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Number of results : 16,343 (327 Page(s))

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‎Williams, Mark‎

‎Butterflies of southern Africa. A field guide. Mark Williams.‎

‎[s.l]:, Southern Book, 1994. 8°. IX, 303 S., 32 Farbtafeln, kartoniert (gut erhalten)‎

Bookseller reference : 53696BB ISBN : 1868125165

Bücher Eule
CH - Bern
[Books from Bücher Eule]

€27.00 Buy

‎Williams, R.C. & K.J. Hayward‎

‎Hesperiidarum rei publicae equatoris catalogus.‎

‎1944 184 p., paperbound (outer ends spine worn). Library stamps. Acta Zool. Lilloana.‎

Bookseller reference : EL20493

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€30.00 Buy

‎Williams, R.N. et al.‎

‎Bibliography of the Genus Carpophilus Stephens (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae).‎

‎1983 95 p., 4to, stapled. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC41200

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€18.00 Buy

‎Williams, S.C.‎

‎Scorpion Fauna of Baja California, Mexico: Eleven New Species of Vejovis (Scorpionida: Vejovidae) + six related papers.‎

‎1970 57 p., 31 figures, stapled. Published in: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Library stamp. We included six other papers (1966-1970) on Scorpions from Mexico, published in the same journal and written by Williams (one written by Stahnke).‎

Bookseller reference : EA37320

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€22.00 Buy

‎Willink, A.‎

‎Collection of 15 papers mainly on Argentinian Vespidae, Sphecidae and Eumenidae.‎

‎1948-1969 All in original wrappers. Published in: Acta Zoologica Lilloana.‎

Bookseller reference : EH19253

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€32.00 Buy

‎Willink, Abraham‎

‎Revision de los Generos Montezumia Saussure y Monobia Saussure.‎

‎1982 Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 55 (1-4), 1982 : In-8 Raisin, Broché. 321 pp., 266 figures et 22 cartes in-texte, Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais, mis à part une tâche d'encre en marge inférieure de la planche 1‎

Bookseller reference : EH33142

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€28.00 Buy

‎Willis, H.‎

‎Laboratory selection for insecticide resistance in the leafminer natural enemy, Ganaspidium utilis Beardsley (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae).‎

‎1997 xiv, 185 p., several tables, spiralbound.A thesis and therefore rare. No place or publisher are indicated, but it must be from the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, as Willis worked there (see Resistant Pest Management. A Biannual Newsletter of the Pesticide Research Center, vol. 9, Summer 1997).‎

Bookseller reference : EH27910

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€48.00 Buy

‎Williston, S.W.‎

‎Manual of North American Diptera. Third edition.‎

‎1908 (3rd ed.) 405 p., 161 text figures, original red embossed cloth with gilt title on spine, original flyleaves.A greatly improved edition. With the bookplate of Frank Terry, and a few pencil drawings on separate sheets bound in. A bit worn at the hinges, otherwise good. Original editions are quite scarce.‎

Bookseller reference : ED27911

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€40.00 Buy

‎Willner, W.‎

‎Taschenlexikon der Käfer Mitteleuropas.‎

‎2013 400 p., hundreds of coloured photographs, hardbound. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC41195

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€18.00 Buy


‎Si les hommes avaient su regarder les bêtes... (Esquisses biologiques). Préface de l'Abbé Moreux. 24 figures dessinées par l'auteur, 8 planches hors-texte comprenant 16 reproductions agrandies de film.‎

‎P., Téqui (Collection "Je sème..."), 1933, in 12 broché, XII-177 pages ; table des figures in-fine ; petite déchirure sans manque à la p.158 ; couverture fanée avec des rousseurs.‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎

Bookseller reference : 25192

‎Wilson, E.O.‎

‎Genera Insectorum. 183me Fascicule. Hymenoptera, Fam. Formicidae, Subfam. Formicinae.‎

