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‎Arts religieux‎
Nombre de résultats : 358 (8 Page(s))

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‎*Icônes du Liban‎

‎80 p., 130 fig. coul. Catalogue d'exposition, 16 sept.-20 oct. 1996. Inv. 17247‎

‎Icones / Ikonen. - Lot de 4 livres. 1) Icônes du Mont Athos. 2) Icones d’une collection privée. 3) FISCHER, Helmut (1989). Die Ikone. Ursprung - Sinn - Gestalt. 4) L’art de l’icône. Théologie de la beauté.‎

‎1989, in-8vo, 1) 46 p. + images, 2) 80 p. + 38 tables, 3) 255 S. + Illustrationen, 4) 303 p. + illustrations. reliure en toile‎

Référence libraire : 102720aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Livres de Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

28,67 € Acheter

‎Icones bulgares IXe - XIXe siècle‎

‎1613 Musée du petit palais 16 mars - 13 juin 1976 - 214 illustrations‎

‎bon état‎

Référence libraire : 5258

Livre Rare Book

Le Monde à l'Envers
Montargis France Francia França France
[Livres de Le Monde à l'Envers]

20,00 € Acheter

‎Icones russes. Les Saints.‎

‎Martigny, Fondation Pierre Gianadda 2001, 240x220mm, 191pages, reliure d'éditeur. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.‎

‎photos couleurs,‎

Référence libraire : 61832

Livre Rare Book

Bouquinerie du Varis
Russy Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Livres de Bouquinerie du Varis]

19,11 € Acheter

‎Icons Series (Taschen) - 28 Volumes‎

‎This is a set of 28 books from the Taschen "Icons" series, most published in the early 2000's. Each book is 5 5/8"w x 7 7/8"h and around 200 pages, with many full-color illustrations on the subjects of art, photography, graphic design, advertising, etc.. The covers are made from thick, glossy vinyl-like paper. All books are in Very Good or better condition. Titles included: Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Cabinet by Alexander Roob. All American Ads, 40's by Jim Heimann. All American Ads, 60's by Jim Heimann. The American Indian by Karl Bodmer. Bizarro Postcards by Jim Heimann. Description of Egypt by Gilles Neret. Dessous by Gilles Neret. Devils by Gilles Neret. Digital Beauties: 2D and 3D CG Digital Models by Julius Wiedemann. The Grand Tour: Travelling the World with an Architect's Eye by Harry Seidler. Halloween: Vintage Holiday Graphics by Jim Heimann. Hula: Vintage Hawaiian Graphics by Jim Heimann. India Bazaar by Samantha Harrison and Bari Kumar. Japanese Beauties by Alex Gross. Karl Blossfeldt by Hans Christian Adam. Las Vegas: Vintage Graphics from Sin City by Jim Heimann. Man Ray by Manfred Heiting. Marlene Dietrich by Paul Duncan. Native Americans: Edward S. Curtis by Hans Christian Adam. Orson Welles by Paul Duncan. Photo Icons: The Story Behind the Pictures, Volume I by Hans-Michael Koetzle. Pin-Ups by Harald Hellman. Giovanni Battista Piranesi by Luigi Ficacci. Robert Doisneau by Jean-Claude Gautrand. Robots and Spaceships by Teruhisa Kitahara and Yukio Shimizu. See the World by Jim Heiman. Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Century by Uta Grosenick. 20th Century Photography, Museum Ludwig, Cologne by Simone Philippi.‎

‎Icônes et icônes brodées de la Sainte Russie XVIe et XVIIe siècles : collections des musées de la Fédération de Russie.‎

‎Centre Culturel de Boulogne-Billancourt, Editions de l'Albaron, 1991 (copyright), 114 p., broché, environ 24x21cm, bon état.‎

‎Publié en lien avec l'exposition du 6 mars au 11 mai 1991. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Référence libraire : 106353

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Diogène
Lyon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Diogène]

20,00 € Acheter

‎Kunst der Ostkirche. Ikonen, Handschriften, Kultgeräte.‎

‎(Amt d. N.Ö. Landesregierung 1977). gr.-8°, fast quadrat., 355 S., mit 87 Abb., dav. 32 farb., OKart. Ausstellung des Landes Niederösterreich im Stift Herzogenburg 7. Mai bis 30. Oktober 1977.‎

Référence libraire : EEzz6052

‎Trésors de l’Art russe. Icones du XIVe au XVIIe siècle. collection de la Galerie d’Etat Tretiakov. Musée National Fernand-Léger.‎

‎Paris, 1976, 240x225mm, broché. Bel exemplaire.‎

‎photos couleurs et n/b,‎

Référence libraire : 61810

Livre Rare Book

Bouquinerie du Varis
Russy Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Livres de Bouquinerie du Varis]

23,89 € Acheter


‎Le grand livre des icônes.‎

‎Aux Quais de Paris, G. Kogan, éditeur, 1979. "28 x 32, 239 pp., très nombreuses planches en couleurs (images contrecollées), nombreuses planches en N/B, reliure d'édition pleine toile + jaquette, bon état (jaquette légèrement abîmée; 1 vignette au dos; cachets des Soeurs de la Charité)."‎

