Fabre, Gladys, Doris Wintgens Hötte and Michael White (Editors)
Theo van Doesburg and the International Avant-Garde. Constructing a New World
Tate Publishing, London, 2009. 264 S. ; 27 x 21 cm ; kart. ;
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 127028
Fabre, Jan & Schneider, Eckhard et al.
Jan Fabre. Tribute to the Belgian Congo. Tribute to Hiëronymus Bosch in Congo.
This is a fine two volume hardcover set of the first edition with no wear at all. No slipcase or belly-band. Completely clean inside and out. Bound uniformly in black moire silk boards with gilt titles. Text in English. These books were published to accompany the exhibition at the Pinchuk Art Centre in Kiev, Ukraine from February 7 to October 5, 2014. Stated first editions. This project grew out the relationship between Jan Fabre and Eckhard Schneider, who have worked together since 1991. This exhibition involved the creation of a cycle of mosaics delving into the history of Belgium's colonial past. Essays by 20 scholars including Germano Celant, Achille Bonito Oliva among many others. Illustrated mostly in color with several fold-outs. Volume 1: Tribute to Belgian Congo, 133 pages. Volume 2: Tribute to Hieronymous Bosch in Congo, 125 pages. 12" high X 10" wide. Large heavy set, foreign shipping will be extra. These books will be securely wrapped and packed in a sturdy box and shipped with tracking.
Exposicion general Espanola. Sevilla 1928. Barcelona 1929.
Madrid, S. Stian [ca. 1928]. Farb. Guter Zustand.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 3114-11
Fabritius, Elisabeth
P. S. Kroyer's Photographs / P. S. Kroyers Fotografier
This is a near fine softcover copy with virtually no wear. Completely clean. The spine is not creased, binding firm. Text in Danish with English translations at the end. Illustrated throughout in black & white with reproductions of P. S. Kroyer's photographs, drawings and paintings. Peder Severin Kroyer (1851- 1909) was a Danish artist who studied painting in Paris where he became familiar with the impressionists. The largest collection of works by Kroyer is at the Hirschsprungske Museum in Copenhagen. They sponsored this publication and the exhibition. Bibliography. 10" high X 8" wide, 188 pages. Scarce. This book will be securely wrapped and shipped with tracking.
Faccenda, Giovanni
Le ipotesi di Fiume. L'arte come rappresentazione di se stessa.
This is a very good softcover copy with just light wear. Completely clean inside and out. Text in Italian. Essays by Salvatore Fiume, Giovanni Faccenda, and Giancarlo Lacchin. Illustrated throghout in color. Biographical sketch. Bibliography. 11" high X 9" wide, 125 pages. This book will be securely packed and shipped with tracking.
Fagence Cooper, Suzanne
Pre-Raphaelite Art in the Victoria and Albert Museum London
V & A Publications, London, 2003. 27,5 cm ; Pp.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 75755
Ugo Dossi
This is a very good softcover copy with some wear. Corner creased. Very clean inside. Text by Fagone in English, French and Italian. Many illustrations in black & white. Exhibition history. 11" high X 8" wide, 43 pages. This book will be securely packed and shipped with tracking.
Munchen, Museum Villa Stuck, 1981 Broschiert, originale Abdeckung Verlag, 20.5x20 cm., 41 S.+ 5 + 12 Externen Abbildungen in Farben.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 36812
Fahlman, Betsy.
PENNSYLVANIA MODERN: Charles Demuth of Lancaster.
74p. Numerous illustrations, many in color. 4to. Original color pictorial wraps. Crisp copy. PA PAMPH 20_15 BX1 = 2c.
XVIIè et XVIIIè siècles.Exposition à la Galerie Lucien Blanc.
Aix Galerie Lucien Blanc, 1957 In-4, broché.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 23090
Fairbanks, Avard T.
