Les couvertures et feuillets publicitaires sont également reproduits. Tirage à 500 exemplaires numérotés. Très bon 0‎

Bookseller reference : 012947

Livre Rare Book

Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie-Galerie Emmanuel Hutin]

€80.00 Buy

‎[Actualité de l'Histoire Dossier]‎


‎Numéro 29 (Février-Mars 2010) : 74 pages, format 210 x 295 mm, broché couverture couleurs, illustré, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Dossier "Les crimes d'Etat" ; Haïti : de Toussaint Louverture au séïsme ; Louis XV, un roi mal compris ? ; Socrate ou l'injustice à Athènes ; Saint-Denis, de la basilique royale au 93‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126716694

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€4.00 Buy



‎Paris, Société d edition les belles lettres , 1929; in-12, 199 pp., broché, couverture illustr.‎


Bookseller reference : 200906050

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€16.00 Buy

‎[CESAREE, Eusèbe de ]‎

‎AUTORES HISTORIAE ECCLESIASTICAE. Eusebij Paphili Caesariensis episcopi libri IX. Ruffino interprete. Ruffini presbyteri Aquileienses, libri II. Item Ex. Theodorito Episcopo Cyrensi, Sozomeno & Socrate Constantinopolitano libri XII. versi ab Epiphanio Scholastico, Adbreviati per Cassiodorum Senatorem : unde illis Tripartitae historiae vocabulum. Omnia recognita ad antiqua explaria Latina, per Beatu Rhenanum. His Accesserunt. Nicephori ecclesiastica historia, incerto interprete. Victoris episcopi libri III De persecutione Vuandalica. Theodoriti Libri V. nuper ab Ioachimo Camerario Latinitate Donati.‎

‎Colophon : Basilae, Per Hieronymum Frobenium et Nicolaum Episcopium, Anno MD XLIIII, Edité à Bâle par Froben, 1544, 1 volume in-folio de 315x200x65 mm environ, 1f.blanc, 6ff. (titre avec la marque de l'imprimeur, epistola, ad lectorem, Ruffinus Chromatio), 851 pages, 18 ff. (index) avec la marque de l'imprimeur au dos du colophon, plein basane marbrée fauve, dos à nerfs portant titres dorés sur pièce de titre en maroquin bordeaux, orné de fers dorés aux entrenerfs, tranches mouchetées de rouge. Rousseurs et pages brunies, notes marginales et ratures à l'encre par endroits (avec petit dans la marge causé par l'encre p.668, sans atteinte au texte), manque de papier sur la page de titre, épidermures et petits trous de ver sur le cuir, sinon bon état.‎

‎Eusèbe de Césarée ou Eusèbe (de) Pamphile, (en latin Eusebius Pamphili), né vers 265 et mort le 30 mai 339, évêque de Césarée en Palestine. Élève d'Origène, il échappa aux persécutions de Dioclétien, et fut un proche de l'empereur romain Constantin Ier. Il est l'auteur de nombreuses uvres historiques, apologétiques, bibliques et exégétiques dont une importante Histoire ecclésiastique. Plusieurs auteurs grecs ont donné une suite à l'Histoire Ecclésiastique. On peut citer Philostorge, Socrate le Scolastique, Sozomène, Théodoret de Cyr, Évagre le Scholastique. Par ailleurs, Rufin d'Aquilée est l'auteur d'une traduction et d'une continuation en latin de l'Histoire Ecclésiastique. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Bookseller reference : 106305

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Diogène
Lyon France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Diogène]

€500.00 Buy


‎ITINERAIRES n° 289 - Janvier 1985‎

‎Revue mensuelle catholique : 164 pages, format 135 x 210 mm, brochée, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Pie IX réhabilité par un libre-penseur ; Un inédit du P. Emmanuel ; La religion D'Ernest Renan ; le symbole de saint Athanase ; L'office de sainte Agnès ; Socrate et Erik Satie‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126718756

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€15.00 Buy

‎[Notre Histoire]‎


‎N° 148 (Octobre 1997) 66 pages, format 220 x 295 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : La Révolution russe et l'Eglise orthodoxe ; Socrate, accoucheur de vérité ; Saint Pierre est-il vraiment au Vatican ?, etc.‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126739942