‎avant-propos de Manolis Chatzidakis.‎

Référence libraire : 46462

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ausone
Bruxelles Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Librairie Ausone]

35,00 € Acheter



‎, Bruxelles, Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, 1977, Broche sous couverture illustree, 175 x 240mm., pages ne pas numerotees, illustrations en b/n et en couleur.‎

‎Exposition a eu lieu du 26.11.1977 au 12.2.1978. Couverture dechiree.‎

Référence libraire : 15253

Livre Rare Book

Antwerpen Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique

10,00 € Acheter

‎(BOUTET, Claude).‎

‎L'Ecole de la Mignature (sic), Dans laquelle on peut aifment apprendre peindre sans Maitre, ainsi que les secrets de faire les plus belles couleurs; l'Or Bruni, & l'Or en Coquille. Avec la Methode pour Etudier l'Art de la Peinture tant Fresque, en Detrempe, & l'Huile, que sur le Verre, en Email, Mosaque & Damasquinuere: l'Eclaircissement sur l'utilis des Estampes: l'Instruction pour la connoissance des Tableaux: Les Sentimens sur la Peinture & sur les differens Gots des Nation, & un Dictionaire des Termes les plus usitz dans l'Art. Recueil fait par M. Pil & autres. Nouvelle Edition, Augmente.‎

‎Bruxelles, J. Moris, 1759. vi, 283, [xiii] pp. Small 8vo (10,5 x 16,5 cm.). Bound in 19th century half olive morocco, spine divided into 5 compartments with 7 quadruple gilt rulers, gilt lettered; 4 blind tooled floral ornaments in 4 compartments; marbled end papers (partly some very slight rubbing). Title printed in red and black. With some wood-engraved headers, and one engraved figure of a pantograph.‎

‎This very popular and outstanding treatise on miniature painting with ample attention for flower painting. It went, at least, through 11 editions. The first (1672) & the second (1674) were entitles "Trait de la Mignature". From the "nouvelle dition, first published at Lyon in 1679, the title has changed into "Elole de la Mignature. The present edition is the only one published at Brussels, the last edition was published in 1817 in Paris. A very good copy. Barbier II, 15 (in the 2nd edition of Barbier, the work was attributed to Christophe Ballard).‎

Référence libraire : 1782

Livre Rare Book

Sylco livres anciens - antiquarian books
Schilde Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Sylco livres anciens - antiquarian books]

212,75 € Acheter



‎Un ouvrage de 160 pages, format 215 x 270 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage sous jaquette couleurs, publié en 2010, Thalia Edition, très bon état‎

‎Collection du Musée national des Beaux-Arts de Perm. Ouvrage édité à l'occasion d'une exposition organisée au Musée de Fouvrière (Octobre 2010-Janvier 2011)‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126716744

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

20,00 € Acheter

‎[Catalogue d’Exposition] ; Sous la direction de : Durand Jannic, Giovannoni Dorota ; Rapti Ioanna‎

‎Sainte Russie. L’art russe des origines à Pierre Le Grand‎

‎Musée du Louvre Éditions, Somogy Éditions d’Art 2010 In-4 cartonnage éditeur illustré sous jaquette. 30,8 cm sur 25,4. 743 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs in-texte. Jaquette en bon état. Très bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Très bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 121915

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

72,00 € Acheter


‎CHRISTUS - N° 181 - Janvier 1999‎

‎Revue trimestrielle de formation spirituelle : 128 pages, format 155 x 220 mm, brochée, bon état‎

‎Dossier : La traversée des images, regarder autrement : Image et icône, Habiter l'ambivalence des images, Une purification du regard, La foi et l'imagination‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126745033

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

3,80 € Acheter


‎Les icones.‎

‎Paris, Fernand nathan, 1982; in-4, 415 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Avec jaquette et boitage, excellent état.‎

‎Avec jaquette et boitage, excellent état.‎

Référence libraire : 202300579

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Lire et Chiner]

50,00 € Acheter


‎Icônes de Macédoine du XIe au XVIIe siècle. Collections yougoslaves. Palais du Louvre, Pavillon de Marsan.‎

‎P., Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, 1965, in 8° broché, 43 pages de texte et 18 reproductions hors-texte en noir ; couverture illustrée (légèrement fanée).‎

‎Catalogue de 60 oeuvres exposées. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Référence libraire : 28541



‎N° 180 (Mars 1992) - Revue trimestrielle d'Ethique et de Théologie Morale : 208 pages, format 135 x 210 mm, brochée, Editions du Cerf, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Esthétique de l'Ethique : de la morale comme art d'aimer : Le questionnement mutuel de l'éthique et de l'esthétique ; L'autre référence : de la morale comme art d'aimer ; Comment l'esthétique croise l'éthique dans l'art du théâtre ? ; Ethique et esthétique : le cinéma ; Matisse et Giacometti considérés au regard de l'esthétique byzantine ; Art et messianisme : autour de l'esthétique de Walter Benjamin ; Un art sacré ? ; Bible et beauté ; Icône et image ; Esthétique et éthique de l'écriture dans le Livre de la vie de Thérèse d'Avila ; Crise de l'art et crise de l'esthétique dans la pensée kantienne : un au-delà du scandale ; Foi et création artistique : résistance et soumission‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126711171

