Lang Andrew Editor
The Yellow Fairy Book
Dover Pubns 1966. clean unmarked copy. Trade Paperback. Very Good. Dover Pubns Paperback
书商的参考编号 : 351323 ???????? : 0486216748 9780486216744
Lang Jeanie
Stories from the Faerie Queen
London & Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons Part of the 'Told to the Children Series' with beautiful coloured illustrations for each story. Neat Christmas gift inscription dated 1948 to ffep else a clean bright pocket-sized copy - 121 pages. Prompt dispatch. 067992. Hard Back. Very Good. Illus. by le Quesne Rose. 16mo - over 5�" - 6�" tall. Thomas Nelson & Sons Paperback
书商的参考编号 : 067992
Lang, Andrew
Myth, Ritual + Religion. Volume One.
Senate; London, 1995. XLIII; 339 S.; 21,5 cm; kart.
书商的参考编号 : 1159705
LANGE, Carl Albert
Fünf mythische Gedichte aus den Metamorphosen des Ovid. 1. Aufl. (Mit 12 ganzs. Illustrationen von Anny Schröder.) -
Wedel/Holstein: Alster Vlg. Curt Brauns 1948. 69 Ss., 1 Bl. Gr.8°. Kt. mit zweifarb. Deckeltitel (Rücken u. Deckelkanten gebräunt, etw. bestoßen, kl. Fehlstelle im Rückenbezug repariert, Deckelecken tls. mit kl. Knickspuren). [3 Warenabbildungen]
书商的参考编号 : 14906
Langland William
Piers the Plowman
Clarendon Oxford 1869 HB The 14th century English classic edited by Walter W Skeat Slight bumping to corners spine worn top and tail hinges starting. Very occasionaly annotated. Name to ffep. 195pp 0 Clarendon Oxford 1869 HB hardcover
书商的参考编号 : BYB1762
Lanier, Sidney (editor)
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
Inscription on reverse of front end paper. No other marks. A very clean very tight copy with bright unmarked boards and no bumping to corners. Dust jacket price clipped but not marked or torn or creased with very slight sunning to spine. 280pp. The story of King Arthur from Sir Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte d'Arthur' told for children in the Illustrated Junior Library series.
Lao Tzu
Tao te Ching.
, . in-16, bross.ed. pp XII-128, buona copia.
Lapucci Carlo
Fiabe toscane. Le più belle storie. Vol. 3
ill., ril. Fiabe che hanno divertito, incantato e commosso grandi e piccini, scelte e commentate da un celebre studioso di cultura popolare. Racconti d'amore e di mistero, di magia e d'imprese meravigliose, ambientati in un fantastico mondo popolato di animali e spiriti bizzarri. Da Dodicino a La novella di Gianni Stento, passando per le storie di Panicuzzo e del Re Porco (che fece venire i lucciconi anche a Carducci bambino!). E poi Tovagliolino apparecchia apparecchia, Pochettino, La Capra Ferrata, La storia di Petuzzo e tante altre. Una raccolta di fiabe senza tempo che, pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1984, è ormai ritenuta un classico del genere. Queste narrazioni, considerate letteratura per l'infanzia, appartengono invece ad ogni età: dopo che il sapere scientifico ha gradualmente spogliato il mondo di qualsiasi rappresentazione meravigliosa, esse ci raccontano la storia dimenticata delle forze telluriche e celesti che presero forma di divinità, quindi furono ninfe, geni, spiriti e seguirono l'uomo nella discesa dal paradiso dell'identità primigenia con la natura.
Lapucci Carlo
Il libro delle paure. Racconti popolari di diavoli, fate e fantasmi
ill., ril. I racconti di paure sono il necessario e forse più accattivante completamento di una raccolta di favole. Anche se l'umanità finirà un giorno a vagare tra le galassie, si racconteranno sempre alcune di queste storie dalle radici millenarie, patrimonio di tutti i popoli. Carlo Lapucci attinge al repertorio che in Toscana costituiva la "veglia dei grandi". Finito il vino dolce e le castagne i bambini più piccoli andavano a letto e cominciava la veglia delle paure, storie nate per mettere addosso i brividi, come oggi abbiamo i gialli o i film dell'orrore. Le situazioni, le figure erano diverse, ma se qualcuno ha l'abilità di grattare un po' la vernice, sotto molte storie nuove ritroverà gli schemi e la materia di quelle vecchie. La tematica vera è sempre l'ignoto, ciò che l'intelligenza allibita tenta d'acchiappare in una corsa senza fine, ricercando un tesoro incantato, le tracce d'un rito misterioso, l'apparizione d'uno spettro, le imprese del lupo mannaro o dei Tempestari, le visite delle anime del Purgatorio, le malie delle streghe, i balli delle fate. Ecco perché sotto il nostro diavolo c'è il mostro Tuchulcha degli etruschi, o perché nel film 2001 Odissea nello spazio l'immenso computer Hal, lascia come ultimo ricordo l'ancestrale filastrocca: "Giro, giro tondo". Età di lettura: da 12 anni.