Avard T. Fairbanks Eight Decades A Retrospective Exhibition
This is a near fine softcover copy with virtually no wear. Completely clean inside and out. This pamphlet was prepared to accompany the retrospective esxhibition that was shown at the Salt Lake Art Center from January to March of 1987, and then at the Harris Fine Arts Center at Brigham Young University later in the same year. Avard T. Fairbanks died during this year after a long career creating memorable sculpture, much of it still visible in public spaces throughout Utah and other places in the midwest. 32 small black & white photographs of Fairbanks and his work. Long biographical sketch. 12" high X 5" wide, about 35 pages.
Faison S. Lane exhibition curated by
Williamstown MA: Williams College Museum Art 1983. PB. very good wraps softcover. B&W illustrations. ISBN 0913697001 Plates follow the text. 63pp of text. Williams College Museum Art unknown
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : BOOKS069447I ISBN : 0913697001 9780913697009
1) Un peintre alsacien de Transition Clément Faller. 2) Invitation, exposition Clément Faller (1819-1901) du lundi 22 février au samedi 6 mars 1909. 2 vols. ens.
Strasbourg, Edition de la revue alsacienne illustrée, 1907, in-8vo, 1) VII + 110 p., + env. 25 planches n./b. de dessins et peintures de Clément Faller, 2) 7 p., brochure originale.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 125225aaf
FALGAYRETTES-LEVEAU Ch. Catalogue exposition Musée Dapper, Paris,2008-2009.
Femmes dans les arts d'Afrique.
Paris, 2008 Vilo relié. 25 x 33
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 12512
Falke, Friedhelm
Nieuzasadnione tajemnice/ Grundlose Geheimnisse
Bremen, Selbstverlag, 1993. Galerie "Awangarda"; Wroclaw/ Städtische Galerie am Buntentorsteinweg Bremen 1993/1994. Mit Anmerkungen (deutsch/polnisch) von Ulrike Lehmann. mit 7 farbigen Abbildungen. geh., o. Pag.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 17068
Falkenberg, Regine/ Jüllig, Carola/ Schütrumpf, Jörn u.a. (Hrsg.)
Parteidiktatur und Alltag in der DDR
Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum, 2007. Aus den Sammlungen des Deutschen Historischen Museums. Eine Ausstellung im Deutschen Historischen Museum vom 30. März bis 29. Juli 2007. Vorwort von Hans Ottomeyer. Zeitwort von Dieter Vorsteher - mit zahlreichen, oftmals farbigen Fotos, Tafeln, Faksimiles und Abbildungen - Okt., 243 S., 4to.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 24306
FARJAS, Jean-Claude
Art Vision à Paris.
1993 Editions Kyoto Shoin - 1993 - In-4, cartonnage illustré en couleurs - 48 p. - Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs hors-texte et pleine page - Ouvrage en japonais, en anglais et en français
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 111527
Farnsworth William A. Exhibition Presenter
Philadelphia Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Very Good. 1971. Softcover. This book is soft-bound in color pictorial covers. There is some light soiling to the covers. The binding is solid. The contents are bright and clean with black & white illustrations. . Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts paperback
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 74476
Farnsworth William A. Exhibition Presenter
Philadelphia Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Very Good. 1971. Softcover. This book is soft-bound in color pictorial covers. There is some light soiling to the covers. The binding is solid. The contents are bright and clean with black & white illustrations. . Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts paperback books
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 74476
Farova, Anna
Ceskoslovenska fotografie v exilu 1939 - 1989. [Katalog: Vystavni sin manes 1992].
Praha, Vystavni sin manes, 1992. Broschiert, 4°, ca 200 nn S., durchgehend s/w illustriert; -Einband etwas berieben, Titelblatt gestempelt, ordentliches Exemplar/ soft board, 4vo, 200 np pp, numerous b/w illustrations; -cover worn, title page stamped, good copy.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 11282
1989 Sans mention d'édition - Ces peintures de 3m x 7m ont été réalisées par Jean Faucheur au 91, quai de la Gare à Paris, d'octobre à décembre 1990. Technique : acrylique et aérosol sur papier. Photographies de Guy Bouchet - Achevé d'imprimer sur les presses de l'Imprimerie Durand, 28600 Luisant - In-8, broché - Sans pagination - Très nombreuses reproductions photographiques en couleurs et en N&B hors texte
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 115689
Fautrier, 1898 - 1964. 25 Mai - 24 Septembre 1989.