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

7,00 € Acheter


‎Marvel icons n°32 : révolution.‎

‎St laurent du var, Marvel comics , 2007; grand in-8, 60 pp., broché, couverture illustr. Eo de l'édition française.‎

‎Eo de l'édition française.‎

Référence libraire : 200904003

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Lire et Chiner]

7,00 € Acheter


‎Marvel icons n°35 en piste !‎

‎St laurent du var, Marvel comics , 2008; grand in-8, 60 pp., broché, couverture illustr. Eo de l'édition française.‎

‎Eo de l'édition française.‎

Référence libraire : 200904004

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Lire et Chiner]

7,00 € Acheter

‎[Notre Histoire]‎


‎N° 150 (décembre 1997) 66 pages, format 220 x 295 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : L'Egypte si proche... ; Clotilde freine des Francs ; Icônes, fenêtres sur l'Infini , etc.‎

Référence libraire : LFA-126739944

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Livres de Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

4,00 € Acheter


‎*Byzantine Art in the Collections of the USSR‎

‎390 p., 302 pl. n/b et coul. En russe et en anglais. Découpe p. de garde. Déchirures et manques à la jaquette. Inv. 17285‎

‎Aa. Vv.‎

‎Atti Accademia Properziana del Subasio-Assisi. Serie VI - n. 17 - 1989‎

‎Mm 170x240 Brossura editoriale, 279 pagine con 108 tavole e illustrazioni in bianco e nero. Dal Sommario: MARCELLO TANCI, Un' antinomia properziana: sensualità e moralità CHIARA SANTU CCI, Le Icones Sanctae Clara e di Adriaen Collaert. DOMENICO CERULLO, La formazione religiosa tra il Sei-Settecento nelle Costituzioni sinodali assisane e il catechismo breve del Bellarmino. EMILIO VETTURINI, Settanta anni di rimboschimenti sul Subasio. ANTONIO MENCARELLI, Dov'era la fabbrica Resti e presenze industriali in Valle Umbra Nord . FRANCESCO SANTUCCI, I ma.nifesti del Passaggio del fronte ad Assisi (1943-1944). F.S., Rivotorto d'Assisi frontiera settentrionale della metafonia negli odierni dialetti. Opera in ottime condizioni, pari al nuovo‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Livres de Salvalibro Snc]

16,50 € Acheter

‎Aa. Vv.‎

‎Icone Russe della Collezione Orler nella Chiesa di San Francesco a Umbertide‎

‎Mm 220x270 Catalogo dalla Mostra di Umbertide, Chiesa di San Francesco, 14 maggio - 12 giugno 2005. Volume cartonato con copertina figurata, 224 pagine profusamente illustrate a colori. Stato di nuovo. SPEDIZIONE IN 24 ORE DALLA CONFERMA DELL'ORDINE.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Livres de Salvalibro Snc]

24,00 € Acheter


‎ABC décor N° 14. Icônes à vendre, les sièges Louis XVI - Achetez auvergnat…‎

‎Couverture souple. Revue brochée. 98 pages.‎

‎Périodique. ABC Décor, Décembre 1965.‎

Référence libraire : 120903

Livre Rare Book

Librairie et Cætera
Belin-Beliet France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie et Cætera]

9,00 € Acheter


‎Le couple dans l'icône.‎

‎Editions aux Arts 1997 Editions aux Arts, 1997, 143 p., cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette, bon état.‎

‎Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Référence libraire : 111563

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Diogène
Lyon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Diogène]

20,00 € Acheter

‎ALPATOV (Mikhaïl) & RODNIKOVA (Irina)‎

‎Icônes Pskov (XIIIe - XVIe siècles).‎

‎1990 Léningrad, Aurora Editions d'art, 1990. In-4, pleine toile bordeaux d'édition sous jaq. rempliée ill. en couleurs, 321 pp., ill. en noir et en couleurs, catalogues de 152 oeuvres. Bibliographie. Comme neuf. . Sommaire : Introduction - Un siècle de découvertes et de réflexions. Première partie: évolution du monde byzantin et signes précurseurs d'un art nouveau (Le cadre historico-géographique et l'art - Un témoignage sur la société: les images des contemporains - Acheminement vers un art nouveau). Deuxième partie: les monuments (XIII°, XIV° et XV° siècles)..‎

Référence libraire : 6094

Livre Rare Book

Antiquités Duvert Martial
Crest France Francia França France
[Livres de Antiquités Duvert Martial]

30,00 € Acheter

‎Andreas Vesal / Anatomie - Vesalii, Andreae, Andreas Vesalius und Jan Stephan von Calcar‎

‎Andreae Vesalii Bruxellensis Icones Antomicae - [9 Reproduktionen aus Andreas Vesal "Werke über den Bau des menschlichen Körpers" / Jan Stephan von Calcar] (Zeichner: Jan Stephan v. Calcar.)‎

