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‎Digues du Tonkin‎

‎Hanoï, Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine, Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient, sans date (1927?) 1 volume in-8, broché, 118 pp., non coupé, enrichi de nombreuses illustrations photographiques à pleine page et de 5 planches dépliantes in fine, bon état général malgré quelques jaunissures et les extrémités inférieures des feuillets froissées.‎

‎Publication du Bulletin Economique de l'Indochine (33e année)‎

Bookseller reference : 8454

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Indosiam
Hong Kong China China China Chine
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Indosiam]

€100.00 Buy


‎Digues du Tonkin‎

‎Hanoi, Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient, 1930. 1 volume in-8, reliure moderne plein cuir, couvertures conservées, 118 pp., enrichi de nombreuses illustrations photographiques à pleine page (44) et de 5 planches dépliantes in fine, bon état général.‎

‎Publication parue pour l'Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris (1931) - Gouvernement de l'Indochine Française - Hydraulique Agricole - Travaux de Défense contre les Inondations. J. Gauthier était Ingénieur des Travaux Publics de l'Etat, Chef du service Hydraulique du Tonkin.‎

Bookseller reference : 8455

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Indosiam
Hong Kong China China China Chine
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Indosiam]

€120.00 Buy


‎Digues du Tonkin. Travaux de défense contre les inondations‎

‎Hanoï Imprimerie d'Extrême-Orient 1930 in-4 broché‎

‎3, pp. 7-118, illustrations dans le texte et 37 planches hors texte, dont 5 grandes cartes dépliantes en couleurs.Un des fascicules publiés à l'occasion de l'Exposition coloniale internationale de 1931. Julien Gauthier était chef du service hydraulique du Tonkin. Le problème est récurrent dans cette région très irriguée de nombreux fleuves et également surpeuplée‎

Bookseller reference : 31833

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Chamonal
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Chamonal]

€300.00 Buy

‎GAUTIER Marcel‎

‎Service de la colonisation hydraulique. Le problème hydraulique du Chott Ech Chergui.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 34 pages. 24 x 31 cm.‎

‎Livre. Imprimerie officielle du gouvernement général de l'Algérie, 1947.‎

Bookseller reference : 77160

Livre Rare Book

Librairie et Cætera
Belin-Beliet France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie et Cætera]

€27.00 Buy

‎Gavin (Maximilien)‎

‎Versailles - Ses eaux, leur quantité, leur qualité depuis Louis XIII jusqu'à ce jour - Description sommaire des travaux hydrauliques exécutés par ordre du roi Louis XIV, pour l'embellissement du palais, du parc, et l'assainissement de la ville de Versailles (2eme édition revue et augmentée, 1902)‎

‎Société d'Editions Scientifiques à Paris , Classiques du Xxe siècle Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1902 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur crème grand In-8 1 vol. - 126 pages‎

‎18 planches hors-texte, la plupart en couleurs (complet, une partie est constituée d'analyse de l'eau - Présentation de l'ancienne machine à vapeur de Marly) 2eme édition, revue et augmentée, 1901-1902 Contents, Chapitres : Dédicace, introduction, préliminaires, ix, Texte, 117 pages - 1. Les eaux de Versailles, leur quantité, leur qualité depuis Louis XIII jusqu'à ce jour - Alimentation de Versailles, par les eaux blanches d'Etang - Alimentation de Versailles, par les eaux de la vallée de la Seine, prises à la machine de Marly et dans la presqu'île de Croissy - Alimentation de Versailles, par les sources dites de Colbert - La pièce d'eau des Suisses - Conclusions - 2. Description abrégée des travaux hydrauliques exécutés par ordre du roi Louis XIV, pour l'embellissement du palais, du parc et l'assainissement de la ville de Versailles - Historique de ces travaux destinés à augmenter le volume d'eau nécessaire au parc et à la ville de Versailles - Itinéraire dse l'eau, des différents réservoirs de la ville dans les bassins du parc du palais - Assainissement de Versailles - Description des premiers travaux que le roi fit exécuter à Versailles avant 1787, date de son élévation au rang de ville communale et continués jusqu'à ce jour par les différentes municipalités qui se sont succédées depuis cette époque - Appendice- De par le Roi, Louis Bénigue-François Bertier couverture en bon état, avec des traces de pliures aux coins des plats sans gravité, collants transparents aux extrémités du dos, dépassant à peine sur les plats, intérieur sinon frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, tres legeres traces de pliures sur quelques pages, et aux coins des pages en début et fin d'ouvrage, rien de grave, cela reste un bel exemplaire de cette étude très intéressante sur l'hydraulique du Château de Versailles‎

