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‎Balutchistan pakistan‎


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‎Iran - persia‎
Number of results : 1,119 (23 Page(s))

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‎*Vergessene Städte am Indus. Frühe Kulturen in Pakistan vom 8 bis 2 Jahrtausend‎

‎312 p., 221 fig. n/b et coul. Catalogue d'exposition, Aachen, Krönungsaal im Rathaus, 27 Juni bis 6 September 1987. Inv. 11243‎


‎UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR 1971 1968-1969 , un volume in-4 broché de XVII + 257 pages , premier plat de couverture en couleurs , texte en anglais , nombreuses illustrations hors-texte avec cartes et plans dépliants , bon exemplaire . Bon Couverture souple‎

Bookseller reference : 008444

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Philippe Bertrandy
Le Puy en Velay France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Philippe Bertrandy]

€75.00 Buy


‎UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR 1966 Un volume in-4 broché de 238 pages , premier plat de couverture illustré plus ou moins sali , nombreuses illustrations hors-texte dont cartes et plans dépliants , coiffe supérieure émoussées , bon exemplaire . Bon Livre audio (Cassette)‎

Bookseller reference : 008445

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne Philippe Bertrandy
Le Puy en Velay France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Ancienne Philippe Bertrandy]

€90.00 Buy

‎BACKGROUND (THE) of the Kashmir Problem.‎

‎London, Vernon Lock, [c. 1950], in-8, br. editoriale, pp. 26. Con una cartina geografica ripiegata f.t.‎

‎Crescent and Green. A miscellany of writings on Pakistan.‎

‎London, Cassell & Company Ltd., 1955. 8°; 170pp., with 12 pages of half-tone illustrations; [Englisch]; 1. Edition Orig.-Leinen mit OU Umschlag abgenutzt; Buchblock papierbedingt (rand)gebräunt‎

Bookseller reference : 29627

Antiquariat Thieme
DE - Leipzig
[Books from Antiquariat Thieme]

€10.00 Buy

‎Das Erbe der Welt - unter dem Schutz der Unesco - Asien I - VI. (6 Bände komplett)‎

‎Augsburg : Weltbild o. J. je ca. 160 Seiten. 30,5*24,5 cm. OPappbände.‎

‎Guter Zustand. L25-3‎

Bookseller reference : 143299

Antiquariat BehnkeBuch
United Kingdom Reino Unido Reino Unido Royaume-Uni
[Books from Antiquariat BehnkeBuch]

€42.00 Buy

‎FOREIGN (THE) Trade of Pakistan.‎

‎[Karachi], [s.n.], [c. 1950], in-8, br. editoriale, pp. 40.‎

‎Gandhara. Das buddhistische Erbe Pakistans Legenden, Klöster und Paradiese ; 21. November 2008 bis 15. März 2009 in der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Bonn ; 9. April bis 10. August 2009 im Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin ; 6. September 2009 bis 3. Januar 2010 im Museum Rietberg Zürich ; [anlässlich der Ausstellung "Gandhara - das Buddhistische Erbe Pakistans. Legenden, Klöster und Paradiese"].‎

‎Mainz, von Zabern, 2008. 4°. 384 Seiten zahlr. Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten. Engl. O-Broschur.‎

Bookseller reference : 89011AB

Biblion Antiquariat
CH - Zürich
[Books from Biblion Antiquariat]

€40.00 Buy

‎HUMAN Rights in Pakistan. Interim report of the Committee on fundamental rights of Citizens of Pakistan and on matters relating to minorities as adopted by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.‎

‎Karachi, Department of Adevertising Films and Publications, [anni '50 del '900]., in-8, br. editoriale, pp. [24].‎

‎Imperial Gazetteer of India. Provincial series. Baluchistan.‎

‎Sang-E-Meel, Lahore 1984. Mit 1 Karte. xvi,216 S. Hardcover mit Schutzumumschlag. Mit Bleistiftunterstreichungen.‎

