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‎Türkiye'deki Gürcüler arasinda gelenek, göç ve degisim. Bir köyün serüveni.‎

‎Fine English Paperback. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 230 p., b/w ills. Türkiye'dki gürcüler arasinda gelenek, göç ve degisim. Bir köyün serüveni.‎

‎PAVLOS KAROLIDIS, (1849-1930).‎

‎Romanos Diogenis. Istanbul'a yollar açilirken. Translated by Kriton Dinçmen.‎

‎Fine Turkish Paperback. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 79 p. Romanos Diogenis. Istanbul'a yollar açilirken. Translated by Kriton Dinçmen. Second Edition.‎


‎Kapadokyali Aziz Paisios, (1924-1994). Preface by Ecumenical Patriach Bartholomew.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Large 8vo. (22 x 22 cm). In Turkish. 280 p., b/w ills. Kapadokyali Aziz Paisios, (1924-1994). Translated from Greek. Narrates the life of Arsenios Eznepidis (1924-1994) of Pharasa (Cappadocia).‎


‎Orient et Byzance. Le tréfonds oriental de l'hagiographie byzantine‎

‎Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes 1950 236pp., 25cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 26, pages toujours non coupées, bon état, H102543‎

Bookseller reference : H102543

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€35.00 Buy


‎Orient et Byzance. Le tréfonds oriental de l'hagiographie byzantine‎

‎Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes 1950 236pp., 25cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 26, qqs.petits cachets, vague trace d'une étiquette enlevée du dos, texte frais et en bon état, H106475‎

Bookseller reference : H106475

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€30.00 Buy


‎Recherches d'histoire et de philologie orientales [2 volumes]‎

‎Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes 1951 Complet en 2 tomes: 336 + 310pp., brochures originales, 25cm., dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 27, qqs. Petits cachets, texte et intérieur sont frais et en bon état, X77495‎

Bookseller reference : X77495

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€70.00 Buy


‎Recherches d'histoire et de philologie orientales [2 volumes]‎

‎Bruxelles, Société des Bollandistes 1951 Complet en 2 tomes: 336 + 310pp., brochures originales, 25cm., dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 27, bon état, poids: 1.1kg., X111348‎

Bookseller reference : X111348

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€80.00 Buy


‎Orient et Byzance. Le tréfonds oriental de l'hagiographie byzantine‎

‎236pp., 25cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 26, pages toujours non coupées, bon état, H102543‎


‎Orient et Byzance. Le tréfonds oriental de l'hagiographie byzantine‎

‎236pp., 25cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 26, qqs.petits cachets, vague trace d'une étiquette enlevée du dos, texte frais et en bon état, H106475‎


‎Recherches d'histoire et de philologie orientales [2 volumes]‎

‎Complet en 2 tomes: 336 + 310pp., brochures originales, 25cm., dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 27, qqs. Petits cachets, texte et intérieur sont frais et en bon état, X77495‎


‎Recherches d'histoire et de philologie orientales [2 volumes]‎

‎Complet en 2 tomes: 336 + 310pp., brochures originales, 25cm., dans la série "Subsidia Hagiographica" volume 27, bon état, poids: 1.1kg., X111348‎

‎PETIT Louis (ed.)‎

‎Vie et office de Michel Maléinos, suivis du traité ascétique de Basile le Maléinote. Texte grec‎

‎Paris, Picard 1903 69pp., 26cm., br.orig. (dos peu restauré), exemplaire de la collection du byzantiniste belge J. Mossay (avec ex-libris et cachet), texte frais et en bon état, R113805‎

Bookseller reference : R113805

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€50.00 Buy


‎Grundzüge der Byzantinisch-Osteuropäischen Kunstgeschichte.‎

‎Good German Paperback. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In German. 51 p., 15 numerous b/w plates (Tafeln). Grundzüge der Byzantinisch-Osteuropäischen Kunstgeschichte. Essentials of Byzantine-Eastern European history of art.‎


