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‎Barras, Paul, French politician (1755-1829).‎

‎Autograph letter signed twice "P. Barras". Château aux Aygalades [Marseille], 28. III. 1813.‎

‎Folio. 3½ pp. on bifolium. Historically significant letter written to defend himself against charges of espionage for the exiled Bourbons and their British allies. The letter was probably addressed to the military commission that had been installed in 1813 to try lieutenant Joseph Charabot, a central figure of the plot. Barras complains of having to defend himself against "allegations as disgusting as calumnious" made by a man who tries "disgracefully to ransom his life" by "spilling his own crimes" onto other people: "il m'est bien pénible Messieurs d'être obligé de me justifier d'imputations aussi degoûtantes que calumnieuses, d'un homme qui pour racheter honteusement sa vie, cherche à déverser ses propres délits sur des personnes qui comme moi ne l'ont jamais connu : je veux parle de Mr. Charabot fils". Barras admits that Charabot had visited him once or twice several years ago, but he underlines that there was no private contact and no exchange of money between them. The letter continues with short descriptions of Barras's relations to several of the accused. General Maximin-Joseph Emmanuel Guidal (1764-1812), who had been arrested on 22 January 1812, was the most important conspirator. During Malet's coup, Guidal was briefly released from prison on 23 October 1812. After the coup was quashed, Guidal was executed along 23 co-conspirators. - The affair of Marseille is little researched, and it is not known whether Paul Barras was an active participant in the conspiracy or not. The arrogant tone of this letter certainly would have done little to help his case, and it might have been merely his role in the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte that saved his life, apart from an apparent lack of evidence. While Joseph Charabot was executed, Napoleon exiled Barras to Rome, from where he returned in the wake of the Bourbon Restoration. - Some browning and very slight foxing.‎


Wien, AT
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€450.00 Buy

‎Baudrillart, Alfred, Weihbischof im Erzbistum Paris (1859-1942).‎

‎Eigenh. Briefkarte. 21, Rue d'Assas [Paris], [Mai 1935].‎

‎1 S. Qu.-12mo. In französischer Sprache an den Schriftsteller und Verleger Maurice Delamain (1883-1974) mit einer Einladung zu einem Empfang für Schriftsteller und Künstler sowie Dank für seine Zuwendung an die katholische Universität, deren Rektor Baudrillart 1907-42 war: "MGR A. Baudrillart de l'Académie Française recevra le samedi 1er juin, de 16 à 19 h. un certain nombre d'écrivains et d'artistes [dies gedruckt] très touché des marques de sympathie que vous avez déjà bien voulu donner à l'Institut catholique et à son rectaire, il vous prie de lui faire l'honneur d'assister à cette réception". - Mit Stempel der Librairie Stock in Paris und eh. Antwortvermerk von Empfängerhand: "rep. 27. V. 35". Rostspur.‎


Wien, AT
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€80.00 Buy

‎Beaunier, André, writer and critic (1869-1925).‎

‎Autograph manuscript signed. No place or date.‎

‎8vo. 2½ pp. on 3 ff. With autograph pagination and mounted lithographed title label "Sergots". A satirical character study describing the type of a city sergeant or gendarme (as reflected in the colloquial term "Sergot" used before the War): "Régulier et assidu à travers les rues, les avenues, les boulevards, il erre comme une âme en peine. A quoi rêve-t-il? Ah! qui le sait? [...] Il faut plaindre infiniment le sergot, car il s'ennuie. Son ennui peut aller jusqu'à la plus intense exaspération. Et s'il n'avait pour apaiser ses nerfs souffrants quelques contribuables, de temps en temps, à passer à tabac, il mourrait. Il mourrait en maudissant les circonstances fortuites par lesquelles il s'est vu séparer, un beau jour, de cette humanité normale qui vit humblement, crie: 'Mort aux vaches!' et se fait arrêter [...]" ("Regular and assiduous throughout the streets, avenues, boulevards, he wanders, a troubled soul. Of what is he dreaming? Ah! who knows? [...] The sergot is to be pitied infinitely, for he is bored. His boredom can even take the form of the most intense exasperation. And had he not a few taxpayers to beat up, to ease his ailing nerves from time to time, he would die. He would die cursing the arbitrary circumstances by which he saw himself separated, one fine day, from normal humankind which lives humbly, cries: 'Death to Pigs', and gets arrested [...]"). - Some marginal defects and slight browning.‎


Wien, AT
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€180.00 Buy

‎Berthelot, Philippe Joseph Louis, Diplomat (1866-1934).‎

‎3 eigenh. Briefe mit U. [Paris], 19. I. und 8. VI. 1931 sowie [Poststempel: 5. XII. 1924].‎

‎Zus. 3 SS. auf 2 Doppelbll. und einem Einzelblatt. Ein Brief mit eh. Adresse verso. In französischer Sprache an einen Freund mit der Aufforderung, ihn am Freitag im Ministerium aufzusuchen: "Venez me voir Vendredi au Ministère entre 4 et 6 [...]" (19. I. 1931). - An einen Bekannten über dessen Empfehlung des Schriftstellers und Verlegers Maurice Delamain (1883-1974) sowie einer Erinnerung, ihm ein ausgefülltes Formular zu schicken: "Je n'oublie pas votre recommandation en forme de l'oeuvre de M. Delamain mais de votre côté n'oubliez pas de m'envoyer le formulaire avec touts les indications règlementaires [...]" (8. VI. [19]31). - An den Graphologen Jules Crépieux-Jamin (1859-1940) mit Dank für ein Honigglas und Grüßen an seine Frau: "Nous avons eu arriver ce b[ocal] de miel [...] et ma femme me charge de vous remercier vivement. Elle se joint à moi pour vous prier de nous rappeler au souvenir de Madame Crépieux-Jamin [...]" (126 Boulevard du Montparnasse [Paris, Poststempel: 5. XII. 1924]). - Die beiden Briefe von 1931 auf Briefpapier der Affaires Etrangères. Der Brief an Crépieux-Jamin auf persönlichem Briefpapier mit gepr. Adresse, mit Ausschnitt der Briefmarke und Textverlust. Alle Briefe mit Spuren alter Heftung.‎


