Wiebes, J.T.
Taxonomy and Host Preferences of Indo-Australian Fig Wasps of the Genus Ceratosolen (Agaonidae).
1963 112 p., 329 figs, 1 pl., paperbound. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.
Bookseller reference : EH16261
Wiebes, J.T.
Taxonomy and Host Preferences of Indo-Australian Fig Wasps of the Genus Ceratosolen (Agaonidae).
1963 112 p., 329 figs, 1 pl., paperbound. Thesis. Good copy.
Bookseller reference : EH23792
Wiebes, J.T.
Taxonomy and Host Preferences of Indo-Australian Fig Wasps of the Genus Ceratosolen (Agaonidae).
1963 112 p., 329 figs, 1 pl., paperbound. Thesis. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp).
Bookseller reference : EH29088
Wiebes, J.T.
The Lycosidae and Pisauridae (Araneae) of the Netherlands.
1959 78 p., 112 figs, paperbound. Unopened copy. Zoologische Verhandelingen 42. Ex library Dr. A.C. van Bruggen (with his stamp).
Bookseller reference : EA29106
Wiebes, J.T.
The Lycosidae and Pisauridae (Araneae) of the Netherlands.
1959 78 p., 112 figs, paperbound. Unopened copy. Zoologische Verhandelingen 42. Library stamp.
Bookseller reference : EA38159
Wiebes, J.T.
Yponomeuta. Een literatuur-overzicht van biologie en morfologie.
1972 44 p., 7 figures, 4to, paperbound (unsewn). Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EL40977
Wiehle, H.
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 42. Teil. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). IX: Orthognatha - Cribellatae - Haplogynae - Entelegynae (Pholcidae, Zodariidae, Oxyopidae, Mimetidae, Nesticidae).
1953 viii, 150 p., 305 figs, new black cloth with paper label on spine (original printed front cover laid on). Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA35823
Wiehle, H.
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 42. Teil. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). IX: Orthognatha - Cribellatae - Haplogynae - Entelegynae (Pholcidae, Zodariidae, Oxyopidae, Mimetidae, Nesticidae) / Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 44. Teil. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). 28. [= X] Familie Linyphiidae - Baldachinspinnen.
1953-1956 viii, 150, viii, 337 p., 305, 551 figures, new blue half cloth, gilt author/titlel on spine (original printed covers bound in). Library stamps, some wear on spine
Bookseller reference : EA40409
Wiehle, H.
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 44. Teil. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). 28. [= X] Familie Linyphiidae - Baldachinspinnen.
1956 viii, 337 p., 551 figs, new black cloth with paper label on spine (original printed front cover laid on). Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA35824
Wiehle, H.
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 47. Teil. Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). XI: Micryphantidae - Zwergspinnen.
1960 xi, 620 p., 1147 figs, new black cloth with paper label on spine (original printed front cover laid on). Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : EA35825
Wiehle, Hermann
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. 26. Famile. Theridiidae oder Haubennetz-spinnen (Kugelspinnen).
1937 Broché. tiré-à-part, pp. 119-222, 286 figures in-texte, Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais.
Bookseller reference : EA33068
Wietek Gerhard (Hrsg.)
Altonaer Museum in Hamburg Jahrbuch 1965 (= 3.Band)
Hamburg (Ernst Hauswedell & Co.) [1965]. 8°, Originalkarton, 219 S., Abbildungen
Bookseller reference : V10711
Wigglesworth VB. ed. by Richard Carrington V. B.
The Life of Insects
NY: Mentor/New American Library 1968. Mass market paperback second edition illustrated with line drawings and plates in colour 383pp includes bibliography glossary and index. Tight and clean - a very good or better copy. 240 grams. All books in stock and available for immediate shipment from Winnipeg Manitoba. NY: Mentor/New American Library, 1968 paperback
Bookseller reference : 23141
LA VITA DEGLI INSETTI. Traduzione di Carlo Leonardi e Maria Leone Ciccioli.
In-8 gr., tela editoriale, sovracoperta illustrata a colori, pp. 383, con numerose illustrazioni. Volume 6° della “Grande enciclopedia della Natura”. In buono stato (good copy).
Dunod. 1959. In-16 Carré. Relié. Bon état. Couv. convenable. Dos satisfaisant. Intérieur frais. 145 pages. Illustré de nombreux dessins en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Nombreuses annotations dans le texte (ouvrage de travail). Monographies Dunod, 14. Trad. par L. Chopard.
