
‎Guerre 39/45‎



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‎Thackeray William Makepeace‎

‎La fiera delle vanità‎

‎br. La trama è incentrata sulla vita di due ragazze: l'una, Becky Sharp, disposta a tutto pur di farsi avanti nella vita; l'altra, Amelia Sedley, dolce e remissiva. Becky tenta dapprima di irretire il fratello di Amelia, poi, ostacolata nei suoi propositi, suscita la senile passione di un ricco signore che la vuole in moglie, ignorando che la ragazza è già segretamente sposata con uno dei suoi figli. La caratteristica che rende questo uno dei romanzi più importanti nella storia della letteratura inglese del XIX secolo è la presenza di una protagonista non più tutta virtù o vizio, ma una nuda realtà quotidiana in cui vale più il buon senso che un deviante sentimentalismo.‎

‎Thackeray William Makepeace‎

‎La fiera delle vanità‎

‎brossura La fiera delle vanità narra le vicende parallele di due donne molto diverse: Becky Sharp, coraggiosa e intelligente quanto astuta, arrivista e priva di scrupoli, e la sua compagna di scuola Amelia Sedley, emblema di virtù ma anche terribilmente ingenua e un po' sciocca. Dominato da un garbato sarcasmo che a tratti si trasforma in un'ironia feroce, il romanzo sconvolse la società letteraria vittoriana per la schietta descrizione della realtà sociale: dall'ambiente mondano londinese a quello esotico dell'India, da quello militare, rozzo e primitivo, a quello ipocrita e perbenista della Chiesa. Su questo variegato sfondo si snoda fluida una narrazione dominata da molteplici personaggi, figure che - forse per la prima volta nel romanzo inglese - non sono manichini ma uomini in carne e ossa.‎

‎Thackeray William Makepeace‎

‎La storia di Henry Esmond‎

‎br. Quando Lady Rachel Castlewood prende possesso del castello ereditato dal marito, vi trova, unico occupante oltre alla servitù, un solitario e malinconico ragazzo, Henry. Orfano di padre e di madre, il giovane Henry teme l'accoglienza che gli riserveranno i nuovi proprietari: lo cacceranno via? Lo tratteranno come un servo? Troverà, in loro, invece, affetto e protezione. Finirà per innamorarsi della dolce e amorevole Rachel, ma anche della sua bellissima figlia, Beatrix. Gentiluomo raffinato e soldato valoroso, si farà onore nelle campagne del duca di Marlborough contro Luigi XIV. La sua ascesa, però, verrà interrotta dal fallito tentativo di rimettere sul trono gli Stuart. Pagina dopo pagina, le vicende della famiglia Castlewood si fanno sempre più complesse: alcune relazioni si rafforzano, altre lentamente si dissolvono, e l'amore desiderato da ognuno dei protagonisti non otterrà mai soddisfazione. Lo sguardo ora tenero ora amaro con cui tutto questo è visto, il giudizio ora indulgente ora di condanna su ciò che moralmente dovrebbe essere e ciò che invece è, la rigorosa struttura narrativa, fanno di questo romanzo uno dei più riusciti della letteratura inglese. Ancora oggi, per l'abilità con cui le vicende dei personaggi sono intrecciate e inserite nell'epoca e nel luogo in cui si svolgono - il primo Settecento, nell'Inghilterra tormentata dalle febbrili divisioni politiche e religiose dell'ultimo periodo Stuart -, La storia di Henry Esmond è considerato uno dei migliori esempi di romanzo storico. Alla sua uscita, nel 1852, fu subito celebrato per la genialità del suo autore e Thackeray stesso, sebbene all'epoca avesse già pubblicato capolavori come "Le memorie di Barry Lyndon" e "La fiera delle vanità", lo giudicò come «il meglio che io possa fare».‎

‎Thackeray William Makepeace; Giartosio T. (cur.)‎

‎Le memorie di Barry Lyndon‎

‎br. Cosa vuol dire entrare nella coscienza di un altro, guardare il mondo lungo la curva del suo sguardo? "Le memorie di Barry Lyndon" cede la parola a una straordinaria figura di avventuriero, il cui sguardo cinico e al tempo stesso ingenuo percorre un Settecento rimpianto o solo immaginato. Dalle sofferenze al servizio di Sua Maestà alle vicissitudini nell'esercito, dal corteggiamento di una ricca ereditiera ai soggiorni nelle splendide dimore in Inghilterra e Irlanda, dal gioco d'azzardo alle persecuzioni e calunnie di cui si sente vittima, la vita dell'eroe di Thackeray è interamente immersa nella spirale di un sogno che attraversa con lui mezza Europa e mezzo secolo. Un sogno destinato a sperimentare infine la propria nuda fragilità: il destino è soggetto a logiche imperscrutabili, e quello di Barry Lyndon sarà una conquista impossibile. Considerato di volta in volta affascinante o immorale, "Le memorie di Barry Lyndon" è fonte di viva ispirazione dell'immaginario moderno: celebre la rilettura cinematografica di Stanley Kubrick, che quest'anno festeggia il quarantesimo anniversario. Pubblicato in una prima versione nel 1844 e poi in edizione definitiva nel 1856, ritorna un classico della letteratura occidentale.‎

