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‎Wodehouse RP. R. P.‎

‎Hayfever Plants‎

‎Hafner Publishing 1971. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has hardback covers. In good all round condition. No dust jacket. 850grams ISBN: Hafner Publishing hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 5735670

Anybook Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Anybook Ltd]

27,89 € Acheter

‎Wodehouse Roger P.‎

‎Hayfever Plants: Their Appearance Distribution Time Of Flowering And Their Role in Hayfever with Special Reference to North America.‎

‎Waltham MA: Chronica Botanica Co. Very Good-; Minor wear to binding. 1945. First Edition. Hardcover. tall 8vo ; xix 245 pages; Illustrated bibliography index publisher's catalog. . Chronica Botanica Co. hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 53402

Hurley Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Hurley Books]

16,92 € Acheter


‎Hayfever Plants: Their Appearance, Distribution, Time of Flowering, and Their Role in Hayfever, with Special Reference to North America.‎

‎Waltham, Mass., Chronica botanica Company, 1945. 4to. Orig. full cloth. XIX,245 pp., [7] pp. publisher's catalog at rear, 73 figures in the text.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎Il bosco. Istruzioni per l'uso‎

‎ril. Come distinguere le impronte di un lupo? Dove è meglio rifugiarsi se si è sorpresi da un temporale? Come riconoscere un albero dalle foglie? Peter Wohlleben sa guardare boschi e foreste con occhi curiosi ed esperti, e grazie al suo aiuto potremo anche noi carpirne i segreti più nascosti: impareremo a orientarci senza l'aiuto di una bussola; scopriremo dove è meglio raccogliere i deliziosi frutti rossi; sapremo proteggerci dagli insetti e trovare il posto migliore in cui piazzare la tenda per il nostro campeggio. In questa guida adatta ai grandi e ai più piccoli, c'è tutto quello che bisogna sapere per trasformare una passeggiata nel bosco in una esperienza straordinaria e divertente, e per amare, tutelare e preservare dallo sfruttamento lo splendore della natura.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎Il bosco. Istruzioni per l'uso‎

‎br. Come distinguere le impronte di un lupo? Dove è meglio rifugiarsi se si è sorpresi da un temporale? Come riconoscere un albero dalle foglie? Peter Wohlleben sa guardare boschi e foreste con occhi curiosi ed esperti, e grazie al suo aiuto potremo anche noi carpirne i segreti più nascosti: impareremo a orientarci senza l'aiuto di una bussola; scopriremo dove è meglio raccogliere i deliziosi frutti rossi; sapremo proteggerci dagli insetti e trovare il posto migliore in cui piazzare la tenda per il nostro campeggio. In questa guida adatta ai grandi e ai più piccoli, c'è tutto quello che bisogna sapere per trasformare una passeggiata nel bosco in una esperienza straordinaria e divertente, e per amare, tutelare e preservare dallo sfruttamento lo splendore della natura.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎L'orologio della natura. Prevedere il tempo comprendere le stagioni capire gli animali e le piante conoscere l'ambiente in cui viviamo‎

‎br. Lasciati guidare dai tuoi sensi. Ti piacerebbe imparare a prevedere il tempo basandoti sui segnali che la natura ci lancia? Oppure comprendere gli animali e le piante che ci circondano? Peter Wohlleben ci invita a educare i sensi per percepire i segnali del vento, delle nuvole, delle piante e degli animali. Fuori dalla nostra porta di casa avvengono migliaia di piccoli e grandi fenomeni, belli e affascinanti, quasi magici, dobbiamo solo imparare a percepirli, alla scoperta della natura. Possiamo capire che tempo farà osservando i fiori, le calendule possono dirci che ore sono e le gru, sapendo come guardarle, si trasformano in termometri viventi. Impara a gioire delle esperienze entusiasmanti e rilassanti che la natura ci offre ogni giorno, e fai della natura la tua più cara insegnante: sarà in grado di fornirti utili indicazioni per la cura del giardino, dalle varietà da piantare fino alla protezione invernale, passando per l'innaffiatura. Peter Wohlleben, convinto ambientalista e guardia forestale, in questo libro ci illustra i risvolti scientifici dei fenomeni quotidiani e di famose regole contadine, fa piazza pulita di alcune leggende e mette in guardia da interventi che determinano importanti conseguenze nel mondo animale e vegetale. Un manuale ricco di divertentissimi aneddoti e preziose informazioni, ma soprattutto un appassionato appello a rispettare e vivere pienamente la natura che ci circonda. "Il motivo principale che mi ha spinto a scrivere questo libro è stato quello di aumentare il piacere e il relax che si provano in giardino. È così bello prendere coscienza di cose a cui finora non avevamo prestato alcuna attenzione, è così emozionante intuire i cambiamenti nelle condizioni meteorologiche e nel regno vegetale e animale prima ancora che avvengano! Quando andiamo in giro con tutti i sensi attivati, la natura ci è più che mai vicina, e l'antico legame fra noi e il nostro ambiente può essere riallacciato" (Peter Wohlleben).‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎La rete invisibile della natura‎