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€4.00 Buy



‎Un ouvrage de 66 pages, format 135 x 165 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, s.d., Psychologies, bon état‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126745628

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€3.00 Buy

‎[PLATON] BONNARD (textes chois. et pres. par).‎

‎Socrate selon Platon. Textes choisis et presentes par A. BONNARD.‎

‎in-12, 354 pages, front., broché, couv. rempl.— Ex. numéroté. Bel exemplaire [DV-SM]‎


[Books from Pique-Puces]

€15.00 Buy

‎[PLATON] BONNARD (textes chois. et pres. par).‎

‎Socrate selon Platon. Textes choisis et presentes par A. BONNARD.‎

‎Lausanne, Mermod (« Collection du Bouquet »), 1945. in-12, 354 pages, front., broché, couv. rempl. Ex. numéroté.‎

‎Bel exemplaire [DV-SM]‎

Bookseller reference : 9976

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Pique-Puces
Belfort France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Pique-Puces]

€15.00 Buy

‎[SOCRATE] - MEUNIER (Mario).-‎

‎La légende de Socrate.‎

‎1965 P., Albin Michel, 1965, in 12 broché, 187 pages, non coupé ; couverture illustrée.‎

‎...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 66070

‎[SOCRATE] - MEUNIER (Mario.).-‎

‎La légende de Socrate.‎

‎P., Albin Michel, 1965, in 12 broché, 183 pages.‎

‎...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 3573

‎[SOCRATE] - PIAT (Clodius).-‎

‎Socrate. 2ème édition revue et corrigée.‎

‎P., Alcan (Les Grands Philosophes), 1912, in 8° relié demi-percaline vert sapin, VIII-270 pages ; cachets.‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 8944

‎[SOCRATE] - THIBAUDET (Albert).-‎

‎Socrate. Texte manuscrit inédit, établi, présenté et annoté par Floyd Gray avec le concours d'Henri Larue. Avant-propos de Michel Leymarié.‎

‎2008 Paris, CNRS, 2008, fort volume in 8° broché, 441 pages ; couvetrure illustrée.‎

‎...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 80082

‎[SOCRATE] - VIARD (Dr Marcel).-‎

‎Le voeu suprême de Socrate ou la connaissance de soi-même et des autres.‎

‎P., Vigot, 1953, grand in 8° broché, 166pp.‎

‎Avec schémas et figures.PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 13983

‎[Socrate] Manuel Boix, Pierre Moessinger:‎


‎Genève, La joie de lire, collection Connus, méconnus, 1992. Grand in-8, cartonnage couleurs. En belle condition.‎

‎Dans une collection qui présente aux enfants des personnages qui ont laissé une trace dans l'aventure humaine.‎

Bookseller reference : 19014

Livre Rare Book

La Bergerie
Carouge Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from La Bergerie]

€19.11 Buy


‎Socrate sur Internet.‎

‎P., Éditions de Fallois, 1997, in-8, br., 270 pp., bibliographie. (DD12)‎

‎Pour une philosophie "médiatique". Envoi de l'auteur : "Au Docteur Naquet, du gendre d'un grand Immortel, célèbre à la foi, dans son métier et par ses oeuvres - un hommage bien sincère et avec le témoignage de souvenirs très chers - Denis Huisman - 14/12/97".‎

Bookseller reference : 1364836

Livre Rare Book

Librairie HURET
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie HURET]

€15.00 Buy


‎Socrate fonctionnaie.‎

‎Bruxelles, Éd. Complexe, 1982, seconde éd.), in-8, br., couv. ill., XXIII-283 pp., index. (DC24)‎

‎Essai sur (et contre) l'enseignement de la philosophie à l'université. Envoi de l'auteur : "À Pascal Ory, avec mon plus cordial souvenir... Pierre Thuillier".‎

Bookseller reference : 1368124

Livre Rare Book

Librairie HURET
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie HURET]

