The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Souvenir Guide.
Plaistow, HMSO, 1970. 21 cm/8,3". 45 (3) S. mit zahlr. farb. Tafeln u. 1 farb. Faltplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover). Tadelloses gepflegtes Exemplar.
Bookseller reference : 15538AB
The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Souvenir Guide.
London, HMSO, 1989. 21 cm/8,3". 58 S. mit zahlr. farb. Tafeln u. 1 farb. doppelseitigen Gartenplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover), Klammerheftung. new ed,, 2nd impr. Tadelloses Exenplar.
Bookseller reference : 20200AB ISBN : 112500099
The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens & Arboretum. A colour Guide.
Romsey, Hampshire Court Counsil (Hrsg.), [1992]. 25 cm/9,8". 32 S. mit zahlr. farb. Abb u. e. farb. Gartenplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover). Hinterer Deckel etwas braunfleckig.
Bookseller reference : 16106AB ISBN : 1873595344
The University of Oxford Botanic Garden.
Oxford, The University Botanic Garden (Hrsg.), [1989]. 21 cm/8,3". 35 S., 7 Farbtafeln. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover). Tadelloses gepflegtes Exemplar.
Bookseller reference : 16100AB
Tintinhull House Garden. List of Plants.
Yeovil, Somerset, The National Trust, [um 1990]. 30,5 cm. 9 S. mit einem Gartenplan. Illustrierte Kartonmappe mit Einstecklasche. Sehr schönes sauberes, leicht angerändertes Exemplar.
Bookseller reference : 21365AB
Trelissick Garden. Cornwall.
Warrington, The National Trust, 2002. 21 x 21 cm. 15 (1) S. mit zahlr. farb. Abb., 1 farb. Gartenplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover), Klammerheftung. rev. ed. Neuwertiges Exemplar.
Bookseller reference : 21419AB
View Souvenir. (Bildband des walisischen Seebad-Ortes Aberystwyth).
London., o.J. (ca. 1920). ca. 11,5 x 24 cm. 5 Bl. Original-Broschur mit einfarbig illustriertem Deckeltitel. Einfache Fadenbindung. Einband etwas berieben und gerändert sowie leicht gewellt. Papier leicht eselsohrig. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Mit handschriftlichem Vermerk auf Innendeckel von 1922. Sonst guter Zustand.
Bookseller reference : 4436C
Welsh Teas
VG paperback reprint. Inscription on the inside front cover. 9351. eng
The Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship ""Bacchante"" 1879-1882. Compiled from the private Journals, latters, and Note-Books of Prince Albert Victor and Prince Georg of Wales, with Additions by John N. Dalton. 2 Vols. (I. The west and the South. II. The East).
London, Macmillan and Co., 1886. Bound in 2 orig. pictorial full cloth, gilt. Stamp on title-pages. XXVIII,676"XII,803 pp., 15 plates and numerous textillustrations in woodcut. 1 large folded map in colour. Internally clean and fine.
Bookseller reference : 53685
"South Wales Evening Post"
Images of Swansea
Derby: Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd 1998. original cloth hardcoverillustrated throughout203 pagesfine in near fine unclipped dustwrapper. First Edition. Hardcover. Fine/Near Fine. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd
Bookseller reference : 96656 ISBN : 1859831346 9781859831342
"South Wales Evening Post"
Memory Lane Swansea
Breedon Books Publishing 1999. Book. Very Good. hardback. 1st Edition. hardback 12" x 8 1/2" a very good tightly bound copy in a mildly faded pictorial dust wrapper the text remains clan and unmarked b&w photographic images 208pp. Breedon Books Publishing Hardcover
Bookseller reference : 229604 ISBN : 1859831737 9781859831731
"South Wales Evening Post"
Memory Lane Swansea
Derby: Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd 1999. original cloth hardcoverillustrated208 pagesvery good in very good unclipped dustwrapper. First Edition. Hardcover. Very Good/Very Good. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd
Bookseller reference : 105724 ISBN : 1859831737 9781859831731
"South Wales Evening Post"
Memory Lane Swansea
Derby: Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd 1999. original cloth hardcoverillustrated throughout208 pagesfine in fine unclipped dustwrapper. First Edition. Hardcover. Fine/Fine. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd
Bookseller reference : 96664 ISBN : 1859831737 9781859831731
"South Wales Evening Post"
Swansea Remembered
Derby: Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd 2000. original cloth hardcoverillustrated208 pagesvery good in very good unclipped dustwrapper. First Edition. Hardcover. Very Good/Very Good. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd
Bookseller reference : 105725 ISBN : 1859832040 9781859832042
"South Wales Evening Post"
Swansea Remembered
Derby: Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd 2000. original cloth hardcoverillustrated throughout208 pagesfine in fine unclipped dustwrapper. First Edition. Hardcover. Fine/Fine. 4to - over 9�" - 12" tall. Breedon Books Publishing Co Ltd
Bookseller reference : 96663 ISBN : 1859832040 9781859832042
(Pennant, Thomas).