Paris, Coédition Paris-Musées - Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris 1989, 275x225mm, 239pages, broché. Très bel exemplaire.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 78953
FAURE, Jean-Louis - ENRICI, Michel - PIJAUDIER, Joëlle - SCHWERFEL, Heinz-Peter
Jean-Louis Faure - Catalogue de l'exposition au Musée d'Art Moderne de Villeneuve d'Ascq ( 26 avril au 26 juillet 1991 )
1991 Editions l'Etat des Lieux / Musée d'Art Moderne de Villeneuve d'Ascq / La Différence - 1 vol in-8 - 1991 - broché ( couverture rempliée illustrée ) - 45 pages - Illustrations en couleurs hors texte
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 77099
FAUCHEUR, Jean - Directeur de la publication : Agnès B. assistée de Pierre Chevalier
Jean Faucheur. 24 dessins
1989 Galerie du Jour / Agnès B., Paris - Achevé d'imprimer le 9 octobre 1989 sur les Presses de l'Imprimerie Durand à Chartres - In-8, broché couverture à rabats - Sans pagination - Nombreuses illustrations de Jean Faucheur en N&B hors texte - Cet ouvrage a été tiré à 250 exemplaires numérotés et signés. Exemplaire numéroté N° 240 / 250 (sans signature)
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 115688
FAUTRIER (Jean) - ETIENNE-MARTIN - BATAILLE (Georges) - DAGUET (Dominique) - SEIBEL (Castor) -
Jean Fautrier - Etienne Martin.
Catalogue de l'exposition présentée à Billom salle Saint-Loup en 1985. Un volume agrafé (22x20 cm), (28) pages. Illustré de reproductions des oeuvres et de fac-similés de L'Alleluiah de Georges Bataille et Fautrier l'enragé de Jean Paulhan, aux Editions Auguste Blaizot. bon état.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 45503
Pierre FAUCHER - La Brêle Force - Catalogue de l'exposition à l'Académie de France à Rome, 1989-1990
1990 Editions Carte Segrete - 1 vol grand in-8 - 1989-1990 - broché - 45 pages - Illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs hors texte -
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 77080
Nils Dardel.
Catalogue de l'exposition consacrée aux oeuvres du peintre et graphiste suédois Nils von Dardel (1888-1943), décorateur et costumier, présentée en 1988 au Musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris; par l'écrivain, critique d'art et enseignant Serge FAUCHEREAU et le critique d'art suédois Olle GRANATH (futur directeur du Musée national de Stockholm); biographie de l'artiste; liste de 225 oeuvres, peintures et dessins; 41 planches couleurs, portrait photographique en frontispice et vignettes en noir; préface de Pontus HULTEN; bibliographie "succinte". Français
Philippe Soupault voyageur magnétique.
"Parcours alphabétique" où l'écrivain et critique d'art et de littérature Serge FAUCHEREAU voulait évoquer, sous la forme d'un dictionnaire, "l'essentiel" de l'écrivain Philippe Soupault (1897-1990), co-fondateur, avec Breton et Aragon, de la revue "Littérature" (1919) où furent publiés les premiers textes dada et surréalistes: écrivains, peintres, domaines artistiques, techniques de création, etc (de la photographe Bérénice Abbott et du poète Pierre Albert-Birot à l'écrivain Stefan Zweig); avec citations de poèmes et 285 illustrations: reproductions de peintures, dessins et gravures, fac-similés de couvertures de revues et d'ouvrages, etc; repères chronologiques; index; bibliographie. Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition présentée au Centre des expositions de Montreuil (1989); exemplaire en reliure éditeur, bien complet de sa jaquette. Français
FAVROD, Charles-Henri. - LAMBELET, Philippe. - ROUVINEZ, André.
Nouveaux itinéraires. Neue Wege. Nuovi itinerari. Novs trajects un travail conduit de 1987 à 1991 à la demande du Musée de l’Elysée, par Jacques Berthet, Alain Ceccaroli, Thibaut Cuisset, Nicolas Faure, Claude Huber, Jean Otth, Florio Puenter, Dino Simonett, Michel Séméniako, Pierre Vallet. Une exposition.