‎Thackeray, William Makepeace‎

‎Die Rose und der Ring oder Die Geschichte von den beiden Prinzen Giglio und Bulbo‎

‎Ein Märchenspiel für große und kleine Kinder. Übersetzt von J. J. Scheu. 10. Tsd. Braunschweig, Westermann, ca. 1920. Mit zahlreichen Illustrationen des Verfassers. VIII, 141 S., 1 Bl. Illustrierter Or.-Lwd. [4 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Papier gebräunt, gering gelockert, insgesamt aber gutes Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 106268

‎THACKRAY Arnold 1939 .‎

‎Atoms and Powers; an essay on Newtonian matter-theory and the development of chemistry.‎

‎Cambridge:: Harvard University Press 1970. 1970. Series: Harvard monographs in the history of science. 8vo. xxiii 3 326 pp. Figs. index. Cloth dust-jacket; jacket rubbed. MICHAEL CROWE'S copy with his extensive penciled notes throughout. Very good. ISBN 10: 0674052579 "This is a fascinating book! It is written gracefully and elegantly and is a jewel in the Harvard Monographs in the History of Science edited by a committee chaired by I. Bernard Cohen. It traces the development of chemistry from Newton to the radical break with Newtonian chemistry …" Leo Schubert book review J. Chem. Educ. vol. 48 no. 9 Sept. 1 1971. / Thackray was associate professor of history and chairman of the Graduate Group in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Harvard University Press, 1970. hardcover books‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : S13840 ISBN : 0674052579 9780674052574

‎Thain, Alastair‎

‎Skin deep. The portraits of Alastair Thain. (Text by Jane Withers. Design by Neville Brody and Giles Dunn).‎

‎London, Viking Penguin Books, 1991. [144] S. Mit zahlr., meist s/w Porträt-Fotografien. Folio (38 x 30 cm). OPp. mit SU (dieser angeändert).‎

‎Von A. Thain (geb. 1961) SIGNIERT. -Thains schonungslose, oft die feinste Pore unbarmherzig ausleuchtende Porträts von Prominenten wie Annie Lennox, Beuys, Haring, Hockney, Gilbert and George, Warhol, Highsmith, Burgess, Scorcese, A.Hopkins, Tilda Swinton, Keith Richards u.v.m. Mit - teils bebilderten - Kurzbiographien der Porträtierten am Schluß. - Gutes Exemplar‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 72420


‎Die Regina-Gedichte. In einhundertelf Exemplaren vervielfältigt, numeriert und signiert in der Handschrift des Verfassers.‎

‎Rottach-Egern: Wolf Oliva, (1967). 4°. 115 S. Roter Original-Saffianleder-Einband mit goldgeprägten Initialen des Autors auf dem Vorderdeckel, Kopfgoldschnitt. Sehr gut erhalten.‎

‎Gedichte aus dem Roman "Regina. Die denkende Liebe" gedruckt auf Daunenpapier in der 9' Trump-Mediäval, die Gedichte daneben noch als Handschrift-Faksimiles, mit 6 Abbildungen nach Federzeichnungen von Bernhard Kühlewein. Eines von 111 numerierten Exemplaren mit handschriftlicher persönlicher Widmung des Autors auf dem Titel an Gustav Rudolf Sellner (25. Mai 1905 in Traunstein - 8. Mai 1990 in Königsfeld-Burgberg), er war ein deutscher Schauspieler, Dramaturg, Regisseur und Theaterleiter (siehe Wikipedia).‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 24076A

‎THALAND, Rijn:‎

‎Die Regina-Gedichte. In einhundertelf Exemplaren vervielfältigt, numeriert und signiert in der Handschrift des Verfassers.‎

‎4°. 115 S. Roter Original-Saffianleder-Einband mit goldgeprägten Initialen des Autors auf dem Vorderdeckel, Kopfgoldschnitt. Sehr gut erhalten. Gedichte aus dem Roman "Regina. Die denkende Liebe" gedruckt auf Daunenpapier in der 9' Trump-Mediäval, die Gedichte daneben noch als Handschrift-Faksimiles, mit 6 Abbildungen nach Federzeichnungen von Bernhard Kühlewein. Eines von 111 numerierten Exemplaren mit handschriftlicher persönlicher Widmung des Autors auf dem Titel an Gustav Rudolf Sellner (25. Mai 1905 in Traunstein - 8. Mai 1990 in Königsfeld-Burgberg), er war ein deutscher Schauspieler, Dramaturg, Regisseur und Theaterleiter (siehe Wikipedia).‎

‎Thaler, Dora‎

‎Trudes Sorgenkind‎

‎Ein Jungmädchen-Buch. 3. Auflage. Wien, Ueberreuter, 1949. Mit Titelbild. 227 S. Farbiger Or.-Hlwd.; Kanten beschabt, Rückendeckel fleckig. [2 Warenabbildungen]‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 35417