Bookseller reference : 86238

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Internet Philoscience
Malicorne-sur-Sarthe France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Internet Philoscience]

€75.00 Buy


‎Le grand barrage de Génissiat.‎

‎Broché. 19 pages. Tache d'encre en marge.‎


Librairie Loic Simon
Saint Sulpice sur Loire, FR
[Books from Librairie Loic Simon]

€10.00 Buy

‎Gerhardt, P., K. E. Hilgard, E. Mattern u. Th. Rehbock‎

‎Der Wasserbau. II. Band: Stauwerke. 2. Abtlg.: Die Talsperren. Bearb. von E. Mattern herausg. von Th. Rehbock. 4. verm. Aufl.‎

‎Lpz. u. Bln., Engelmann 1913. kl.-4°, XII, 706 S., mit 351 Textabb., vollständ. Sachreg. u. 2 lithograph. Taf., OHLn., berieben, leicht fl., Kanten u. Ecken etwas abgestoß., Reste eines Aufklebers am Vorderdeckel, Vors. m. Inst.-Stemp. u. hs. Inv.-Nr., Schnitt angestaubt, eine gef. Karte etwas randrissig, geringf. Stellspuren. (= Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaft in fünf Teilen. 3. Tl.).‎

Bookseller reference : TECH0466

‎Gerhardt, P., K. E. Hilgard, E. Mattern u. Th. Rehbock‎

‎Der Wasserbau. VII. Band: Landwirtschaftliche Bodenverbesserungen. Fischteiche. Flussdeiche. Seedeiche. Deichschleusen. Bearb. v. J. Spöttle, P. Gerhardt, J. Wey und H. Garbe. Herausg. v. Franz Kreuter. 4. verm. Aufl. u. tlw. neu bearb. Aufl.‎

‎Lpz., Engelmann 1911. kl.-4°, XVI, 723 S., IV S. Anhang, mit vielen Textabb., mehreren Taf. im Text, 7 lithograph. Taf. am Schluß u. Leitwörter-Verzeichnis, OHLn., berieben, etwas fl., Kanten u. Ecken bestoß., Vorderdeckel, Reihentit. mehrf. gestemp. u. beschrift., Schnitt staubig, Stellspuren. (= Handbuch der Ingenieurwissenschaft in fünf Teilen. 3. Tl.).‎

Bookseller reference : TECH0468

‎Gilard (Olivier)‎

‎Les bases techniques de la méthode inondabilité (Inondations)‎

‎Editions Cemagref Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1998 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur bleu, gris et jaune, illustrée d'un tourbillon (ou d'un siphon) grand In-8 1 vol. - 206 pages‎

‎51 figures, 6 tableaux et 11 cartes, ainsi que plusieurs photographies en couleurs 1ere édition, 1998 Contents, Chapitres : Introduction - Inondabilité, vue d'ensemble - Les fondements théoriques - Hydrologie de l'inondabilité, les modèles QdF - Des modèles hydrauliques et de leur usage - Analyse de la vulnérabilité - Topographie et cartographie - Conclusion - Annexes (Bibliographie, glossaire et tables) tres legères traces de pliures aux coins des plats, petite trace d'étiquette au bas du dos, la couverture reste en bon état, intérieur frais et propre, tampon d'association sur la premiere page, cela reste un bon exemplaire‎

Bookseller reference : 85965

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Internet Philoscience
Malicorne-sur-Sarthe France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Internet Philoscience]