‎- Text in Englisch. -‎

Bookseller reference : 38581

‎INDUSTRY in Pakistan. Aug. 1947 - Aug. 1950.‎

‎Karachi, Manager of Publications, [1950], in-4 piccolo, br. editoriale illustrata, pp. 130, [14]. Con numerose illustrazioni n.t. (una a piena pagina a colori). Mancanza - non pesante - al margine superiore della copertina posteriore.‎

‎INDUSTRY in Pakistan. August 1951.‎

‎Karachi, Directorate of Planning and Publicity - Manager of Publications, [primi anni 50 del '900], in-4, br. editoriale illustrata a colori, pp. 206, [4]. Con illustrazioni in nero n.t. e a colori applicate su cartoncini f.t. Lievi tracce d'uso.‎

‎INVESTMENT Opportunities in Pakistan.‎

‎Karachi, Office of the Economic Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs,Government of Pakistan, [c. 1950], in-8, br. editoriale, pp. 75, [1]. Buone condizioni.‎

‎Italian Archaeological Researches in Asia. Exhibition of Discoveries of the Missions in Pakistan and Afghanistan 1956-1959‎

‎70 p., 33 tav. in nero f.t.; 24 cm. Bross. edit. Qualche abrasione in copertina‎

‎Karratschi. -‎

‎Carlsruhe:, Kunstverlag, 1859. Stahlstich, 10 x 15,5 cm, Blattgröße 15 x 22,5 cm.‎

‎Blick von einer Anhöhe aus auf die Stadt. - Aus: Englisch-Ostindien nach den besten Quellen geschildert. - An den Rändern minimal stockfleckig.‎

Bookseller reference : 900864AG

‎Karte des nördlichen Indiens. Map of northern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.‎

‎O. O., o. J. ca. Mitte 18. Jdh. Hälftige Karte des nördlichen Teils von Indien aus 4 Elementen zusammengestellt. Papier stellenweise gering stockfleckig. Handkoloriert und auf der Rückseite mit der gestempelten Zahl "24" versehen. Im seitl. Rand fachgerecht hinterlegt. Kartengröße: 139 x 53 cm.‎

‎Half map of the northern part of India composed of 4 elements. Paper slightly foxed in places. Hand coloured and stamped with the number "24" on the reverse. Professionally backed in the lateral margin. Map size: 139 x 53 cm. The map of India from the first half of the 18th century shows clearly that the British Empire had not yet colonised the eastern and central parts of India. The inscription on Radjastan reads: "Rajahs and Poligars little is known and in a manner independent" and in today's Punjab region: "Hendoun and wild people". In present-day Pakistan, the cities of Thatta and the ruined city of Al Mansora (Victory) are mentioned in the Sindh region, but neither Karachi nor Hyderabad are recorded. The region of Pakistan was conquered by the British at the beginning of the 19th century. We would be happy to send you more detailed photos. - - - Die Indienkarte aus der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jhd. zeigt deutlich, dass das Britische Empire den östlichen und zentralen Teil von Indien noch nicht kolonialisiert hatte. So lautet die Inschrift zu Radjastan: "Rajahs and Poligars little is known and in a manner independent" und in der heutigen Region Punjab: "Hendoun and wild people". Im heutigen Pakistan sind in der Region Sindh die Städte Thatta und die Ruinenstadt Al Mansora (Der Sieg) erwähnt, aber weder Karachi noch Hyderabad verzeichnet. Die Region Pakistan wurde erst zu Beginn des 19. Jhd. von den Engländern erobert. Gerne senden wir Ihnen weitere Detailaufnahmen zu.‎

Bookseller reference : 7387

‎LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE. 31 Agosto 1947. Anno XLIX - N. 35.‎