‎THALER, Hartmann‎

‎Freude am Glauben : Pater Hartmann Thaler zum 90. Geburtstag. Hg. von d. öst. Piaristenordensprovinz.‎

‎Wien 2007. 173 S., 2 farb. u. 15 s/w Abb. auf Tafeln, OPppbd. mit OUmschlag, neuwertig, ungelesen. Enthält großteils Texte von P. Hartmann Thaler, dazu Beiträge von Kurt Benesch, Roland Machatschke und Jozef Horvatik.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : RELI1045

‎Thao Dustin‎

‎Ancora una volta con te‎

‎ril. Julie ha solo diciassette anni ma ha già tutto chiaro in testa: lascerà la piccola città in cui è cresciuta insieme a Sam, il suo ragazzo. Il college li aspetta e, insieme, stanno già pianificando un'estate magica in Giappone. Ma poi Sam muore. E tutto cambia. Il dolore arriva con una potenza distruttiva e Julie fa del suo meglio per arginare le profonde ferite del cuore nell'unico modo che conosce: fuggire via. Non partecipa al funerale, butta via le cose che le parlano di Sam. Fa di tutto per dimenticare. Ma quando le capita sotto gli occhi un messaggio che lui le aveva scritto, i ricordi tornano a galla. E la mancanza di Sam le toglie il fiato. Sperando di poter ascoltare la sua voce almeno nella registrazione della segreteria telefonica, compone il numero del suo cellulare. E Sam... risponde al telefono. Adesso che il destino le ha dato una seconda occasione per dirgli addio, Julie si rende conto che non può più fare a meno della sua voce. E a ogni chiamata è sempre più difficile lasciarlo andare. È così sbagliato ostinarsi a tenere vivo un amore impossibile?‎

‎Tharlet, Eve‎

‎Das Krokodil‎

‎Pappbilderbuch. Zürich, bohem press-bambino, 1983. Kl.-8vo. 6 starke, beidseitig farbig bedruckte Kartonblätter (inkl. Deckel). Or.-Kart.; Gelenke u. Kapitale etwas beschabt, Deckel mit Schabspuren.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 211465

‎Tharlet, Eve‎

‎Mein allererstes Schreibschrift-Bilderbuch‎

‎Erlangen, Karl Müller, 1989. Fol. Durchgehend farbig illustriert. 45 S. Farbiger Or.-Pp.; Ecken bestoßen, hinteres Gelenk repariert. [6 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Hübsches Anschauungsbilderbuch.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 180986

‎THATCHER, Margaret‎

‎Downing Street No. 10. Die Erinnerungen. 3. Aufl.‎

‎Düsseldorf: Econ 1993. 1231 S. Reg. Kart. *Filzstiftstrich im Fußsteg*.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 247391

‎Thayer Gilbert Gilbert Lysceum 1878 1945‎


‎Privately published. Good. 1927. Ships next day. Book is in good shape no scribbles highlighting or underlining spine has a little tearing has a little corner bending has a little staining a little general wear from a smoke-free environment. Privately published unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : SKU1028598

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Tulsabookfinder]

€ 38.07 購入

‎Thayer, Jane‎

‎Bunny in the Honeysuckle Patch‎

‎Tadworth, Surrey, The World's Work, (1966). Kl.-4to. (23,5:20 cm). Durchgehend mit getönten u. farbigen Illustrationen von Seymour Fleishman. 17 Bl. Farbiger Or.-Pp., illustrierte Vorsätze; Ecken leicht bestoßen. [3 Warenabbildungen]‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 158048

‎Thayil Jeet‎


‎br. Bombay, anni Ottanta. Shuklaji Street è un reticolo febbrile di stanze, stanze per il sesso, stanze per Dio, stanze segrete che si riducono di giorno e si espandono di notte. Corre da Grant Road a Bombay Central, e percorrendola a piedi, tra auto, camion, risciò, biciclette, rifiuti, escrementi e poveri che barcollano coperti di stracci, si fa il tour dei luoghi della perdizione della città, i luoghi del piacere e dell'ebbrezza. La croce copta dei cristiani siriani al collo, l'aria di chi è stato rispedito in India dopo essere finito nei guai a New York, Dom Ullis si è rifugiato nel bel mezzo di Shuklaji Street, nella stanza d'oppio di Rashid, la fumeria più rinomata della strada con le sue autentiche pipe cinesi. Nel locale, pregno dell'odore di melassa, sonno e malattia, si è accolti dal proprietario, braccia e ventre cosi grassi da rendere striminzita ogni camicia. La fumeria, però, è per ogni habitué innanzi tutto il regno di Dimple. E lei che, scuotendo i capelli che le cadono davanti agli occhi, prepara, con mano esperta ed elegante, le pipe. Quando era appena un ragazzo, Dimple fu condotto in un bordello di Bombay. Gli diedero una sari rossa e del whisky e poi, con l'aiuto di un sottile, tagliente bambù, fecero di lui una splendida hijra, un eunuco. Con i suoi amanti e ospiti Dimple discute di Dio e del sesso, dell'amore e del significato dell'esistenza, della crudeltà della vita e... del Patar Maar, l'assassino di pietra che gira di notte nei quartieri dei poveri di Bombay.‎