pp. vi, (1), 455, (10) [Index, Proposals and Advertisement] + Twenty-seven engraved plates, many folding. Engraved and decorated title page. Some offsetting from plates. Foxed. All edges decorated red. 4to. Rebound in three quarters leather over marbled boards. Spine paper label. Hardbound. Thomas Pennant (1726-1798) was probably the foremost 18th century Welsh intellectual. A naturalist, zoologist, and antiquary, he is best known for this 'A Tour in Wales'. In his famous autobiography The Literary Life (1793) he states that he sometimes marvelled at his own industry. His first book was the 1766 folio, British Zoology. This made a financial loss as it had been printed on paper that was too large. Thereafter all his major works appeared in smaller formats, either octavos or quartos. The current view of his contribution to natural history is that its importance lies in the fact that he popularized and promoted its study. His tours and topographic works also display his insistence on detailed research. Among the accounts of tours he published are those of two separate visits to Scotland, a tour from Chester to London, and an account of London itself. His A Tour in Wales (1778-1783) is regarded as being quite outstanding and easily the finest work in a considerable corpus of Welsh tour literature published from ca. 1770 onwards. Pennant also became a collector more as a scholar than as a connoisseur. As a patron he tended to purchase pictures which were directly commissioned from the artist. First Edition. **PRICE JUST REDUCED! TRAVEL/7
Llafur. The Journal of the Society for the Study of Welsh Labour History. Volume 3, No 1. Spring 1980. Includes: The South Wales Race Riots of 1919. The Lead Miners of Flintshire and Denbighshire by C.J. Williams. The South Wales Coalfield Research Project by Hywel Francis and Kim Howells et al.
Primary Education in Wales: A Report of the Central Advisory Council for Education.
The Educational System of England and Wales.
Visitor's Map. Wales & the West Midlands. A Holiday Map & Guide for all the family.
1 folding Sheet.
Welsh Nation. Volume 51, No. 9. October 1979. Tories switch channels.. but the fight goes on: Gwynfor goes to Corsica: Independent Television, et al.
2 Werke in einem Band
[Alexander Bicknell:] Geschichte Eduards, Prinzen von Wallis, insgemein der schwarze Prinz genannt. Nebst einem kurzen Abrisse der Regiewrungen der drey ersten Eduarde, und Berichte von Einsetzung des Ordens vom blauen Bande. 302, (2) S., Leipzig (Schwickert) 1778 // Geheime Geschichte der Königin von England, Elisabeth. 94 S., Frankfurt u. Leipzig 1778.
o.J. Fester Pappband . Kl.-8° [3 Warenabbildungen] Fester Pappband
Bookseller reference : 24693-LA10
56 Group Wales. Grwp 56 Cymru. Exhibition of Painting & Sculpture
Bristol.: 56 Group Wales. 1978. First edition. Paperback. Very Good. Oblong 16mo. Original card covers. Foreward by Arthur Giardelli Biographies b/w illusts Artists inc Anthony Stevens David Shepherd Terry Setch Heinz Koppel Adrian Heath Geoffrey Davies etc. <br/><br/> 56 Group Wales. paperback
Bookseller reference : 020485
[AHMET] MUHITTIN [ERGÜVEN], (1883-1969); MIRLIVA ALI SEREF PASHA, (Author and mapmaker of 'Umûmî Cografya Atlasi' published in 1894 - Active between 1885-1905).