€15.00 Buy

‎Gilbert Cheylan‎

‎Le barrage du Ghrib‎

‎Alger, 1952. Format 22x27 cm, broche, 18 pages et 6 planches volantes. Tres bon etat.‎

‎Ce cahier fait partie des etudes publies en 2 tomes des "La geologie et les problemes de l'eau en Algerie - Tome I = Elements de technologie des barrages algeriens". Edite lors du XIXe congres geologique international en 1952, en 2 tomes, presentes en 2 emboitages de 20 livrets pour chaque tome.‎

Bookseller reference : 37909

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Frédéric Delbos
Beaucaire France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Frédéric Delbos]

€20.00 Buy

‎Gilbert Cheylan‎

‎Le projet de barrage sur l'oued Et Taht‎

‎1952. Alger, 1952. Format 22x27 cm, broche, 12 pages et 3 planches volantes. Tres bon etat.‎

‎Ce cahier fait partie des etudes publies en 2 tomes des "La geologie et les problemes de l'eau en Algerie - Tome I = Elements de technologie des barrages algeriens". Edite lors du XIXe congres geologique international en 1952, en 2 tomes, presentes en 2 emboitages de 20 livrets pour chaque tome.‎

Bookseller reference : 39964

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Frédéric Delbos
Beaucaire France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Frédéric Delbos]

€20.00 Buy


‎Traité d'adductions et de distributions d'eau (2 volumes).‎

‎Paris, Dunod, 1928. 17 x 25, 2 volumes, 1478 pages (pagination continue), 888 figures pour les 2 volumes, nombreux tableaux dans le tome 2 + 2 planches dépliantes, broché, état moyen (dos abîmés, cachets d'ex-propriétaire).‎

Bookseller reference : 95619

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ausone
Bruxelles Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Librairie Ausone]

€35.00 Buy


‎Aménagements Hydroélectriques‎

‎Eyrolles, 1959. Grand et fort In-8 broché de 480 pages et 171 figures dans le texte. Très bon état. Peu courant‎


Rodez, FR
[Books from Artgil]

€80.00 Buy

‎GOBLOT Henri‎

‎Les Qanats. Une technique d'acquisition de l'eau‎

‎Mouton / EHESS, 1979, in-8 br. (16 x 24), 236 p., coll. "Industrie et artisanat", 14 illustrations h.-t., état de neuf.‎

‎Ce livre curieux et original est la refonte partielle d'une thèse de troisième cycle présentée à Paris (Sorbonne - lettres et civilisation) en 1973. Il constitue la première synthèse d'envergure sur une technique ancienne de captage souterrain de l'eau, les qanats - à rapprocher du mot français "canal" - définis par l'auteur comme une "technique de caractère minier qui consiste à exploiter des nappes d'eau souterraines au moyen de galeries drainantes" (p. 27). L'histoire de cette technique est pour l'auteur le moyen d'entraîner ses lecteurs parmi plusieurs civilisations anciennes : l'Iran, l'Afrique du Nord, le Turkestan, avec quelques incursions en Europe. Il est piquant d'apprendre que Madrid signifie "la ville aux qanats", et que l'on trouve également des qanats à Marseille, en Bavière, à Liège et à Vienne. Quand on connaît l'importance de l'eau et de l'irrigation dans le Monde et le Tiers-monde, cet ouvrage nous présente la solution technique donnée par d'antiques civilisations.Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.‎

Bookseller reference : QWA-16284

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de la Garenne
Clichy-la-Garenne France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie de la Garenne]

€35.00 Buy

‎Golden Hydraulic Company.‎

‎Prospectus of the Golden Hydraulic Company. 1887 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - eng Pages 30. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1887. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111010511764

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€15.59 Buy

‎Golden Hydraulic Company‎

‎Prospectus Of The Golden Hydraulic Company.‎

‎Nabu Press 2012-03-08. Paperback. Good. Nabu Press paperback‎

Bookseller reference : SONG1277302871 ISBN : 1277302871 9781277302875

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Ergodebooks]