‎The Department Of State‎

‎La verite sur les rapports germano-sovietiques de 1939 à 1941‎

‎Efe 1948 in8. 1948. broché. 255 pages. Etat Correct photos h-t‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 8648

Livre Rare Book

Isle-sur-la-sorgue France Francia França France
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Livres-sur-sorgue]

€ 40.00 購入

‎The 1939 Record Staff‎

‎The 1939 Record of the University of Pennsylvania‎

‎Philadelphia: Class of 1939 1939. Two pages at the end of organization stuck together. Wear. Otherwise Very Good. Extra post because of size and weight. Cloth. Good/No Dust Jacket. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. School Yearbook. Class of 1939 Hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 15875

The Country Bookshop
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: The Country Bookshop]

€ 63.46 購入

‎The Aspen Strategy Group & The European Strategy Group‎

‎After the INF Treaty. Conventional Forces and Arms Control in European Security‎

‎Boston, University Press of America, 1988. Broschiert 8° 0‎

‎-- Good -- 52 p. -- Library-Copy with a sticker on the back and a mark on the index page, in total: good copy.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 005592 ISBN : 819169196

‎THE AVENGER. September 1939. Volume 1 No. 1‎


‎New York: Street & Smith Publications Inc. 1939. Clear tape to spine edge rubbing and some stress creases a very good copy. 23773. Octavo single issue cover by H. W. Scott pictorial wrappers. Pulp magazine. The first issue. "Justice Inc." by Kenneth Robeson pseudonym. Cook Mystery Detective and Espionage Magazines pp. 36-39. Street & Smith Publications, Inc. unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 23773

‎THE AVENGER. December 1939. Volume 1 No. 4‎


‎New York: Street & Smith Publications Inc. 1939. Clear tape to spine ends rub mark with small hole at center of cover mild cover soiling a very good copy. 23760. Octavo single issue cover by H. W. Scott pictorial wrappers. Pulp magazine. "The Frosted Death" by Kenneth Robeson pseudonym. Cook Mystery Detective and Espionage Magazines pp. 36-39. Street & Smith Publications, Inc. unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 23760

‎THE AVENGER. November 1939. Volume 1 No. 3‎


‎New York: Street & Smith Publications Inc. 1939. Clear tape to spine ends tiny loss at head of spine mild spine edge rubs mild crease to upper right front corner a nearly fine copy. 23761. Octavo single issue cover by H. W. Scott pictorial wrappers. Pulp magazine. "The Sky Walker" by Kenneth Robeson pseudonym. This issue is notable as it introduces the Newtons a non-stereotypical African-American couple who would become part of the Avenger's crime fighting team. Cook Mystery Detective and Espionage Magazines pp. 36-39. Street & Smith Publications, Inc. unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 23761

‎THE AVENGER. October 1939. Volume 1 No. 2‎


‎New York: Street & Smith Publications Inc. 1939. Clear tape to spine ends spine edge rubbing right edge a bit trimmed with rounded corners a very good copy. 23772. Octavo single issue cover by H. W. Scott pictorial wrappers. Pulp magazine. "The Yellow Hoard" by Kenneth Robeson pseudonym. Cook Mystery Detective and Espionage Magazines pp. 36-39. Street & Smith Publications, Inc. unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 23772

‎The Book of English Trades‎

‎and Library of the Useful Arts‎

‎A new edition enlarged. London, F. C. & J. Rivington, 1821. Mit 74 Holzstichtafeln, mit Berufsdarstellungen. VIII, 374 S. Geflammter Lederband d. Zt. mit sparsamen Goldlinien und dunkelrotem Rückenschild; Vorderdeckel mit blingeprägtem Text "Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge"; hinteres Gelenk oben etwas aufgeplatzt.‎

‎Umfangreiche Darstellung von 78 Berufen aus Handel und Handwerk; Ausgabe für die "Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge" mit entsprechendem Eintrag auf Titelblatt und Einband. Die Berufskunde diente als Lehrbuch für junge Angehörige des Bürgertums, die sich so einen Überblick über die vorherrschenden Gewerbe machen sollten, da sie selbst meist nicht in intensiveren Kontakt mit diesen Berufen kamen. Die schönen Darstellungen zeigen u.a. Apotheker, Bäcker, Brauer, Buchdrucker, Buchbinder, Buchhändler, Chemiker, Dreher, Friseur, Glasbläser, Gärtner, Juwelier, Kaufmann, Optiker, Papiermacher, Schmied, Schneider, Schuster, Tischler, Töpfer, Uhrmacher, Wagner. Wie in allen uns bekannten Vergleichsexemplaren sind die Beiträge Attorney, Destiller, Gun-maker, Looking-glass-maker und Needle-maker nicht illustriert, dagegen gibt es eine Tafel "Waterman" (Bootsführer) ohne zugehörenden Text. - Leicht braunfleckig. Vortitel, Titel u. Frontispiz rückseitig mit handschriftl., 1823 datiertem Eintrag einer Lucy Shaw. Insgesamt ansprechendes, gutes Exemplar. Exemplar.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 115335