‎1925 302 p., 4 plates, royal 4to, cloth, gilt author/title on spine and front cover. With the ex libri of Dr. J.G. Betrem and Donald Mac Gillavry. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EH40449

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€110.00 Buy

‎Wilson, E.O.‎

‎Van mieren bezeten.‎

‎1997 359 p., paperbound. Inserted is a folded paper on Wilson with col. photoraphs (in Dutch).‎

Bookseller reference : EH30364

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€12.00 Buy

‎Wilson, Edward O.‎

‎La società degli insetti (2 volumi)‎

‎Mm 160x215 "Nuova Biblioteca Scientifica Einaudi", 56 - Due brossure editoriali con sovraccoperta, 1035 pagine a numerazione continua con numerose figure in nero nel testo. Esemplari in ottimo stato. SPEDIZIONE IN 24 ORE DALLA CONFERMA DELL'ORDINE.‎


Salvalibro Snc
Foligno, IT
[Books from Salvalibro Snc]

€75.00 Buy

‎Wilson, F. et al.‎

‎A review of the biological control of insects and weeds in Australia and Australian New Guinea [AND] A review of the biological control attempts against insects and weeds in Canada.‎

‎1960 / 1962 102, 216 p., several maps, near matching grey, printed cloth. The second book is divided into two parts: on crops, fruit trees and ornamental plants, by J. H. McLeod, and on forest insects, by B. M. McGugan and H. C. Coppel. Clean copies, as new. A nice set.‎

Bookseller reference : EG27912

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€25.00 Buy

‎Wilson, H. & R. Vickery‎

‎A species list of the Aphididae of the world and their recorded food plants.‎

‎1918 356 p., paperbound (blind covers). With library stamp, otherwise good.‎

Bookseller reference : EW27913

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€30.00 Buy

‎Wiltshire, E.P.‎

‎A Revision of the Armadini (Lep., Noctuidae).‎

‎1979 78, [1] p., 20 figs, 198 figs on 28 pls, hardbound. Library stamps, else a good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EL19180

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€25.00 Buy

‎Wiltshire, E.P.‎

‎A Revision of the Armadini (Lep., Noctuidae).‎

‎1979 78, [1] p., 20 figures, 28 plates (depicting 198 figures), hardbound. Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EL40927

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€24.00 Buy

‎Wiltshire, Edward Parr‎

‎The Lepidoptera of Iraq.‎

‎1957 London, Nicholas Kaye, 1957 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur revised and enlarged edition, 162 pp., 17 planches hors-texte dont 2 en couleurs, 6 figures in-texte, exemplaire enrichi d'une carte manuscrite, pleine toile bleu foncé de l'éditeur, titrage doré au dos. Très bon état, nom de l'ancien propriétaire en page de garde et son cachet en page de titre, rare ouvrage !‎

Bookseller reference : EL34012

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€400.00 Buy

‎Wingate, W.J.‎

‎A Preliminary List of Durham Diptera, With Analytical Tables.‎

‎1906 vii, 416, [15] p., 7 pls, cloth. With repaired tear in the first 14 pages. Unopened copy. Published in: Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.‎

Bookseller reference : ED05166

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€58.00 Buy

‎Wingate, W.J.‎

‎A Preliminary List of Durham Diptera, with Analytical Tables.‎

‎1906 vii, 416, 8 p., 7 plates, half morocco. Library stamps on first free endpaper and blank verso title-page, else good and tight copy. Published in: Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland.‎

Bookseller reference : ED37572

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€25.00 Buy

‎Winkelmann, F.‎

‎Sympetrum vulgatum. Heidelibelle.‎

‎1973 [6], 100 p., 29 figures, frontispiece, paperbound. Library stamps. In German.‎

Bookseller reference : EX37448

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€12.00 Buy


‎(Hrsg.) Catalogus Coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae. Bd. 1-2 (v. 3).‎

‎Wien, Selbstvlg, 1924-1932. Gr.-8vo. 4 Bl., 8, 1698 S. (durchgehend pag.). Hlwdbde (berieben, Bd 1: Kante m. kl. Stoßspur, Etikett a. Deckel).‎