[EARLY OTTOMAN MAP OF SUDAN] Sudan. Sâye-i Türkiye Hazret Gazi Sultan Abdülhamid Hân-i Sâni'de Maarif Umûmiye Nezâret-i Celîlesi ruhsatiyle meshur Haset tarafindan Fransa Cemiyet-i Cografya âzâlarindan mütesekkil komisyona mahsûs tanzîm edilmis oldugu son defaki atlasinin tercümesi olarak bu def'a Erkân-i Umûmiyye Dairesi Besinci Fen Subesi'ne me'mûr piyade mirlivâlarindan saâdetlü Ali Seref Pasa ve rifatlu binbasi fütûvvetlü Muhyiddin Efendi maarifetleriyle tertib ettirilmistir.
Very Good Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) Original color lithograph map. Folded. Oblong folio. (35 x 52 cm). In Ottoman script (Old Turkish with Arabic letters). It shows Sudan and West Africa, Atlas Ocean shores, Sahra Desert, and other parts of Africa. Scale: 1:15.000.000. A very detailed and attractive map. Slightly fading. Otherwise a very good copy. Dated Hegira: 1310 = [Gregorian 1894]. Taken from his attractive atlas titled "Yeni cografya atlasi. [i.e. New Geographical Atlas]". The cartographer, Ali Seref, or Hafiz Ali Seref (or Esref) Pasha (1840-1907) was an Ottoman soldier and mapmaker who was schooled in Paris as a cartographer around 1862. While in Paris he published his first atlas with 22 maps, called the Yeni atlas. Upon his return to Istanbul, he became the chief cartographer at the Matbaa-i Amire Printing Press in Beyazit. Chipping on extremities. Slight foxing. Overall a good copy. Not in OCLC.; Not in TBMM Map Collection.
[AHMET] MUHITTIN [ERGÜVEN], (1883-1969); MIRLIVA ALI SEREF PASHA, (Author and mapmaker of 'Umûmî Cografya Atlasi' published in 1894 - Active between 1885-1905).
[OTTOMAN MAP of BRITISH ISLES] Ingiltere. Sâye-i Türkiye Hazret Gazi Sultan Abdülhamid Hân-i Sâni'de Maarif Umûmiye Nezâret-i Celîlesi ruhsatiyle Haset tarafindan Fransa Cemiyet-i Cografya âzâlarindan mütesekkil komisyona mahsûs tanzîm edilmis oldugu son atlasinin tercümesi olarak bu def'a Erkân-i Umûmiyye Dairesi Besinci Fen Subesi'ne me'mûr piyade mirlivâlarindan saâdetlü Ali Seref Pasa ve topçu yüzbasilarindan fütûvvetlü Mehmed Nis'et Efendi maarifetleriyle tertib ettirilmistir.