LAROCHE (Robert de)
Chat noir, miroir des songes.
Paris : Éditions Judith Henry, 1986. Broché 20x14 cm, couverture ill. en noir, 135 p., préface de Judith Henry, bibliographie.
书商的参考编号 : SPN-19
LAROUSSE (Pierre).
GRAND DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL DU XIXe SIECLE. Français, historique, géographique, biographique, mythologique, bibliographique, littéraire, artistique, scientifique, etc. Comprenant la langue française; la prononciation; les étymologies; la conjugaison de tous les verbes irréguliers; les règles de grammaires; les innombrables acceptions et locutions familiaires et proverbiales; l'histoire; la géographie; la solution des problèmes historiques; la biographie de tous les hommes remarquables, morts ou vivants; la mythologies; les sciences physiques, mathématiques et naturelles; les sciences morales et politiques; les pseudo-sciences; les inventions et découvertes; etc., etc., etc. Parties neuves: Les types et les personnages littéraires; les héros d'épopées et de romans; les caricatures politiques et sociales; la bibliographie générale; une anthologies des allusions françaises, étrangères, latines et mythologiques; les beaux-arts et l'analyse de toutes les oeuvres d'art. 15 TOMES + 1 volume de supplèment (second volume de supplément manquant).
Paris, Administration du Grand Dictionnaire Universel, 1866-1878. chagrin noir, quelques reliures usagées, exemplaire de travail. 16 volumes in-4 de plus de 1000 pages chacun, texte sur 4 colonnes, portrait de Pierre Larousse en frontispice par Louis Boutelié, quelques feuillets détachés.
书商的参考编号 : 20264
LAROCHE (Robert de)
Le Chat dans la tradition spirituelle.
Paris : Éditions Judith Henry, 1984. Broché 20x14 cm, couverture ill.noir, 145 p., avant-propos de Judith Henry, bibliographie.
书商的参考编号 : SPN-65
Larcher, Gerhard (Hrsg.)
Symbol, Mythos, Sprache. Ein Forschungsgespräch.
Annweiler, Plöger, 1988. 8°, 205 Seiten. Orig.Karton.
书商的参考编号 : 21269
Larkin David; Heller Julek; Teale Sarah; Scrace Carolyn; Wijngaard Juan
New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc. 1979. Hardcover 1979 with dustjacket top of spine frayed corner of DJ cut off. Hard Cover. Good/Good. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 030107-E598 ???????? : 0810909553 9780810909557
Larkin, David (Hrsg.)
Fantastic Art.
New York, Ballantine Books, 1973. Orig.-Broschur, 48 Bll. (nicht paginiert), 4°. Ausgabe mit englischem Begleittext. Sauberes und sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar. Mit 39 Farbabbildungen auf Tafeln. Herausgegeben von David Larkin.
书商的参考编号 : 007172
Larrington, Carolyne (Hg.)
Die mythische Frau. Ein kritischer Leitfaden durch die Überlieferungen.
Wien, Promedia Druck - und Verlagsgesellschaft, 1997. 8°, 512 S., gutes Ex. Pappband, lumback
书商的参考编号 : 14407
Larrington, Carolyne und Jörg Fündling
Fit für Walhalla : nordische Mythen für Einsteiger. Carolyne Larrington ; aus dem Englischen von Jörg Fündling. Neuausgabe der 2018 bei wbg Theiss erschienenen Ausgabe.
Darmstadt : wbg Paperback, [2023]. 232 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten ; 22 cm. Broschur.
书商的参考编号 : 1224815
Larsen Johannes trans. and illus.
De Islandke Sagaer paa Dansk ved Selskabet til Udgivelse af Islandske Sadaer Vol 3
Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1960 1st edition. Volume Three only of three. Icelandic sagas text in Danish. Illustrated with b/w line drawings by the author 5 maps fold-out genealogical tables. Some local fading and shelf-rub to boards else VG in brown half-peccary/printed boards raised bands headbands spine decoratively blocked in black letters gilt stamped no inscriptions. Handsome. Heavy. Gyldendal hardcover
书商的参考编号 : BYB10460
Larsen Johannes trans. and illus.