‎The Book of English Trades‎

‎and Library of the Useful Arts‎

‎A new (10th) edition enlarged. London, Richard Phillips, 1821. Mit 86 Holzstichtafeln, davon 74 mit Berufsdarstellungen. VI, 454, 18 S. Lederband d. Zt. mit Blind- und Goldprägung und dunkelrotem Rückenschild; etwas bestoßen und beschabt, vord. Gelenk teils aufgeplatzt. [9 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Erweiterte Ausgabe mit 78 Beschreibungen von Berufen und dem Anhang: "Representations and descriptions of the principal machinery used in the manufacturies of Great Britain". Der Anhang ist insofern von Bedeutung als er die rasante industrielle Entwicklung Großbritanniens berücksichtig. Sind im Hauptteil fast ausschließlich traditionelle Berufe aus Handwerk, Dienstleistung und Handel berücksichtigt, gibt der Anhang einen Einblick in die Welt der Industrie, stellt diverse Maschinen vor etc. Gedacht war das Werk wohl für angehende "Handelsmänner" um ihnen einen Einblick in die "praktische Wirtschaft zu geben". Ein umfangreicher (500) am Ende beigefügter Fragenkatalog unterstreicht den Charakter des Lehrbuchs. Beschrieben und schön illustriert werden u.a. folgende Berufe: Apotheker, Bäcker, Brauer, Buchdrucker, Buchbinder, Buchhändler, Chemiker, Dreher, Friseur, Glasbläser, Gärtner, Juwelier, Kaufmann, Optiker, Papiermacher, Schmied, Schneider, Schuster, Tischler, Töpfer, Uhrmacher, Wagner. Wie in allen uns bekannten Vergleichsexemplaren sind die Beiträge Attorney, Destiller, Gun-maker, Looking-glass-maker und Needle-maker nicht illustriert, dagegen gibt es eine Tafel "Waterman" (Bootsführer) ohne zugehörenden Text. - Mit Exlibris (Eric de Jonge) im Innendeckel u. 1833 datiertem Besitzeintrag von John Samuel Sidebotham, dessen Initialen auch den Fuß des Einbandes zieren, auf dem vord. flieg. Blatt. - Leicht gebräunt und durchgehend mit schwachen Fingerspuren und leichten Stockflecken.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 103005

‎The Camera; Reprint Edition edition 1945‎

‎Lootens on photographic enlarging and print quality 1945 a collectible Vintage‎

‎1945. Hardcover. Acceptable. Disclaimer:A readable copy. All pages are intact and the cover is intact. Pages can include considerable notes-in pen or highlighter-but the notes cannot obscure the text. The dust jacket is missing. At ThriftBooks our motto is: Read More Spend Less. hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : GB00R4PNM0OI5N01

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: ThriftBooks]

€ 11.16 購入

‎The Class of 1945‎

‎The Delaware 1945‎

‎Callicoon NY: Delaware Valley Central School 1945. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Near Fine. Yearbook. Larger slim stapled booklet pictorial yellow covers feature the Statue of Liberty. With b/w photos of students faculty activities including those of 98 servicemen in WWII. No names clean text. Unpaginated. 23541 shelf <br/> <br/> Delaware Valley Central School paperback‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 051048

Gil's Book Loft
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Gil's Book Loft]

€ 16.92 購入

‎The Committee of Religious Superiors in Connection with the 1945 Centennial Observance The Poor Clares of Reparation and Adorat‎

‎Religious Communities in the American Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Church in Canada‎

‎Holy Cross Press 1945. Price HAS BEEN REDUCED by 10% until Monday June 29 sale item 132 pp. Hardcover previous owner's name to front free end paper else very good Holy Cross Press hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : ZB1157070

Zubal Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Zubal Books]

€ 6.68 購入

‎The Girl's Own Manual‎

‎Volume XVII‎

‎London, October 1895 - September 1896. Kl.-fol. Mit zahlreichen, teils chromolithographischen Tafeln u. Illustrationen im Text. 2 Bl., 832 S. Illustrierter Or.-Lwd.; Deckel stark fleckig. [6 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Erzählungen (u.a. in zahlr. Fortsetzungen: His Excelleny's English Governess von Sydney C. Grier), Rätsel, Mode (unter der Rubrik Girls' attire: the newest and best) und Handarbeiten, Noten, praktische Ratschläge u.v.a. - Einband unansehnlich, innen gut erhalten.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 72459



‎THE GYPSY BILLY REID 1945 SHEET MUSIC SHEET MUSIC 238 1901-01-01. Sheet music. Fair. B005KXIKLI heavy wear still readable copy. THE GYPSY BILLY REID 1945 SHEET MUSIC SHEET MUSIC 238 unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 19-10-12-GOOD-26814-RW