Very Good Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) Original color map. Folded. Oblong folio. (35 x 52 cm). In Ottoman script. Color lithograph. It shows Sudan and West Africa, Atlas Ocean shores, Sahra Desert, and other parts of Africa. Scale: 1:15.000.000. A very detailed and attractive map. Slightly fading. Otherwise a very good copy. Dated Hegira: 1310 = [Gregorian 1894]. [EARLY OTTOMAN MAP of SUDAN] Sudan. Sâye-i Türkiye Hazret Gazi Sultan Abdülhamid Hân-i Sâni'de Maarif Umûmiye Nezâret-i Celîlesi ruhsatiyle meshur Haset tarafindan Fransa Cemiyet-i Cografya âzâlarindan mütesekkil komisyona mahsûs tanzîm edilmis oldugu son defaki atlasinin tercümesi olarak bu def'a Erkân-i Umûmiyye Dairesi Besinci Fen Subesi'ne me'mûr piyade mirlivâlarindan saâdetlü Ali Seref Pasa ve rifatlubinbasi fütûvvetlü Muhyiddin Efendi maarifetleriyle tertib ettirilmistir. Ali Seref Pasa or Hafix Ali Esref. He was a soldier, who was schooled in Paris as a cartographer around 1862. Already in Paris he published his first atlas with 22 maps, called 'Yeni atlas'. Upon his return to Istanbul he became a chief cartographer at the Maatbaa-i amire Printing Press in Beyazit, which was the successor of the Muteferrika press from 1727. Among others he translated the large Kiepert map of Anatolia to Ottoman. He died in 1907, leaving his large project of a gigantic map of Anatolia in 100 sheets unfinished. Ali's name is often misunderstood or even listed as two different people: Ali Seref Pasa and Hafiz Ali Esref. Until the surname law adopted on June 21, 1934, Turks did not have surnames. They were born with one first name and were until the adulthood described only as sons or daughters of their parent's names. Later they were given titles such as Effendi (Sir), Bey (Chief) or Hanim (Madam) for higher classes, or they were given names according to their work or class. The names were not inherited by children until 1934, when the surname law was enforced. The map maker Ali received names Seref, the honourable, and Pasa, the dignitary. He was also known as Hafiz, the memorizer of Qur'an and Esref, Proud. So Ali Seref Pasa would have a meaning 'Honourable Dignitary Ali, and Hafiz Ali Esref, Memorizer of Qur'an, Proud Ali. Daruttibaa - Matbaa-I Amire Printing Press: The first press in the Muslim world, called Daruttibaa, was founded in Istanbul by Ibrahim Muteferrika in 1727, with a permission of Sultan Ahmeet III. It was located in Muteferrika's house. The first book was published in 1729 and until 1742 sixteen other works followed. After Muteferrika's death, the press was supressed for printing, as printed books were considered dangerous. In 1796 the press was purchased by the government and moved to Uskudar in Istanbul, and in 1831 finally to Beyazit, where it was renamed to Matbaa-i Amire in 1866. The press was closed in 1901 and was reopened in 1908 under the name 'Âmire' In 1927 the name changed to State Printing House. The press still exists and is known for publishing school and educational books. Extremely rare. Not in OCLC.; Not in TBMM Map Collection.
ANIMAM, Nature et Civilisations
N° 39 (Février-mars 1993) : Revue de 98 pages, format 210 x 280 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, bon état
Bookseller reference : LFA-126724536
Welsh Sketches, Chiefly Ecclesiastical, to the Twelfth Century. By the Author of "Proposals for Christian Union." [First, Second and Third Series].
Third edition of First Series, first edition of Second Series, second edition of Third Series, viii, 160; viii, 153, [3]; viii, 192pp., errata leaf at end of Second Series, all in original limp cloth, slightly worn, spines faded. Provenance: Ownership signature of B. Johnes, 1870, on front flyleaf.
A VISION OF BRITAIN a personal view or architecture.
London, Doubleday, 1989; in-4 oblong, 160 pp., cartonnage d'éditeur avec jaquette. En anglais - bon état.
Bookseller reference : 201005322
[COTTON (James Henry)]
Remarks upon the Report of the Commissioners on the State of Education in North Wales: Intended to have been addressed to the editor of the "North Wales Chronicle."
Second edition, with additions, 24pp., disbound.
[Green, David]
Blenheim Park & Gardens.
Woodstock, Oxfordshire, The Duke of Merlborough [Hrsg.], 1988. 20,5 x 20,5 cm. 31 (1) S. mit zahlr. farb. u. schwarzweißen Fotos, Illustrationen uns 1 Gartenplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover), Klammerheftung. Schönes gepflegtes Exemplar. Datum auf Titel.
Bookseller reference : 20516AB
[Guide du Routard]
Un guide de 620 pages, format 115 x 190 mm, illustré de cartes, broché couverture couleurs, publié en 2013, Hachette, bon état
Bookseller reference : LFA-126741924
[Histoire Médiévale]
N° 35 - Novembre 2002 : Revue culturelle sur la vie au Moyen Age : 100 pages, format 210 x 300 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, bon état
Bookseller reference : LFA-126741623
[HOWITT (William) & (Mary)]
The Ruined Castles of North Wales. With Photograpic Illustrations by Bedford, Sedgfield and Ambrose.