‎München, J. F. Lehmann Verlag 1964. 9 Tafeln und 3 Einleitung 9 Tafeln 57,5 X 41 cm Großfolio graues Leinen, Sammelmappe mit 9 Tafeln‎

‎Zum 400 Todestag 1964, die schönsten Holzschnitte aus den berühmten Lehrbücher Andreas Vesals von 1543, hier 9 Tafeln aus dem im 2. Weltkrieg durch Bombenangriff zerstörten Holzstöcke als Erinnerungsstück gedruckt. In Cassette, In ganz Leinen Kuvert Lit-Bio +++++ 30 Jahre Antiquariat Christmann in Wiesbaden +++++ Wir liefern außer nach Deutschland, nur noch nach Schweiz / Holland / Belgien / Italien / GB / USA / +++ We now only deliver to Switzerland / Holland and Belgium / Italy / GB / USA +++ Keine Lieferung nach Österreich ++++‎

Référence libraire : 7662

‎André DEGUER‎


‎20 p., 73 fig. coul. Inv. 17253‎

‎André GRABAR‎

‎*Les revêtements en or et en argent des icones byzantines du Moyen Age‎

‎90 p., 62 pl. n/b, 4 coul. Inv. 17248‎

‎Annales - Economies / Sociétés / Civilisations - Revue bimestrielle publiée avec le concours du C.N.R.S et de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - Ed Armand Colin‎

‎Annales Un système d'échange: la traite négrière en Afrique de l'Ouest ( R. BOtte ) - Les villes africaines, XVIème-XVIIème siècles ( C. Coquery-Vidrovitch )- Pragmatique et histoire: ce dont les sociologues sont capables ( S. Cerutti ) - Les dépenses d'enseignement et d'assistance en France au XIX ème siècle ( B. Théret ) - Les contreverses écologiques en U.R.S.S ( M.-H. Mandrillon )- Pratiques de la représentation : représentation: le mot, l'idée, la chose ( C. Ginzburg ) - Icônes et iconoclasme en Afrique ( J. Goody ) - Sur les cérémonies royales françaises ( A. Boureau )‎

‎In-8 - 46ème année N° 6 - Nov / Dec 1991‎

‎Bel état‎

Référence libraire : 10623

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Le Père Pénard
Lyon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Le Père Pénard]

10,00 € Acheter


‎Icônes, fenêtres sur l'éternité.‎

‎Allemagne, Artbook International, 1986. 25 x 32, 18 pp. + 48 planches en couleurs, cartonnage d'édition imprtimé, très bon état (sauf 2 cachets privés).‎

Référence libraire : 35256

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ausone
Bruxelles Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Livres de Librairie Ausone]

30,00 € Acheter


‎*Icones de Chypre‎

‎132 p., 89 ill. coul., 1 carte. Sous boîtier. Inv. 17250‎

‎Bailey, David‎

‎Bailey's Stardust (With an essay by Tim Marlow)‎

‎London, National Portrait Gallery 2014. 272 S. (34x25 cm) Großformat, illustrierter Pappband / gebundene Ausgabe‎

‎1st Edition; (Durchgehend photographisch bebildert); In gutem Zustand.‎

Référence libraire : 43734 ISBN : 1855144522

Antiquariat Smock
DE - Freiburg
[Livres de Antiquariat Smock]

40,00 € Acheter

‎Barlandus, Hadrianus Cornelius‎

‎Hollandiae comitum historia et icones: cum selectis scholiis ad lectoris lucem. Eiusdem Barlandi Caroli Burgundiae Ducis vita. Item ultraiectensium episcoporum catalogus & res gestae. Eiusdem argumenti libellus Gerardo Noviomago auctore. 2 Teile in einem Band.‎

‎Frankfurt a. M., J. Wechel für Sigismund Feyerabend, 1585. 8°. Mit Titelholzschnitt (Portrait der Gertrud von Sachsen; auf S. 25 wiederholt), einigen Holzschn.-Vignetten bzw. -Initialen, 37 ca. halbseitigen Holzschn.-Portraits (darunter, abgesehen von den ersten drei, mit den dazugehörigen Wappen) von Jost Amman u. 2 Holzschn.-Druckermarken (am zweiten Titel u. am Ende). 8 Bll., 393 (recte 391); 109 (1) S., Pgmt. d. Zt. m. durchzogenen Bünden, handschriftl. Rückentitel, goldgepr. Deckelfleurons u. dreiseitigem Farbschnitt.‎

‎Hübsche Frankfurter ?Taschenausgabe? mit den Portraits der Grafen von Holland nach der im Jahr zuvor erschienen Folio-Ausgabe von Plantin. - Deckeln leicht verzogen. Rücken m. alter Bibl.-Signatur. Schließbänder fehlen. Vereinzelt winzige Wurmspuren. Tlw. schwach gebräunt bzw. fleckig. - Insgesamt schönes Exemplar. - VD16, B 375; Adams B 212; IA 113.114; Graesse I, 294; Bibl. Belg. I, B 258; Jöcher I, 792.‎

Référence libraire : 41026

‎BARON Petre‎

‎Romania terre de l'icône‎

‎Royal Company Royal Company, 2003. In-4 relié cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée de 142 pages. Nombreuses reproductions. Texte roumain, français, anglais. Parfait état‎