De Islandske Sagaer paa Dansk ved Selskabet til Udgivelse af Islandske Sadaer Vol 2
Copenhagen: Gyldendal 1960 1st edition. Volume two only of three. Icelandic sagas text in Danish illustrated with b/w line drawings by the author 3 maps fold-out genealogical tables. Some local fading and a little shelf-rub to the boards else VG in brown half-peccary/printed boards raised bands headbands spine decoratively blocked in black letters gilt stamped no inscriptions. Handsome. Heavy. Gyldendal hardcover
书商的参考编号 : BYB10459
Larsen Robin; Larsen Stephen
Fashioning of Angels : Partnership as Spiritual Practice
Pennsylvania: Chrysalis Books 2000. Book. Like New. Paperback. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. Trained in mythology art and psychology Stephen and Robin Larsen explore romantic relationships to answer the question: "What do couples really want" The biographers of their friend and colleague Joseph Campbell the Larsens turn to myths as well as depth psychology to heal the wounds of gender wars. Their discussions with each other and interviews with five successful couples take readers deep into man-woman psychology and spirituality. Chrysalis Books Paperback
书商的参考编号 : 017392 ???????? : 0877853908 9780877853909
Larsen Stephen;Larsen Robin
A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Campbell
Doubleday 1991. clean unmarked copy. . Hardback. Fine/Fine. Doubleday Hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 352475 ???????? : 0385266359 9780385266352
L'art des Nomades, des Scythes aux Hongrois
PARIS, ed. Cercle d'art - 1972 - In-4 ° Reliyure à la Bradel avec sa jaquette - 148 pages + 18 d'index - 75 figures dans le texte - 193 photographies N. 1 B. H.T. - 16 planches couleur H.T. - Très bel Ex
书商的参考编号 : 1553
Luna. Tu dea tu praesens nostro succurre labori. Astrorum deus et nemorum Latonia custos.
1800 circa. Incisione in rame all’acquaforte, b/n, cm 35 x 40 circa (il foglio), subito sotto l’inciso, al centro, “Raphael Urbinos pinxit”; al margine bianco, in basso a sinistra “Carlo Lasinio inc.”, al centro “Apud Nicolaum”, in basso a destra “Aeneid. lib. q.”. Da uno dei sette dipinti presenti nella Sala Borgia del Vaticano, dipinti da Raffaello da Urbino e relativi ai sette pianeti, il titolo tradotto reca: “Tu, dea, tu presente soccorri la nostra impresa, splendore degli astri e Latonia custode dei boschi ”. Bella incisione in cui è raffigurata Diana alla guida del suo carro trainato da una coppia di donne. Artemide nella mitologia greca e Diana nella classicità romana è dea dei boschi e della caccia, protettrice delle donne e divinità legata alla Luna, nonché uno tra i suoi simboli più ricorrenti. Carlo Lasinio (Treviso, 1759 - Pisa, 1838) incisore e museologo italiano. Margini rifilati (è presente solo la battuta al margine inferiore, buoni i margini bianchi), lieve foxing e imperfezioni marginali, bella impressione, buono lo stato di conservazione. .
Saturnus. Falcifer ille Senex, qui aurei fuit arbiter aevi. Nunc Saturnus edax, liventi et pallidus astro.
1800 circa. Incisione in rame all’acquaforte, b/n, cm 35 x 40 circa (il foglio), subito sotto l’inciso, al centro, “Raphael Urbinos pinxit”; al margine bianco, in basso a sinistra “Carlo Lasinio inc.”, in basso a destra “Ovid. Metam.”. Da uno dei sette dipinti presenti nella Sala Borgia del Vaticano, dipinti da Raffaello da Urbino e relativi ai sette pianeti, il titolo tradotto reca: “Saturno Quella Vecchia Falce, che era l'arbitro d'oro dell'epoca. Ora Saturno è un astro divorante, livido e pallido”. Bella incisione in cui è raffigurato Saturno con la sua falce, a cavallo del suo carro. Carlo Lasinio (Treviso, 1759 - Pisa, 1838) incisore e museologo italiano. Margini laterali rifilati (è presente la battuta al margine superiore e inferiore, buoni i margini bianchi), lieve foxing e imperfezioni marginali, bella impressione, buono lo stato di conservazione. .
Lasnik, Ernst
Von der Trud, der Wilden Jagd und Geschäften mit dem Teufel. Geschichten und Sagen aus der Weststeiermark. Illustriert von Micolus Trnka-Strasnitzky.