‎In-4, brossura, in buono stato di conservazione. In questo numero: "La banda motorizzata. La passione per il jazz e sempre viva negli Stati Uniti; si fanno perfino congressi di suonatori di musica sincopata. Ad una di queste riunioni è stata premiata la banda di un circolo di Cleveland arrivata sopra un imponente palco a motore.." "L'India indipendente. Dopo lunghi anni di lotta l'India ha ottenuto l'autonomia, divisa in due grandi Stati, l'Indostan (in maggioranza indu) e il Pakistan (musulmano), essa è diventata una parte libera della Comunita britannica. A Londra, i rappresentanti dei due nuovi Stati annunciano lo storico avvenimento, presentando le rispettive bandiere, quella dell'Indostan, gialla bianca e verde, quella del Pakistan, bianca e verde.".‎

‎Mostra del materiale rinvenuto a Mingora (Swat) dalla Missione Archeologica Italiana in Pakistan e assegnato all'Italia. (Testo di Giuseppe Tucci).‎

‎Roma, Palazzo Venezia, 1962, in-8, br., pp. 6. Con 3 illustrazioni.‎

‎Médecine de France. (Revue) Panorama de la pensée médecale, littéraire et artistique française. N° 27‎

‎Paris, Olivier Perrin éditeur, in-4to, les fasc. ca. 48 p. bien illustré de la photographie contemporain et de reproductions d'art, brochure originale.‎

‎MÉDECINE: Dijon, Henri: Le médecin-colonel eugène jamot / Gaillard, H.: A propos de l’enseignement médical en asie, la conférence de Karachi (Pakistan) /Prof. Blechmann. Style, Thèmes et moralités des feuillets du pédiatre. / ARTS: Grodecki, Louis: Autour de Jean Pucelle / Rewald, John: Cézanne Dessinateur. / LETTRES: Murciaux, Christian: L’imam Caché. / CHRONIQUES: Les ornements tirés par J. Ivick de manuscrits du XIVe siècle‎

Bookseller reference : 88515aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

€23.89 Buy

‎Northern Pakistan and the Karrakoram highway / Scale approximately 1:2,000,000‎

‎Karachi, Venus Agency, 1985. and 1990?]. - 1 map : colour ; 34 x 43 cm, includes location map, and map of central Hunza Valley. - Guter Zustand. broschiert/ Taschenbuch/ paperback‎

Bookseller reference : ATL2021

‎Pakistan - Les arts du Gandhara. Terre de Rencontre - Ier-Vie Siecle‎

‎RMN, Musée Guimet 2010 In-4 relié 28,7 cm sur 22,9. 160 pages. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Bon état d’occasion‎

Bookseller reference : 133273

Livre Rare Book

Librairie de l'Avenue
Saint-Ouen France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie de l'Avenue]

€47.00 Buy

‎PAKISTAN Horizon. Volume IV, No. 3.September 1951.‎

‎Karachi, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, 1951, un fascicolo in-8, br. editoriale, pp. numerate da 108 a 178. Dall'indice segnaliano: M.F. Hoballah "Status of minorities in a Moslem State", John Fitzgerald "The theory and practice of Proportional Representations", Mushtaq Ahmad "Pakistan and the Unitede Nations", K.J. Newman "The Danubian eclipse and its consequences".‎

‎PAKISTAN looks ahead. The six-year development plan of Pakistan [...]‎

‎[Karachi], Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1951, in-8, br. editoriale, pp. 39, [1]. Con illustrazioni n.t.‎

‎PAKISTAN Today and Tomorrow.‎

‎Karachi, Pakistan Publications, 1951, in-8 grande, br. editoriale illustrata, pp. 230, [18]. Con moltissime illustrazioni fotografiche n.t. Volume impresso su carta patinata il che - a contatto con umidità - ha causato diverse adesioni fra le carte (due carte recano purtroppo perdite e danni).‎

‎PAKISTAN Trade. Issued by Department of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics. Vol I. No. 5. Karachi, October, 1950‎

‎Karachi, Department of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, 1950, un fascicolo in-8, br. editoriale illustrata (strappetti marginali), pp. 96, [2]. Con illustrazioni n.t.‎