8vo (190 x 140 mm), [4], 76pp., illustrated with 7 photographs by Bedford, Sedgfield and Ambrose, including one small oval one which in inset in the front cover, orig. brick red pebbled cloth, upper cover blocked in gilt, lacks front free-endpaper otherwise and very nice copy. List of photographs: [1] Photograph of Conway Castle and Bridge. [On cover.] [2] Denbigh Castle. [3] Rhuddlan Castle. [4] Conway Castle. [5] Harlech Castle. [6] Beaumaris Castle. [7] Carnarvon Castle. "This is a separate re-publication in a smaller format of part of 'Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain', 1862."?Gernsheim, 232.
[JAMES (Brian)]
A Catalogue of the Tract Collection of Saint David's University College, Lampeter.
Folio, xx, 316pp., orig. cloth.
[JONES (Griffith)]
Cyfarwyddwr ffyddlon at Orseddfaingc y Gr?s: sef, Ffurf o Weddiau i'w Harfer mewn teuluoedd foreu a hwyr. Gan weinidog annheilwng o Eglwys Loegr.
Yr ail argraphiad, 12mo (175 x 105 mm), [4], 5-129, [1] pp., contemporary sheep, hinges partly cracked, small piece missing from tail of spine, a good copy. Gweinidog annheilwng o Eglwys Loegr = Griffith Jones.
[LLOYD (William)] Bishop of St. Asaph.
A Sermon Preached before the King & Queen at White-Hall, March the Twelfth, 1689/90. Being the fast-day. By the Bishop of St. Asaph, Lord Almoner to Their Majesties. Published by Their Majesties command.
4to, [2], 32pp., without half-title, disbound.
[PAYS DE GALLES. VALENTINE James 1815-1879 ou 80].-
Album de 12 photographies avant 1880.-
S.L.N.D. (Avant 1880). Album in-8 oblong (252 x 176mm) bradel toile rouge imitant le chagrin, titre PHOTOGRAPHS or, au centre du 1er plat et ornements floraux stylisés en coins, gardes moirées, tranches dorées. Douze photos collées (ca 205 x 134) signées J.V. Vues de 1. Llanduano from Great Ormes Herd. 6334 J.V. 2. Donway Castle and Bridge. 5619. J.V. 3. Bettws-Y-Goed. 6365 J.V. 4. Swallow Falls Bettws.6394 J.V. 5. Capel Curic and Snowdon. 1900 J.V. 6. Snowdon, Thelast Half-Mile. 6261 J.V. 7. Pass of Llanberis from above Ponty Cromlech. N. Wales. 6270 J.V. 8. Menai and Britannia Bridges... 6182 J.V. 9. Menai Bridge N. Wales. 6274. J.V. 10. Carnarvon Castle. 6540. J.V. 11. Pass of Aberlaslyn. 7022. J.V. et 12 une belle photo d'une Tea-Party de Welsh Women. 10052. J.V. Bas du dernier plat un peu décoloré, bel exemplaire.
Bookseller reference : ORD-13196
Chronique d'un divorce annoncé la gouvernante des princes.
, JC Lattès, 1997; in-8, 306 pp., broché, couverture illustr.
Bookseller reference : 200614884
[SHEPHERD (W.R.)], Editor.
The Benedictines of Caldey Island (formerly of Painsthorpe, York) containing the history, purpose, method, and summary of the Rule of the Benedictines of the Isle of Caldey, S. Wales.
8vo (230 x 145 mm, xvi, 111, [1]pp., folding map of Caldey Island, 21 plates, orig. cloth, gilt, t.e.g., gilt wrappers bound in, a nice copy.
[Smith, Michael Urwick]
Luton Hoo. Bedfordshire. The Wernher collection.
London, Pitkin Pictorials, 1990. 23cm. 24 S. mit zahlr. zumeist farb. Abb. u. 1 Karte. Beiliegend ein 4-seitiges Faltblatt "The Russian rooms at Luton Hoo" mit Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover), Klammerheftung. repr. Sehr schönes sauberes und festes Exemplar. Kurze Fachnotiz im hinteren Deckel. Pride of Britain.