Verlag Styria, Graz 1996. 224 Seiten mit Zeichnungen, 8°, Original-Pappband (Hardcover), gutes und innen sauberes Exemplar,
书商的参考编号 : 56764
L'art des Nomades, des Scythes aux Hongrois
PARIS, ed. Cercle d'art - 1972 - In-4 ° Reliyure à la Bradel avec sa jaquette - 148 pages + 18 d'index - 75 figures dans le texte - 193 photographies N. 1 B. H.T. - 16 planches couleur H.T. - Très bel Ex Publié avec l'assistance de l'UNESCO.
Latte Kurt
Sallust - neue wege zur antike II. Reihe: interpretationen / Heft 4
B.G. Teubner 1935 in8. 1935. Cartonné.
书商的参考编号 : 100093305
Latsch Marie-Luise, Forster-Latsch Helmut, Zhenquan Zhao (Auswahl und Übersetzung)
Yan Ga und das Drachenmädchen - Märchen und Erzählugen der Randvölker Chinas (= Der Bärenhüter im Waldgut)
Wald (Im Waldgut) 1986 (= Erste Ausgabe). 8°, Originalkarton mit illustriertem Originalumschlag (Hardcover), 116 S., ISBN 3729400320 1
书商的参考编号 : Khe04805
Lauxerois Roger André Pierre Jourdan Geneviève
Alba de la cité-gallo-romaine au village (Département de l'Ardèche)
La Documentation Française 1985 103 pages in8. 1985. Broché. 103 pages.
书商的参考编号 : 243002 ???????? : 2110808551
LAURENT Sophie, GALLET Laëtitia,
Amon-Rê, dieu caché des pharaons,
Larouse, 2008, 189 pp., broché, bon état.
书商的参考编号 : 61303
Lauck Marcia S. And Koff Chapin Deborah
At the Pool of Wonder: Dreams & Visions of an Awakening Humanity
Rochester VT U.S.A.: Bear & Company 1989. Very Good softcover . First Edition. Trade Paperback. Very Good. Bear & Company Paperback
书商的参考编号 : 960806-L067 ???????? : 0939680610 9780939680610
Laurent, Johannes Theodor
Christologische Predigten, erster Theil: Geheimnisse des Lebens Christi des Herrn
Mainz: Franz Kirchheim. 1860. X.; 708. 23cm. Zustand: Gut gering gebräunt, leichjt wellig (Innen); Besitzerstempel; Einband (Außen) hat leichte Gebrauchsspuren; Hinterdeckelgelenk eingerissen und von uns beklebt; Archivex. mit entferntem Klebestreifenrest (Außen); Es fehlt ein kleines Stück vom oberen Buchrücken; Halbleder
书商的参考编号 : 373609
Laurent, Johannes Theodor
Christologische Predigten, zweiter Theil: Aus dem Priesterthum, Lehramt und Königthum des Herrn
Mainz: Franz Kirchheim. 1860. VIII.; 726. 23cm. Zustand: Gut gering gebräunt, leicht wellig (Innen); Besitzerstempel; Einband (Außen) hat leichte Gebrauchsspuren; Vorderdeckelgelenk eingerissen und von uns beklebt; Archivex. mit entferntem Klebestreifenrest (Außen); Es fehlt ein kleines Stück vom Vorderdeckelgelenk; Halbleder
书商的参考编号 : 373610
Lautenbach, Fritz (Auswahl u. Übersetzung)
Der keltische Kessel. Wandlung und Wiedergeburt in der Mythologie der Kelten. Irische, walisische und arthurianische Texte ausgewählt und neu übersetzt von Fritz Lautenbach.
Urachhaus, Stuttgart 1991. 279 S. mit 1 Karte. Engl. Broschur. Leichte Gebrsp. Kleiner kalligraphischer Besitzvermerk. Rücken mit leichter Knickfalte. Wenige zarte Bleistiftanstreichungen.
书商的参考编号 : 14603
LAVELEYE, Emile de.
La saga des Nibelungen dans les Eddas et dans le Nord scandinave. Traduction précédée d'une Etude sur la formation des épopées nationales.
Paris - Bruxelles, Librairie Internationale - A. Lacroix, Verboeckoven et Cie. 1866, 180x120mm, 390pages, reliure demi-basane avec pièce de titre et d’auteur dorés au dos à faux-nerfs. Plats, gardes et tranches papier marbré. Inscriptions manuscrites sur le haut de la page de garde supérieure, autrement bel exemplaire.
书商的参考编号 : 109969
Lavagnini Bruno.
Sul Motivo Mitico della Morte nella Vasca DA Bagno. (Estratto).
Palermo,1941. In 8°pp.8n.+ 1 Tav.f.t. illustrata.
Laval, Ramon A.