‎Etudes imagologiques et relations interconfessionnelles en zone Byzantino - Ottomane.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 192 p. Préface Imagologie entre littérature et histoire Un imaginaire médiéval européen : la géographie culturelle proposée par l?auteur anonyme du Livre des fais du bon Messire Jehan le Maingre dit Bouciquaut, mareshal de France et gouverneur de Jennes (XVe siècle). Echinox 10 (2006) L?évolution de l?image des peuplades de l?Orient méditerranéen lors de la croisade de Hongrie dans les chroniques de France du XIVe et XVe siècle : le Turc. Balkan Studies 41/2 (2000) Jacques de Helly, un chevalier diplomate français au service des Turcs. Erytheia 24 (2004) Rencontres interconfessionnelles entre religions du livre dans la zone byzantino-ottomane Un aspect du messianisme romaniote sous les Paléologues. Byzance et ses périphéries (Mondes grec, balkanique et musulman). Hommage à Alain Ducellier, éd. Bernard Doumerc et Christophe Picard, Toulouse, 2004 Croyances apocalyptiques au moment de la prise de Constantinople : rencontres entre traditions judéo-byzantines et turques. Erytheia 25 (2004) Les judaïsants comme fracture dans la représentation du judaïsme dans les écrits chrétiens orthodoxes : enjeux et état des lieux. Inédit. Judaeo-Provençal astronomy in Byzantium and Russia (14th-15th c.). Byzantinoslavica 63 (2005) Pour en finir avec Pléthon et son maître juif Elisée. Inédit La représentation des juifs byzantins (romaniotes) dans la culture séfarade du 13e au 15e siècles. Mediaevo Graeco 4 (2004) Inspiration, kabbale et dialogues : remarques préliminaires sur la mystique d?Abraham Aboulafia. L?inspiration, ed. Kappler C. et Grozelier R., Paris, 2006 Table des matières.‎


‎Image et miroir en psychanalyse: L'apport de la culture Byzantino-Turque a la pensee occidentale.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 252 p. Introduction Partie I : Système spéculaire chez Legendre, pour une réflexion sur l'évolution spéculaire en Occident. I. Pierre Legendre ou la spécularité dans tous ses états 1. La spécularité comme fondement de l'être humain et comme passage au niveau sociétal. 2. Image, représentation et narcissisme: de l'être humain à la culture 3. Altérité 4. Inconscient et premier point 5. Tiers et corps 6. Généalogie et mythe adéquate Le lien social, sacré et Raison My-the et société: critique des sapeurs des fondements spéculaires II. Limites et questionnements autour de la leçon III de Pierre Legen-dre 1. Quelques considérations sur le stéréotype et sa relation à la généalogie 2. Une étude biblique amputée 3. Legendre se limite-t-il à une autopsie? 4. Une ouvre teintée de nihilisme? 5. Transcendan-ce et foi 6. Une mise au banc du scientisme encore d'actualité? III. Le retour au religieux comme témoin du briscolage des bris de glace du miroir. 1. La vieille opposition religion/ modernité n'est-elle qu'un leurre ? 2. Spirituel à tous les étages : ici, on rase (presque) gratis. 3. Postmodernité ou ultra-modernité ? Vers un réenchante-ment du monde ? 4. Suivre le chemin de l'enfermement Partie II : Spécularité dans d'autres cultures : éléments pour une réflexion au miroir permettant de sortir de la crise iconoclaste contempo-raine I. Corbin ou la dignité du statut imaginal 1. Sur le miroir culturel occidental 2. Nihilisme et apophatisme 3. Inter-mondes 4. L'homme, sa perception de l'histoire et la dialectique du Tiers 5. Quelques considérations 6. Lacan, « je t'aime, moi non plus » 7. Quelques remarques additives II. Rûmî ou la spécularité entre hori-zontalité et verticalité 1. La spécularité dans tous ses états 2. Le tra-vail spirituel de purification du miroir ou la purification du cour 3. Exemple de spécularité inter-culturelle chez Rûmî III. Spécularité, contemplation et économie du salut chez les pères 1. Éléments de vocabulaire 2. Éléments de la contemplation véritable 3. Un double sens pneumatique de l'herméneutique 4. L'extase 5. Mystique de la Ténèbre chez Grégoire de Nysse et extase 6. Contemplation, extase et Ténèbre chez le pseudo-Denys 7. Economie et image Conclusion.‎