Wien, AT
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€220.00 Buy

‎Boisdeffre, Pierre de, Staatsbeamter, Diplomat, Autor und Literaturkritiker (1926-2002).‎

‎2 eigenh. Briefe mit U. und eh. Brief. Paris, 19. und 29. V. 1952 sowie o. D.‎

‎Zus. (2+2+2 =) 6 SS. auf 3 Bll. 4to. In französischer Sprache an die Graphologin Micheline Delamain, Gattin des Verlegers Maurice Delamain (1883-1974), mit einer durch den Verleger Jacques Chardonne (1884-1968) angeregten Schriftprobe sowie der Beteuerung, keine Geheimnisse zu haben und ein durchaus uninteressantes Leben zu führen: "Jacques Chardonne me prie de vous envoyer quelques lignes, mais c'est très intimidant, car j'ai l'impression, par ce que [!] je connais les études de M. Maurice Delamain et de vous-même [...] D'autre part, n'ayant rien de secret, ma vie n'est pas du tout intéressante [...]" (19. V. 1952). - An dieselbe mit dem Versprechen, ihren Brief an seine Cousine Tézenas de Montcel, geb. Marthe de Boisdeme, zu senden, die ihr persönlich antworten werde, und mit Dank für Bücher, die er vom Verlagshaus Éditions Stock erhalten habe, sowie einem Lob für die kürzlich dort erschienene "Anthologie de la Prose Française": "Je ne crois pas pouvoir mieux faire que de transmettre votre aimable lettre à ma cousine Tézenas du Montcel (née Marthe de Boisdeme) qui en sera [...] très touchée, et vous répondra, je pense, elle-même. Je dois à la bonté de J. Chardonne et des éditions Stock de recevoir 99 beaux livres, et je suis en ce moment plongé dans cette Anthologie de la Prose française qui fait tant d'honneur à votre maison [...]" (29. V. 1952). - An dieselbe über seinen bescheidenen Lebenslauf, mit der Bemerkung, aus Langeweile in der Verwalterschule mit dem Schreiben begonnen zu haben, und in Dankbarkeit gegenüber seinem Förderer Jacques Chardonne: "J'ai été major de sciences Po vers 17 ou 18 ans, puis je suis entré par hazard à l'Ecole d'Administration où pour échapper à l'horrible ennui de n'avoir rien à faire je me suis mis à écrire. La suite n'est pas plus brillante [...] Il faut toute l'amitié de Jacques Chardonne pour considérer cela avec un peu d'indulgence [...]". - Alle auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf des Ministère de l'Education Nationale. Teils größere Randläsuren; etwas knittrig.‎


Wien, AT
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€450.00 Buy

‎Breckner, Margaret and Julia (Gretchen and Julchen), chambermaids of Princess Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Typed document signed. Cannes, 4. II. 1957.‎

‎Folio. 1 page. Receipt for a gift of 200,000 francs by Marc Favrat, of the complete wardrobe of the deceased Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, as well as some furs coats, objects of emotional value, and personal belongings from the villa "Rosalba" in Cannes, taken with them to their future domicile with Prince Nicholas of Romania in Madrid: "De plus, S. A. R. nous a fait comme cadeau 'don' de la garde-robe complète de S. M. la Reine Elisabetha ainsi que certaines fourrures, et divers objets dont nous étions attachés [...]". - Together with the Princess's lover Marc Favrat, the Breckner sisters were among the servants and circle around Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) who stayed with her until the end. Elisabeth had settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France she met the much younger aspiring artist Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted son in the year of her death. - With blind-embossed letterhead "Maison civile en France de S. M. la Reine Elisabeth".‎


Wien, AT
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€120.00 Buy

‎Breshkovsky, Catherine, Russian revolutionary (1844-1934).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Boston, 24. II. 1905.‎

‎8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium. In French. To the American writer and social activist Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910) with thanks for her support for the Russian cause, mentioning the attempts of "mean men" to spoil their relationship by publishing false remarks about her in their newspapers, discussing the friendships, care, and kindness she has met in the United States, and asking Howe to burn all papers relating to the funds raised for the Socialist Revolutionary Party during her 1904 U.S. tour, concluding with regards to Mary Lewis Matz (1838-1911), the president of the Chicago Women's Club from 1901 to 1903: "Combien je suis contente d'avoir une lettre de vous et voir que vous prenez toujours intérets à la cause que je sers, et combien je suis affligée d'apprendre qu'il y [a] de méchants hommes qui voudrais gatter [!] les bonnes rélations établies entre nous, en publiant dans leurs gazettes des choses invraissemblables [!]. Pensez un peu, Madame, de quel droit aurais-je pu exiger de vous, ou de qui que ce soit en Amérique, plus d'amitiés, plus d'attention, plus de bonté, que je n'en ai eu? Tout ce que vous et vos amis ont fait pour ma cause, me rendra reconnaissante à jamais, envers vous et vos amis, Madame Ward, et je vous prie de ne jamais faire attention aux injuste paroles et articles, qui pourraient dire le contraire [...] Je vous prie encore, de jetter au feû, tous les papiers et les comptes qui regardent la collection d'argent pour ma cause [...] Je la remercie aussi, la très bonne et très chère Madame Matz et je me permets de vous embrasser toutes les deux bonnes et chères amies du peuple russe [...]".‎