€15.00 Buy



‎GUIDA 2004 242 PP. FONDO DI MAGAZZINO: PERFETTO E INTONSO. Parole e frasi comuni alcun assoluto Auschwitz banalità del male Baum Carl Schmitt compito comunità concezione coscienza costituisce costruire Cracovia crisi Cristo dell'Olocausto dell'uomo dice diritto domanda ebraica ebraismo ebrei Eckardt Eichmann Elie Wiesel esiste esso etica f1glio fascismo fede filosofia funzione Germania Gerusalemme Gesù ghetto Giobbe guerra Gumplovicz Hannah Arendt headship Hegel Heidegger Hitler Ibid ideologica Ihid interpretazioni interrogativi Israele Judenrat Judenriite Kafka l'ebreo L'Olocausto l'uomo lager Lévinas liberalismo Lissa lotta male naturale mente Metz mistico mondo morte Movimenti giovanili nazista nemico notte nulla nuovo parlare parola passato Paul Celan pensare poema poesia politica anti - ebraica possibile potere problema processo proprio questione radicale Raul Hilberg razze realtà Reich religiosa responsabilità resurrezione Ruether ruolo sembra senso Shoah signif1cato silenzio situazione sociale sofferenza Sombart storia storico sviluppi tedesco Tel Aviv teodicea teologia cristiana termini Terzo Reich totalitario totalmente tradizione tratta trova umano vuol dire XX secolo‎

‎A. J. Festugière O. P.‎


‎Volume degli anni '30 del '900 in stato discreto, coperta in cartoncino goffrato semimorbido, molto consumata con mancanza e pieghe, tagli, con barbe, e margini delle pagine un po' bruniti, pagine discretamente conservate, lievemente ambrate, punta superiore delle prime pagine usurata. Presenta firma d'appartenenza con data su guardia, Introduzione e traduzione di Giuseppe Bronzini. Numero pagine 188 USATO‎


‎Socrate di Antonio Labriola‎

‎A. LABRIOLA Socrate di Antonio Labriola. Bari, Laterza 1953 italian, 167 BTT107A Brossura editoriale, volume in discrete condizioni, 5° edizione, segni di usura causati dal fattore tempo sulla copertina, pagine ingiallite, legatura salda, pagine leggermente sfalzate 167pagine circa Copertina come da foto‎

‎Aa. Vv.‎

‎Il Verri Rivista Di Letteratura Diretta Da Luciano Anceschi Marzo 1975 Numero 9‎

‎Mm 115x185 Brossura editoriale di pp. 138, con scritti di Solmi, Anceschi, Perniola, Barbolini, Titli, Vattimo. SPEDIZIONE IN 24 ORE DALLA CONFERMA DELL'ORDINE.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Books from Salvalibro Snc]

€9.90 Buy


‎Socrate, la democrazia contro il libero pensiero‎

‎aa.vv Socrate, la democrazia contro il libero pensiero. , corriere della sera 2019, Libro complessivamente in buono stato. Buono (Good) . <br> <br> <br> 156<br>‎


Romania Rumanía Romênia Roumanie
[Books from Librisaggi]

€9.90 Buy

‎Adams Socrates‎

‎A Modern Family‎

‎Bluemoose Books Ltd 07/25/2013. Paperback. Used; Good. WE SHIP WITHIN 24 HRS FROM LONDON UK 98% OF OUR ORDERS ARE RECEIVED WITHIN 7-10 DAYS. We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! Bluemoose Books Ltd paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 2086469 ISBN : 0957549709 9780957549708

Greener Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Books from Greener Books Ltd]

€4.56 Buy

‎Adams Socrates‎

‎A Modern Family‎

‎Bluemoose Books Ltd. Paperback. Used; Good. Simply Brit Shipped with Premium postal service within 24 hours from the UK with impressive delivery time. We have dispatched from our book depository; items of good condition to over ten million satisfied customers worldwide. We are committed to providing you with reliable and efficient service at all times. 07/25/2013 Bluemoose Books Ltd paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 2595078 ISBN : 0957549709 9780957549708

Brit Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Books from Brit Books Ltd]

€4.44 Buy

‎Adams Socrates‎

‎Everythings Fine‎

‎Transmission Print 01/06/2012. Paperback. Used; Good. WE SHIP WITHIN 24 HRS FROM LONDON UK 98% OF OUR ORDERS ARE RECEIVED WITHIN 7-10 DAYS. We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! Transmission Print paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 2398400 ISBN : 0956658318 9780956658319