€17.06 Buy

‎GOMELLA (Cyril) et GUERREE (Henri).-‎

‎Le traitement des eaux publiques, industrielles et privées. Préface de Marc Neveux. 2e édition mise à jour et augmentée.‎

‎1978 Paris, Eyrolles, 1978, in 8°, reliure illustrée de l'éditeur, XIV-262 pages.‎

‎Illustré de figures dans le texte. Complet des annexes in-fine. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 74471




Bookseller reference : MASTER295100I

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Vintage-Books]

€12.69 Buy

‎Grover Nathan C. Chief Hydraulic Engineer‎

‎Surface Water Supply of the United States 1935 Part 5 Hudson Bay and Upper Mississippi River Basins‎

‎United States Government Printing Office 1936. Spine and spine cover edges faded lower front spine corner bumped causing light 1/2" bulge on the front corner top and bottom page edges lightly dusty. 283 pages. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper No.785. Soft Cover. Very Good. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. United States Government Printing Office paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 009843

Virtuous Volumes et al.
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Virtuous Volumes et al.]

€14.81 Buy

‎GRPH - Loire‎

‎Des origines de l'Hydroélectricité à la nationalisation. Regards sur les Anciennes Sociétés.‎

‎Electricité de France, Service de la Production Hydraulique, 1987 - In-4° à l'italienne ( 18,8 x 27 de large ). Broché, couverture souple glacée chocolat illustrée au centre et titrée en noir et blanc, très importante iconographie dans le texte en noir ( photographies d'hommes, d'ouvrages, de turbines, d'usines ) pour ce catalogue raisonné de 212 pages, en très belle condition.‎

‎Très Bon Etat N'hésitez jamais à nous joindre directement. Réponse immédiate pour d'autres titres non répertoriés sur LRB . Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 30 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques ( fractionnement possible) et virement acceptés. Nous accompagnons toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse pour vos propositions de ventes ( chiffrages et partages) .‎

Bookseller reference : 13636

Livre Rare Book

Saint-Haon-le-Vieux France Francia França France
[Books from Artlink]

€34.80 Buy

‎Guy Durosoy‎

‎Le barrage du Hamiz‎

‎Alger, 1952. Format 22x27 cm, broche, 16 pages et 8 planches volantes. Tres bon etat.‎

‎Ce cahier fait partie des etudes publies en 2 tomes des "La geologie et les problemes de l'eau en Algerie - Tome I = Elements de technologie des barrages algeriens". Edite lors du XIXe congres geologique international en 1952, en 2 tomes, presentes en 2 emboitages de 20 livrets pour chaque tome.‎

Bookseller reference : 37906

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Frédéric Delbos
Beaucaire France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Frédéric Delbos]

€20.00 Buy

‎Guy Durozoy‎

‎Le barrage des Zardekas‎

‎1952. Alger, 1952. Format 22x27 cm, broche, 17 pages et 4 planches volantes. Tres bon etat.‎

‎Ce cahier fait partie des etudes publies en 2 tomes des "La geologie et les problemes de l'eau en Algerie - Tome I = Elements de technologie des barrages algeriens". Edite lors du XIXe congres geologique international en 1952, en 2 tomes, presentes en 2 emboitages de 20 livrets pour chaque tome.‎

Bookseller reference : 39960

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Frédéric Delbos
Beaucaire France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Frédéric Delbos]

€20.00 Buy

‎Hagen, G‎

‎Uferschälungen, Strombauten und Schiffahrts-Canäle. 3. neu bearb. Aufl. 2. und 4. Bd. + 2 Atlasbände.‎

‎Bln., Ernst & Korn 1873 u. 1874. VI, 399 S.; VI, 415 S.; die beiden (Folio) Atlasbände enthalten die Tafeln XII - XXVII und IL - LVIII; HLdr. d. Zt. m. Buntpapierbezug u. vgldt. Rückentitelpräg., alle Bände berieben, leicht bestoß. mit Inst.-Stemp., hs. Einträge auf Vors. u. Tit., ein kl. Einriß am Innentit. v. Bd. 2. Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst. Zweiter Theil: Die Ströme. - Der Inhalt: Anordnung u. Ausführung der Strombauten. Stau-Anlagen. Vertiefung des Fahrwassers. Schiffsschleusen (Fortsetzung) u. eigentümliche Schiffsschleusen. Kanäle u. Eindeichungen.‎