Wien, AT
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€3,500.00 Buy

‎Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France, wife of King Henry II of France (1519-1589).‎

‎Letter signed ("Caterine"). Paris, 18. VII. 1576.‎

‎Folio. ½ p. With ms. address. To the banker and courtier Horatio Rucellai (ca. 1530-1605), expressing her wish that he return to Paris as quickly as possible and pleading him "not to believe a thing of what has been told" to him, should he have "heard that his assignations of the debt of Lyon have been altered", underlining that the King has no intention of changing anything: "Je vous prie vous en venir le plustost et dilligemmens q[ue] vous pourriez. Et pour ce q[ue] vous pourriez avoir entendu que l’on ayt changé quelque chose en vos assignations sur la creance de Lyon Je vous prie n’en croire rien de tout ce q[ue] l’on vous en dira car il n’en est rien comme vous congnoistrez quant vous serez arrivé car vous trouverez toutes choses en leur entier pour vre regard, et le Roy monsieur mon filz en bonne disposition de ny rien changer [...]”. - Horatio Rucellai was of Florentine origin but had left the city in conflict with the ruling Medicis. In Lyon he established a successful bank and provided a financial lifeline to the crown during the First French War of Religion in 1562/63, though Catherine de' Medici was forced to pledge parts of the crown jewels to him. Rucellai's apparent claim on liabilities of the city of Lyon is certainly connected to his role as creditor of the French crown. In 1581, Rucellai leased the salt tax (gabelle) and achieved a reduction in order to minimize fraud. From 1587, Rucellai served in the court of Ferdinando I de' Medici. As a former courtier of Catherine's, Rucellai was charged with the negotiations for Ferdinando's marriage with Catherine's favourite granddaughter Christina of Lorraine, achieved in 1589. - Counter-signed by "Chantereau". Some foxing, minor water damage and two deeper tears to the lower margin.‎


Wien, AT
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€4,500.00 Buy

‎Corsini, Neri, diplomat and politician (1771-1845).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Florence, 30. VII. 1812.‎

‎4to. 5¼ pp. on bifolium and single leaf. To M. Coiffier, titular advisor of the Imperial University in Napoleonic France, with thanks for a letter from Mainz, discussing the French reorganisation of the Italian school system after the creation of new (often ephemeral) academies, about school budgets, recommending the lowering of taxes for the "Pères des Ecoles Pies", mentioning several names of schools such as the "College Cortone", "College Modegliana", "College de Sienne", "College de Florence" and its director Father del Ricco, the academy of Pisa and its director Sproni, as well as the municipal colleges of Arezzo, and further discussing "Luoghi di Monte" (public debt securities): "Cette considération que j'avais crû pouvoir faire valoir dans cette circonstance ne sera par perdue, et ne mangera par d'être appréciée en d'autres occasions par la Sagesse de S. E. Le Grand Maitre, et du Conseil de l'Université, et surtout pour tacher de diminuer encore La charge des Taxes universitaire, charge qui est très choquante pour les habitudes de ce pays-ci [...]". - "Les difficultés militaires de Napoléon, à partir de 1812-1813, empêchent cependant, le plus souvent, une réelle mise en place de l’institution académique et les recteurs de ces ressorts géographiques sont soumis à des tensions extrêmes" (Jean-François Condette, "'Traitres fatigués' ou élites administratives?", Histoire de l’éducation, 97 [2003], p. 41). Neri Corsini also succeeded in negotiations on behalf of the Accademia della Crusca which took place in Paris between 1812 and 1814 and led to the rescue of the Riccardiana Library. The collection had been auctioned and sold in 1813, was acquired by the municipality of Florence "especially for the use of the Accademia della Crusca", and finally ceded to the Tuscan state two years later. - With traces of old mounting, ink slightly bleeding to versos in some places.‎


Wien, AT
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€450.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania].‎

‎Printed wedding invitation. [Postal stamp: Cambridge, 17 Nov. 1956].‎

‎8vo. 1 page on bifolium. With handwritten envelope. Announcing the marriage of Charles Earle Raven and Madame N. Helène Jeanty in London. The invitation arrived only after the death of Princess Elisabeth of Romania on November 15th.‎


Wien, AT
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€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania].‎

‎Typed inventory of Princess Elisabeth's confiscated jewellery. Paris, 4. V. 1956.‎

‎Folio. 8 pp. on 8 ff. In duplicate. With addendum (see below). A documentation for Maitre Lefevre-Pontalis, partly in Romanian, about four suitcases of jewellery confiscated during the forced departure of Princess Elisabeth (1894-1956) from Romania due to her expulsion in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. Alexandre Scanavy, owner of a part of the jewellery in the cases, obtained the jewellery through the Romanian Communists but did not return it to the Princess. In 1948 several inspectors ascertained ten pieces of jewellery belonging to Princess Elisabeth, enumerated in a separate list. - Four leaves with blind-embossed letterhead "Maison civile en France de S. M. la Reine Elisabeth", one leaf with hand-written notes, some rust stains from an old paper clip, some slight marginal defects. Includes an autograph list by Elisabeth's lover Marc Favrat, noting photocopies given to Lefevre-Pontalis, and a leaf with a typed document titled "Dossier 'Affaire secours d'hiver Belge/Banca Romaneasca'" (with an additional copy), repeating Favrat's list and adding a note.‎