‎Les Juifs Byzantins aux racines de l'histoire Juive Ottomane. Essai de réflexions spéculaires ou tentative d'habillage d'une absence de représentation.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 244 p. Abréviations des travaux les plus couramment utilisés Introduction Chapitre premier : Reflet du monde intellectuel judéo-byzantin. I. Exemple de trois intellectuels romaniotes a. Richesse intellectuelle rabbanite Shemarya ha-Iqrity Judah ibn Moskoni Elie Delmédigo Quelques remarques sur la philosophie judéo-byzantine b. Ebullition intellectuelle chez les caraïtes II. Les sciences chez les romaniotes a. Les scientifiques romaniotes : entre tradition et renouveau b. Des romaniotes au carrefour des cultures chrétiennes, musulmanes et juives, l'exemple de Mordekhai Khomatiano c. Découvrir la science juive byzantine Chapitre second : Apocalypse et kabbale dans la culture romaniote I. Prolégomènes à la kabbale romaniote a. kabbale extatique et hésychasme b. Quelques sources sur la mystique roma-niote Le Sefer ha-Temunah Sefer Peliy'ah et Sefer ha-Qanah Sefer Eben Saphir Textes disparates sur la kabbale romaniote c. Union de la philosophie et de la mystique au 14e et 15e siècles II. Apocalypses attendues par les romaniotes a. Apocalypses juives au temps des Paléologues Un mouvement apocalyptique situé dans le Péloponnèse au 13e siècle Apocalypses juives et la prise de Constantinople en 1453 b. L'apocalypse dans le monde byzantin sous les Paléologues La question du lieu de la parousie sous les Paléologues La fin de Constantinople Utilisation des apocalyptiques byzantins sous les Paléologues c. Points communs entre apocalypses byzantines et ro-maniotes Chapitre troisième : la question du Messianisme dans le monde romaniote I. Homme, Histoire et Dieu a. Quelques concepts communs concernant le Messie chez Aboulafia et les romaniotes b. Qu'est-ce que l'homme ? Définition dans les kabbales extatique et romaniote c. Conception du temps de la rédemption chez Aboulafia et dans la mystique romaniote d. Le rôle de Métatron et du Kohen dans la pensée aboulafienne et romaniote Messie et Métatron Messie et Kohen II. Survie de la tradition romaniote dans le monde ottoman, quelques pistes de recherche a. Implantation de la kabbale pratique sur le territoire européen ottoman Le Sefer ha-Meshiv entre deux traditions Particularités de la kabbale pratique b. Shlomo Molkho et l'héritage romaniote c. Sabbataï Tsévi, dernier héritier de la mysti-que romaniote? Conclusion Bibliographie. JUDAICA Ottoman social history Byzantium Jewish culture.‎


