L'entomlogiste tome XXVIII N°3 contribution à la connaissance des coléoptères d'Algérie
Non Renseigné. 1972. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tiré à part de la page 57-61.. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Bookseller reference : RO20019033
Tie-Sheng, L.
Economic Insect Fauna of China. Fasc. 30. Hymenoptera: Vespoidea.
1985 vii, 159 p., 22 figures, 12 coloured plates, paperbound. In Chinese. Library stamps, else a good copy.
Bookseller reference : EH37913
Tiegs, O.W.
The development affinitiesof the Pauropoda, based on a study of Pauropodus silvaticus. Part II.
1947 62 p., 7 figures, 2 double-page plates, paperbound. The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.
Bookseller reference : EA42257
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie [Verslagen van de Vergaderingen].
1909-1916 / 1941-1949 three half cloth bindings filled with the reports of the meetings of the Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Ex library of the Dutch Lepidoptera collector and specialist E.J. Nieuwenhuis.
Bookseller reference : EJ24512
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Vols 73-103.
1930-1960 In issues/paperbound. In all 31 volumes. Including Supplement to volume 75.
Bookseller reference : EJ16314
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 119-120.
1976-1977 [11], 335, 280 p., num. figs & pls, green cloth.Contains several interesting papers: Achterberg, preliminary key subfamilies Braconidae (46 p., 123 figs) / Lith, New species and records Indo-Australian Psenini (44 p., 53 figs) / Willemse & Kruseman, Orthopteroidea of Crete (42 p., 13 figs, 10 pls) / De Jong, Affinities between W Paleaarctic and Ethiopian Butterfly faunas (51 p., 10 figs) / Ellis, Autumnfauna Collembola Central Crete (105 p., 46 figs) / Helsdingen et al., The Tenuis Group of Lepthyphantes (Araneae) (54 p., 69 figs) / Krikken, Asian Bolboceratine Scarabs of the Genus Bolbogonium (32 p., 3 pls) / Willemse, Genus Cranaella (44 p., 30 figs, 1 plate) / Roskam, Gall midges of the genus Semudobia (Diptera) (45 p., 122 figs) / Sexavae of the melanesian subregion (Orthoptera) (65 p., 7 figs, 18 pls), etc.
Bookseller reference : EJ24518
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 41.
1898-1899 252 p., 10 col. lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Mededeelingen over Nyctemera en Chalcosia - Over Plutodes (1 col. plate) / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Over de Macrolepidoptera onder Apeldoorn waargenomen / Pelt Lechner, Over Calamia lutosa (1 col. plate) / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Thyca candida / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls) / Oudemans, Bijdrage kennis Doodshoofdvlinder, etc.Also 2 papers on Diptera: Van der Wulp, Aantekeningen betreffende Oost-Indische Diptera VII-VIII (3 col. pls).
Bookseller reference : EL24504
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 42.
1899-1900 247 p., 14 (5 col.) lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Eenige aantekeningen over exotische Lepidoptera (1 col. plate) / Ter Haar, Craniophora ligustri var. olivacea / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Aantekeningen over eenige Macrolepidoptera (1 plate) / Pelt Lechner, Voorhooduitsteeksels bij de Europeesche soorten der Noctuinen-genera Gortyna en Nonagria (1 plate) / Snellen, Nieuwe aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls), etc.Also several papers on other insect groups like: Kempers, Het aderstelsel der kevervleugels (2 pls).
Bookseller reference : EL24505
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 56.
1913 370 p., 17 (2 col.) pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Van der Goot, Zur systematik der Aphiden (pp. 69-155) / Roewer, Opiliones aus N.-Neu-Guinea (pp. 156-164) / Griffini, Les Gryllacridae de Java (pp. 174-194, 1 plate) / Oudemans, Suctoriologisches aus Maulwurfsnestern (pp. 238-282, 7 pls) Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VII (pp. 317-354 p., 3 pls)., etc. etc.Bound in is also a supplement: Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VIII (187 p., 3 pls).
Bookseller reference : EJ24506
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 57.
1914 290 p., 7 pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Friese, Die Bienenfauna von Java (pp. 1-61, 2 pls) / Haverhorst, Eenige mededelingen en opmerkingen omtrent Nederlandsche Lepidoptera (pp. 130-136) / Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren IX (pp. 137-275, 3 pls), etc. etc.
Bookseller reference : EJ24507
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 79.
1936 cviii, 336 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Cameron, Fauna Sumatrensis. The Staphylinidae (24 p.) / Cameron, Fauna Javanica. The Staphylinidae (30 p.) / Stork, Contribution to the knowledge of the puparia of the Anthomyidae (75 p., 35 figs) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera I (78 p.), etc.