‎PAKISTAN. Industry. Agriculture. Commerce. Special Number of the review British Industries Fair 1949.‎

‎[London], Thomas de La Rue & Co., 1949, un fascicolo in-4, br. editoriale, pp. 151, [1]. Con decine di illustrazioni n.t. Numero speciale dedicato al Pakistan.‎

‎Pakistan. Roma, Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero, 1950.‎

‎8°, br. edit. fig., pp. 80 + 1 cartina ripiegata f.t.‎

‎PROCEEDINGS of the first meeting of the Advisory Board of Education for Pakistan. Held at karachi from 7th to9th June 1948.‎

‎Lahore, Kapur Art Printing Works, [1948], in-8, br. editoriale, pp. 49, [1].‎

‎Second (The) Year Pakistan 1948-49.‎

‎[S.l., s.n.t., 1949], in-8, br. edit., pp. 298. Con illustrazioni fotografiche in b.n.‎

‎STEEL survey of Pakistan. Part I [- part II].‎

‎New York, United States Steel Export Company, [c. 1950], voll. 2 in-4, legatura ad anelli, copertine in tela bi-colore, pp. [10], XI, [1], 80 - [8], 82. Con illustrazioni nel testo e tabelle ripiegate.‎

‎The Tarbela Dam Project‎

‎Milan 1974. Album grand in quarto, en cartonnage illustré d'une photographie en noir et blanc. 50 pp. illustrées de cartes, de coupes géologiques, de croquis et de très nombreuses photographies tant de l'ouvrage lui-même que des installations nécessaires à sa construction. Texte en anglais. Bon exemplaire.‎

Bookseller reference : 1684

Livre Rare Book

Livres anciens Le Jardin des Lettres
Bourges France Francia França France
[Books from Livres anciens Le Jardin des Lettres]

€15.00 Buy

‎The New Testament in Urdu (Persian character).‎

‎Great Britain, 1933. Grüner O-Ganzleineneinband mit Titel in arabischer Schrift in Golddruck auf Rücken, Einband wenige Gebrauchsspuren, handschrift. Eintrag auf Titel, 543 Seiten in Urdu, 8°.‎

Bookseller reference : 9000


‎[THE BAGHDAD PACT] Security in unity: CENTO exercise Midlink Three.‎

‎Fine English Original wrappers. Oblong 4to. (21 x 27 cm). In English. [14] p., b/w photos. Scarce photographic booklet documenting the maritime exercises under the code name "Midlink Three" in the Arabian Sea, of thirty-five warships from the navies of CENTO (Central Treaty Organization) countries, participated in during two important weeks in October and November of 1960, which was the third in a series of annual CENTO naval exercises. This book was printed in Ankara, where is the organization's headquarters from 1958 to 1979 thereafter in Baghdad, Iraq from 1955 to 1958. The booklet includes 30 b/w photographs with descriptive texts and documents the process of the operation began on October 25 at Pakistan Naval Station Karsaz, near Karachi. Cover photo shows a bugler sounding the opening of Midlink Three as senior staff and ships' officers arrive for a preliminary briefing conference at Pakistan naval station Karsaz. Interior photos show warships of the Iranian navy (Shahrukh and Shahbaz) equipped with flags of all member countries of CENTO., Rear admiral A. R. Khan and F. L. Ainsworth for a briefing conference.; Royal navy "Sea Hawk" jet fighter aircraft aboard American carrier Essex during the first sea phase of Midlink Three.; etc. Most photographs are full-paged. The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), also known as the Baghdad Pact and subsequently known as the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), was a military alliance of the Cold War. It was formed in 1955 by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom and dissolved in 1979. US pressure and promises of military and economic aid were key in the negotiations leading to the agreement, but the United States could not initially participate. John Foster Dulles was involved in the negotiations as United States Secretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1958, the US joined the military committee of the alliance. It is generally viewed as one of the least successful of the Cold War alliances. Eleven copies in OCLC 123251373, 654418496.‎