Wien, AT
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€850.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania].‎

‎Typed list of attendants at the queen's funeral. Cannes, 19. XI. 1956.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. (1 of which in copy) on 2 ff. Listed first is Marquis Marc de Favrat, followed by the Crown Prince Frederick of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, further the Royal Highnesses of Yugoslavia and Romania etc.; a total of 34 persons. - Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, finally settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - Some marginal flaws; one leaf with few handwritten annotations.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - André, François, French businessman (1879-1962).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Paris, 23. X. 1956.‎

‎4to. ¾ page. Writing as director of the Casino of Cannes to Elisabeth of Romania with congratulations on the bestowal of the title of Marquis on Marc de Favrat, which in Andre's opinion is well-deserved: "Je voudrais que vous disiez à son Altesse le Prince Marc que je suis heureux du beau titre que vous lui avez donné et qu'il mérite, j'en suis certain [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With letterhead of the "Casino Municipal de Cannes".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Arnaud, Odette, French literary agent (fl. 1950).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Paris, 29. V. 1956.‎

‎8vo. 1 page. To Marquis Marc de Favrat on behalf of the writer Brian Connell, who would agree to writing Favrat's memoirs: "Brian Connell me fait savoir qu'il serait très intéressé par les Mémoires dont nous avons parlé, et j'ai immédiatement communiqué la nouvelle à l'Agence Richmond Towers et Benson, qui a, seule, qualité pour traiter [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her exilation from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With printed letterhead.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Bach, Monique, French autograph collector (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Stirnig-Wendel, 13. VI. 1956.‎

‎Folio (ca. 193:300 mm). 1 page. With autograph envelope. To Marquis Marc de Favrat with a request to the former Queen Elisabeth of Greece, Princess of Romania (1894-1956), for an autographed photograph to complete a collection dedicated to the royal family: "Afin de couronner ma collection, je prends la liberté de solliciter Votre Majesté de bien vouloir me faire l'hommage d'apposer sa signature sur la photographie (hélas trop modeste en la forme) qu'elle trouvera ci-jointe [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania]. - Cabinet Nicolas, négociations immobilières.‎

‎Typed letter signed. Cannes, 29. I. 1957.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. on 2 ff. On headed stationery of the Cabinet Nicolas, Agents Immobiliers. To Marc Favrat ("Sa Altesse Royale Prince Marc") in Golfe-Juan, concerning the final settlement for the Villa "Rosalba". Broken or lost inventory is noted, as well as outstanding bills for gas, electricity, and telephone. As there is no detailed information on the exact number of missing objects, a total debt of 40,500 francs is estimated, of which a note states that Favrat has already deposited 6,000 francs upon his departure. As the letter records, Favrat and the owner of the Villa "Rosalba", Madame Berger, are in agreement about the aforesaid objects and the generally good state of the villa: "Le tout est de savoir la quantité, mais comme l'inventaire ne le mentionne pas nous nous en reporterons à votre bonne foi pour faire une quote mal taillée entre les 6000 frs que représentent la quantité restant à votre départ et une estimation forfaitaire de ce qu'il y avait au début de la location [...]". - Marc Favrat gained some fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, who settled in Cannes in the Villa "Rosalba" some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - With some handwritten annotations and a few small marginal tears.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€400.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Catiscoyannis, Elias N. (Katsikogianni, Ilias), Greek admirer (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph calling card signed. [Athens, postal stamp: 17. VII. 1956].‎

‎Large calling card format. 1 page. With autograph envelope. In English. To Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, with good wishes for convalescence: "By the press of my country Greece I heard about your sickness and I wish you a soon recovery [...]". - With address corrections by other hands and printed sender's return address on envelope.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Dossios, Theodora, Greek petitioner (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Nice, [postal stamp: 3. VI. 1956].‎

‎8vo. 12 pp. on 6 ff. Sewn. With autograph envelope. In pencil. To Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, in Cannes with a request for 3,000 francs, presenting a confused and outrageous story of lost jewellery in which the inspector of Bois Colombe is suspected of being the thief: "Dieu ne fait rien pour me les retrouver ceci est come le Christ Il a sauver le Monde et lui n a pas pu se sauver da sa croix aussi je me demande pourquoi le Comissaire de Bois Colombe qui ma promis de me les retrouver n'a pas reusie! et jusqu'au jourdhui je me demande qui ma volé ce bijoux [...]". - In poor French with some parts in Greek and Romanian.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Dossios, Theodora, Greek petitioner (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Nice, 17. VIII. 1956.‎

‎4to. 4 pp. on bifolium. With autograph envelope. To Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, in Cannes, discussing Elisabeth's hopeless financial situation, with news of a sold former royal estate of Elisabeth's deceased brother Carol II, shared by Prince Michael and another person, lamenting that Dossios was not allowed to see and talk to Mlle. Helene Vacaresco, Elisabeth's former lady-in-waiting, who was ill, and about an inheritance of her uncle Nicolas Petrochinio, denied due to a lost will: "L'Heritage que Nicolas Petrochino laissé à ma mère & Il lui été donné intégralement aujourd’hui moi j'aurais été riche et comme me disait alors à l'ambassade Romanie le Brave General Berthelot [...]".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Dossios, Theodora, (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Nice, [postmarked 11 Sept. 1956].‎