Greener Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Books from Greener Books Ltd]

€4.56 Buy



‎2013. Paperback. Very Good-New. Rare book paperback‎

Bookseller reference : T137180 ISBN : 8494052942 9788494052941

Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentine
[Books from Unique&Rare]

€165.84 Buy



‎CAPPELLI 1981 113 PP. FONDO DI MAGAZZINO: LIEVI SEGNI DEL TEMPO ALLA COPERTINA, VOLUME INTONSO, MAI SFOGLIATO. "Il Simposio di San Silvestro" si presenta quale dialogo modellato sul Simposio platonico, offrendo significative diversità rispetto all'illustre originale. La più intrigante: Diotima partecipa in prima persona alla conversazione, pienamente riconosciuta dagli altri convitati nelle sue capacità intellettuali, designata quale "madrina di concetti". Ella assume con naturalezza il ruolo di guida nella discussione quale personaggio centrale del confronto speculativo: paziente mediatrice, dotata di ironia, abile nel condurre i ragionamenti, ma senza dimenticare le ragioni del cuore. Un'altra innovazione è rappresentata da due figure femminili, Hermia e Helena, accanto a Diotima: le tre donne sono amiche e affettuose, ma molto diverse di carattere, ironiche e sincere. Infine emerge il livello più propriamente helleriano di quest'opera, che tuttavia non è scisso dal primo: l'Autrice, affrontando il tema dei sentimenti e la teoria dei bisogni, si sofferma sulla responsabilità di essi e delle azioni che ne scaturiscono, e dedica molte pagine alla loro funzione sociale. Ne risulta un cammino di riscoperta e insieme di re-invenzione di interrogativi teoretici e pratici con l'apporto innovativo di "una voce di donna", riconosciuta ormai come Maestra, la cui abbondante produzione ci ha accompagnato lungo tutto il Novecento.‎

‎Agostino di Cosmi; Socrates‎

‎Delle Memorie di Socrate: Scritte da Senofonte‎

‎Palermo: Reale di Guerra 1814. Hardcover. Very Good. Rebound in cloth boards octavo 284pp. not illustrated. Book VG with some rubbing and scuffing to spine toning edge wear and general soil to boards front inner hinge cracked previous owner's plate to front paste down text has some light red pencilling and foxing throughout. No DJ. Text in Italian. Reale di Guerra hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : B44487

Common Crow Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Common Crow Books]

€21.15 Buy

‎Agricola L. dis. & Perini G. inc.‎


‎Questi bellissimi busti ritraggono Euripide, drammaturgo greco antico, e Socrate, filosofo greco antico. Socrate (Atene, 469 a.C. – Atene, 399 a.C.) è stato un uno dei più importanti esponenti della tradizione filosofica occidentale; Euripide (Salamina, 480 a.C. – Pella, 406 a.C.) fu un considerato, insieme ad Eschilo e Sofocle, uno dei maggiori poeti tragici greci. Inserita nell'opera "Il Museo Pio-Clementino descritto da Ennio Quirino Visconti Direttore del Museo Capitolino - Tomo sesto - Dedicato alla Santita di Nostro Signore PIO SESTO Pontefice Massimo. Edito da Luigi Mirri / Mercante di quadri incontro il Palazzo Bernini. In Roma MDCCXCII con Privilegio Pontificio. Opera dedicata ai Busti del Museo Pio-Clementino. Leggeri segni di foxing‎

‎Alain :‎

‎Minerve ou de la sagesse.‎

‎Paris, Paul Hartmann, 1939 ; in-12, broché ; 306 pp. , (4) pp. ; couverture beige imprimée rouge et noir.‎

‎Edition originale, couverture défraichie acec trace de papier collant au dos, intérieur en bon état.‎

Bookseller reference : 6288

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé
Saint Symphorien d’Ozon France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Clagahé]