‎Un ouvrage de 171 pages, format 220 x 275 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage sous jaquette couleurs, publié en 1991, collection "Les Pays et leurs Peuples", bon état‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126730615

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€8.00 Buy



‎Un ouvrage de 1768 pages, format 235 x 295 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage couleurs, publié en 1989, Larousse / Sélection du Reader's Digest, collection "Le Des Pays et des Hommes", bon état‎

‎Turquie, Israël, Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126727478

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€8.00 Buy


‎Exhibition of Art chiefly from the Dominions of India & Pakistan.‎

‎London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1947-48, in-8, br., pp. 40. Con 35 ill. in b.n.‎


‎La conquista del Nanga Parbat.‎

‎Milano, 1953, stralcio con copertina posticcia muta, pp. 1249/1264 con fotografie, tavole fotografiche e 2 cartine. - !! ATTENZIONE !!: Con il termine estratto (o stralcio) intendiamo riferirci ad un fascicolo contenente un articolo di rivista, sia che esso sia stato stampato a parte utilizzando la stessa composizione sia che provenga direttamente da una rivista. Le pagine sono indicate come "da/a", ad esempio: 229/231 significa che il testo è composto da tre pagine. Quando la rivista di provenienza non viene indicata é perchè ci è sconosciuta. - !! ATTENTION !!: : NOT A BOOK : “estratto” or “stralcio” means simply a few pages, original nonetheless, printed in a magazine. Pages are indicated as in "from” “to", for example: 229/231 means the text comprises three pages (229, 230 and 231). If the magazine that contained the pages is not mentioned, it is because it is unknown to us.‎


Libreria Piani
Monte San Pietro, IT
[Books from Libreria Piani]

€16.00 Buy


‎Le tombeau de Randjit-Sing.‎

‎Paris, 1858, gennaio, articolo e una illustrazione xilografica stralcio di "Le Magasin Pittoresque". - !! ATTENZIONE !!: Con il termine estratto (o stralcio) intendiamo riferirci ad un fascicolo contenente un articolo di rivista, sia che esso sia stato stampato a parte utilizzando la stessa composizione sia che provenga direttamente da una rivista. Le pagine sono indicate come "da/a", ad esempio: 229/231 significa che il testo è composto da tre pagine. Quando la rivista di provenienza non viene indicata é perchè ci è sconosciuta. - !! ATTENTION !!: : NOT A BOOK : “estratto” or “stralcio” means simply a few pages, original nonetheless, printed in a magazine. Pages are indicated as in "from” “to", for example: 229/231 means the text comprises three pages (229, 230 and 231). If the magazine that contained the pages is not mentioned, it is because it is unknown to us.‎


Libreria Piani
Monte San Pietro, IT
[Books from Libreria Piani]

€10.00 Buy

‎[Académie ds Sciences d'Outre-Mer]‎


‎Tome XXXI-3 - 1971-3 : 228 pages, format 165 x 240 mm, broché, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Situation des études arabes et islamiques : essai de synthèse ; Les records spatiaux ; Recherches archéologiques au Soudan : bilan et perspectives ; Essai de test sur la psychologie économique africaine ; Actualité de Crampel ; Agriculture socialiste et autogestion rurale en Algérie ; Rôle de l'histopathologie en médecine tropicale ; Problèmes d'histoire contemporaine de l'Indochine ; Inde-Pakistan : la genèse d'un conflit, etc.‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126741273

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€12.00 Buy


‎Etrange Baloutchistan.‎

‎Paris, Société continentale d'éditions modernes illustrées - connaissance de l'asie, 1969; in-8, 370 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Photographies et dessins de l'auteur, 64 planches hors texte en héliogravure 8 planches hors texte en couleurs 20 cartes et croquis dans le texte.‎

‎Photographies et dessins de l'auteur, 64 planches hors texte en héliogravure 8 planches hors texte en couleurs 20 cartes et croquis dans le texte.‎