Bookseller reference : 20280AB ISBN : 853722420
[Tollemache, Lord and Lady]
Helmingham Hall Gardens.
Norwich, Jarrold Publ., 2000. 24 cm. 18 S. mit zahlr. Farbfotos von Jerry Harpur, 1 farb. Gartenplan. Illustrierte Originalbroschur (Softcover), Klammerheftung. Tadelloses gepflegtes Exemplar.
Bookseller reference : 21386AB
ULYSSE n° 73 - Juillet-août 2000
Revue de 82 pages, format 220 x 280 mm, illustrée, brochée couverture couleurs, bon état
Bookseller reference : LFA-126739760
[Ward, Lock & Company, Limited]
GUIDE TO SOUTH WALES Including Brecon, Newport, Cardiff, Vale of Neath, Swansea, Gower, Carmarthen, Llandovery, Tenby, Pembroke, Fishguard, Cardigan, New Quay, Etc.
Boards with light rubbing to extremities and one spot on front board. Spine lightly creased ; Nd. [early 1900's]. "14 maps and plans and numerous illustrations"; 16mo 6" - 7" tall; 200 pages
Loch Lomond and its scenery, with twelve illustrations
London - Edinburgh - New York, T. Nelson and Sons, coll. « Nelson’s Pictorial Guide-Books for Tourists » 1870 In-16 à l’italienne 10,5 x 16,5 cm. Cartonnage éditeur percaline verte, dos muet, vignette en couleurs contrecollée sur le premier plat encadré d’un triple filet doré, 9 gravures en couleurs dont 2 en doubles pages, 3 vignettes en noir dont cul-de-lampe.
Bookseller reference : 94929
A D WALES US. Supreme Court Creator U. S.
Peck v. Collins U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings
Gale U.S. Supreme Court Records 2011-10-26. Paperback. Good. Gale, U.S. Supreme Court Records paperback
Bookseller reference : SONG127013177X ISBN : 127013177X 9781270131779
A Description of England and Wales
A Description of England and Wales Containing a Particular Account of Each County. Volume VII 7 Norfolk-Pembrokeshire
London: Newbery & Carnan 1769. First edition. hardcover. G-. Volume 7 only of 10. 34 plates. front board detached Norfolk-Pembrokeshire. includes Oxfordshire. These are rare because they were broken up for the plates. Newbery & Carnan, unknown
Bookseller reference : 500044930
A Description of England and Wales
A Description of England and Wales Containing a Particular Account of Each County. Volume II Cheshire-Cumberland
London: Newbery & Carnan 1769. Second edition. hardcover. G. Volume 2 only of 10. 9 plates binding complete. Cheshire to Cumberland incl. Cornwall Newbery & Carnan, unknown
Bookseller reference : 500044928
A Description of England and Wales
A Description of England and Wales Containing a Particular Account of Each County. Volume IV 4 Essex-Hertfordshire V
London: Newbery & Carnan 1769. First edition. hardcover. Fair. Volume 4 only of 10. Essex-Hertfordshire 30 plates boards detached. These are rare because they were broken up for the plates. Newbery & Carnan, unknown
Bookseller reference : 500044929
A Description of England and Wales
A Description of England and Wales Containing a Particular Account of Each County. Volume X Wiltshire-Yorkshire
London: Newbery & Carnan 1770. First edition. hardcover. Poor. Volume 10 only of 10. Wiltshire-Yorkshire. 15 plates rear board detached front board missing & index ends on W without endpapers. These are rare because they were broken up for the plates. Newbery & Carnan, unknown
Bookseller reference : 500044931
A Lady Long Resident in New South Wales
A Mother's Offering to Her Children
Brisbane: The Jacaranda Press. 19791841. Octavo Size approx 15.5 x 22.8cm. Very Good condition in Very Good Dustjacket. DJ is lightly rubbed and has minor edgewear - now protected in purpose-made plastic sleeve. A nice copy. A facsimile edition of Australia's first children's book - originally published in 1841. Introduction by Rosemary Wighton. 216 pages. . Facsimile Edition. Hardback. The Jacaranda Press hardcover
Bookseller reference : BIB199197 ISBN : 0701612142 9780701612146