‎Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.‎

Référence libraire : 171635

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Gil - Artgil SARL
Rodez France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Gil - Artgil SARL]

25,00 € Acheter

‎BEKENEVA Nadejda (commissaire de l'exposition)‎

‎Images saintes : Maître Denis, Roublev et les autres. Galerie Nationale Tretiakov, Moscou.‎

‎Pierre Gianadda 2009 Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 2009, 167 p., broché, environ 24x22cm, bords de la couverture frottés et coins des plats cornés, bon état pour le reste et intérieur propre.‎

‎Catalogue de l'exposition de 2009-2010. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Référence libraire : 112770

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Diogène
Lyon France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Diogène]

28,00 € Acheter

‎Biasin, Gian-Paolo.‎


‎199p. Illustrated. 8vo. Original cloth backed paper boards. Original dust jacket. As New. **PRICE JUST REDUCED! REF4‎


‎1000 Icons, Symbols + Pictograms. Visual Communication for every language.‎

‎Beverly, Rockport Publishers, 2009. With many pictures. 432 S. 15 x 15 cm, Kt. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut erhalten.‎

Référence libraire : 49599

Antiquariat O. Jenischek
DE - Bergisch Gladbach
[Livres de Antiquariat O. Jenischek]

12,90 € Acheter

‎Blyth, Derek‎

‎100 Belgian Icons [original packed Copy]‎

‎Luster Publishing, Antwerp, 2020. 231 S. ; 19,5 x 14,5 cm ; Pp. ;‎

‎Illustrations by Emma Verhagen, Graphic Design by Sarah Schrauwen. Englischsprachige Hardcoverausgabe, 231 Seiten mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen. Exemplar noch originalverschweißt. Sehr guter Zustand (Copy still in its original Packaging. Very good Condition). pw486 ISBN: 9789460582738‎

Référence libraire : 125246

Antiquariat Weber
DE - Neuendorf
[Livres de Antiquariat Weber]

14,50 € Acheter

‎BOLSWERT Schelte Adam (Bolswert 1586 – Anversa 1659)‎

‎Adriaen van Ertvelt‎

‎Incisione tratta dalla celebre raccolta Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum, di Anton van Dyck, edita per la prima volta ad Anversa verso il 1640.  Opera celebre ed importante, vero monumento dell’arte incisoria fiamminga del sec. XVIII, contiene le biografie ed i ritratti degli uomini illustri che Van Dyck aveva conosciuto e con i quali aveva avuto importanti rapporti.  L’artista ne eseguì le effigi in numerosi dipinti e disegni che poi decise di pubblicare, affidandone la trasposizione calcografica ai migliori incisori del suo tempo, come Bolswert, Pontius, Vorsterman, de Jode, Hollar, molti dei quali aveva avuto come condiscepoli nell’atelier di Rubens.  "Sir Anthony Van Dyck stands out as the solitary great etcher of the school. Portrait etching had scarcely had an existence before his time, and in his work it suddenly appears at the highest point ever reached in the art" (Hind, p. 165). "The plan of this publication took shape after Van Dyck returned from Italy (1626) and before he went to England (1632). He made careful preparatory drawings in chalk and brush for the publication. He directed and revised the work of the engravers, the best of the Rubens circle; he collaborated with his etching needle in some of the plates and himself etched the most beautiful set, mainly portraits of artists. One of the most brilliant in human characterization is the portrait of Peter Brueghel the Younger, son of the great Peasant Brueghel. It is remarkable that the etching appeared in this sketchy form in the book, proving that the master regarded it as finished. All interest is focussed on the wonderful had. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1635-1636. Yet it was not complete, and the title-page did not appear before the Gillis Hendricx edition of 1645, engraved by Jacob Neels" (Benesch, Artistic and Intellectual Trends, p. 32.) Hofer, Baroque Book Illustrations 132. Acquaforte con ritocchi al bulino, stampata su carta vergata coeva, filigrana del “giullare”, con margini, in ottimo stato di conservazione. Etching and engraving, circa 1645, signed on plate at lower edge. A fine impression, printed on contemporary laid paper, with margins, very good condition. From Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum by Anton van Dyck, printed for the first time in Antwerp, 1645. A famous and important work, a real monument of the Flemish engraving art of the XVIII century, containing the biographies and portraits of the famous artists Van Dyck had met and with whom he had worked.  Following the success of his portrait paintings and in the tradition of Italian and Flemish portrait series, Van Dyck decided to organise a print publication containing portraits of the most prominent men during his lifetime, divided into three categories: princes, politicians and soldiers (16), statesmen and scholars (12), artists and art connoisseurs (52).  The initial idea could have been that Van Dyck would etch the faces (a process possibly learnt from Vorsterman) while others would finish the plates in engraving. Designs were needed for the plates and several drawings and oil sketches (grisailles, sometimes in different versions) have survived. Van Dyck only etched 17 plates himself, while he commissioned others to complete the set, overseen by Lucas Vorsterman I (especially after Van Dyck settled in England in the Spring of 1632). Although this project was started by Van Dyck around 1630, he never saw it completed.  The Antwerp publisher Maarten van den Enden may have been involved from the start as eighty early impressions bear Van den Enden's address. They are engraved by Paulus Pontius (30 plates), Lucas Vorsterman I (22), Pieter de Jode II (12), Schelte a Bolswert (7), Robert van Voerst (4), Willem Hondius (2), Willem Jacobsz Delff (1), Cornelis Galle (1), and Nicolaes Lauwers (1). It is known that Van den Enden was in debt to Gillis Hendricx around 1644, the Antwerp publisher who must have obtained Van den Enden's plates which he published in 1645 in the first edition of these plates (containing between 100 and 104 portrait plates).  Hendricx continued to publish these plates until his death in 1677 when they were auctioned off by the St Luke guild (keeping the Iconography plates together). It is not clear who bought these plates but they re-appeared around 1720 when they were published by Hendrick and Cornelis Verdussen in Antwerp.‎