Bookseller reference : TECH0652


‎Memoire sur l'application de la pression hydraulique, traduit par Georges Monbro.‎

‎1875 P.DEJEY 1875,in8 broché, Extrait du “Bulletin mensuel de la Société des anciens élèves des Ecoles... d'arts et métiers”,juillet 1875,47p.+11 planches ht,envoi autographe sur couverture,‎

‎bon état,‎

Bookseller reference : 5028

Livre Rare Book

Livres Anciens Komar
Meounes les Montrieux France Francia França France
[Books from Livres Anciens Komar]

€45.00 Buy

‎Hawkins N.‎

‎New Catechism of the Steam Engine‎

‎<p>heo. Audel & Co. New York 1902. Hard Cover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Later Printing. Extensive Q&A and explication of various parts & mechanisms of engines. Hardcover full green cloth very good.</p> Audel hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : biblio1065

Rigdon Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Rigdon Books]

€8.46 Buy

‎Hayward Tyler & Co Hydraulic and General Engineers‎

‎Hayward - Tyler & Co's Pump List "C" 1900‎

‎Hayward - Tyler & Co. 1900. Pagination erratic. Errata slip states "it has been necessary to revise the paging .refer to the numbers and code names and not the pages. " List C. Pumps Well Frames Pumping Machinery.pp1 - 300 List F. The "Gordon" Duplex Steam Pumps. pp351 - 406 no pp382/3 List F. 1900 Steam Pumps pp 452 - 488 Additional free page numbered 50c and 51c. Errata slip pasted to free front endpaper. Book is complete. Red cloth with gilt title. Covers patchily faded. Spine faded and rubbed at head and tail. Light soiling to bottom of front cover. A very good copy . Hard Cover. Very Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. Hayward - Tyler & Co. Hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 076061

Eric T.Moore Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Books from Eric T.Moore Books]

€97.05 Buy



‎Nîmes de l'Imprimerie Soustelle-Gaude 1853. Plaquette in-4 brochée couverture imprimée 28pp. Illustré d'un plan en couleurs dépliant de Nîmes in fine. Coupure sans manque sur le 1er plat de couverture.‎


Bookseller reference : GIT00f91

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sylvie Nouvène
Marseille France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Sylvie Nouvène]

€40.00 Buy


‎LES IRRIGATIONS AU NIGER ET LA CULTURE DU COTONNIER. Paris Larose 1922. In-8 broché 183pp. Orné de nombreux tableaux dans le texte, 2 schémas dépliants. Non coupé.‎

‎Etudes et ravaux d'agriculture: prospection agronomique, statistique expérimentale, analyse des terres. (185)‎

Bookseller reference : GIT003e3

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sylvie Nouvène
Marseille France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Sylvie Nouvène]

€35.00 Buy

‎HILAIRE-PEREZ Liliane - MASSOUNIE Dominique - SERNA Virginie (textes réunis par)‎

‎Archives, objets et images des constructions de l'eau du Moyen Age à l'ère industrielle‎

‎ENS Editions, 2002, in-8 br. (14,5 x 20,5), 392 p., "Cahiers d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences, 51", illustrations photos, dessins, très bon état.‎