‎8vo. 1 page on bifolium. With autograph envelope. To Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, in Cannes with happy tidings that Dossios will receive financial support from a Mme. Parlier, sending good wishes for the Princess's convalescence, and about the postage stamp on the letter, showing Elisabeth's father King Ferdinand I: "Bien que Mme Parlier m'a envoyer 1000 mille frs et quelle ma promis 2 mille plus tard - moi ce qui m'intéresse cest de savoir si sa Majesté va mieux après mes prières [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. She died a few weeks later, on 14 November 1956.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Duverger, Jacques, French merchant (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Cahors, 26. V. 1956.‎

‎4to. 1½ pp. With autograph envelope. To Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) in Cannes, requesting financial assistance because Duverger has been ruined by the fraud committed by an employee in his own wine and liquor business. To save his mother's house, where he and his two little daughters live, he would have to raise the sum of 6 million francs: "Nous sommes avec mes fillettes a la veille d'être a la rue. Nous avons été une famille très honorablement connue dans la région, et ce coup est pour nous tragique [...]".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Cannes, 5. VI. 1956.‎

‎4to. 1 page. With typed envelope and address stamp. To a M. Tage Bolander at the "Time & Life Building" in New York about the project of publishing the memoirs of the former Queen Elisabeth of Greece and Princess of Romania, with thanks for the recipient's interest and efforts: "J'ai bien reçu en son temps votre lettre du 24 Janvier 1956 ainsi que le carnet manuscrit des 'Mémoires" de Sa Majesté [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With blindstamped letterhead and address stamp "Le Chef de la Maison Civile en France".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Hane, Howard Spencer, theologian (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 19. XI. 1956.‎

‎Folio. ¾ page. With typed address (folded air mail). To Marquis Marc de Favrat, offering a requiem mass for the soul of the deceased Princess Elisabeth of Romania, the former Queen of Greece: "I am doing this partly out of the friendship which I have for her sister, the Princess Ileana, and I thought that you would like to know that his Requiem was being offered. May I express to you my very sincere condolences on the death of one so dear to you [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover, whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Henry, Michel, judge (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Typed document signed. Grasse, 12. I. 1957.‎

‎4to. 1 page. A document relating to the indictment against Desiderio Rossini, who stole jewellery belonging to Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, from her Villa Rosalba in Cannes on 10 January 1956. Marquis Marc de Favrat has requested indemnity payments, and the investigating judge Henry orders two pearl necklaces kept under seal by the police returned to Favrat: "Attendu que le maintien sans scellé de ces pièces à conviction n'est pas indispensable à la manifestation de la vérité, qu'il échet d'en ordonner la restitution au profit de leur propriétaire [...]". - Elisabeth settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger Favrat who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted son in the year of her death. - Some autograph annotations; letterhead "Tribunal de première instance de Grasse", stamped. A few marginal flaws. Includes a copied newspaper article.‎


Wien, AT
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€1,500.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Karmitz, Diane, (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Cannes, 27 Aug. (no year).‎

‎8vo. 1 page. With autograph address. To Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, with a friendly offer of Karmitz' personal savings of 20,000 francs to ease the Princess's financial worries, as she was alarmed at seeing Elisabeth's disquiet the other day: "Malheureusement elles ne s'élèvent qu'à 20.000 frc. mais j'espère que vous n'y verrez qu'une geste de vraie amitié et une preuve de la profonde affection que je vous porte [...]".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - [Morgan & Cie].‎

‎Typed letter signed. Paris, 23. IX. 1957.‎

‎4to. ¾ page. To Marquis Marc de Favrat in Cannes, concerning the succession of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, with a request to contact Morgan & Cie. as there are still some assets held by the bank: "Nous nous permettons de vous rappeler que nous détenons toujours un certain actif pour le compte de la Successio sous rubrique. Nous vous serions obligés de bien vouloir nour mettre en rapport avec le notaire chargé deu règlement de la Succession [...]". - Marc Favrat gained some fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who settled in Cannes in the Villa "Rosalba" some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€150.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Patrognet, Marie-Colette, (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph postcard signed. Paris, 26. III. 1952.‎

‎Oblong 8vo. 1 page. With autograph address. To Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) with a poetic description of Patrognet's own feelings of melancholy and regrets over having terminated her service "in the shadow of the Princess": "Majesté, Une rose pour le souvenir que j'enferme dans mon coeur meurtri. Une larme pour le regret de tout le bien que j'aurais pu faire dans l'ombre de Votre Majesté! [...]". - Accompanied by a mounted newspaper article.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Petre, Filipe, Romanian exile (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Paris, [postal stamp: Nov. 1956].‎

‎8vo. ¾ page on bifolium. With autograph envelope. A condolence letter to Helen of Greece and Denmark (1896-1982), former Queen mother of Romania, on the occasion of the death of her daughter Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, on behalf of several "faithful exiles": "Ayant appris par les Journaux le décès de la Princesse Elisabeth nous vous envoyons ainsi qu'à toutes la famille Royale nos sincères condoléances. Vos fidèles exilés [...]".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Preston, Alan, British solicitor (fl. 1950).‎