‎BOLSWERT Schelte Adam (Bolswert 1586 – Anversa 1659)‎

‎Joannes Baptista Barbé‎

‎Incisione tratta dalla celebre raccolta Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum, di Anton van Dyck, edita per la prima volta ad Anversa verso il 1640.  Opera celebre ed importante, vero monumento dell’arte incisoria fiamminga del sec. XVIII, contiene le biografie ed i ritratti degli uomini illustri che Van Dyck aveva conosciuto e con i quali aveva avuto importanti rapporti.  L’artista ne eseguì le effigi in numerosi dipinti e disegni che poi decise di pubblicare, affidandone la trasposizione calcografica ai migliori incisori del suo tempo, come Bolswert, Pontius, Vorsterman, de Jode, Hollar, molti dei quali aveva avuto come condiscepoli nell’atelier di Rubens.  "Sir Anthony Van Dyck stands out as the solitary great etcher of the school. Portrait etching had scarcely had an existence before his time, and in his work it suddenly appears at the highest point ever reached in the art" (Hind, p. 165). "The plan of this publication took shape after Van Dyck returned from Italy (1626) and before he went to England (1632). He made careful preparatory drawings in chalk and brush for the publication. He directed and revised the work of the engravers, the best of the Rubens circle; he collaborated with his etching needle in some of the plates and himself etched the most beautiful set, mainly portraits of artists. One of the most brilliant in human characterization is the portrait of Peter Brueghel the Younger, son of the great Peasant Brueghel. It is remarkable that the etching appeared in this sketchy form in the book, proving that the master regarded it as finished. All interest is focussed on the wonderful had. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1635-1636. Yet it was not complete, and the title-page did not appear before the Gillis Hendricx edition of 1645, engraved by Jacob Neels" (Benesch, Artistic and Intellectual Trends, p. 32.) Hofer, Baroque Book Illustrations 132. Acquaforte con ritocchi al bulino, stampata su carta vergata coeva, filigrana del “giullare”, con margini, in ottimo stato di conservazione. Etching and engraving, circa 1645, signed on plate at lower edge. A fine impression, printed on contemporary laid paper, with margins, very good condition. From Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum by Anton van Dyck, printed for the first time in Antwerp, 1645. A famous and important work, a real monument of the Flemish engraving art of the XVIII century, containing the biographies and portraits of the famous artists Van Dyck had met and with whom he had worked.  Following the success of his portrait paintings and in the tradition of Italian and Flemish portrait series, Van Dyck decided to organise a print publication containing portraits of the most prominent men during his lifetime, divided into three categories: princes, politicians and soldiers (16), statesmen and scholars (12), artists and art connoisseurs (52).  The initial idea could have been that Van Dyck would etch the faces (a process possibly learnt from Vorsterman) while others would finish the plates in engraving. Designs were needed for the plates and several drawings and oil sketches (grisailles, sometimes in different versions) have survived. Van Dyck only etched 17 plates himself, while he commissioned others to complete the set, overseen by Lucas Vorsterman I (especially after Van Dyck settled in England in the Spring of 1632). Although this project was started by Van Dyck around 1630, he never saw it completed.  The Antwerp publisher Maarten van den Enden may have been involved from the start as eighty early impressions bear Van den Enden's address. They are engraved by Paulus Pontius (30 plates), Lucas Vorsterman I (22), Pieter de Jode II (12), Schelte a Bolswert (7), Robert van Voerst (4), Willem Hondius (2), Willem Jacobsz Delff (1), Cornelis Galle (1), and Nicolaes Lauwers (1). It is known that Van den Enden was in debt to Gillis Hendricx around 1644, the Antwerp publisher who must have obtained Van den Enden's plates which he published in 1645 in the first edition of these plates (containing between 100 and 104 portrait plates).  Hendricx continued to publish these plates until his death in 1677 when they were auctioned off by the St Luke guild (keeping the Iconography plates together). It is not clear who bought these plates but they re-appeared around 1720 when they were published by Hendrick and Cornelis Verdussen in Antwerp.‎