Blind Pig Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Blind Pig Books]

€ 5.02 購入

‎The history of the 51st Highland Division 1939 1945‎

‎The history of the 51st Highland Division 1939-1945‎

‎Edinburgh : W. Blackwood 1958. First Edition. Very good cloth copy in a near-fine very slightly edge-nicked and dust-dulled dust-wrapper now mylar-sleeved. Remains particularly and surprisingly well-preserved overall; tight bright clean and strong. . Physical description; xii 287 pages : illustrations portraits maps part color ; 26 cm. Notes; Includes bibliographical references and index. Subject; Great Britain. Army. Highland Division 51st. Edinburgh : W. Blackwood hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 265241 ISBN : 1858212456 9781858212456

MW Books Ltd.
Ireland Irlanda Irlanda Irlande
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: MW Books Ltd.]

€ 40.61 購入

‎The Illustrated London news 1939‎

‎Komplett �rg�ng 2 Vol‎

‎Publisher: London. 1939. Cloth-bound / Cloth spine. 1186 1100 s. Fine condition. hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 133640-

‎The Lord's Prayer‎

‎Let Us Pray‎

‎o.J. London, Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2019. Gr.-8vo. Durchgängig farbig illustriert von Julianna Swaney. 14 Bl. Farbiger Or.-Pp. [3 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Das Vaterunser als schön illustriertes Bilderbuch für Kinder.‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 206486



‎THE MORE I SEE YOU BETTY GRABLE 1945 SHEET MUSIC SHEET MUSIC 355 1901-01-01. Paperback. Very Good. Nice looking book has minor edge wear.Pages are tan and not crisp white. has name on front cover. THE MORE I SEE YOU BETTY GRABLE 1945 SHEET MUSIC SHEET MUSIC 355 paperback‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 1917160119015

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: books4U2day]

€ 20.83 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Journal of the Musical Association Volumes 112-113 1986-1975‎

‎London The Royal Musical Association 1983 1984 1985. First edition. Library Binding. Good Condition ex-library/No Dust Jacket. Book 354 & 378 pages. With illustrations. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear to spine covers & corners. Library binding Size: Octavo standard book size. Item Type: Book. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 1-2 kilos. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Britain/UK; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 017980. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 017980

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 34.25 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 55th Session 1928-1929‎

‎Leeds Whitehead & Miller 1929. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 130 pages. A few pages and edges with some foxing. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Corners slightly damaged. "55th Session 1928-1929 CONTENTS. - “Wind Bands and Music.” By Charles Hoby Major M.B.E. Mus.D. - “Some Musical Instruction Books of the Seven¬teenth Century.” By H. C. Colles - “The Performance of Music in Spain.” By J. B. Trend M.A. - “Some Problems of Present-Day Music.” By H. C. C. Moule M.A. Mus.B. - “Suppositional Hearing.” By Edward J. Chadfield Mus.B. - "The Alliance of Singers Composers and Con¬ductors.” By Cyril B. Rootham M.A. Mus.D. " Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010136. . Leeds hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010136

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 28.49 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 21th Session 1894-1895‎

‎London Novello Ewer and Co 1895. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 168 pages. With illustrations. Library binding with new endpapers and original wrappers bound in. With library stamps & labels. A few pages slightly foxed. Slight wear & slight soiling to spine covers & corners. A few pages with slight stain in margin not affecting text. Twentieth Session 1893-1894 CONTENTS. - “Verdi and Wagner.” By Edward W. Naylor M.A. Mus. Bac. Cantab. - “The Art of Clavier Playing Past and Present.” By William H. Cummings F.S.A. - “A New Metronome.” By J. Treadway Hanson F.R.I.B.A - “Some French Popular Songs of the Fifteenth Century.” By Mrs. Jane M. E. Brownlow . - “Notes on Indian Music.” By Captain C. R. Day F.S.A. Oxfordshire Light Infantry - “A Suggested System of Chromatic Harmony.” By Walter Wyatt - “Music in Our Public Schools.” By Louis N. Parker A.R.A.M. formerly Director of the Music in Sherborne School - “Notes on the Trumpet Scale.” By D. J. Blaikley - “Samuel Wesley: His Life Times and Influence on Music.” By James Higgs Mus. Bac. Oxon Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010117. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010117

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 20.50 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 70th Session 1943-1944‎

‎Leeds Whitehead & Miller 1944. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 89 pages. Edges slightly foxed. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear & slight soiling to spine covers & corners. Corners slightly damaged. 70th Session 1943-1944 CONTENTS - “The Thirty Years’ War 1900-1930” by Edwin Evans - “The Teaching of Singing in Eighteenth Century England ” by Mollie Sands - “Pseudo-Science in Musical ‘Theory’” by Llewelyn S. Lloyd - “The Choirboy and his place in English Music” by Sir Sydney H. Nicholson m.v.o. - “ Music and Words ” by T. B. Lawrence Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010150. . Leeds hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010150

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 14.79 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 58th Session 1931-1932‎