‎Une culture entre Renaissance Italienne et Orient: Prolegomenes à la culture Juive Byzantine.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 200 p. Contents: PRÉFACE IMAGOLOGIE JUDÉO-BYZANTINE I. Image du judaïsme byzantin du XIIIe siècle à la chute de Constantinople dans les écrits chrétiens orthodoxes. / 1. Place du judaïsme dans l'Orthodoxie: entre dépendance et stéréotypes A. Un peu d'histoire officielle et édificatrice Le judaïsme comme légitimité pour l'empereur-prêtre byzantin Les juifs à Byzance ou apprendre à vivre avec son prochain Accords et désaccords entre pouvoir spirituel et autorité temporelle Les juifs peuvent-ils être sauvés? B. Stéréotypes théologiques négatifs attachés aux juifs et au judaïsme. Des juifs assassins du Messie Des juifs fidèles au démon Les juifs à l'origine des hérésies? Judaïsme et excès de chair Judaïsme et avarice Stéréotypes liés à l'exercice de professions. / 2. Image des juifs et du judaïsme dans les récits dits populaires A. Simple réemploi d'une tradition stérilisante B. Quelques traces des relations quotidiennes entre chrétiens et juifs avant le XIIIe siècle C. Les Byzantins étaient ils antisémites? / 3. Images des Juifs dans les écrits de la haute Eglise byzantine A. Eglise et judaïsme sous les Paléologues, les difficultés de trouver une place au judaïsme historique dans l'orthodoxie B. Quelques textes orthodoxes contre les juifs du XIIIe au XVe siècle C. Des chrétiens qui vont consulter des médecins juifs malgré l'interdiction canonique D. Le juif dans la cité : un problème pour quelques uns. / 4. Fracture de l'image stéréotypée du judaïsme : Juifs convertis au Christianisme II. Survivance des chrétiens judaïsants en Anatolie : témoignages du XIVe siècle A. Les judaïsants dans l'Empire byzantin : Chionios, Chionai Chionios Chionai : états historiographique Vers une relecture des sources B. Chioniadis ou la vie d'un savant précurseur de l'humanisme Sources Eléments biographiques Vie de Chioniadis De Chioniadis à Michel Chrysokokkis C. Proposition d'explication du mouvement Chionai : Des chrétiens et musulmans influencés par des mouvements messianiques juifs Des judaïsants implantés de longue date en Anatolie D. Continuités En Anatolie ottomane Et dans le monde slave LE DOUBLE IMPACT DES TRADITIONS APOCALYPTIQUES DE LA ZONE BYZANTINO-TURQUE SUR L'ITALIE DE LA RENAISSANCE : PROLÉGOMÈNES III. Prolégomènes concernant l'apport de la kabbale judéo-byzantine à la Renaissance humaniste italienne : Gilles de Viterbe et le sefer ha Temunah A. Pléthon à l'école d'Elisha, juif de cour à Andrinople B. Des romaniotes au carrefour des cultures chrétiennes, musulmanes et juives C. Le Sefer ha-Temunah et son école D. Quelques brefs éléments bibliographiques permettant de décou-vrir les rapports entre Gilles de Viterbe et le judaïsme IV. Influences des croyances apocalyptiques liées à la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs dans le monde italien de la Renaissance via le judaïsme byzantin A. Meleto, un chercheur de vérité à l'écoute des préoccupations apocalyptiques de son temps B. Apocalypses juives et la prise de Constantinople en 1453 C. Revue des différentes traditions liées à la chute de Constantinople L'apocalypse dans le monde byzantin sous les Paléologues Le Christ à Jérusalem ou à Constantinople? : collusion entre lectures juive et chrétienne Comment s'éteindra Constantinople L'apocalypse au temps des Paléologues Rencontres des croyances apocalyptiques byzantines, turques et romaniotes POSTFACE Table des matières.‎

‎Philo of Byzantium Philo‎

‎Le livre des appareils pneumatiques et des machines hydrauliques 1902 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1902. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - French Pages 229. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111001075214

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€33.39 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Philo‎

‎Le livre des appareils pneumatiques et des machines hydrauliques 1902‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - French Pages 229. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1902. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111001075214

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€18.17 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Philo‎

‎Le livre des appareils pneumatiques et des machines hydrauliques 1902 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - French Pages 229. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1902. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111001075214

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€20.70 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Schone Richard‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus 1991 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1991. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - grclat Pages 113. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111006065857

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€30.28 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Schone Richard ed‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus 1893 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - lat Pages 112. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111006065858

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€30.27 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Schone Richard ed‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus 1893 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - lat Pages 112. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111006065858

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.58 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Schone Richard ed‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus 1893‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - lat Pages 112. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111006065858

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€15.05 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Schone Richard‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus 1991 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - grclat Pages 113. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1991. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111006065857

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.59 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Diels Hermann Schramm Erwin Adelbert‎

‎Philons Belopoiika; viertes Buch der Mechanik. Griechisch und deutsch von H. Diels und E. Schramm 1919 Leather Bound‎

‎2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - ger Pages 96. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : LB1111005728018

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€29.88 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Diels Hermann Schramm Erwin Adelbert‎

‎Philons Belopoiika; viertes Buch der Mechanik. Griechisch und deutsch von H. Diels und E. Schramm 1919 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - ger Pages 96. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111005728018

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.18 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Diels Hermann Schramm Erwin Adelbert‎

‎Philons Belopoiika; viertes Buch der Mechanik. Griechisch und deutsch von H. Diels und E. Schramm 1919‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - ger Pages 96. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111005728018

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€14.65 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Mechanicae syntaxis : libri quartus et quintus / Philonis ; recensuit Richardus Schoene. 1893 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - ger Pages 126. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111014885265

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.97 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus. Recensuit Richardus Schoene. 1893 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - lat Pages 114. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111015041003