Lasaunne, Musée de l’Elysée 1991, 270x240mm, 116pages, broché. Couverture à rabats. Bon état.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 96201
FAY, Fred.
2 Catalogues d’expositions. 1. Galerie Bernheim - Jeune, Paris, du 4 novembre au 26 novembre 1966. 2. Musée de la Majorie, Sion, du 19 juin au 12 septembre 1971.
Paris - Sion, 1966 - 1971, 210x135mm, 210x145mm, 38pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 113159
Fayrer Joseph Sir . n International Health Exhibition : London England n
Home lessons after school hours 1884 Leather Bound
2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1884. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 16. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : LB1111007133233
Rooms Of Wonder: From Wunderkammer To Museum 1599-1899
Oak Knoll Press New Castle / The British Library London: . Softcover. Brand new book. First edition second printing with some corrections. The German term "Wunderkammer" refers to a room full of wondrous things objects noteworthy for their beauty or their rarity or their curious nature or their artistic scholarly or monetary value. Wunderkammers originated as private collections in the 16th century and proliferated throughout the 17th and 18th centuries but began to decline when a more systematic approach to the accumulation of natural and man-made objects gave rise to our modern museums of art culture and natural history. Published to accompany the exhibition "Rooms of Wonder: from Wunderkammer to Museum 1599-1899" the book focuses on the beautiful and elaborately illustrated catalogues produced by collectors over three hundred years to celebrate their "cabinets of curiosities." Introduction by Florence Fearrington followed by detailed descriptions for the nearly 140 items on show most drawn from a private collection with additional loans from the American Antiquarian Society the Getty Research Institute Library and Harvard and Johns Hopkins Universities. Includes index. Minion Requiem and Augustea Open types; designed by Jerry Kelly. Oak Knoll Press, New Castle / The British Library, London: paperback
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 78650X11
Features of an Exposition Letter and Poster Springboard
Big Greg's Campaign Springboard Features of an Exposition - Letter and Poster
good. 1404558217 unknown
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : H7-WD44-1010 ISBN : 1404558217 9781404558212
Fedit, D. und Bernard Dorival
Französische Malerei der Gegenwart - Tendances de la peinture française contemporaine. Ausstellung im Kunsthaus Hamburg, 16. November bis 10. Dezember 1967
Hamburg: Kunsthaus Hamburg und Institut Français, 1967. 20 x 21 cm , kart.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 95648
Fekete, Esteban
Graphik der Gegenwart. Weihnachtsausstellung. [Original-Farbholzschnitt / original color woodcut].
o.J. Esteban Fekete, geboren 1924 in Cinkota (heute Budapest); gestorben 2009 in Dieburg. Deutsch-argentinischer Maler, Zeichner und Farbholzschneider.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 9783DB
Alfa Romeo. The essence of beauty. Alfa Romeo. La beauté nécessaire. Alfa Romeo. Die Notwendige; Alfa Romeo. Tecniek in zijn mooiste vorm.
Couverture souple. Broché. Jaquette très légèrement défraîchie. 122 pages. Nombreuses photos. 26 x 26cm.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 100382
Alfa Romeo. The essence of beauty. Alfa Romeo. La beauté nécessaire. Alfa Romeo. Die Notwendige; Alfa Romeo. Tecniek in zijn mooiste vorm.
Couverture souple. Broché. Manque à la jaquette. 122 pages. Nombreuses photos. 26 x 26cm.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 100383
Felber, Ulrike; Krasny, Elke
smart EXPOrts. Österreich auf den Weltausstellungen 1851 - 2000. 1. Auflage.
Wien, Brandstätter 2000. 4°, 235 S. mit zahlreichen, teilweise farb. Abb., OPpbd m. OU., einwandfrei.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : KULT1321 ISBN : 385498068
Felim Egan; Fuchs, Rudi
Felim Egan : S M A Cahiers
Exhibition catalog in excellent condition with a tiny bit of edge wear, a tiny bit of scuffing to front cover. Binding is solid and square, covers have sharp corners, exterior shows slight wear; text/interior is clean and free of marking of any kind. 48 pages with 17 pages of color prints from the show by the same title, held at the publisher's museum 3/27/1998 - 5/16/1998. Text in English and Dutch.