‎Les constructions de l'eau, équipements, édifices et machines, appartiennent taux temps longs de la technique et aux milieux hybrides, naturels et artificiels. Qu'elle soit matière, énergie ou espace, l'eau a mobilisé des compétences techniques multiples pour résoudre des contraintes et tirer profit de ressources. En vallée, les moulins, pêcheries et ponts, les écluses, biefs et barrages, et les techniques liées, inscrivent dans le paysage les marques concrètes des enjeux économiques et des conflits d'autorité. Installations modestes et travaux d'envergure attestent de temporalités techniques diverses, croisées, qui prennent leur sens au gré des besoins, des usages et des ambitions. Il en va de même dans les ports, des grèves aménagées aux chantiers d'urbanisme, des simples plages aux cales, où les pontons, quais et digues soutiennent les échanges. Dans la ville, la fontaine fait évènement. Les dispositifs de capture, stockage, distribution et évacuation des eaux rythment la vie des citadins, manifestent les ambitions des édiles et révèlent une mosaïque de cultures techniques. Ces thèmes font l'objet de recherches menées depuis plusieurs années, dans des cadres institutionnels variés, à partir de problématiques diverses. Ils fournissent l'occasion privilégiée d'interroger les savoir-faire et les matériaux de l'histoire des techniques, discipline qui affirme sa spécificité par l'intensité des collaborations entre historiens, archéologues, archivistes, muséologues et acteurs du patrimoine. Ce volume, fruit de journées d'études, confronte un très large éventail de sources et de méthodes et reflète le dynamisme de la communauté des chercheurs en histoire des techniques. Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.‎

Bookseller reference : QWA-19272

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de la Garenne
Clichy-la-Garenne France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie de la Garenne]

€30.00 Buy

‎HIMMLER (C. R.).-‎

‎La commande hydraulique. 2e édition entièrement refondue.‎

‎1960 Paris, Dunod, 1960, in 8° relié pleine toile grise de l'éditeur, XVI-432 pages ; très nombreuses publicités.‎

‎Nombreuses figures, dont 3 dépliantes. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 73966

‎HUBERT, Franz (1715-1789):‎

‎Institutionum Mathematicarum Opusculum III) Mechanica. / IV) Hydrodynamica. (=Tome 2 in 2 Teile in 1 Band).‎

‎Francofurti ad M. (Frankfurt) et Moguntiae (Mainz), Sumptibus Francisci Varrentrapp, 1756-1758, in-8°, 6 Bl. + 100 S. + 4 gefalt. Kupfer-Tafeln; 4 Bl. + 115 S. + 4 gefalt. Kupfer-Tafeln, Halbpergamenteinband, gesprenkelter Schnitt, gutes Exemplar.‎

‎First edition of the third and fourth part of the «Institutiones mathematicae» (In four separate parts, 1753-1759) by the German Jesuit Hubert, teacher at the Jesuit College of Fulda, and later Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wurzburg.Poggendorff I/1151.‎

Bookseller reference : 25504aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

€76.45 Buy

‎Humann und Abshoff‎

‎Die Talsperren und ihre Einwirkung auf die allgemneine Wasserwirtschaft in Deutschland, insbesondere im Wesergebiete.‎

‎Jena, Costenoble 1905. 57 S., mit 1 Karte u. 2 Tab., HLn. m. Inb.-Nr. am Vorderdeckel, schwache Gebrauchsspuren, Vortit. u. Innentit. gestemp., hs. Inv.-Nr. auf Innentit., altersbed. gebr.‎

Bookseller reference : TECH0516

‎Huston, John‎

‎Hydraulic Dredging: Theoretical and Applied‎

‎332 pages. Bibliography. Index. Many diagrams and reproductions of black and white photos. "The first and only comprehensive book on hydraulic dredging that encompasses the entire field from both the practical and theoretical standpoints." - from dust jacket. Usual library markings. Somewhat above-average but not excessive wear. Binding intact. A sound working copy. Book‎

‎Hydraulic Society Compressed Air Society. joint author‎

‎"Management and the high cost of living "" as developed at the meetings of the Hydraulic Society and the Compressed Air Society September 25-26 1919 at Lafayette Hotel Buffalo N.Y 1919 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 66. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111006086233

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€29.10 Buy

‎Hydraulic Society Compressed Air Society. joint author‎

‎"Management and the high cost of living "" as developed at the meetings of the Hydraulic Society and the Compressed Air Society September 25-26 1919 at Lafayette Hotel Buffalo N.Y 1919 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - eng Pages 66. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111006086233