‎Typed letter signed. London, 22. VIII. 1956.‎

‎Oblong 4to and Folio. 1½ pp. on 2 ff. Stapled. To Marquis Marc de Favrat in Cannes with a bill of £10-10-0 for legal advice regarding defamatory articles published in the "Sunday Express": "As I have not heard anything further from you I presume the matter on which you consulted us is closed and I enclose a note of my firm's charges herewith [...]". The invoice lists certain services, such as "obtaining copies of the issue of the 18th March and also obtaining copies of the issue of the Daily Mirror of the 19th March which contained similar articles [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), former Queen of Greece, settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With lithographed letterhead of "Loxley & Preston".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Sené, Jeanne, concierge of Château Fabion (fl. 1950).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Nice, 14. VII. 1956.‎

‎4to. 1 page. With stapled autograph envelope. To Marquis Marc de Favrat in Cannes with good wishes for the recovery of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, having read about her hospitalisation in the newspaper: "Par le journal j'apprends que la Santé de Sa Majesté la Reine Elisabeth n'est pas très brillante et qu'Elle a dû être hospitalisée. Je vous demande de vouloir bien être mon interprète auprès de Sa Majesté [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - Some ink offsetting; envelope with a large ink stain.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Simionesco, M., French physician (fl. 1950s).‎

‎2 autograph letters signed. Paris, 23 Aug. 1956 and no date.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. on 2 ff. With autograph envelope. To Marquis Marc de Favrat in Cannes, asking for news of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, who was in hospital, apparently dwindling away, and trying to find out whether and how it might be possible to write to Elisabeth: "Je vous en prie je voudrais bien des nouvelles de Sa Majesté [...] dites moi si Je puis lui écrire - ou à qui?" (23 Aug. 1956). Again asking for news and expressing his worries about Elisabeth's state of health: "Je pense beaucoup à elle, mais je suis inquiète [...]" (undated). - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover, whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With letterhead of the "Société Internationale de Recherches Contre la Tuberculose et le Cancer" and "Fondation Marie de Roumanie [...] Docteur Briault".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Sivéry, S., French petitioner (fl. 1956).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Paris, 31. VII. 1956.‎

‎4to. 1½ pp. With autograph envelope. To Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) in Cannes, informing the Princess and former Queen of Greece of the recent death of Sivéry's cousin Noemi Rosetti (1890-1956), who has dies of cardiac arrest, further requesting an autographed note to console Noemi's sister Florica Rosetti: "Madame, c'est avec la plus grande tristesse que je viens annoncer à Votre Majesté la mort de ma très chère cousine Noemi Rosetti. Un Matin son coeur s'est arrêté - morte d'épuisement - Une lettre de Florica m'apprend que sa soeur avait gardé jusqu'à la fin un courage et même une sorte de gaité admirables. Elle promenait des enfants, donnait des leçons [...] Sie votre Majesté voulait m'envoyer un mot de Sa main pour ma pauvre Florica (sans signature bien entendu) [....]".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Soboleff, Nicolas, archpriest (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Cannes, 22. XI. 1956.‎

‎4to. 1 page. To Marc Favrat with a bill over 300,000 francs for the burial of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece: "Je me permets de vous présenter ci-dessous la montant des frais occasionnés par l'enterrement de S. A. la Reine Elisabeth [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. The last year of Elisabeth's life was characterised by financial worries and health issues. - With printed letterhead "Association Cultuelle Orthodoxe Russe Saint-Michel Archange" and stamp. Surface somewhat defective and scratched with several tiny holes and tears, some fingerstaining, dust-soiling and marks in red pencil.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Soboleff, Nicolas, archpriest (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Cannes, 27. XII. 1956.‎

‎4to. Ca. 1½ pp. on 2 ff. Added is a duplicate. To Marc Favrat concerning a bill over 250,000 francs for the burial of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece, and a partly deferred payment of 50,000 francs, accompanied by the corresponding fee note: "Comme suite à notre conversation de ce jour, il est entendu que le montant des frais occasionnés par l'enterrement de S. A. La Reine Elisabeth [...] payable de la façon suivante: Frs ... 250.000 et 50.000 Frs par paiement différé e par vous-même [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With printed letterhead "Association Cultuelle Orthodoxe Russe Saint-Michel Archange" and stamps. Includes a duplicate.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth of Romania] - Torra-Balari, Mauricio, Catalan cultural promoter and translator (1907-1999).‎

‎Autograph correspondence card signed. Paris, 16. XI. 1956.‎

‎Oblong 8vo. 2 pp. With autograph envelope. A condolence letter to Marquis Marc de Favrat on the occasion of the death of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece. Torra-Balari states that initially he had wanted to write a congratulatory letter to acknowledge the bestowal of a title on Favrat: "Mi querido Marc, veuillez trouvez ici l'expression de peine pour la mort de ta chère Reine [...] La vie est ainsi! [...]". - Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. In France, she met the much younger aspiring artist Marc Favrat, who became her lover and whom she made her equerry and adopted in the year of her death. - With blind-embossed monogram.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Autograph letter (draft) and autograph list. Paris and Cannes, 6. XII. 1956.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. on 2 bifolia. To an Excellency with a request to communicate to the Prince and the Princess of Monaco Favrat's thanks for condolences on the occasion of the death of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, former Queen of Greece: "Je vous prie de bien vouloir transmettre à Leur Altesses Serenissimes le Prince et la Princesse de Monaco ma très profonde gratitude pour les témoignages de sympathie dont Ils ont bien voulu m'honorer [...]" (6 Dec. 1956). The list gives the names of addressees whom Favrat thanked for their tokens of sympathy. - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat had become Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - All on mourning paper and with printed monogram.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Golfe-Juan (Cannes), 2. X. 1957.‎