Bookseller reference : 1228488

‎Winkler, A. (ed.)‎

‎Catalogus coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae.‎

‎1924-1932 In two volumes (complete). Double title pages, viii, 1698 p., later uniform cloth. Black morocco label with gilt title on spines.The basis for every palaearctic Coleoptera-study, listing nearly 9,000 numbered species, not counting the varieties, which are indicated by letters. This is the special "annotation-copy". In this copy, the pages are deliberately half blank, to create room for annotations. This copy, however, has none. Another edition exists, in which the text is printed in two columns without blanks. Such reference copies are only half as thick and have four page numbers on one leaf. Former owner's signature on the second title pages and on the front board, otherwise a good, well-bound set.‎

Bookseller reference : EC27915

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€60.00 Buy

‎Winkler, A. (ed.)‎

‎Catalogus coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae.‎

‎1924-1932 In two volumes (complete). Double title pages, viii, 1698 p., later uniform black cloth, with gilt title on spines.The basis for every palaearctic Coleoptera-study, listing nearly 9,000 numbered species, not counting the varieties, which are indicated by letters. This is the special "annotation-copy". In this copy, the pages are deliberately half blank, to create room for annotations. This copy, however, has none. Another edition exists, in which the text is printed in two columns without blanks. Such reference copies are only half as thick and have four page numbers on one leaf. A very good, clean set.‎

Bookseller reference : EC27993

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€50.00 Buy

‎Winkler, A. (ed.)‎

‎Catalogus coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae.‎

‎1924-1932 In two volumes (complete). Double title pages, viii, 1698 p., in 13 issues as published, all with original printed covers. Three back covers detached, some wear on spines, else good.The basis for every palaearctic Coleoptera-study, listing nearly 9,000 numbered species, not counting the varieties, which are indicated by letters. This is the special "annotation-copy". In this copy, the pages are deliberately half blank, to create room for annotations. This copy, however, has no annotations. Another edition exists, in which the text is printed in two columns without blanks. Such reference copies are only half as thick.‎

Bookseller reference : EC34813

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€50.00 Buy

‎Winkler, J.R.‎

‎Coléoptères. Atlas illustré.‎

‎1969 235 p., 89 coloured plates, hardbound. Previous owner’s name on half-title, else very good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC38755

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€15.00 Buy

‎Winkler, Josef:R‎

‎Taschenatlas der Käfer. Illustriert von F. Severa.‎

‎Hanau/M., Dausien, 1969. 239 SS. mit vielen ganzseitigen farbigen Abbildungen. Kl.-8°, Original-Leinen mit Schutzumschlag.‎

‎Laminierung des Schutzumschlags unten mit eher unauffälliger Fehlstelle, sonst sauber und sehr gut erhalten.‎

Bookseller reference : 59759

‎Winnertz, J.‎

‎Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Pilzmücken.‎

‎1863 328 p, 4 pls, disbound (no covers, title-page journal added loose). Published in: Verhandlungen der kaiserlichen-königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Rare.‎

Bookseller reference : ED24523

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€100.00 Buy

‎Winnertz, J.‎

‎Die Grüppe der Lestriminae / Heteropeza und Miastor.‎

‎1870 28, 6 p., 2 lithographed pls, disbound (no covers). Published in: Verhandlungen der k.k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft.‎

Bookseller reference : ED34132

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€22.00 Buy

‎Winter, A.J. de‎

‎Evolutionary aspects of accoustic communication in Ribautodelphax planthoppers (Homoptera, Delphacidae).‎

‎1994 123 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his signature).‎

Bookseller reference : EW29086

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€22.00 Buy

‎Winter, L. de‎

‎Etudes sur l’ovogenèse chez les Podures.‎

‎1913 31 p., 4 double-paged plates, paperbound (original printed covers). With author’s dedication.‎