Fellowship holders' photographic exhibition
Di 1 jie she ying rong xian hui shi zuo pin zhuan ji = Fellowship holders' photographic exhibition
Shan shui wen hua shi ye gu feng you xian gong si jing xiao 1982. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. Hardcover with clear vinyl wrapper. Wrapper has scuffing and soiling. Contents clean and tight. One-page introduction in English rest in Chinese. 211 pages color and b&w photography. Shan shui wen hua shi ye gu feng you xian gong si jing xiao hardcover
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 10082
Feltus Alan Exhibition catalog. Essay by John Brunetti
Alan Feltus: New Paintings April 28 - June 17 2000
Ann Nathan Gallery Chicago in cooperation with Forum Gallery New York 2000. 20 pp. seven color plates. Heel of spine bumped wrapper and page corners lightly bumped light handling and edgewear to wrappers. . Stapled Wraps. Very Good/No Jacket Paperback. 8vo. Ann Nathan Gallery, Chicago, in cooperation with Forum Gallery, New York Paperback
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 10703
FERINO-PAGDEN Sylvia (sous la direction de)
Arcimboldo, 1526-1593.
Skira 2007 Skira, Musée du Luxembourg, Kunst Historisches Museum, 2007, 319 p., broché, environ 28x24cm, une signature sur la page de faux-titre, bon état.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 113531
Collages. Album réalisé pour l'exposition aux Musées de province, 1990 & 1991.
Villeneuve, Musée d'art moderne, gr. in-8vo, 25 p. dépliantes, ill., brochure originale.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 62858aaf
Jean Donnay
1950 librairie le François sans date (vers 1950) plaquette in 8 brochée non paginée (30 pages) nombreuses illustrations hors texte
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 5213
FERRER (Joaquin)
Joaquin Ferrer. Axes. Peintures et gravures 1970-1971. Mardi 11 mai fin juin 1971.
Paris Le Point Cardinal In-4 (h. 27 cm.) 30 pp. env. couverture souple lithographiée par Mourlot avec de larges rabats, le tout formant une planche de 110 cm. de long.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 4593
FERRIER, Jean - Louis ( pref. ).
, Paris, Isy Brachot, 1984., Broche sous couverture carton illustree, 205 x 305mm., pages ne sont pas numerotees, illustration en couleurs et en b/n.
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 17194
Ferguson Robert Exhibition Curator
John Marin: The Weehawken Sequence September 11 - November 9 1985
Jersey City NJ: Jersey City Museum 1985. Book. Near Fine. Soft cover. 1st Edition. Uncommon thin exhibition catalog with 7 full color illustrations and text by Robert Ferguson. Jersey City Museum Paperback
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 016528
Ferguson, Bruce W.; Stanbridge, Nicole; Taylor, Jessica Berlanga
Daniel Laskarin - Agnostic Objects (things persist)
94 pages. Beautiful colour photography throughout. "Laskarin has a stated interest in doubt and uncertainty, which he sees as important qualities in his work. He believes viewers become creatively engaged when they can't easily identify objects. Often, elements of his work that contain scarcely enough information to be recognizable are juxtaposed with other references to destabilize easy decoding." - Foreword. Clean, bright and unmarked with very light wear. A high-quality copy. Book
Feria, Rafael (introduccion)
Espiritu Olimpico. Exposición Museo Casa de la Moneda, Madrid, octubre - diciembre 1992 [edición en español]
Museo Casa de la Moneda & Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, Madrid, 1992. 47 S. ; 21,5 x 21 cm ; kart. ;
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : 120549
Ferrier W. F. Walter Frederick Geological Survey of Canada World's Columbian Exposition : Chicago Ill.
Catalogue of a stratigraphical collection of Canadian rocks : prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 1893 Leather Bound
2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 161. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover
Referentie van de boekhandelaar : LB1111004420164