‎Leeds Whitehead & Miller 1932. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 103 pages. With frontispiece & illustrations. A few pages and edges slightly foxed. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Corners slightly damaged. 58th Session 1931-1932 CONTENTS - ‘Albert Lortzing.” By Bernard Naylor - ‘Italian Trecento Music.” By Johannes Wolf Berlin - 'Handel’s Cantatas.” By Walter Ford - ‘Mozart and Modern Research.” By Cecil Oldman - ‘Thomas Roseingrave.” By Constant Lambert ‘The Heritage of Greece in Music.” By Wilfrid Perrett Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010139. . Leeds hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010139

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 25.06 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 91st Session 1964-1965‎

‎London The Royal Musical Association 1965. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 109 pages. With illustrations. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear to spine covers & corners. Library binding 91st Session 1964-1965 Contents - Purcell’s Harpsichord Music: lecture-recital HOWARD FERGUSON - Jazz and the Composer KENNETH DOMMETT - Music in a Vernacular Catholic Liturgy ANTHONY MILNER - Rameau’s Originality ARTHUR HUTCHINGS - The Valveless Horn in modern Performances of eighteenth-century Music HORACE FITZPATRICK - The Anthems of Thomas Weelkes DAVID BROWN - Sibelius: the Early Years ROBERT LAYTON - Sterndale Bennett: the Solo Piano Works GEOFFREY BUSH Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010165. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010165

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 5.71 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 41st Session 1914-1915‎

‎London Novello & Co 1915. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 176 pages. With illustrations. With library stamps & labels. A few pages slightly foxed. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Two corners slightly damaged. 41st Session 1914-1915 CONTENTS - “ Music in War-time.” By H. C. Colles - “Peter Benoit and the Modern Flemish School.” By Prosper Verheyden - “Choral Technique.” By W. G. McNaught Mus.l. - “John Wilbye.” By the Rev. E. H. Fellowes M.A. Mus.B. - “An Arne Portrait.” By Ralph Griffin - “Ear-Training and The Standardization of Equal Temperament.” By E. P. Lennox Atkins - “Russian Literature and Russian Music.” By M. Montagu-Nathan - “Sea Songs and Shanties.” By R. R. Terry Mus.D. - The Death of the President - “The Tribulations of a Translator.” By Alfred Kalisch Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010125. . London hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010125

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 20.50 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 80th Session 1953-1954‎

‎London The Royal Musical Association 1954. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 102 pages. With plates folding table & illustrations. Occasional spot of foxing. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear to spine covers & corners. Library binding 80th Session 1953-1954 Contents - English Influences in American Church Music THE REV. LEONARD ELLIN WOOD - The Musical Scene in Europe in 1829 ROSEMARY HUGHES - Alessandro Stradella EDWARD ALLAM - Tantivy: an Exposition of the ‘Ancient Hunting Notes’ ERIC HALFPENNY - Martin Peerson Marylin Wailes - Instrumental Polyphonic Folk Music in Asia Minor LAURENCE PICKEN - Handel in our Time HANS F. Redlich Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010157. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010157

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 5.71 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 60th Session 1933-1934‎

‎Leeds Whitehead & Miller 1934. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 104 pages. With folding loosely inserted tables & illustrations. Edges slightly foxed. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Corners slightly damaged. 60th Session 1933-1934 CONTENTS - ‘The Originality of Monteverde.” By J. A. Westrup ' Music in the Chapel of Henry VI.” By Dom Anselm Hughes - ‘The Music of the Pentateuch.” By Solomon Rosowsky Table I Supplement Table II. Sections A—F Supplement - ‘Literature and Music in the Age of Shakespeare.” By Bruce Pattison - 'Mussorgsky’s Youth and Early Development.” By M. D. Calvocoressi Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010141. . Leeds hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010141

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 11.36 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. Volume 104 1977-1978‎

‎London The Royal Musical Association 1978. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 102 pages. With illustrations. With library stamps & labels. Slight wear to spine covers & corners. Library binding Volume 104 1977-1978 CONTENTS - Reinhard Strohm : Dramatic Time and Operatic Form in Wagner’s Tannhauser - Lewis Foreman : Bax and the Ballet - Michael Talbot: Vivaldi’s ‘Manchester’ Sonatas - Ian Bent and John Morehen : Computers in the Analysis of Music - James R. Anthony: French Binary Air within ltalian Ariar da Capo in Monteclair’s Third Book of Cantatas - Laurence Picken : ‘Medieval’ Musics of Asia - Daniel Heartz: The Creation of the Buffo Finale in Italian Opera - John Warrack: German Operatic Ambitions at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century - Peter Allsop : Secular Influences in the Bolognese Sonata da Chiesa Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010176. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010176

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 5.71 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 43rd session 1916-1917‎