Bookseller reference : 201702497

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€22.00 Buy


‎Etrange Baloutchistan.‎

‎Paris, Société continentale d'éditions modernes illustrées - connaissance de l'asie, 1969; in-8, 370 pp., cartonnage d'éditeur avec jaquette. Photographies et dessins de l'auteur, 64 planches hors texte en héliogravure 8 planches hors texte en couleurs 20 cartes et croquis dans le texte.‎

‎Photographies et dessins de l'auteur, 64 planches hors texte en héliogravure 8 planches hors texte en couleurs 20 cartes et croquis dans le texte.‎

Bookseller reference : 200917101

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€22.00 Buy


‎La colline mystérieuse.‎

‎Paris, Bibliothèque le livre contemporain, 1957; in-8, 210 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur avec son bandeau et son rhodoide. Très bon état - recherches au Baloutchistan persan.‎

‎Très bon état - recherches au Baloutchistan persan.‎

Bookseller reference : 201004588

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€23.00 Buy


‎Mon seigneur et maître.‎

‎Paris, Fixot édition, 1994; in-8, 411 pp., broché, couverture illustr. Bon état.‎

‎Bon état.‎

Bookseller reference : 201013131

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€12.00 Buy


‎COMMENTAIRE - N° 126 (Eté 2009)‎

‎Revue trimestrielle fondée par Raymond Aron : 288 pages, format 185 x 255 mm, brochée, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : L'Europe immobile ; Le déficit démocratique ; La France dans l'OTAN ; Le piège afghan ; Un Pakistan incertain ; Eliminer les armes nucléaires ; Anatomie de la crise ; Les Français et l'entreprise ; Un nouveau lycée ? ; Les jeunes d'origine étrangère ; Les grandes écoles et la science ; Réception de Jean Clair ; Alexis Léger ; Calvin‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126719588

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€6.00 Buy


‎Africa - Congo belga - Bobandana. 24 marzo 1909‎

‎Bobandana, [s.n.], 1909, una fotografia originale, mm. 255x187. La foto è inserita entro un passepartout che reca la data e il luogo dell'evento manoscritti sul margine inferiore. Ottime condizioni.‎


‎India - Cashmere - "Burzil's Pass". 6 giugno 1899.‎

‎Burzil's Pass, [s.n.], 1899, una fotografia originale, mm. 187x252, raffigurante i componenti d'una spedizione al passo di Burzil (un passo montano ora in Pakistan). La foto è inserita entro un passepartout che reca la data e il luogo dell'evento manoscritti sul margine inferiore. Ottime condizioni.‎

‎[Notre Histoire]‎


‎N° 39 (Novembre 1987) 66 pages, format 205 x 285 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs, bon état‎

‎Au sommaire : Naissance de l'Inde et du Pakistan ; Fallait-il brûler Savonarole ; Grenade, la belle Andalouse ; 1787, l'édit de tolérance‎

Bookseller reference : LFA-126739813

Livre Rare Book

Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française
Saint Victor de Cessieu France Francia França France
[Books from Lettre de France, L'Art de Vivre à la Française]

€4.00 Buy


‎MOI, MALALA je lutte pour l'éducation et je résiste aux talibans.‎

‎Paris, Calmann Lévy, 2013; in-8, 372 pp., br. Broché très bon état.‎

‎Broché très bon état.‎

Bookseller reference : 201808326

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€10.00 Buy



‎Paris, Diiton vilo, s.d.; in-12, 309 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Avec jaquette : les guides modernes fodor.‎

‎Avec jaquette : les guides modernes fodor.‎

Bookseller reference : 201413910

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€12.00 Buy



‎Grenoble, Guide arthaud, 1987; in-12, 270 pp., broché, couverture illustr. Bon état.‎

‎Bon état.‎

Bookseller reference : 201009286

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Lire et Chiner
Colmar France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Lire et Chiner]

€8.00 Buy

Number of results : 1,119 (23 Page(s))

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