Contribucion al Folklore de Carahue (Chile)
Octavo in pink printed sw; 188 p. p., 24 cm Folklore; Chile.†
Lavedan Pierre
Librarie Hachette. Very Good. 1931. Hardcover. Slight fraying to spine ends. Spine and top portions of boards are discolored/sunned. Very solid and tight copy. ; 1015 illustrations. ; 1037 pages; Large and heavy volume. . Librarie Hachette hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 4700
Lavedan, Pierre
Slight fraying to spine ends. Spine and top portions of boards are discolored/sunned. Very solid and tight copy. ; 1015 illustrations. ; 1037 pages; Large and heavy volume.
Erik le Viking. Tome 7 : Moru, le sorcier des marais.
1980 Editions Michel Deligne, Collection "Les Grands Classiques de la Bande Dessinée Anglaise" - 1980 - Grand in-4, broché, couverture illustrée - 34 planches en N&B
书商的参考编号 : 118858
Erik le Viking. Tome 6 : Cyclos, l'île aux monstres.
1980 Editions Michel Deligne, Collection "Les Grands Classiques de la Bande Dessinée Anglaise" - 1980 - Grand in-4, broché, couverture illustrée - 42 planches en N&B
书商的参考编号 : 118859
Lawana Trout
The Evil Eye
<p>Book is nearly new; unread.</p><p>Additional shipping for international orders.</p> Scholastic Book Services paperback
书商的参考编号 : biblio376
Lawhead Stephen
New York: Avon Books 1997 The fifth book in the "Pendragon" series about King Arthur slightly bumped on corners. 1st.US Ed. Hard Cover. Very Good/Near Fine. Avon Books hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 18365 ???????? : 0380975262 9780380975266
Lawhead Stephen R.
MERLIN: The Pendragon Cycle Book Two.
Westchester IL:: Crossway Books 1988. Very good some usual toning to pagescrease to corner of front cover. First printing a trade paperback original not issued in hardcover. The first book in an epic set against the backdrop of Roman Britain and the legends of King Arthur and Atlantis. Large format trade paperback original. Attractive cover design by K. L. Mulder. 445 pp and epilogue. Crossway Books, unknown
书商的参考编号 : 27209 ???????? : 0891074368 9780891074366
Lawhead Stephen R.
TALIESIN: The Pendragon Cycle Book One.
Westchester IL:: Crossway Books 1988. Very good overall usual toning to pages. Trade paperback 6th printing. The first book in an epic set against the backdrop of Roman Britain and the legends of King Arthur and Atlantis. A large format trade paperback original. Attractive cover design by K. L. Mulder. Map pronunciation guide. 452 pp. Crossway Books, unknown
书商的参考编号 : 73271 ???????? : 0891074074 9780891074076
Lawrence Jacob
Aesop's Fables
University of Washington Press. 1997. Fine in Fine dust jacket; Hardcover; slim 4to 11" - 13" tall; 55 pages bound in black cloth. 22 black & white full page prints by Lawrence opposite fables. Pristine book in crisp jacket. . University of Washington Press hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 29037 ???????? : 0295976411 9780295976419
Lawrence TE. Translator T. E.
New York: Oxford University Press 1940. The Hesperides Series. "2500 copies of this volume printed at The Walpole Printing Office Mount Vernon N.Y." Copyright 1932 by Bruce Rogers. Rogers one of the greatest book designers of his time and a typographer who invented the Centaur typeface. In the four years it took to produce this book he became great friends with the translator "Lawrence of Arabia." Pp. 437 4 - translator's note headpieces. Plain but elegant brown linen cloth gilt rule at top and bottom of upper and lower covers gilt lettered spine and dots of tiny gilt apples. A very good to fine handsome copy. Hard Cover. Very Good. 12 mo. Oxford University Press Hardcover
书商的参考编号 : 3306
Lawrence, Robert; Wagner, Richard
Lohengrin : the story of Wagner's opera
Oblong octavo in sky blue DJ; 42 p, color illus; 24 x 19 cm. Presents the story of Wagner's opera, based on a twelfth-century German legend, in which a mysterious shining knight appears to serve a seriously distressed maiden, his only demand being that she must never ask his identity. || Legends; lore; German.
Lawson John Cuthbert b1874. b. 18
Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion A Study in Survivals.
New York: University Books 1964. Illustrated by b/w plates. First thus NAP edition. c.1910. Turquoise and yellow dec. cloth Green topstain. 8vo. pp. 620. Indices. VG/In like jacket/Unclipped price in mylar. Light edgewear Ex-Libris plate in jacket with several short rear chips. Foreword by Al. N. Oikonomides. Postage as 2 books. New York: University Books, (1964). hardcover
书商的参考编号 : OWBMOD112542