‎ril. Il mondo che ci circonda è come un grande orologio: tutti gli ingranaggi sono perfettamente collegati tra loro, e ogni componente è decisiva per il tutto. Eppure è impossibile non rimanere stupefatti scoprendo le inaspettate sorprese che la natura riserva: sembra incredibile, ma esistono alberi capaci di modificare la rotazione terrestre, lupi in grado di deviare il corso dei fiumi e persino lombrichi fondamentali per la sopravvivenza dei cinghiali. Ma in che modo animali e piante, foreste e mari, montagne e cambiamenti climatici riescono a influenzarsi a vicenda? Osservatore scrupoloso e narratore appassionato, Peter Wohlleben ci mostra le connessioni alla base del sistema complesso di cui siamo parte; e grazie a decenni di esperienze come guardia forestale passate al vaglio delle più recenti scoperte scientifiche, ci rende consapevoli dei rischi che l'intervento sconsiderato dell'uomo ha sul fragile equilibrio del nostro prezioso pianeta.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎La saggezza degli alberi‎

‎ill., ril. Sono gli esseri viventi più forti e resistenti del nostro pianeta, quelli più longevi, eppure della vita degli alberi sappiamo molto poco. A tratti però intuiamo che dietro quella loro corteccia ruvida si possono celare segreti a prima vista inaccessibili. Peter Wohlleben ci svela nel suo libro i misteri più affascinanti di questi giganti: scopriamo che sono dotati di forme di comunicazione e sensibilità sorprendenti; che sono solitamente esseri prudenti, ai quali ogni forma di fretta è estranea; che gli esemplari di una stessa specie tendono ad allearsi, a difendersi l'uno l'altro o a sostenere i malati (ma questo non accade nel caso degli alberi piantati dall'uomo); scopriamo che le betulle sono delle egoiste guerriere solitarie, ma anche che questo carattere impulsivo ha il suo prezzo, limitando la loro speranza di vita a 120 anni, che per gli alberi è molto bassa; oppure che il faggio tende a crescere a tal punto da aprirsi un varco tra le chiome di altre specie per poi oscurarle con il suo fogliame finché i concorrenti oppressi non muoiono. "La saggezza degli alberi" è il racconto di un mondo che credevamo di conoscere ma che invece è ancora tutto da decifrare, un libro ricco di sorprese su essere viventi che ci somigliano molto più di quanto non crediamo.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎La saggezza del bosco‎

‎ril. Romantico e poetico angolo dove ritirarsi per godere della sua ombra e simbolo di natura incontaminata: ecco cos'è il bosco nel nostro immaginario. Eppure questi luoghi splendidi stanno diventando, per colpa dell'inquinamento e dello sfruttamento da parte dell'uomo, sempre più rari. Peter Wohlleben ci dimostra che un diverso e più sano rapporto con la natura che ci circonda è possibile e necessario, descrivendo in che modo possiamo proteggere il fragile ecosistema di una foresta per scoprire che anche le piante comunicano, provano sentimenti, si aiutano fra loro. Partendo da quello che la sua lunga esperienza di forestale gli ha insegnato, e cogliendo la possibilità di accompagnarlo lungo i sentieri incontaminati della riserva di Hümmel, in Germania, che gestisce personalmente, possiamo immergerci in una lettura affascinante e ricca di avventure, un vero e proprio viaggio alla scoperta della natura più selvaggia e autentica, per imparare a prenderci cura degli alberi e, quindi, di noi stessi.‎