Bookseller reference : EO41952

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€20.00 Buy

‎Wirkner, C.S. et al.‎

‎Katalog der wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Band 16. Mysiapoda, Heft 1. Band 19. Myriapoda, Heft 2. Band 21. Myriapoda, Heft 3.‎

‎2002-2006 Three parts. 31, 26, 49 p., paperbound. Library stamps, and small removed sticker mark on upper margin Heft 1, else good set.‎

Bookseller reference : EA40421

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€22.00 Buy

‎Wirooks, L.‎

‎Die ökologische Aussagekraft des Lichtfangs. Eine Studie zur Habitatbindung und kleinräumigen Verteilung von Nachtfaltern und ihren Raupen.‎

‎2006 x, 302 p., 29 figures, small 4to, hardbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EL40934

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€40.00 Buy

‎Wirth, W.W. & W.L. Grogan‎

‎Natural History of Plummers Island, Maryland. XXV. Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). 3. The Species of the Tribe Stilobezzini.‎

‎1981 102 p., 39 figs, frontispiece, paperbound (back cover missing). Published in: Bulletin of the Biological Society of Wahington.‎

Bookseller reference : ED16919

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€20.00 Buy

‎Wirthumer, J.‎

‎Die Bembidien Oberösterreichs. Ein Beitrag zur Käfer-Fauna des Landes.‎

‎1975 127 p., 47 distribution maps, 4to, paperbound.‎

Bookseller reference : EC37302

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€12.00 Buy

‎Wise, K.A.J.‎

‎A Synonymic Checklist of the Hexapoda of the New Zealand Sub-Region. The Smaller Orders.‎

‎1977 176 p., 4to, paperbound. Library stamps (Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam). Bulletin of the Auckland Institue and Museum.‎

Bookseller reference : EO24458

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€20.00 Buy

‎Witkowski, Nicolas‎

‎Papillonnages. Une histoire culturelle du papillon.‎

‎2007 Paris, Seuil, 2007 : in-4°, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette 142 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs in-texte. Très bon état !‎

Bookseller reference : EL33323

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€22.00 Buy

‎Witmer Stone‎

‎Bird Studies at Old Cape May: An Ornithology of Coastal New Jersey 2 Volumes‎

‎Dover 1965. Two-volume set. Very light wear to wraps; plastic laminate beginning to pull up from lower corner of Vol. II; interiors are clean tight and bright. We ship daily. Our books are carefully described and packaged in boxes not envelopes. A gift card and personalized message can be included upon request. . Paperback. Very Good. 8vo - over 7�" - 9�" tall. Dover Paperback‎

Bookseller reference : 624208

The Book Escape
United States Estados Unidos Estados Unidos États-Unis
[Books from The Book Escape]

€16.92 Buy

‎Witt, T.J. & L. Ronkay (eds)‎

‎Noctuidae Europaeae. Volume 13. Lymantriinae and Arctiinae. Including phylogeny and check list of the quadrifid Noctuoidea of Europe.‎

‎2011 448 p., 306 genitalia photographs, 20 coloured plates, numerous distribution maps, 4to, hardbound (dust jacket). Library stamps, else good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EL38048

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€140.00 Buy

‎Witt, T.J. et al.‎

‎Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Saturniidae (Lepidoptera).‎

‎2007 62 p., num. figs & pls (many col.), 4to, paperbound. Library stamp. Published in: Entomofauna.‎

Bookseller reference : EL30382

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€18.00 Buy

‎Witte G. F.‎

‎Exploration du Parc National Albert - Insect: Euphorinae (Hymenoptera Apocrita).‎

‎In 4° (18x27,5); legatura tutta tela moderna, tassello al dorso, titolo impresso in oro al dorso, cons. la broch. editoriale; pp. 245 (1); numerose illustrazioni n.t. raffiguranti insetti.‎

‎Witter, Thomas‎

‎Die Weibchen von Anaea hirta Weymer und Anaea pasibula Doubleday (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)‎