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.60 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Philonis Mechanicae syntaxis libri quartus et quintus. Recensuit Richardus Schoene. 1893‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - grc Pages 116. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1893. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111014272620

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€15.37 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Philonos mechanikes syntaxeos : libri quartus et quintus / Richard Schone ed. 1891 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - grc Pages 122. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1891. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111014786491

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.95 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Philons Belopoiika viertes buch der Mechanik Griechisch und deutsch von H. Diels und E. Schramm. Mit 8 tafeln. 1919 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - ger Pages 92. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1919. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111014786490

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€17.16 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium Frank David Prager Editor‎

‎Pneumatica: Western Version and Eastern Version: The First Treatise on Experimental Physics Latin Edition‎

‎Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag 1974-12-01. Hardcover. Good. Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : SONG3920153324 ISBN : 3920153324 9783920153322

United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from Ergodebooks]

€132.96 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Traite de fortification d'attaque et de defense des places / par Philon de Byzance ; traduit pour la premiere fois du grec en francais ; commente et accompagne de fragments explicatifs tires des ingenieurs et historiens grecs par Albert de Rochas D'Aiglun. 1872‎

‎2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - fre Pages 278. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1872. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. paperback‎

Bookseller reference : PB1111009545139

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€19.36 Buy

‎Philo of Byzantium.‎

‎Traite de fortification d'attaque et de defense des places / par Philon de Byzance ; traduit pour la premiere fois du grec en francais ; commente et accompagne de fragments explicatifs tires des ingenieurs et historiens grecs par Albert de Rochas D'Aiglun. 1872 Hardcover‎

‎2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - fre Pages 278. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1872. This book is Printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set then it is only single volume if you wish to order a specific or all the volumes you may contact us. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. hardcover‎

Bookseller reference : 1111009545139

Gyan Books
India India Índia Inde
[Books from Gyan Books]

€21.89 Buy

‎PHOTIUS Constantinopolitanus (& NABER Samuel Adrian, ed.)‎

‎Photii Patriarchae Lexicon (recensuit, adnotationibus instruxit et prolegomena additi S.A. Naber)‎

‎2 parts in 1 volume (complete): 458,[i] + 455,[i] pp., original 1864/'65-edition, bound in contemporary hardcover (marbled boards, spine in green leather with gilt title, some use at corners and ends), text clean and bright except for few occasional foxing, copy from the collection of the belgian byzantinist and hellenist prof. Justin Mossay (with stamp and ex-libris), good condition, [Text in Greek, notes in Latin], X103555‎


‎Neighbouring cultures of Istanbul (Thrakia - Bithynia) and Byzantium. Istanbul Archaeological Museums.= Istanbul çevre kültürler (Trakya - Bitinya) ve Bizans. Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri. Translation: Behin Aksoy.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. 4to. (32 x 32 cm). In English and Turkish. 95, [1] p. Fully color ills. Neighbouring cultures of Istanbul (Thrakia - Bithynia) and Byzantium. Istanbul Archaeological Museums.= Istanbul çevre kültürler (Trakya - Bitinya) ve Bizans. Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri. Translation: Behin Aksoy.‎