‎Wohlleben Peter‎

‎La vita segreta degli alberi. Cosa mangiano. Quando dormono e parlano. Come si riproducono. Perché si ammalano e come guariscono‎

‎ill., br. Per molte persone il bosco è un luogo di sogno, il simbolo del silenzio e della natura incontaminata. Peter Wohlleben, celebre guardia forestale, grazie alla sua esperienza ci introduce alla vita nascosta degli alberi, svelandoci un segreto sorprendente: gli alberi, come gli altri esseri viventi, sono dotati di memoria, parlano tra loro, provano emozioni e possono perfino essere soggetti a scottature solari e rughe. Per esempio le querce comunicano per mezzo di sostanze chimiche odorose: se un albero subisce un'infestazione da insetti, emana segnali olfattivi su un'area abbastanza vasta e tutti gli esemplari che ricevono il messaggio si preparano a respingere l'attacco, depositando nel giro di pochi minuti speciali sostanze amare che mettono in fuga gli insetti. Nel bosco, quindi, accadono le cose più stupefacenti. Gli alberi, non solo comunicano fra loro, ma circondano la prole di amorevoli cure, si preoccupano dei vecchi vicini malati, provano sensazioni ed emozioni e hanno i loro ricordi. Peter Wohlleben traccia un sentiero nella foresta intricata e dischiude ai nostri occhi un universo sorprendente e misterioso: nelle sue affascinanti storie sulle insospettate capacità degli alberi, l'autore dà spazio alle più recenti scoperte scientifiche oltre che alle sue esperienze dirette. Un libro istruttivo sugli alberi e le foreste, che ci insegna a provare un rinnovato stupore per i prodigi della natura.‎


‎Bark: A Field Guide To Trees Of The Northeast‎

‎University Press of New England Hanover: 2011. Softcover. Brand new book. What kind of tree is that From Maine to New York you'll never be stumped again with this handy companion to the trees of the Northeast either out in the woods or in your own backyard. Many people know how to identify trees by their leaves but what about when those leaves have fallen or are out of reach With detailed information and illustrations covering each phase of a tree's lifecycle this indispensable guidebook explains how to identify trees by their bark alone. Chapters on the structure and ecology of tree bark descriptions of bark appearance an easy-to-use identification key and supplemental information on non-bark characteristics�all enhanced by over 450 photographs illustrations and maps�will show you how to distinguish the textures shapes and colors of bark to recognize various tree species and also understand why these traits evolved. Whether you're a professional naturalist or a parent leading a family hike Bark: A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast is your essential guide to the region's 67 native and naturalized tree species. Michael Wojtech edited the journal Whole Terrain and now researches writes and teaches about trees and other aspects of natural history. He lives with his family in the woods of western Massachusetts. "The section on how bark is formed and the discussion of possible advantages of different bark styles�thick bark protects from fire; photosynthesis can take place beneath thin bark�help prepare the reader for the serious business of identifying a tree just by looking carefully at its bark. But this is not as daunting a task as you might imagine: the detailed keys and descriptions and the excellent photographs make matching bark to tree an enjoyable and gratifying process."�Virginia Barlow co-editor Northern Woodlands "Bark�the tissue and the book�is elegant. As part of a tree's basic structure bark is always present is critical to a tree's function and survival and provides a diagnostic feature unique to every species. This surprising and engaging volume enhances one's vision for trees and the diverse natural history that they support. Delve into it to expand your awareness and comprehension of nature." �David R. Foster Director Harvard Forest Harvard University "For too long the barks of trees have been relegated to the naturalist's back burner but now Michael Wojtech has brought them forward and whipped them into a forested feast for our eyes. I encourage anyone who picks this book up to go forth and just as I did more than fifty years ago become acquainted with your sylvan neighbors by the wonderful ways they cloak their strong frames." - Tom Wessels from the Foreword University Press of New England, Hanover: 2011 paperback‎