Bookseller reference : EJ24516
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Volume 81.
1938 civ, 334 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Barendrecht, Dutch Fungivoridae in collection Zoological Museum Amsterdam (21 p., 17 figs) / Scholten, Macro-Lepidoptera uit de Lijmers. Faunistich-biologische bijdrage kennis vlinderfauna ZO Gelderland en aangrenzend Duits gebied (103 p. 1 map) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera III (63 p.), etc.
Bookseller reference : EJ24517
Tikader, B.K.
Fauna of India. Araneae Vol. 2. Part 1. Family Araneidae (= Argiopidae) Typical Orb-Weavers, Part 2. Famikly Gnaphosidae.
1982 vii, 536 p., 504 figures, 1 coloured plate, cloth (dust jacket). Library stamps, else very good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA41380
Tikader, B.K.
Handbook Indian Spiders.
1987 [14], 251 p., 178 figures, 10 coloured plates, cloth (dust jacket + second protective plastic dust jacket). Library stamps, else a good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA37836
Tikader, B.K. & D.B. Bastawade
Fauna of India. Scorpions. Scorpionida: Arachnida. Vol. III.
1983 xii, 671 p., 1724 figures, cloth. Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA41385
Tikader, B.K. & M.S. Malhotra
Fauna of India. Araneae Vol. 1. Part 1. Thomisidae (Crab-Spiders), Part 2. Lycosidae (Wolf-Spiders).
1980 vi, 446 p., 353 figures, 3 (2 coloured) plates, cloth. Library stamps, else very good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA41379
Timmermans, K.R.
Trace Metal Ecotoxicokenetics of Chironomids.
1991 185 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis..
Bookseller reference : ED30261
Timon-David, Jean
Fragments de biochimie entomologique. 3 Parts.
1940 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille, 1940/45 : in-8, broché 1° partie. Hormones et milieu intérieur chez les insectes, 71 pp., 11 figures in-texte : 2° partie. Pigments, aliments et digestion, vitamines, pp. 49-165, 16 figures in-texte : 3° partie. Excrétion et secrétions, pp. 179-235, couvertures grises imprimées. Très bon état, envoi de l'auteur à Jacques d'Aguilar en page de titre de la 1° partie.
Bookseller reference : EG33404
Tindall, A.R.
The skeleton and musculature of the thorax and limbs of the larva of Limnephilus sp. (Trichoptera).
1963 69 p., 43 figs, paperbound. Published in: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London.
Bookseller reference : ET08219
Tindall, A.R.
The skeleton and musculature of the thorax and limbs of the larva of Limnephilus sp. (Trichoptera).
1963 69 p., 43 figs, paperbound. Published in: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London.We added: Tindall, The skeleton and musculature of the larval thorax of Triaenodes bicolor (60 p., 50 figs) / Tindall, The functional morphology of the thorax of Limnephilus marmoratus (40 p., 28 figs).
Bookseller reference : ET20608
Sull'allevamento del baco dell'Ailanto.
(Milano, 1863) stralcio con copertina posticcia muta, pp. 47/49. - !! ATTENZIONE !!: Con il termine estratto (o stralcio) intendiamo riferirci ad un fascicolo contenente un articolo di rivista, sia che esso sia stato stampato a parte utilizzando la stessa composizione sia che provenga direttamente da una rivista. Le pagine sono indicate come "da/a", ad esempio: 229/231 significa che il testo è composto da tre pagine. Quando la rivista di provenienza non viene indicata é perchè ci è sconosciuta. - !! ATTENTION !!: : NOT A BOOK : “estratto” or “stralcio” means simply a few pages, original nonetheless, printed in a magazine. Pages are indicated as in "from” “to", for example: 229/231 means the text comprises three pages (229, 230 and 231). If the magazine that contained the pages is not mentioned, it is because it is unknown to us.
Tinter, A.
Tarantulas. Identification, Care, and Feeding, Successful Breeding, The Best and Most Attractive Species.
n.d. (ca. 2000) 80 p., 70 large col. photographs, hardbound. Over 30 species are treated. New copy.
Bookseller reference : EA01335
Les récréations scientifiques ou l'enseignement par les jeux. 4ème éd., entièrement refondue.
Paris, Masson, 1884, in-8vo, 321 p., avec 4 planches hors texte tirées en couleur et 218 gravures dans le texte, dont 10 nouvelles, reliure en toile orné, tranches dorées.
Bookseller reference : 72612aaf
Titschack, E. (ed.)