‎Istanbul slave: Slaves d'Istanbul de Byzance a nos jours.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 196 p., b/w plts. Istanbul slave: Slaves d'Istanbul de Byzance a nos jours. Introduction 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Index Fronts Les Détroits Caucase et la mer Noire Perse Irak Péninsule arabique Sinaï, Palestine et Syrie Afrique Côtes et îles méditerranéennes Fronts européens Index anthroponymique Index des unités navales Index thématique. Introduction générale Istanbul slave ? Première partie Byzance du Ve siècle à 1453 1. Bulgares à Byzance 1. Premiers contacts. Alliés, ennemis, réfugiés, ambassadeurs et négociants avant 863. 2. Le baptême de Boris (863). 3. Bulgares à Byzance après 863. 2. Serbes, Croates, Bosniaques et Russes à Byzance 1. Serbes. 2. Croates. 3. Bosniaques. 4. Russes. 3. Topographie slave de Byzance. 1. Tsarigrad, l¿inaccessible proie. Sièges et dévastations. 2. Géographie slave de Byzance. Deuxième partie Sujets du Sultan de 1453 à 1924. 4. L¿invisible presence (De 1453 au début du XIXe siècle) 1. Slaves d¿Istanbul 2. les témoignages des voyageurs. 3. Le regard des peintres. 5. Les Slaves ottomans et la question d¿Orient (1774-1878) 1. La crise d¿Orient et l¿éveil des Slaves. 2. La lente marche vers les indépendances. 3. Constantinople, première capitale bulgare.6. Slaves de Constantinople au XIXe siècle 1. Les Bulgares2. Polonais et Russes. 7. Entre tradition et modernité : sociabilités bulgares constantinopolitaines au XIXe siècle 1. Sociabilités traditionnelles. 2. Sociabilités nouvelles. 3. Modernité. 8. Slaves de Constantinople à la fin de l¿Empire ottoman (1878-1924) 1. Le congrès de Berlin et la naissance des Etats nationaux. 2. Slaves de Constantinople après 1878. 3. La crise macédonienne. 4. Guerres Balkaniques. 5. Première guerre mondiale. 6. Russes blancs, Russes rouges. 9. Topographie constantinopolitaine slave du XIXe siècle à 1924 1. Bulgares 2. Russes 3. Serbes et Monténégrins 4. Polonais Conclusion : Istanbul slave aujourd¿hui Bibliographie SelectiveIndex‎


‎Lieux slaves d'Istanbul: Guide historique de 200 lieux sslaves de Byzance à nos jours réunis en 11 promenades.‎

‎New French Paperback. Pbo. Roy. 8vo. (24 x 17 cm). In French. 356 p. Lieux slaves d'Istanbul: Guide historique de 200 lieux sslaves de Byzance à nos jours réunis en 11 promenades. Sommaire Translittération et valeurs phonétiques Pourquoi un guide slave d'Istanbul ? Les Slaves d'Istanbul. Bref rappel historique I. Byzance Première promenade : Byzance slave II. Les Slaves du Sultan Deuxième promenade : Les lieux du pouvoir. Le sérail et le quartier de l'hippodrome Troisième promenade : Négociants, artisans et imprimeurs. Autour de Balkapan et de Tahtakale Quatrième promenade : Artisans et petit peuple. En allant vers le grand bazar Cinquième promenade : Religion, église et identité. Cibali et le Phanar Sixième promenade :Habiter et travailler. D'Ayvansaray à Kumkapi. Septième promenade : La tentation occidentale. Pera-Galata-Beyoglu. Huitième promenade : Pêcheurs, dignitaires et collèges. Le Bosphore. Neuvième promenade : Tisserands, séminaristes et réfugiés polonais. Üsküdar et Polonezköy. Dixième promenade : Haute bourgeoisie, écoles supérieures et exilés. Les îles des princes. III. Le temps des nationalités Onzième promenade : Des indépendances à 1924. Russes Les débuts de la Bulgarie indépendante. Polonais Serbes, Monténégrins, Dalmates, Croates, Tchèques Bibliographie Liste des cartes Index des lieux.‎


‎Le platonisme de saint Grégoire de Nazianze. Essai sur les relations du christianisme et de l'hellénisme dans son oeuvre théologique‎

‎La Roche-sur-Yon, G.Romain 1925 xii + 244pp., 22cm., br.orig. (dos peu restauré) protégée par une couv. de papier cristal, cachet, texte en bon état, R86570‎

Bookseller reference : R86570

Livre Rare Book

Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Hasselt Belgium Bélgica Bélgica Belgique
[Books from Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)]

€60.00 Buy


‎Konstantin Nikolayeviç Leontyev, (1831-1891). Bizansçilik ve Sark meselesi.‎

‎New English Paperback. Demy 8vo. (21 x 14 cm). In Turkish. 120 p. Konstantin Nikolayeviç Leontyev, (1831-1891). Bizansçilik ve Sark meselesi. This study analyzes a nearly forgotten Russian intellectual, Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontiev's (1831-1891) ideas on democracy, liberalism, nationalism, and the East-West dichotomy in the second half of the 19th century. Leontiev spent nearly ten years in the Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire as a diplomat, travelled and made observations in the conflict-ridden Ottoman Macedonia. Leontiev's political opinions, Byzantinism as he called it, took shape during his diplomatic service. At the basis of Leontiev's approach to politics, history, and religion laid a theory of aestheticism. He searched for beauty and poetic value in everything from politics to daily life. In line with his historical theory explaining the rise and fall of civilizations, Leontiev underlined that Russia should hold fast to the Byzantine heritage in order to avoid cultural decline. He idealized an anti-nationalist but strictly theocratic political regime. Leontiev's conservative utopia (or dystopia) presents a sui generis assessment of the theoretical deficiencies of such concepts like nationalism, democracy, and liberalism.‎