Référence libraire : 72650X3

Ad Infinitum Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ad Infinitum Books]

21,11 € Acheter



‎INSTITUT FÜR BIOLOGIE/SPEZIELLE BOTANIK. NON DATE. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 463 à 556. Environ 25 pages de planches illustrées en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 580-Botanique‎

‎Classification Dewey : 580-Botanique‎

Référence libraire : RO60080165

Livre Rare Book / Le Village du Livre
Sablons France Francia França France
[Livres de / Le Village du Livre]

29,80 € Acheter

‎Wolff, W.J.‎

‎Flora and vegetation of the Wadden Sea.‎

‎1979 206 p., 47 figs, 38 tables, paperbound.‎

Référence libraire : BG20023

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Livres de Hermann L. Strack]

20,00 € Acheter

‎WOLFF Paul.‎

‎FORMEN DES LEBENS. Botanische Lichtbildstudien von Dr Paul Wolff. 120 Naturaufnahmen.‎

‎Königstein im Taunus & Leipzig, Karl Robert Langewiesche (Die Blauen Bücher), 1931. In-4, broché, illustrations, jaquette.‎


Référence libraire : 5532

Livre Rare Book

Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie DHOUAILLY SAS]

65,00 € Acheter


‎Kleur (Colour, Couleur, Farbe).‎

‎Terra 2001 1 vol. relié in-4 carré, cartonnage éditeur, jaquette, non paginé, nombreuses photographies en couleurs par Cees Roelofs. Textes et légendes en hollandais, anglais, français et allemand. Très bon état.‎

Référence libraire : 87108

Livre Rare Book

Vignes Online
Paris France Francia França France
[Livres de Vignes Online]

25,00 € Acheter


‎Kleur (Colour, Couleur, Farbe).‎

‎Terra 2001 1 vol. relié in-4 carré, cartonnage éditeur, jaquette, non paginé, nombreuses photographies en couleurs par Cees Roelofs. Textes et légendes en hollandais, anglais, français et allemand. Très bon état.‎

Référence libraire : 87108

Livre Rare Book

Vignes Online
Eymoutiers France Francia França France
[Livres de Vignes Online]

25,00 € Acheter

‎Wolf FA. and Wolf FT. F. A. F. T.‎

‎The Fungi Volume 1‎

‎John Wiley and Sons 1947. Volume 1. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has hardback covers. In fair condition suitable as a study copy. No dust jacket. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item850grams ISBN: John Wiley and Sons hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 8374077

Anybook Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Anybook Ltd]

33,26 € Acheter

‎Wolf W. J. & Cowan J. C.‎

‎Soybeans as a Food Source‎

‎London: Butterworth 1971. Library markings; 86p illus. Size: Sm 4to. First Edition. Hard Cover. Vg-/No Jacket. Ex-Academic Library. Butterworth Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 56134 ISBN : 0408703296 9780408703291

United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Lufabill]

14,79 € Acheter


‎Der Kautschuk. Seine Gewinnung und seine Verarbeitung.‎

‎Berlin, Union Dt. Verlagsges. 1912. 132 S., 3 Bl. m. zahlr. Abb. OLwd (Rücken und Kanten leicht eingedellt, Exlibris, St. a. d. T.).‎

Référence libraire : 1137796


‎Jacob Bigelow's American Medical Botany 1817-1821: An Examination Of The Origin Printing Binding And Distribution Of America's First Color Plate Book With Special Emphasis On The Manner Of Making And Printing Its Colored Plates‎

‎Hardcover as issued without dustjacket. Brand new book. Jacob Bigelow's American Medical Botany published in three volumes between 1817 and 1821 and containng sixty colored plates occupies a unique place in American book printing and book illustration. hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 78781X3

Ad Infinitum Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Ad Infinitum Books]

80,17 € Acheter

‎Wolff Emil‎

‎Aschen-Analysen Von Landwirthschaftlichen Producten Fabrik-Abfallen Und Wildwachsenden pflanzen Bound with Systematische Zusammenstellung Der Aschen-Analysen‎