‎4to. 1¾ pp. on bifolium. To a colonel and friend, with thanks for the recipient's kindness toward Favrat when mourning Princess Elisabeth of Romania: "Voilà presque une année qui m'écarte de la présence 'réelle' da Sa Majesté! [...] Et vous avez pourtant, en des moments très difficiles, facilité, sinon amélioré l'atmosphère 'famille' qui venait, a-t-on dit, épauler ma douleur [...]". - Marc Favrat had met Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) in France, where she finally settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry (or Grand Chamberlain), and adopted son in the year of her death. - On mourning paper with printed monogram.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s).‎

‎Autograph letter signed (draft), 2 autograph letters (draft), autograph memoir (draft), and 2 autograph lists, and autograph note signed (draft). Cannes, 1956.‎

‎4to and folio. Together ca. 5½ pp. on 6 ff. Two letters to a general with apologies for his late response due to Princess Elisabeth of Romania's worsened state of health, and with thanks for an article in the recipient's "Revue": "Malgré les tristes heures que nous traversons, je tiens à vous remercier très vivement aussi que votre collaborateur, d'avoir su, par l'article paru dans votre Revue, faire repouver davantage le Grand prestige que mérite la personnalité magnifique de Sa Majesté [...]" (11 Nov. 1956). - The longer letter to Baron Franz von Hallberg zu Broich about the recently-deceased Princess, her last resting-place, financial worries, the still-continuing adoption process, and rental debts paid by the Crown Prince of Hohenzollern, communicated through H. J. Oemichen: "Dans le soucis de respecter le voeux unanime de tous les amis de S. M. en France pays, qui fut comme une seconde patrie pour Elle [...] et enfin dans le but d'éviter des frais importants de transfert, je crois qu'il est nécessaire, dès moins pendant un certain temps de laisse S. M dans la crypte de l'Eglise Russe [...]" (no place or date). - A short memoir of Princess Elisabeth's life, the two lists noting family members and Royal Highnesses, the note announcing Elisabeth's death. - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who finally settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - Two leaves with printed monogram, memoir with blind-embossed letterhead "Maison civile en France de S. M. la Reine Elisabeth", slightly browned ib places. The two shorter letters crossed out in blue pencil.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎[Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s)].‎

‎Handwritten letter to Favrat, signed "Eric". Mouans-Sartoux, 20. XI. 1906.‎

‎Oblong 4to. 2 pp. on bifolium. With autograph envelope. Eric, who attended the funeral of Princess Elisabeth outside the church, honours Elisabeth's friendship and commitment to Favrat (referring to her as Marc's mother) and asks for a personal souvenir as one of the presents he once gave to the Princess: "Je suis fier de mes souvenirs d'amitié avec Sa Majesté ta mère. Elle t'a donné tout ce qu'elle avait à te donner. Tu seras digne de l'honneur [...]". - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry and adopted son in the year of her death. - With recipient's note to envelope "Eric Brunton".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s)].‎

‎Handwritten letter to Favrat, signed "Michel". Grenoble, 4. X. 1956.‎

‎4to. 2½ pp. on 2 ff. With autograph envelope. With thanks for time spent together in Cannes, regretting the additional work that Michel's stay caused for the chambermaid of Princess Elisabeth of Romania, and about disappointed hopes that Favrat would visit him at Grenoble. Finally, sending wishes for the Princess's convalescence and greetings to a Janine: "Je ne pensais pas, en venant à Cannes, que j'aurais le très grande joie et l'honneur de te connaitre et de passer de si agréables journées en ta compagnie [...] je n'oublierai pas de sitôt sorties que tu m'as permis de faire en ta compagnie, enfin tout ce dont tu m'as comblé ... Je pensais un peu que tu passerai à ton retour, par Grenoble et j'attendais impatiemment, ces jours derniers, un appel de toi [...]". - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry and adopted son in the year of her death. - Includes a newspaper clipping.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Favrat, Marc (Marquis de), painter, lover of Elisabeth of Romania (fl. 1950s)].‎

‎Typed letter to Favrat, signed "Iris Peters". Nice, 9. VI. 1959.‎

‎4to. 1½ pp. on 2 ff. With typed envelope. To Marquis Marc de Favrat in Cannes, requesting him to be her personal guide at Favrat's art exposition in Cannes, invoking his artistic talents to console him for the loss of his "worldly possessions". Currently on a journey through Europe accompanied by her grandparents, Iris points out that her grandmother had connections to the royal family of Romania: "My grandmother, born in Coburg, knew Queen Marie and Prince Carol; she was present when the black and gold ship of the Czar family came to the Bosphorus [...] Only one thing saddens me, we do not know anybody here and when they take me to the tea-dance at the Casino once a week I can only dance with my grandfather. He is a very good dancer but I am only twenty and I do so want to live a little [...]". - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) who finally settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat had become Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Favrat, Marc (Marquis de)] - Lucas, Christopher, journalist (fl. 1950s).‎

‎2 autograph documents signed. New York, 18. V. 1957.‎

‎4to. (¾+½ =) 1¼ pp. on 2ff. Declaration of subtenancy of Lucas's New York apartment for one month by his cousin Marc Favrat, rented for 225 dollars: "Je sousigné, Christopher Lucas, certifie que Marc Favrat de Hohenzollern, m'a payé la somme de $225 [...] pour la souslocation de mon appartement [...]". Accompanied by an English declaration. - Marc Favrat had met Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956) in France, where she finally settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947 when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry (or Grand Chamberlain), and adopted son in the year of her death. - On stationery with printed letterhead "Associated Newspapers, Ltd.".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎[Favrat, Marc (Marquis de)] - Orlando, Guido, press agent, publicist, and actor (1906-1988).‎