La vida de los insectos. Traducción española de María Rosa Miracle.
Barcelona, Ediciones Destino, 1974, 27 x 17 cm., tela original con sobrecubiertas en colores, numerosas fotografías en colores y dibujos, 396 págs.
Wigglesworth, V.B.
Collection of 70 papers on physiology, biology and anatomy of insects.
1837-1982 All stapled or in wrappers.A substantial collection of the writings of Sir Vincent Brian Wigglesworth (1899-1994). A British entomologist who made significant contributions to the field of insect physiology.
Bookseller reference : EG35960
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
La vie des insectes.
1971 Paris, Bordas, 1971 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette 383 pp., très nombreuses photos couleurs, fait partie des 21 volumes de " La grande encyclopédie de la nature ", un excellent livre sur le sujet. Trés bon état, jaquette impeccable.
Bookseller reference : EG31971
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
La vie des insectes.
1971 Lausanne, Rencontre, 1971 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette 383 pp., très nombreuses photos couleurs, fait partie des 21 volumes de " La grande encyclopédie de la nature ", un excellent livre sur le sujet. Trés bon état, jaquette impeccable, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec son ex-libris en page de garde !
Bookseller reference : EG32600
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
Physiologie des insectes.
1959 Paris, Dunod, 1959 : in-12, cartonnage éditeur xi, 145 pp., 12 figures in-texte, pleine toile brique imprimée en blanc de l'éditeur. Très bon état, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec son ex-libris !
Bookseller reference : EG32280
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
The life of insects.
1964 London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette xii, 360 pp., 36 planches hors-texte dont certaines en couleurs, 164 figures in-texte. Très bon état, mais jaquette abimée avec manques, nom et date en page de titre !
Bookseller reference : EG31768
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
The life of insects.
1966 London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette réédition, xii, 360 pp., 36 planches hors-texte dont certaines en couleurs, 164 figures in-texte. Très bon état, jaquette abimée en coiffe de tête.
Bookseller reference : EG31834
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
The physiology of insect metamorphosis.
1954 Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette viii, 152 pp., 4 planches N&B hors-texte, 45 figures in-texte. très bon état, nom et date en page de titre, traces de scotch en pages de garde !
Bookseller reference : EG32277
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
The principles of insect physiology.
1942 London, Chapman & Hall, 1942 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette 2° édition, viii, 434 pp., 316 figures in-texte. Très bon état, mais jaquette abimée avec manques, de la bibliothèque de Jacques d'Aguilar avec son ex-libris en page de garde !
Bookseller reference : EG32583
Wigglesworth, Vincent B.
The principles of insect physiology.
1965 London, Chapman & Hall, 1965 : in-8, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette 6° édition, viii, 741 pp., 407 figures in-texte. Très bon état, de la bibliothèque de Lucien Gérin avec son timbre humide en page de gardeet titre.
Bookseller reference : EG32609
Wijngaarden, P.
Quantitative and endocrine genetics of reaction norms for wing pattern in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana.
2000 175 p, num. figs, paperbound. Thesis.
Bookseller reference : EL23939
Wilcke, J.
De Nederlandse Pompilidae.
1943 88 p., 79 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (back taped, small hole in front cover but not affecting text). Reprint from: Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool. Scarce.
Bookseller reference : EH20552
Wilcke, J.
De Nederlandse Pompilidae.
1943 88 p., 79 figs, 3 pls, paperbound. Reprint from: Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool. With author’s dedication. Scarce.
Bookseller reference : EH29329
Wilde, O
Systematische Beschreibung der Pflanzen unter Angabe der an densleben lebenden Raupen. [Und]: Systematische Beschreibung der Raupen unter Angabe ihrer Lebensweise und Entwickelungszeiten. Mit einem Vorworte von A. Speyer. Mit 10 [lithographischen] Tafeln Abbildungen. [2 Teile in einem Band].
Berlin, Mittler 1860-61. XI S., [1] Bl., 221, (1) S., [1] Bl., VII, 494 S., [1] Bl. Halbleder-Band der Zeit mit Rückentitel in Gold. Berieben, Ecken bestoßen. Durchgehend etwas, teils auch etwas stärker stockfleckig. Wenige Bll. mit Knickspur. (=Die Pflanzen und Raupen Deutschlands. Versuch einer lepidopterologischen Botanik. Erster und Zweiter Theil).