‎Berlin: Wiegandt & Hempel 1871. 2 volumes in 1. Library markings; boards just about attached; leather worn; binding firm; contents vg; 194p vii 170p index. In German. NB: This is a very heavy volume which will incur a non-standard postage charge. First Edition. Half-Leather. Good reading copy/No Jacket. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Ex-Academic Library. Wiegandt & Hempel Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 82904

United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Lufabill]

43,33 € Acheter

‎Wolff Kirsten‎

‎Natural selection in Plantago species: a genetical analysis of ecologically relevant morphological variability‎

‎University of Groningen 1988. 1st edition. Paper covers. Fine /No Jacket. 168 pp. University of Groningen unknown‎

Référence libraire : 5387

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

22,84 € Acheter

‎Wolff Torben; Petersen Borge‎

‎The "Noona Dan" Expedition 1961-1962 : General Report and Lists of Stations. together with Insects and other Land Arthropoda Eric Groves' copy‎

‎Copenhagen Two reprints Octavo illustrated pp 53 18 paperbacks very good copies. From the library of Eric Groves with his stamp on both covers. Postage will be reduced. Paperback. Very Good. Paperback‎

Référence libraire : 014663

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

7,42 € Acheter

‎Wolff, Paul‎

‎Formen des Lebens‎

‎Königstein im Taunus, Karl Robert Langewiesche Verlag, 1957. Botanische Lichtbildstudien mit Vorbemerkungen und Hinweisen von Prof. Martin Möbius, Frankurt a. M., überarbeitet von Prof. Friedrich Markgraf, München - 46.-65.Tsd., Obrosch. m. OU., 96 S., blauer Kopfschnitt. - Reihe: Die blauen Bücher. [2 Warenabbildungen]‎

‎Schutzumschlag etwas wellig, Schnitt minimal fleckig, sonst sehr gut erhalten.‎

Référence libraire : 40472

‎Wolley Dod AH. A. H.‎

‎Flora of Sussex‎

‎Kenneth Saville Hastings 1937. 1st edition. Red cloth. V.g./No Jacket. Press cutting about the author loosely inserted. Cover sl. faded foxing to fore-edge. Kenneth Saville, Hastings hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 11679

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

27,40 € Acheter

‎Wolley Dod AH. A. H.‎

‎Flora of Sussex‎

‎Kenneth Saville Hastings 1937. 1st edition. Red cloth. V.g./No Jacket. Spine sunned folded map in pocket at rear intact slight spotting to rear end paper no inscriptions. A neat and tidy copy. lxxiii 571 pp 6 plates at rear. Kenneth Saville, Hastings hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 10346

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

27,40 € Acheter

‎Wolley Dod A H ed.‎

‎Flora of Sussex‎

‎Bristol: The Chatford House Press. VG: in very good condition with rubbed and chipped dust jacket. Blind stamp to fep. 1970. Reprint. Orange hardback cloth cover. 220mm x 140mm 9" x 6". lxxiii 571pp plates. 6 b/w plates rear fold-out map. . The Chatford House Press hardcover‎

Référence libraire : r9850 ISBN : 0950083623 9780950083629

Barter Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Barter Books Ltd]

21,24 € Acheter

‎Wollny E‎

‎Untersuchungen Uber Die Kunstliche Beeinflussung Der Inneren Wachsthumsursachen‎

‎Heidelberg: Carl Winter Published c1880. Library markings; boards edgeworn esp at corners; 38 21 12 5 11 16 16p 1 plate. Series of articles offprints from Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Agrikulturphysik. First Thus. Hard Cover. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. Ex-Academic Library. Carl Winter Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 79561

United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Lufabill]

22,78 € Acheter

‎Wollny Ewald‎

‎Saat Und Plflege Der Landwirthschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen: Handbuch Fur Die Praris‎

‎Berlin: Paul Parey 1885. Library markings; covers lightly edge-rubbed; 833p illus index. NB: This is a heavier than average volume which may incur a non-standard postage charge. First Edition. Hard Cover. G/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. Ex-Academic Library. Paul Parey Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 79582

United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Lufabill]