‎Le platonisme de saint Grégoire de Nazianze. Essai sur les relations du christianisme et de l'hellénisme dans son oeuvre théologique‎

‎xii + 244pp., 22cm., br.orig. (dos peu restauré) protégée par une couv. de papier cristal, cachet, texte en bon état, R86570‎

‎Plummer, John (Hrsg.)‎

‎The Hours Of Catherine Of Cleves. Introduction and Commentaires by John Plummer.‎

‎New York, George Braziller, ca. 1970. 8°. 359 Seiten. Original-Kunstlederband. Illustrierter Pappschuber. Goldgeprägter Rückentitel.‎

‎1. Auflage. Reprint der illuminierten Handschrift. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Schuber wenig berieben. Sehr gutes Exemplar. Englischsprachige Ausgabe. First edition. With many illustrations. Reproduced from the Illuminated manuscript Belonging to The Guennol Collection and The Pierpont Morgan Library. Fine Copy.‎

Bookseller reference : 33051AB

Antiquariat Lenzen
DE - Düsseldorf
[Books from Antiquariat Lenzen]

€24.00 Buy


‎Historia tis Bizantines autokratorias, enkekrimene dia ten triten taxin tou gymnasiou kai tas antistoichous ton scholeion tes m. ekpaideuseos.‎

‎Fine Greek, Modern (post 1453) Modern leather bdg. original covers saved inside. Slightly chipped on extremities on covers and title page and stains. A fair copy. Cr. 8vo. (20 x 14 cm). In Greek (Modern). 350, [2] p., many b/w ills. History of the Byzantine Empire.‎

‎Potter, David‎

‎Constantine the Emperor‎

‎No Roman emperor had a greater impact on the modern world than did Constantine. The reason is not simply that he converted to Christianity, but that he did so in a way that brought his subjects along after him. Indeed, this major new biography argues that Constantine's conversion is but one feature of a unique administrative style that enabled him to take control of an empire beset by internal rebellions and external threats by Persians and Goths. The vast record of Constantine's administration reveals a government careful in its exercise of power but capable of ruthless, even savage, actions. Constantine executed (or drove to suicide) his father-in-law, two brothers-in-law, his eldest son, and his once beloved wife. An unparalleled general throughout his life, planning a major assault on the Sassanian Empire in Persia even on his deathbed. Alongside the visionary who believed that his success came from the direct intervention of his God resided an aggressive warrior, a sometimes cruel partner, and an immensely shrewd ruler. These characteristics combined together in a long and remarkable career, which restored the Roman Empire to its former glory. Beginning with his first biographer Eusebius, Constantine's image has been subject to distortion. . the most comprehensive, authoritative, and readable account of Constantine's extraordinary life. 368p. illus. bibliography index Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Books from Kalamos Books]