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€16.41 Buy

‎Hydraulic Society Compressed Air Society. joint author‎

‎"Management and the high cost of living "" as developed at the meetings of the Hydraulic Society and the Compressed Air Society September 25-26 1919 at Lafayette Hotel Buffalo N.Y 1919‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - eng Pages 66. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111006086233

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€13.88 Buy

‎Hydraulic Engineering Department‎

‎A Handbook on Synthetic Rubber Packings‎

‎Philadelphia: E. F. Houghton 1948. Second Edition. Blue moire cloth with gilt stamped titling on spine and cover. Fine/not issued. 6" x 9" pp. 7-109 with illustrations and tables throughout. Copy #258 on Publisher label affixed to front end paper. Fine example of in-house published manufacturing reference book with rounded corners and pages. Light rubbing on spine incidental adhesive shadow on top left front likely from library label. An essential treatise on "V" Cup "U" Flange "O" Ring and all forms of packings. "During World War II "O" rings came into prominence' since then industry has adopted them for many types of installations. They are not a cure-all as some people believe as they have their limitations." p 63. E. F. Houghton unknown‎

Bookseller reference : 910

Montgomery Rare Books & Manuscripts
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Montgomery Rare Books & Manuscripts]

€21.15 Buy

‎Hydraulic Engineering Dept prepared by‎

‎A Handbook on Synthetic Rubber Packing‎

‎E. F. Houghton & Co 1947. Stated first edition. Hardcover. very good/no jacket. NOT an ex library book. Book with dark blue cover. 109 clean interior pages. E. F. Houghton & Co hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 301535

Dorothy Meyer - Bookseller
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Dorothy Meyer - Bookseller]

€9.26 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Co.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick : an essay on design in patterns for brickwork. 1914 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine extra customization on request like complete leather Golden Screen printing in Front Color Leather Colored book etc. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - English. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. COMPLETE LEATHER WILL COST YOU EXTRA US$ 25 APART FROM THE LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111001753329

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€43.95 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Co.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick : an essay on design in patterns for brickwork. 1914 FULL LEATHER BOUND‎

‎2019. SUPER DELUXE EDITION. New. Antique look with Golden Leaf Printing and embossing with round Spine completely handmade bindingextra customization on request like Color Leather Colored book special gold leaf printing etc. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure in old look so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - English. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED. Normal Hardbound Edition is also available on request. unknown‎

Bookseller reference : SD1111001753329

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€65.11 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Co.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick : an essay on design in patterns for brickwork. 1914‎

‎2019. Paperback. New. Lang: - English. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111001753329

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€22.80 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Co.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick : an essay on design in patterns for brickwork. 1914 Hardcover‎

‎2019. Hardcover. New. Lang: - English. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111001753329

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€24.91 Buy

‎Hydraulic press Brick co. St. Louis.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick; 1914‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - eng Pages 32. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111009780771

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€13.07 Buy

‎Hydraulic press Brick co. St. Louis.‎

‎Bonds and mortars in the wall of brick; 1914 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - eng Pages 32. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111009780771

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€15.60 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Company McArdle Montrose Pallen‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork 1914 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 40. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111002038892

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€28.64 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Company McArdle Montrose Pallen‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork 1914 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 40. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111002038891

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€28.64 Buy

‎Hydraulic press brick co. St. Louis McArdle Montrose Pallen‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Pages 44. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111005079967

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€28.67 Buy

‎Hydraulic press brick co. St. Louis.‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork. 1914‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - eng Pages 40. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111014251437

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€13.42 Buy

‎Hydraulic press brick co. St. Louis.‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork. 1914 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - eng Pages 40. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111014251437

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€15.95 Buy

‎Hydraulic Press Brick Company McArdle Montrose Pallen‎

‎Brick-scale tables with explanatory notes for the designer in brickwork 1914‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - eng Pages 40. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1914. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111002038891

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€13.42 Buy

Number of results : 513 (11 Page(s))

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