Bookseller reference : 44301AB
Wildermuth V. L United States. Bureau of Entomology United States. Dept. of Agriculture
The Alfalfa caterpillar. Eurymus curytheme Boisd. Volume ser.2:no.133 1911 Leather Bound
2019. Leather Bound. New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden Leaf Printing on round Spine. Reprinted in 2019 with the help of original edition published long back 1911. This book is printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Lang: - eng Vol: - Volume ser.2:no.133 Pages 24. EXTRA 10 DAYS APART FROM THE NORMAL SHIPPING PERIOD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. FOLIO EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE. Volume ser.2:no.133 hardcover
Bookseller reference : LB1111000020315
Wildermuth V. L United States. Bureau of Entomology United States. Dept. of Agriculture
The Alfalfa caterpillar. Eurymus curytheme Boisd. Volume ser.2:no.133 1911
2020. Paperback. New. Lang: - eng Vol: - Volume ser.2:no.133 Pages 24. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1911. This book is Printed in black & white sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Soft Cover HARDCOVER EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Volume ser.2:no.133 paperback
Bookseller reference : PB1111000020315
Wildermuth V. L United States. Bureau of Entomology United States. Dept. of Agriculture
The Alfalfa caterpillar. Eurymus curytheme Boisd. Volume ser.2:no.133 1911 Hardcover
2020. Hardcover. New. Lang: - eng Vol: - Volume ser.2:no.133 Pages 24. Reprinted in 2020 with the help of original edition published long back 1911. This book is printed in black & white Hardcover sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover Printed on high quality Paper re-sized as per Current standards professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Any type of Customisation is possible with extra charges. Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Volume ser.2:no.133 hardcover
Bookseller reference : 1111000020315
Wilhelm, G(ottlieb) T(obias)
Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte. Der Insecten erster Theil.
Augsburg, Engelbrechtische Kunsthandlung 1796. Gest. Titelbl., XLVIII, 376 S., 1 gefalt. gest. Instruktionstafel "Theile eines Käfers", 46 altkolor. Kupferstichtafeln, OInterimspappbd. mit Rückenschild. Einband mit starken Gbrsp. (stellenw. nachgedunkelt, bestoßen, wasserfleckig, Gelenke am Fußkapital ca. 4 cm eingerissen). Papier teils etw. stockfleckig, einige Bl. fingerfleckig, 1 Bl. mit Randabschnitt ohne Textverlust, 3 Bl. gelockert. Insges. innen gutes u. frisches Exemplar, vollständig mit allen Kupferstichen. EA. OInterimspappbd. mit Rückenschild. Einband mit starken Gbrsp. (stellenw. nachgedunkelt, bestoßen, wasserfleckig, Gelenke am Fußkapital ca. 4 cm eingerissen). Papier teils etw. stockfleckig, einige Bl. fingerfleckig, 1 Bl. mit Randabschnitt ohne Textverlus
Bookseller reference : 91332AB
Wilkinson, C.
A taxonomic Revision of the genus Ditrigona (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae: Drepaninae).
1968 [4], 111 p., 96 figs, 8 pls, paperbound (back taped). Published in: Transactions Zoological Society London. Very good copy.
Bookseller reference : EL29263
Wilkinson, C.
A taxonomic revision of the genus Teldenia Moore (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae, Drepaninae).
1967 60 p., 23 figs on 4 pls, 6 maps, paperbound. Published in: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London.
Bookseller reference : EL20594
Wille, J.E.
Biologie und Bekämpfung der deutschen Schabe (Phyllodromia germanica L.).
1920 iv, 140 p., 53 text figures, 2 plates, contemporary half cloth over marbled boards. Original front wrapper mounted. Black title on spine.A detailed monograph of this widespread cockroach. With the entomological bookplate of Walter Dietrich Stöver on the front pastedown, and the small stamp of Herbert Ant on first blank. The title also mounted on the first blank. A very good copy.
Bookseller reference : EO27908
Wille, Johannes
Die Rübenblattwanze. Piesma quadrata Fieb.
Berlin, Springer, 1929. Gr.-8°. (2 Bll.) 116 S. mit 39 Abbildungen. Unaufgeschnittene Original-Broschur (etwas angestaubt). Innen sauber und gut erhalten. Monographien zum Pflanzenschutz. Herausgegeben von H. Morstatt. Heft 2.