Beiträge zur Fauna Perus. Nach der Ausbeute der Hamburger Südperu-Expedition 1936, anderer Sammlungen, wie auch auf Grund von Literaturangaben. I. Reisebericht. II-IV. Wissenschafliche Bearbeitungen.
1951-1954 Four parts in four. 1137 p., 4 plates, 1 map, 223 text figures in part I, numerous others in the other three parts, publisher's green black-printed cloth (Reisebericht ), paperbound with original printed covers (the three Wissenschaftliche Bearbeitungen).This work deals mainly with Coleoptera and Diptera of Peru, except, of course, the well-illustrated Reisebericht, which has over 200 photos of landscapes, people, etc., and smaller sections on, e.g., Amphipoda, and Amphibia and Reptilia. The latter, by Mertens, contains the description of a new species of snake. The scientific parts contain descriptions and illustrations of numerous new species. Front wrapper of part IV lacking. Otherwise a very good complete set.
Bookseller reference : EG27791
Titus Edward Sharpe Gaige United States. Bureau of Entomology United States. Dept. of Agriculture
The cotton red spider Tetranychus gloveri Bks. Volume ser.2:no.65 1905 Leather Bound
2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1905. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Vol: - Volume ser.2:no.65 Pages 16. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. Volume ser.2:no.65 hardcover
Bookseller reference : LB1111005443473
Tjeder, B. & C. Hansson
The Ascalaphidae of the Afrotropical region (Neuroptera).
1992 237 p., 431, 155 figures, paperbound. Library stamps, else a good copy.
Bookseller reference : EO38973
Ofversigt af Kongl.vetenskaps-akademiens forhanlingar 1867-1866 micropleptes
Non Renseigné. Non daté. In-8. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Tiré à part de la page 240 à 241 et page 514 à 515.Texte en latin. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Bookseller reference : RO20018208
Tobias, V.I. (ed.)
Advantages [sic = Advances?] of Entomology in USSR: Insects. Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera.
1990 231 p., num. figs, paperbound. In Russian.
Bookseller reference : EG34201
Toepler, I.L.A.
De Myriapodum anatomia cum ceteris erticulatorum animalium classibus comparata.
1842 24, [2] p., paperbound. Library stamps. Thesis.
Bookseller reference : EA21211
Tokunaga, M.
Morphological and Biological Studies on a New Marine Chironomid Fly, Pontomyia pacifica, From Japan. Part I. Morphology and Taxonomy.
1932 56 p., 6 figs, 5 pls, paperbound. Published in: Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto Imperial University.
Bookseller reference : ED10107
Tokunaga, M.
Morphological and Biological Studies on a New Marine Chironomid Fly, Pontomyia pacifica, From Japan. Part I. Morphology and Taxonomy.
1932 56 p., 6 figs, 5 pls, paperbound. Library stampsPublished in: Memoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto Imperial University.
Bookseller reference : ED30260
Tol, J. van
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Platystictidae (Odonata).
2009 x, 294 p., ca. 380 figs & maps, paperbound. Thesis. Very good, crisp copy.
Bookseller reference : EX21137
Tol, J. van
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Platystictidae (Odonata).
2009 x, 294 p., ca. 380 figs & maps, paperbound. Thesis. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his signature).
Bookseller reference : EX29076
Tol, J. van
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Platystictidae (Odonata).
2009 x, 294 p., ca. 380 figs & maps, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamp, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EX37435
Tolman, R., [n.d., c. 1950?].:
Vlinders. [Wat leeft en groeit, 21 & 22.]
8vo. Vol. 1: pp. 145, 16 photogr. pls., figs.; vol. 2: pp. 168, 16 photogr. pls., figs., bibl., index. Orig. cloth gilt. - Photos by R.A. Maas Geesteranus, pen-and-ink drawings by Sjoerd Kuperus.
Tomaszewski, C.
Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne. Klucze do Oznaczania owadow Polski. Chrusciki. Trichoptera.
1965 104 p., 1 map, paperbound. In Polish. Library stamps, else good, unopened copy.
Bookseller reference : ET38627
Tomaszewski, C. (ed.)
Proceedings Of The Sixth International Symposium On Trichoptera. Lodz - Zakopane (Poland) 12 - 16 September 1989.
1991 xxiii, 479 p., num. figs, 4to, hcloth. Library stamp, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : ET19273
Tombo. Acta Odonatologica.
1982-1984 & 1991 Volumes 25-27 & 34. 46, 46, 44 & 60 p., stapled. Published by the Society of Odonatology of Japan. Library stamps. Some papers in Japanese with English summaries, some papers in English. We added Volume 2(3/4) from 1959 (pp. 17-32)
Bookseller reference : EX37436
Tomlinson (T.G.)