68,45 € Acheter

‎Wolseley Pat‎

‎A Field Key to the Flowering Plants of Iceland‎

‎Sandwick: The Thule Press 1979. Illustrated with tiny line drawings small slim octavo pp 64 paperback a slight crease to the inner margin of the title page and next three pages but otherwise a very good copy. Originally published at �2.95 but now quite scarce. From the library of Alan Titchmarsh with his bookplate on the front endpaper. First Edition. Paperback. Very Good. The Thule Press Paperback‎

Référence libraire : 012361 ISBN : 0906191424 9780906191422

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

10,28 € Acheter

‎Womersley, H.B.S. & A. Bailey‎

‎Marine Algae of the Solomon Islands.‎

‎1970 96 p., 10 figs, 4to, paperbound. Publisehd in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. From the former library of Dr. Lois (Eubank) Egerod.‎

Référence libraire : BA03374

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Livres de Hermann L. Strack]

20,00 € Acheter



‎Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique Appliquée, Laboratoire d'Ethnobotanique, 1 volume broché de format 24 x 16 cm, 301 pages, 114 planches en noir et blanc, bon état.‎

‎Frais de port offerts en lettre suivie pour la France‎

Référence libraire : 220459

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Nebulor
Vannes France Francia França France
[Livres de Librairie Nebulor]

40,00 € Acheter

‎Wong J. intro.‎

‎Sandakan Rainforest Park‎

‎Sabah Forestry Dept.2009 2009. 1st edition. Paper covers. Fine/No Jacket. Scarcely used. Sabah Forestry Dept.2009 unknown‎

Référence libraire : 24988 ISBN : 9834241860 9789834241865

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

13,70 € Acheter

‎Wong K. M.‎

‎In Brunei Forests: An Introduction to the Plant Life of Brunei Darussalam‎

‎Natural History Publications BorneoMalaysia 1997. This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside.This book has soft covers. In good all round condition. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item450grams ISBN:9789838120128 Natural History Publications (Borneo),Malaysia paperback‎

Référence libraire : 7437369 ISBN : 983812012x 9789838120128

Anybook Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Anybook Ltd]

15,12 € Acheter

‎WONG KM. K. M.‎

‎Bamboo - the Amazing grass. A Guide to the Diversity and Study of Bamboos in Southeast Asia.‎

‎Sabah 2004. Well illustrated small 8vo pp x 80 paperback a very good copy. Structure flowering identification conservation. This well-illustrated book introduces the bamboos of Southeast Asia a region well known for its incredible range of bamboo utilization and diversity. The author a bamboo specialist in Malaysia discusses the salient aspects of bamboo structure biology and conservation and provides brief perspectives into the sometimes difficult tasks of bamboo classification and identification. Bamboos are notoriously difficult for botanists to study because of the rarity of flowering material in many cases and the incomplete state of earlier reference collections on which many species names have been based. Field studies into their variation and of their basic biological attributes have also been scarce. Yet they hold immense fascination because they are such a useful group of plants that are linked to both traditional life and modern innovative use.Ever wondered where to get a not-too-long yet adequate introduction to what bamboos are Here is an inexpensive book that gives just that plus an insider's perspective of the way bamboos are special in Southeast Asia. Paperback. New. Paperback‎

Référence libraire : 003454

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

11,99 € Acheter


‎Forests and Trees Of Brunei Darussalam‎

‎University of Brunei Darussalam 1999. NEW. Well illustrated small 8vo pp 6 109 paperback a very good copy. Packed into the relatively small area of Brunei Darussalam is an amazing plant diversity of nearly 3500 species of indigenous seed plants. Almost 3% of these are extremely rare and endemic to Brunei and nearly half of the overall Brunei seed-plant flora is not known outside of the botanically rich island of Borneo. Of the species documented more than half of the total 1900 species are trees. This book gives an overview of Brunei Darussalam's varied rain forests and its incredibly rich plant wealth and explains why the rain forests are an important aspect of conservation. Paperback. New. Paperback‎