Bookseller reference : 6065EB
Wille, Johannes
Die Rübenblattwanze. Piesma quadrata Fieb.
Berlin, Springer, 1929. Gr.-8°. (2 Bll.) 116 S. mit 39 Abbildungen. Unaufgeschnittene Original-Broschur (etwas angestaubt, leicht fleckig und angerändert). Innen sauber und gut erhalten. Monographien zum Pflanzenschutz. Herausgegeben von H. Morstatt. Heft 2.
Bookseller reference : 44825HB
Willem, V.
Recherches sur les Collemboles et les Thysanoures.
1900 144 p., 6 figures, 17 plates, 4to, new half cloth, gilt author/title on spine (original printed front cover part one bound in). With author’s dedication to Prof. Ch. Van Bambeke. Library stamps. Good copy.
Bookseller reference : EO40352
Willemse, C.
Fauna Sumatrensis. Preliminary Revision of the Acrididae (Orthoptera).
1930 210, xxi p., 101 figs, paperbound (no back cover). Published in: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.
Bookseller reference : ES19278
Willemse, F.
Collection of 9 papers on Orthoptera.
1961-1982 306 p., 639 figs, 47 (4 col.) pls, wrappers. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Includes papers like: Classification and distribution of the Sexavae of the Malenesian Subregion / A survey of the Greek species of Poecilimon / Orthopteroidea of Crete / Studies on the acridoid genera Opiptacris and Bumacris, etc.
Bookseller reference : ES13766
Willemse, F.
Revision of the Genera Stenocatantops and Xenocatantops (Orthoptera, Acridiidae, Catantopinae).
1968 77 p., 6 plates, 1 folded map, paperbound (original printed covers and extra plain covers). Library stamps, else good copy.
Bookseller reference : ES40019
Willemse, L.
A taxonomic revision of the New World species of Sirthenea (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae).
1985 67 p., 68 figures, paperbound. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Library stamps, else a good copy.
Bookseller reference : EW37699
Willemse, L.P.M.
Fauna Malesiana Guide to the Pest Orthoptera of the Indo-Malayan Region.
2001 160 p., 166 (16 col.) figs, hardbound. New copy!
Bookseller reference : ES09020
Willemse, L.P.M.
Fauna Malesiana Guide to the Pest Orthoptera of the Indo-Malayan Region.
2001 160 p., 166 (16 coloured) figures, hardbound. Library stamps, else very good copy.
Bookseller reference : ES10865
Willemse, L.P.M.
Fauna Malesiana Guide to the Pest Orthoptera of the Indo-Malayan Region.
2001 160 p., 166 (16 col.) figs, hardbound. New copy!
Bookseller reference : ES14279
William Boyle
A Guide to Bird Finding in New Jersey: First Edition
Rutgers University Press 1991. Spine has reading crease and is slightly sunned. Ships today or next business day. Our books are carefully described and packaged in boxes not envelopes. A gift card and personalized message can be included upon request. . Soft Cover. Very Good. Rutgers University Press Paperback
Bookseller reference : 223893 ISBN : 0813511453 9780813511450
William Wallace Newby
The embryology of the echiuroid worm urechis caupo
Volume XVI della collana Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society. Volume del 1940 in stato discreto, coperta illustrata in cartoncino, su piatto anteriore catalogazione bibliotecaria e cifra manoscritte, timbro ex biblioteca, bordo poco sfregato, lievi macchie, bruniture, tracce di fioritura sparsa, tagli lievemente ambrati, brunito quello di testa, cerniera stretta, pagine in buono stato, prime e ultime appena ambrate, macchietta su occhiello e frontespizio. Presenta timbro ex biblioteca su frontespizio, sul margine di piede di qualche pagina, su excipit anche timbro numerale, figure in nero in testo e fuori testo. Numero Pagine 219 USATO
Williams, Carrington Bonsor
British immigrant Butterflies and moths.
London:, British Museum (Natural History), 1935. 9 gez. Bl., 5 Farbtafeln, broschiert (Besitzervermerk auf Umschlag und Titelblatt; Marginalien und montierter Zeitungsausschnitt auf Farbtafeln verso)
Bookseller reference : 68181BB
Williams, John G.
A field guide to the butterflies of Africa.
1973 238 p., 24 planches couleurs hors-texte, cartonnage éditeur avec jaquette, réimpression. Très bon état, dos de la jaquette fanée.
Bookseller reference : EL32782