‎BOLSWERT Schelte Adam (Bolswert 1586 – Anversa 1659)‎

‎Ritratto di Willelm de Vos‎

‎Incisione tratta dalla celebre raccolta Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum, di Anton van Dyck, edita per la prima volta ad Anversa verso il 1640.  Opera celebre ed importante, vero monumento dell’arte incisoria fiamminga del sec. XVIII, contiene le biografie ed i ritratti degli uomini illustri che Van Dyck aveva conosciuto e con i quali aveva avuto importanti rapporti.  L’artista ne eseguì le effigi in numerosi dipinti e disegni che poi decise di pubblicare, affidandone la trasposizione calcografica ai migliori incisori del suo tempo, come Bolswert, Pontius, Vorsterman, de Jode, Hollar, molti dei quali aveva avuto come condiscepoli nell’atelier di Rubens.  "Sir Anthony Van Dyck stands out as the solitary great etcher of the school. Portrait etching had scarcely had an existence before his time, and in his work it suddenly appears at the highest point ever reached in the art" (Hind, p. 165). "The plan of this publication took shape after Van Dyck returned from Italy (1626) and before he went to England (1632). He made careful preparatory drawings in chalk and brush for the publication. He directed and revised the work of the engravers, the best of the Rubens circle; he collaborated with his etching needle in some of the plates and himself etched the most beautiful set, mainly portraits of artists. One of the most brilliant in human characterization is the portrait of Peter Brueghel the Younger, son of the great Peasant Brueghel. It is remarkable that the etching appeared in this sketchy form in the book, proving that the master regarded it as finished. All interest is focussed on the wonderful had. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1635-1636. Yet it was not complete, and the title-page did not appear before the Gillis Hendricx edition of 1645, engraved by Jacob Neels" (Benesch, Artistic and Intellectual Trends, p. 32.) Hofer, Baroque Book Illustrations 132. Acquaforte con ritocchi al bulino, stampata su carta vergata coeva, filigrana del “giullare”, con margini, in ottimo stato di conservazione. Etching and engraving, circa 1645, signed on plate at lower edge. A fine impression, printed on contemporary laid paper, with margins, very good condition. From the Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum by Anton van Dyck, printed for the first time in Antwerp, 1645. A famous and important work, a real monument of the Flemish engraving art of the XVIII century, containing the biographies and portraits of the famous artists Van Dyck had met and with whom he had worked.  Following the success of his portrait paintings and in the tradition of Italian and Flemish portrait series, Van Dyck decided to organise a print publication containing portraits of the most prominent men during his lifetime, divided into three categories: princes, politicians and soldiers (16), statesmen and scholars (12), artists and art connoisseurs (52).  The initial idea could have been that Van Dyck would etch the faces (a process possibly learnt from Vorsterman) while others would finish the plates in engraving. Designs were needed for the plates and several drawings and oil sketches (grisailles, sometimes in different versions) have survived. Van Dyck only etched 17 plates himself, while he commissioned others to complete the set, overseen by Lucas Vorsterman I (especially after Van Dyck settled in England in the Spring of 1632). Although this project was started by Van Dyck around 1630, he never saw it completed.  The Antwerp publisher Maarten van den Enden may have been involved from the start as eighty early impressions bear Van den Enden's address. They are engraved by Paulus Pontius (30 plates), Lucas Vorsterman I (22), Pieter de Jode II (12), Schelte a Bolswert (7), Robert van Voerst (4), Willem Hondius (2), Willem Jacobsz Delff (1), Cornelis Galle (1), and Nicolaes Lauwers (1). It is known that Van den Enden was in debt to Gillis Hendricx around 1644, the Antwerp publisher who must have obtained Van den Enden's plates which he published in 1645 in the first edition of these plates (containing between 100 and 104 portrait plates).  Hendricx continued to publish these plates until his death in 1677 when they were auctioned off by the St Luke guild (keeping the Iconography plates together). It is not clear who bought these plates but they re-appeared around 1720 when they were published by Hendrick and Cornelis Verdussen in Antwerp. "Sir Anthony Van Dyck stands out as the solitary great etcher of the school. Portrait etching had scarcely had an existence before his time, and in his work it suddenly appears at the highest point ever reached in the art" (Hind, p. 165). "The plan of this publication took shape after Van Dyck returned from Italy (1626) and before he went to England (1632). He made careful preparatory drawings in chalk and brush for the publication. He directed and revised the work of the engravers, the best of the Rubens circle; he collaborated with his etching needle in some of the plates and himself etched the most beautiful set, mainly portraits of artists. One of the most brilliant in human characterization is the portrait of Peter Brueghel the Younger, son of the great Peasant Brueghel. It is remarkable that the etching appeared in this sketchy form in the book, proving that the master regarded it as finished. All interest is focussed on the wonderful had. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1635-1636. Yet it was not complete, and the title-page did not appear before the Gillis Hendricx edition of 1645, engraved by Jacob Neels" (Benesch, Artistic and Intellectual Trends, p. 32.) Hofer, Baroque Book Illustrations 132.‎