Référence libraire : 003679

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

14,27 € Acheter

‎WONG KM. & CHAN CL. K. M. C. L.‎

‎In Brunei Forests - an introduction to the plant life of Brunei Darussalam.‎

‎Sabah 1997. Well illustrated with watercolours by C.L. Chan small 8vo pp xii 127 paperback a very good copy. This book explores the wealth diversity and uniqueness of the rain forests of Brunei Darussalam a tiny oil-rich sultanate on the tropical island of Borneo. Brunei�s magnificent forests have been little disturbed and are easily accessible granting a valuable first introduction to the plant life of Borneo. The focus is Brunei�s rich and varied flora with accounts of the diversity of plant form and habits illustrated by botanically accurate watercolours of plants that represent various key groups found in Borneo from the rainforest trees to palms bamboos and orchids. The text is accessible to the interested amateur and will also delight and inform professional botanists and foresters. paperback‎

Référence libraire : 003434 ISBN : 983812012X 9789838120128

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

11,42 € Acheter

‎Wong KM. K. M.‎

‎The Genus Saurauia in Borneo - a revision with 62 new species‎

‎Kota Kinabalu 2017. Well illustrated with colour photographs and botanical line drawings large octavo pp x 310 a very good hardback copy new in dustwrapper. Saurauia Willd. Actinidiaceae is revised for Borneo with the first identification key to 85 species including 62 new species and 3 new varieties recognised for that island. The account is based on a study of nearly 1500 collections not including duplicates and lectotypifications for 12 species binomials are made. The key characteristics of Saurauia morphology of Bornean taxa and a number of natural history aspects in this otherwise little-studied genus are discussed. In Borneo most of the species are forest understorey in adaptation with a few preferring more exposed conditions such as gaps or forest fringes; only Saurauia kinabaluensis Merr. is known to reach nearly 20 m in height. The cauliflorous habit which seems prevalent among Bornean species appears to be an important adaptation that ensures frequent intermittent or near-continuous flowering possibly advantageous to understorey plants in terms of their reproductive ecology in the largely sheltered environment of the rainforest understorey. First Edition. Pictorial boards. New/New. Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 015612 ISBN : 9838121800 9789838121804

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

57,09 € Acheter

‎Wong KM. K. M.‎

‎The Genus Melastoma in Borneo including 31 new species‎

‎Kota Kinabalu 2016. Well illustrated slim octavo pp 184 picorial laminated boards a very good new copy in dustwrapper. It was thought that only nine species of Melastoma existed on the island of Borneo in 2001. The present account enumerates 41 including 31 new species providing the taxonomic bases for the significant changes in species recognition and classification. Melastoma is more than a genus of plants with attractive flowers and horticultural potential. Its diversity mirrors that of the fascinating plant life found across the varied Bornean landscape and how an evolving expanding genus has filled ecological niches on one of the world�s iconic tropical islands. Besides the regionally widespread Melastoma malabathricum the other 40 species are all endemic to Borneo. They are noticeably diverse in the Northwest Borneo hotspot southwest Sabah Brunei and Sarawak and on Mount Kinabalu but include many rare and little-known species that are part of the inherent richness harboured by tropical lowland ecosystems. Continuing conservation approaches need to be informed about the number of species there are and where these are known to occur. This taxonomic revision provides that essential window to a remarkable plant genus and the unfolding or remaining possibilities for experimentation horticulture and conservation. First Edition. Pictorial laminated boards. New/New. Hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 012513 ISBN : 9838121711 9789838121712

Mike Park Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Mike Park Ltd]

26,83 € Acheter


‎Alpine Plants: Figures and Descriptions of some of the most striking and beautiful of the Alpine Flowers. (First-) Second Series. 2 vols.‎

‎London, Bell and Dodley, bell & sons, 1872-74. Royal8vo. 2 orig. full cloth. Richly gilt. First vol. in green pictorial cloth. Sec. vol. in blue cloth, gilt. Spineends worn. Some scratches to covers and backs. XXII,152(4),140 pp. and 108 (54+54) fine handcoloured engraved plates by A.F. Lydon, all with tissue-guards. Slightly brownspotted, mainly vol. 1 and mainly marginal. Some prvious owners names and a historical note on p. 2 in ink.‎

‎Both series first edition. Nissen BBI: 2186 - Sitwell, Great Flower Books p. 152 - Jackson p. 119.‎

Référence libraire : 30030

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Livres de Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