‎London Novello & Co 1917. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 163 pages. With folding plate & illustrations. With library stamps & labels. A few pages slightly foxed. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Two corners slightly damaged. 43rd Session 1916-1917 - “The Purpose Behind Shakespeare’s Use of Music.” By Percy A. Scholes Mus. B. Oxon. A.R.C.M. - “Scriabin’s Scientific Derivation of Harmony versus Empirical Methods.” By A. Eaglefield Hull Mus. D. Oxon. - “The National School of Virginal Music in Elizabethan Times.” By Margaret H. Glyn – - “Purcell’s Dramatic Music.” By Alan Gray LL.M. Mus.D. Cantab - “The Laudi Spirituali in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries.” By Edward J. Dent M.A. Mus. B. Cantab. - “Latin Church Music by Early English Composers:Part II.” By H. B. Collins Mus. B. Oxon.R.C.M. - “Some Theories about ‘God Save the King.’” By J. A. Fuller-Maitland M.A. F.S.A. - “The Intermezzi of the Opera.” By Jeffrey Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010127. . London hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010127

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 20.50 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. Seventeenth Session 1890-91‎

‎London Novello Ewer and Co 1891. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 204 pages. With illustrations. Library binding with new endpapers and original wrappers bound in. With library stamps & labels. A few pages somewhat foxed. Slight wear & slight soiling to spine covers & corners. Seventeenth Session 1890-1891 CONTENTS. - “Music in the Royal Navy: An Appeal.” By Arthur Havergal Commander R.N. - “On a Pair of Ancient Egyptian Double-Flutes.” By Thomas Lea Southgate - “Further Thoughts about Singing.” By Frederic Penna - “Again What is Sound The Substantial Theory versus the Wave Theory of Acoustics.” Second Paper. By George Ashdown Audsley F.R.I.B.A. - “The Rondo Form as it is found in the Works of Mozart and Beethoven.” By C. F. Abdy Williams M.A. Mus. Bac. Oxon. - “The Foundations of National Music.” By F. Gilbert Webb - “Some Notes upon Russian Ecclesiastical Music Ancient and Modern.” By W. J. Birkbeck M.A. - “Some Observations on Music in London in 1791 and 1891.” By William H. Cummings F.S.A. - “Some Details concerning the Work in connec¬tion with completing and instrumenting Schubert’s Sketch Symphony in E No. 7 as performed at the Crystal Palace Concert on May 5th 1883.” By John Francis Barnett “Communication on the Ancient Egyptian Scale.” By Thomas Lea Southgate Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010106. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010106

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 25.06 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. Nineteenth Session 1892-93‎

‎London Novello Ewer and Co 1893. First edition. Library Binding. Ex-Library. 158 pages. With illustrations. Library binding with new endpapers and original wrappers bound in. With library stamps & labels. A few pages slightly foxed. Slight wear & slight soiling to spine covers & corners. Nineteenth Session 1892-1893 CONTENTS. - “The Oratorio—Its Relation to Church Music.” By Rev. Henry Cart - “Richard Wagner’s Prose.” By W. Ashton Ellis - “The History and Uses of the Sol-fa Syllables.” By W. G. McNaught A.R.A.M. - “On Listening to Music.” By Charles W. Pearce Mus. Doc. Cantab - “A New Note System.” By Ludwig Latte - “The Rhythmical Construction of Bach’s Forty- Eight Fugues.” By C. F. Abdy Williams M.A. Mus. Bac. Oxon. - “Artistic Landmarks.” By James C. Culwick - “A Suggested Method for Teaching Elementary Harmony.” By Charles Vincent Mus. Doc. Oxon. - “Ancient Musical Traditions of the Synagogue.” By the Rev. Francis L. Cohen Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010108. . London unknown‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010108

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 25.06 購入

‎The Musical Association since 1945 The Royal Musical Association‎

‎Proceedings of the Musical Association for the Investigation and Discussion of Subjects Connected with the Art and Science of Music. 42nd session 1915-1916‎

‎London Novello & Co 1916. First edition. Original Quarter Cloth with Printed Boards. Ex-Library. 162 pages. With illustrations. With library stamps & labels. A few pages slightly foxed. Slight wear & some soiling to spine covers & corners. Two corners slightly damaged. 42nd Session 1915-1916 CONTENTS - “Purcell’s Fantazias and Sonatas.” By Sir J. Frederick Bridge C.V.O. - “Mechanical Piano-Players.” By G. C. Ashton JONSON - “The Instruments with Sympathetic Strings.” By T. Lea Southgate D.C.L. - “The Significance of Monteverde.” By Sir C. Hubert H. Parry Bart. C.V.O. - “Some Curiosities of Musical Criticism.” By Mary M. Paget L.R.A.M. A.R.C.M. - - “The Clarinet and its Music.” By Oscar W. Street M.A. - “Thomas Weelkes.” By the Rev. E. H. Fellowes M.A. Mus.B. Oxon. - “String Quartets.” By Richard H. Walthew Quantity Available: 1. Category: Music & Performing Arts; Magazines & Periodicals; Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Inventory No: 010126. . London hardcover‎

書籍販売業者の参照番号 : 010126

Literary Cat Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[この書籍販売業者の本を検索: Literary Cat Books]

€ 20.50 購入

検索結果数 : 54,452 (1090 ページ)

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