‎BOLSWERT Schelte Adam (Bolswert 1586 – Anversa 1659)‎

‎Sebastian Vrancx‎

‎Incisione tratta dalla celebre raccolta Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum, di Anton van Dyck, edita per la prima volta ad Anversa verso il 1640.  Opera celebre ed importante, vero monumento dell’arte incisoria fiamminga del sec. XVIII, contiene le biografie ed i ritratti degli uomini illustri che Van Dyck aveva conosciuto e con i quali aveva avuto importanti rapporti.  L’artista ne eseguì le effigi in numerosi dipinti e disegni che poi decise di pubblicare, affidandone la trasposizione calcografica ai migliori incisori del suo tempo, come Bolswert, Pontius, Vorsterman, de Jode, Hollar, molti dei quali aveva avuto come condiscepoli nell’atelier di Rubens.  "Sir Anthony Van Dyck stands out as the solitary great etcher of the school. Portrait etching had scarcely had an existence before his time, and in his work it suddenly appears at the highest point ever reached in the art" (Hind, p. 165). "The plan of this publication took shape after Van Dyck returned from Italy (1626) and before he went to England (1632). He made careful preparatory drawings in chalk and brush for the publication. He directed and revised the work of the engravers, the best of the Rubens circle; he collaborated with his etching needle in some of the plates and himself etched the most beautiful set, mainly portraits of artists. One of the most brilliant in human characterization is the portrait of Peter Brueghel the Younger, son of the great Peasant Brueghel. It is remarkable that the etching appeared in this sketchy form in the book, proving that the master regarded it as finished. All interest is focussed on the wonderful had. The first edition was published in Antwerp in 1635-1636. Yet it was not complete, and the title-page did not appear before the Gillis Hendricx edition of 1645, engraved by Jacob Neels" (Benesch, Artistic and Intellectual Trends, p. 32.) Hofer, Baroque Book Illustrations 132. Acquaforte con ritocchi al bulino, stampata su carta vergata coeva, filigrana del “giullare”, con margini, in ottimo stato di conservazione. Etching and engraving, circa 1645, signed on plate at lower edge. A fine impression, printed on contemporary laid paper, with margins, very good condition. From the Icones principum, virorum, doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum by Anton van Dyck, printed for the first time in Antwerp, 1645. A famous and important work, a real monument of the Flemish engraving art of the XVIII century, containing the biographies and portraits of the famous artists Van Dyck had met and with whom he had worked.  Following the success of his portrait paintings and in the tradition of Italian and Flemish portrait series, Van Dyck decided to organise a print publication containing portraits of the most prominent men during his lifetime, divided into three categories: princes, politicians and soldiers (16), statesmen and scholars (12), artists and art connoisseurs (52).  The initial idea could have been that Van Dyck would etch the faces (a process possibly learnt from Vorsterman) while others would finish the plates in engraving. Designs were needed for the plates and several drawings and oil sketches (grisailles, sometimes in different versions) have survived. Van Dyck only etched 17 plates himself, while he commissioned others to complete the set, overseen by Lucas Vorsterman I (especially after Van Dyck settled in England in the Spring of 1632). Although this project was started by Van Dyck around 1630, he never saw it completed.  The Antwerp publisher Maarten van den Enden may have been involved from the start as eighty early impressions bear Van den Enden's address. They are engraved by Paulus Pontius (30 plates), Lucas Vorsterman I (22), Pieter de Jode II (12), Schelte a Bolswert (7), Robert van Voerst (4), Willem Hondius (2), Willem Jacobsz Delff (1), Cornelis Galle (1), and Nicolaes Lauwers (1). It is known that Van den Enden was in debt to Gillis Hendricx around 1644, the Antwerp publisher who must have obtained Van den Enden's plates which he published in 1645 in the first edition of these plates (containing between 100 and 104 portrait plates).  Hendricx continued to publish these plates until his death in 1677 when they were auctioned off by the St Luke guild (keeping the Iconography plates together). It is not clear who bought these plates but they re-appeared around 1720 when they were published by Hendrick and Cornelis Verdussen in Antwerp.‎

‎Bornheim (Bernhard)‎

‎Icônes. Miniatures Russes. Une histoire de la culture en images‎

‎L’Amateur 1999 In-4 reliure éditeur sous jaquette, 480 pp. Illustrations noir & couleurs‎

‎Très bon état d’occasion‎

Référence libraire : 2275

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie de l'Avenue]

59,00 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 1‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 1 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used. Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 2‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 2 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used . Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 3‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 3 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used . Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 4‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 4 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used . Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 5‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 5 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used . Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

‎Bouchard, Aurelian [Director]‎

‎To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 6‎

‎Produced by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies. BOX 6 of a set of 6 VHS video cassettes, each with a full hour of instruction. [Will NOT be sold separately] "A step-by step instructional tool on the process of creating traditional Byzantine icons from the preparation of the wood panel, through the gesso process, gilding, egg-tempera painting to the preservation of the icon. Learn not only the technique but also the theological implications of every step of the process.Invaluable tool for students of art and iconography" Instructor : Schemamonk Damian. These are ex-libary, with usual marks and labels, but but look as though they have never been used . Electronic Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Livres de Kalamos Books]

18,54 € Acheter

Nombre de résultats : 358 (8 Page(s))

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