738,65 € Acheter

‎Woodward, T.J.‎

‎Descriptions of two new British Fuci.‎

‎1794 3 p., 2 fine engraved (in red) pls, 4to, disbound (no covers). Last page in photocopy. Published in Transactions of the Linnean Society. Rare. We added from the same journal: T.J. Woodward. Additional Observations on Fucus Hypoglossum (3 p.).‎

Référence libraire : BA08139

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Livres de Hermann L. Strack]

25,00 € Acheter

‎Wooton, E.O. & P.C. Standley‎

‎Descriptions of new plants preliminary to a report upon the flora of New Mexico.‎

‎1913 xi, 88 p., 3 pls, paperbound. Contributions From the United States National Herbarium.‎

Référence libraire : BF08569

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Livres de Hermann L. Strack]

20,00 € Acheter

‎Wood, R.K.S. et al. (eds)‎

‎Phytotoxins in Plant Diseases. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Pugnochiuso, Italy, June, 1970.‎

‎1972 xx, 530 p., num. figs & pls, cloth.‎

Référence libraire : BG06337

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Livres de Hermann L. Strack]

20,00 € Acheter

‎Wood Alphonso‎

‎The American Botanist Florist‎

‎New York: A.S. Barnes. Fair; cover worn. 1873. Hardbound. 447 pages . A.S. Barnes hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 9606

Neil Shillington: Bookdealer & Booksearch
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Neil Shillington: Bookdealer & Booksearch]

2,49 € Acheter

‎Wood Alphonso‎

‎The American Botanist And Florist: Including Lessons in the Structure Life and Growth of Plants; Together with a Simple Analytical Flora Descriptive of the Native and Cultivated Plants Growing in the Atlantic Division of the American Union.‎

‎NY: Barnes. Fair; Leather spine worn edges worn. c1870. Hardcover. 12mo; Half green leather 172 449p. illustrated index. . Barnes hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 16685

Hurley Books
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Livres de Hurley Books]

25,38 € Acheter

‎Wood Clare V Bostock; Wise Rosemary illus‎

‎Trees in Society in Rural Karnataka India‎

‎London: Overseas Development Agency / Karnataka Forest Department. G: in good condition without dust jacket as issued. Previous owner inscription. Browning at edges. 1992. First Edition. Illustrated laminated softback card cover. 240mm x 160mm 9" x 6". xi 223pp. B/W line illustrations. . Overseas Development Agency / Karnataka Forest Department unknown‎

Référence libraire : g3728 ISBN : 0902500473 9780902500471

Barter Books Ltd
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Barter Books Ltd]

31,97 € Acheter

‎Wood CVB.; Wise R. ill. C. V.‎

‎Trees in society in rural Karnataka India‎

‎N.R.I. Kent 1993. 1st edition. Paper covers. Good/No Jacket. Cover slightly distressed. Label on spine. N.R.I., Kent unknown‎

Référence libraire : 20818 ISBN : 0902500473 9780902500471

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

34,25 € Acheter

‎Wood GAR. G. A.‎


‎Longman 1975. New 3rd edition. Hard covers dust jacket. Good/Good. Jacket somewhat worn and chipped. Ownership note on ffep John Allen the son of the author of this version the original book was written by D.H. Urquhart. xii 292 pp. Longman hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 21859 ISBN : 0582466679 9780582466678

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

27,40 € Acheter

‎Wood J. Medley‎

‎Handbook to the Flora of Natal‎

‎Durban: Bennett & Davis 1907. 1st edition. Hard covers no dust jacket. Good/No Jacket. Pages tanned edge wear to cover. Owner's signature on ffep. 202 pp. Durban: Bennett & Davis hardcover‎

Référence libraire : 6494

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

22,84 € Acheter

‎Wood JJ. & Cribb PJ. J. J. P. J.‎

‎A checklist of the orchids of Borneo‎

‎Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 1994. 1st edition. Paper covers. Fine/No Jacket. Scarcely used. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew unknown‎

Référence libraire : 25236 ISBN : 0947643591 9780947643591

Acanthophyllum Books
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Livres de Acanthophyllum Books]

57,09 € Acheter

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