Animal Life in Percolating Filters , Identification of Lies, Worns and Some Other Common Organisms
London , Water pollution research Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1946 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 19 pages
Bookseller reference : 23317
TONELLI Mattia -
Lo strano odore della vita. Riflessioni sullo sterco e i suoi abitanti.
Città di Castello, Fondazione Giriolomoni, 2018, 16mo (cm. 19 x 12) brossura con copertina illustrata a colori, pp. 142 con illustrazioni nel testo. Questo lavoro racconta la storia ambientale, animale e culturale di un mondo affascinante quanto sovente disprezzato, quello dello sterco e degli insetti stercorari, gli scarabei coprofagi, e dei rapporti che noi esseri umani abbiamo instaurato con loro e col nostro comune pianeta. Questo libro insolito e sorprendente ci offre una panoramica multicomprensiva e stimolante sul nostro passato e sul nostro presente, e ci propone nuove straordinarie prospettive con cui affrontare il futuro.
TONELLI Mattia -
Lo strano odore della vita. Riflessioni sullo sterco e i suoi abitanti.
Città di Castello, Fondazione Giriolomoni, 2018, 16mo (cm. 19 x 12) brossura con copertina illustrata a colori, pp. 142 con illustrazioni nel testo. Questo lavoro racconta la storia ambientale, animale e culturale di un mondo affascinante quanto sovente disprezzato, quello dello sterco e degli insetti stercorari, gli scarabei coprofagi, e dei rapporti che noi esseri umani abbiamo instaurato con loro e col nostro comune pianeta. Questo libro insolito e sorprendente ci offre una panoramica multicomprensiva e stimolante sul nostro passato e sul nostro presente, e ci propone nuove straordinarie prospettive con cui affrontare il futuro.
Tonnoir, A.L. / F.W. Edwards
Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part II. Nematocera (excluding crane-flies and Mycetophilidae).
1929-1931 vi, 331 p., num. figs, 11 pls, black cloth (original covers bound in). Library stamp.
Bookseller reference : ED29460
Tooke FCG. F. C.
The Eucalyptus snout-beetle Gonipterus scutellatus Gyll: A study of its ecology and control by biological means.
Pretoria: Department of Agriculture 1955 First edition. Bottom outer corner with slight bump no ownership marks a clean very good copy. Pp. iii 282 161 text-figures photos and maps. Publisher's tan printed wrappers lg 8vo. Union of South Africa Department of Agriculture Entomology Memoirs volume 3. This insect arrived in South Africa from Australia with the import of the first Eucalyptus trees. This monograph details in destructiveness and control of the Eucalyptus snout-beetle. Pretoria: Department of Agriculture, 1955, First edition unknown
Bookseller reference : 2466
Réaumur Morceaux choisis
Gallimard. 1939. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 272p,. . . . Classification Dewey : 595.7-Entomologie
Bookseller reference : RO20020445
Tosello Jean Daniel (photos) Légendes de Christiane Ténégal. Préface de Jean Larivière.
Insectes et arachnides
Paris, Editions Jean-Pierre de Monza, 1999, in-4, relié, jaquette éditeur., 110 pages. Bon état.
Bookseller reference : 70006
TOSELLO, Jean Daniel.
Insectes et arachnides. Préface de Jean Larivière. Légendes de Christiane Ténégal.
Paris, Editions de Monza 1999, 335x255mm, 108pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Très bel exemplaire.
Bookseller reference : 109007
Tothill, J.D. et al.
The coconut moth in Fiji, a histoty of its control by means of parasites.
1930 London, The Imperial Bureau of Entomology, 1930 : In-4 Carré, Cartonnage d'éditeurs. 1 carte couleurs en frontispice, vi, 269 pp., 34 planches hors-texte dont 12 en couleurs, 119 figures in-texte, cachets de bibliothèque en page de titre Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.
Bookseller reference : EL33273
Marinette chez les fourmis .
Rouff éditeur 24 pages in 8 état d'usage collection progrès no 57.
Bookseller reference : 1635
Toulgoet, Hervé de
L'imbroglio des zygènes marocaines, 1° et 2° note.
1966 Alexanor, IV et VIII, 1966/73 : In-8 Carré, Broché. tirés-à-part, pp. 319-321, 1 planche N&B hors-texte : pp. 113-124, Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais.
Bookseller reference : EL31200
Toumanoff, C.
L'Anophélisme en Extrême-Orient.
1936 [6], 434 p., 77 figures, red cloth (plastic dust jacket). Date stamp on title-page, else fine copy.
Bookseller reference : ED27386