‎Mchn, Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 1966. Mit 2 Tafeln. Gr. 8°. S. 185-190 + 3 Bl. OBroschur. Minimal gebraucht.‎

‎= Sonderdruck aus dem 56. Jahrgang 1966. * Vorderdeckel in der oberen Ecke mit eigenhändigem Gruß des Autors, unterzeichnet Thomas Witt.‎

Bookseller reference : 23032

‎Witteveen, J.‎

‎Marine littoral Collembola. An ecophysiological study.‎

‎1986 95 p., numerous figures, paperbound. Thesis. Library stamps, and lower margin of front cover rather thin.‎

Bookseller reference : EO40361

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€15.00 Buy

‎Wittmer, W.‎

‎Revision der im südlichen Afrika vorkommenden Arten der Gattungen Pelochroides Wittmer und Afropelochrus gen. nov., nebst Beschreibung weiterer Malachiidae. 38 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afrikas (Coleoptera: Malachiidae).‎

‎1997 131 p., 347 figures, paperbound. Folia Heyrovskyana. Supplementum 3. Library stamps, else very good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC42020

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€28.00 Buy

‎Wittmer, W.‎

‎Zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Silini unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Fauna von Neuguinea. 28. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo- malaiischen Cantharidae.‎

‎1969 238 p., 231 figs, paperbound. Library stamps. Published in: Pacific Insects.‎

Bookseller reference : EC20465

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€26.00 Buy

‎Wittmer, W.‎

‎Zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Silini unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fauna von Neuguinea (Cantharidae). 28. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae.‎

‎1969 238 p., 231 figures, 1 folded map, cloth, gilt author/title on spine. Pacific Insects. Library stamps, else good, well bound copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC37944

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€32.00 Buy

‎Wittmer, W. and W. Büttiker‎

‎Fauna of Saudi Arabia. Vol. 1 u. 2.‎

‎Basle, Pro Entomologia, 1979. 1st ed., 2 Vols. 372, 16, 443 p. 4°, original cloth-binding with dustjacket. 1980.‎

‎2 Vols., including the rare 2nd Vol. Dustjacket slightly rubbed, otherwise fine copy.‎

Bookseller reference : 172004

Buch & Cafe Antiquarius
Germany Alemania Alemanha Allemagne
[Books from Buch & Cafe Antiquarius]

€115.00 Buy

‎Wolcott, A.B.‎

‎A review of the Cleridae of Costa Rica / Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of American Cleridae.‎

‎1927 Two papers in one. 110 p., new cloth, gilt author/title on spine (original printed front cover bound in). Coleopterological Contributions. Library stamps, else good, well bound copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EC37945

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€30.00 Buy

‎Wolcott, G. & J. Otero‎

‎Insectae Borinquenses. A revised annotated check-list of the insects of Puerto Rico with a host-plant index.‎

‎1936 631 p., numerous figures, contemporary red cloth with gilt title on spine.Rather rare revised catalogue on the insects of Puerto Rico. With a list of a grand total of the 3594 insects encountered. Published in the University's Journal of Agriculture. Loosely inserted: a typed loose index card with the number of species in each order. Library stamp on front paste-down. Otherwise a good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : EG27916

Livre Rare Book

Hermann L. Strack
Loguivy Plougras France Francia França France
[Books from Hermann L. Strack]

€150.00 Buy

‎Wolcott, George N.‎

‎Entomologie d'Haiti‎

‎This is a very good hardcover copy in the original olive green cloth boards printed in black. Very clean inside and out. Loss to bottom corner of one page, not affecting text. Text in French. Illustrated in black & white with 133 drawings of insects of Haiti. 8" high X 6" wide, 440 pages. Not x-library. Scarce. This book will be securely wrapped and packed in a sturdy box and shipped with tracking.‎


Design Books
New York, US
[Books from Design Books]

€180.81 Buy

Number of results : 16,343 (327 Page(s))

First page Previous page 1 ... 320 321 322 [323] 324 325 326 ... 327 Next page Last page