€20.00 Buy

‎Alesse Francesca‎

‎La stoa e la tradizione socratica‎


‎Alon Ilai author; Socrates subject‎


‎Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1995. Softcover. Octavo; G; Paperback; Spine black with white print; DJ has slight edgewear but is clean and bright; Cover has slight edgewear creasing to hinges slight shelfwear; Text block clean and tight; In Arabic and English; 207 English pages Arabic pages separately numbered. FP New Rockville Stock. <br/><br/> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 15-39-1316704

Second Story Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Second Story Books]

€38.07 Buy

‎Alon Ilai author; Socrates subject‎


‎Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1995. Softcover. Octavo; G; Paperback; Spine black with white print; DJ has slight edgewear but is clean and bright; Cover has slight edgewear creasing to hinges slight shelfwear; Text block clean and tight; In Arabic and English; 207 English pages Arabic pages separately numbered. 1316704. FP New Rockville Stock. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem unknown books‎

Bookseller reference : 1316704


Second Story Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Second Story Books]

€38.07 Buy

‎Ambrose Henkel Socrates Henkel Charles Porterfield Krauth‎

‎The Christian Book of concord or Symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Comprising the three chief symbols the unaltered Augsburg confession the Apology the Smalcald articles Luthers Smaller and Larger catechisms the Formula of con 1854‎

‎2016. Softcover. New. Size: 17.78 x 24.13 cms Lang: - English Pages 776. Reprinted in 2016 with the help of original edition published long back 1854. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111000101870 ISBN : 4444006166951 4444006166

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€51.20 Buy

‎Ambrose Henkel Socrates Henkel Charles Porterfield Krauth‎

‎The Christian Book of concord or Symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Comprising the three chief symbols the unaltered Augsburg confession the Apology the Smalcald articles Luthers Smaller and Larger catechisms the Formula of con 1854 Hardcover‎

‎2016. Hardcover. New. Size: 18.78 x 25.13 cms Lang: - English Pages 776. Reprinted in 2016 with the help of original edition published long back 1854. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111000101870 ISBN : 9353127122 9789353127121

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€57.06 Buy

‎Analectes - LELUT F.‎

‎Analectes (Tome I) : Du démon de Socrate, spécimen d'une application de la science psychologique à celle de l'histoire.‎

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Bookseller reference : 99144

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Le Père Pénard
Lyon France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Le Père Pénard]

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‎Barefoot in Athens‎

‎Play based on Socrates and his trial and death in Athens.101p. Blue-Green blue cloth binding faded on spine and edges Faint foxing on end papers, but interior very neat and clean. Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Books from Kalamos Books]

€18.54 Buy


‎La civilisation grecque. Volume II : d'Antigone à Socrate. Richement illustré (héliogravures, carte dépliante).‎

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Bookseller reference : AUB-477

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de recherches du Château
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‎Angioletti Giovanni Battista‎

‎I Grandi Ospiti‎

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Foligno, IT
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‎Histoire et historiettes.‎

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Bookseller reference : 13758

Livre Rare Book

Bar le Duc France Francia França France
[Books from Charbonnel]

€30.00 Buy

‎Anonymous Socrates‎

‎Socrates a tragedy in five acts; written 1814. Plan du poème de Lothaire. -Extracts from Lothaire an unfinished poem; and other detached pieces.‎

‎British Library Historical Print Editions. Used - Like New. Used - Like New. Book is new and unread but may have minor shelf wear. Ships from UK in 48 hours or less usually same day. Your purchase helps support the African Children's Educational Trust A-CET. 100% money back guarantee. We are a world class secondhand bookstore based in Hertfordshire United Kingdom and specialize in high quality textbooks across an enormous variety of subjects. We aim to provide a vast range of textbooks rare and collectible books at a great price. Through our work with A-CET we have helped give hundreds of young people in Africa the vital chance to get an education. We provide a 100% money back guarantee and are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standards of service in the bookselling industry. British Library, Historical Print Editions unknown‎

Bookseller reference : Z1-F-026-01339 ISBN : 124107271x 9781241072711

Phatpocket Limited
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
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‎Anonymous Socrates‎

‎Socrates a tragedy in five acts; written 1814. Plan du po‎

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Bookseller reference : SONG124107271X ISBN : 124107271X 9781241072711

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