€19.47 Buy


‎Sakli limandan hikayeler: Yenikapi'nin batiklari. Edited by Gülbahar Baran Çelik, Zeynep Kiziltan.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. 4to. (30 x 24 cm). In Turkish. Stories from the Hidden Harbor: Shipwrecks of Yenikapi. Color and b/w ills. 219 p. "In 2004, the Istanbul Archaeological Museums started large-scale salvage excavations at Yenikapi within the scope of Marmaray-Metro projects. For the first time in Istanbul's history, archaeological excavations were conducted at one of its Byzantine harbors. When the excavations started, it was not known what this ancient harbor at the mouth of the Lykos (Bayrampasa) River would yield. At first, Ottoman remains were encountered in the excavation area, which covers over 58,000 square meters. Then, one of Constantinople's most important, and the world's best known harbors, the Theodosian Harbor, was reached only 1 meter below sea level. During the ongoing excavations, countless small finds and works of architecture were unearthed. In addition to wood and rope fragments, an unexpected find, a shipwreck, was found in 2005. As the excavation area expanded, a total of 37 ships dating between the 5th and 11th centuries were brought to light. Among the finds are very well preserved small and large merchantmen, as well as galleys from the Middle and Late Byzantine periods, which have been found for the first time. The Yenikapi wrecks constitute the largest collection of shipwrecks ever found together. Another surprise was waiting for the archaeologists 6,3 meters below sea level: Istanbul's oldest settlement. This Neolithic settlement dates back 8000 years and changes the writing of Istanbul's history. The footprints of Istanbulites who lived there thousands of years ago were found a few meters below. As the excavations go on uninterrupted, we have now acquired much new information about the city. This exhibition has been prepared in light of the finds from Yenikapi and their scientific study. It presents a section of the city from its first inhabitants to the present, and allows a multidimensional view of trade, seafaring, shipbuilding technology, and everyday life in Constantinople through four wrecks that were found together with their cargo. A publication by the Istanbul Archaeological Museums, Koç Foundation, Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations and Koç University Press".‎


‎Stories from the Hidden Harbor: Shipwrecks of Yenikapi. Edited by Gülbahar Baran Çelik, Zeynep Kiziltan.‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. 4to. (30 x 24 cm). In English. Color and b/w ills. 219 p. "In 2004, the Istanbul Archaeological Museums started large-scale salvage excavations at Yenikapi within the scope of Marmaray-Metro projects. For the first time in Istanbul's history, archaeological excavations were conducted at one of its Byzantine harbors. When the excavations started, it was not known what this ancient harbor at the mouth of the Lykos (Bayrampasa) River would yield. At first, Ottoman remains were encountered in the excavation area, which covers over 58,000 square meters. Then, one of Constantinople's most important, and the world's best known harbors, the Theodosian Harbor, was reached only 1 meter below sea level. During the ongoing excavations, countless small finds and works of architecture were unearthed. In addition to wood and rope fragments, an unexpected find, a shipwreck, was found in 2005. As the excavation area expanded, a total of 37 ships dating between the 5th and 11th centuries were brought to light. Among the finds are very well preserved small and large merchantmen, as well as galleys from the Middle and Late Byzantine periods, which have been found for the first time. The Yenikapi wrecks constitute the largest collection of shipwrecks ever found together. Another surprise was waiting for the archaeologists 6,3 meters below sea level: Istanbul's oldest settlement. This Neolithic settlement dates back 8000 years and changes the writing of Istanbul's history. The footprints of Istanbulites who lived there thousands of years ago were found a few meters below. As the excavations go on uninterrupted, we have now acquired much new information about the city. This exhibition has been prepared in light of the finds from Yenikapi and their scientific study. It presents a section of the city from its first inhabitants to the present, and allows a multidimensional view of trade, seafaring, shipbuilding technology, and everyday life in Constantinople through four wrecks that were found together with their cargo. A publication by the Istanbul Archaeological Museums, Koç Foundation, Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations and Koç University Press".‎

‎Prep. by AYHAN TUGLU.‎

‎Fatih: TC Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif Üniversitesi Bülteni. Special issue: Ayasofya (St. Sofia).‎

‎New English Paperback. Pbo. 4to. (28 x 22 cm). In Turkish and Ottoman facsimiles. 168 p. Contents: Dünden bugüne Ayasofya.; Ayasofya'da Türk Islâm izleri.; Edmondo De Amicis'in gözünden Ayasofya.; Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in Ayasofya vakfiyesi (Turkish transcription and facsimile of original manuscript).‎

‎Prep. by AYHAN TUGLU.‎

‎Fatih: TC Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif Üniversitesi Bülteni. Special issue: Ayasofya (St. Sofia).‎

‎As New English Paperback. Pbo. Mint. 4to. (28 x 22 cm). In Turkish and Ottoman facsimiles. 168 p. Contents: Dünden bugüne Ayasofya.; Ayasofya'da Türk Islâm izleri.; Edmondo De Amicis'in gözünden Ayasofya.; Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in Ayasofya vakfiyesi (Turkish transcription and facsimile of original manuscript). Fatih: TC Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif Üniversitesi Bülteni. Special issue: Ayasofya (St. Sofia).‎

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