‎Typed letter signed. Paris, 27. IV. 1959.‎

‎4to. ¾ page. To Marc Favrat in Cannes with compliments on Favrat's art exposition, expressing his happiness at having met one another, and requesting a further meeting the following Friday: "Quelques lignes pour vous dire combien j'ai été heureux de vous rencontrer et particulièrement à l'occasion de votre exposition. J'en ai été fortement impressionné. Je serai heureux de vous rencontrer au cours de mon tout prochain voyage à Cannes, Vendredi [...]". - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who had settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic had been proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat had become Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - With printed letterhead "Guido Orlando / International Public Relations".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Filomarino della Rocca, Jacques (Giacomo), vice legate of Avignon (fl. 1780).‎

‎Document signed. Avignon, 7. IX. 1779.‎

‎4to. 1 page on bifolium. Watermark: crown and bell. A letter of safe conduct issued to the Jewish merchant Jassé Crémieu from the city of Carpentras, valid for a period of six months, during which presentation of this document will prevent Crémieu's arrest by his creditors in Avignon. Said creditors can still have Crémieu summoned and sentenced under criminal law, but only after the six-month period has passed: "Pour Raisons à nous connues, nous accordons à Jassé Crémieu neg[ocian]t juif de la ville de Carpentras sauf conduit et assurance de sa personne pendant le terme de six mois [...] il sera néan-moins permis aux dites créanciers de faire assigner le dite Cremieu et d'obtenir des sentences contrôlées, lesquelles ne pourront être exécutées contre Sa personne pendant lesdites six mois, si terrent pour cause criminelles [...]". - "A group of seven creditors of the Jewish community of Carpentras sued Jassé-Haïn Crémieu, son of the rich former syndic Jassuda-David Crémieu, who was the guarantor for many loans contracted by the former Jewish community. Crémieu was naturalized as French citizen settled in 1785 in Arles. In the year VII his son argued that the naturalization released his father and heirs from any individual responsibility to the creditors of the Jewish community of Carpentras. This argument was so weak that Jassé-Hain Crémieu was ready to turn over to the seven creditors six houses valued before 1789 at 40,000 livres which he owned in the Carpentras ghetto" (Zosa Szajkowski, Jews and the French Revolutions of 1789, 1830 and 1848 [New York, 1970], p. 646). - The rubrum on the verso states that the passport was based on the one accorded by the king. Extremeties slightly browned, with traces of old folds.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€350.00 Buy

‎Gillet, Louis, Kunsthistoriker und Literaturhistoriker (1876-1943).‎

‎Eigenh. Visitenkarte mit U. 17, rue Bonaparte [Paris], o. D.‎

‎1 S. Visitkartenformat. In französischer Sprache an einen Kollegen mit einer Empfehlung der J. Oberlander, einer Schülerin des Kunsthistorikers Henri Focillon (1881-1943), die ihm ihre Übersetzungen vorlegen möchte: "Cher Monsieur je me permets de vous adresser Mademoiselle J. Oberlander, licenciée d'histoire et licenciée ès lettres, élève de mon ami Focillon, qui s'en haiterait vous soumettre des traductions qu'elle a faites, je vous serais obligé de l'accueil que vous lui ferez [...]".‎


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€80.00 Buy

‎Guillemin, Henri, Historiker und Literaturwissenschaftler (1903-1992).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Bordeaux, 14. VII. 1942.‎

‎½ S. 8vo. In französischer Sprache an den Schriftsteller und Verleger Maurice Delamain (1883-1974) mit Dank für seinen Brief und den Scheck, die er beide bei seiner Rückkehr gefunden habe. Er freue sich, dass ihm sein Text gefallen habe, und bemerkt, er habe sich dabei große Mühe gegeben: "Cher monsieur, je rentre de voyage, trouve votre lettre et le cheque, merci. Heureux que mon texte vous ait plu. Je me suis appliqué, de mon mieux [...]". - Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf der Faculté des Lettres. Stempel der Librairie Stock in Paris. Zwei kleine Quetschfalten nahe der linken unteren Ecke.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€140.00 Buy

‎[Hallberg (zu Broich), Baron Franz von, head of cabinet of Prince Frederick of Hohenzollern (1895-1982)].‎

‎Typed letter by Marc Favrat to Hallberg. Cannes, 26. XII. 1956.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. on 2 ff. Added are two copies. A letter by Marc Favrat concerning the final resting-place of the Romanian Princess Elisabeth, financial worries and ill health, and the ongoing adoption procedure, also about rental debts paid by the Prince of Hohenzollern, communicated through the chief of staff, H. J. Oemichen. Favrat's inability to assure the living of the chambermaids Julia and Marguerite Breckner led to their transition to Madrid to serve at Prince Nicholas's place: "Je dois enfin vous faire savoir que malgré mon intention de protéger les Demoiselles Breckner, je ne peux pour le moment assurer leur existence et qu'elle ont accepté de se rendre à Madrid courant Janvier au Service de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Nicolas [...]". - Marc Favrat gained fame through his relationship with Princess Elisabeth of Romania (1894-1956), who settled in Cannes some years after her expulsion from Romania in 1947, when the Romanian People's Republic was proclaimed. The much younger aspiring artist Favrat became Elisabeth's lover, equerry, and adopted son in the year of her death. - With a handwritten annotation.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€120.00 Buy

‎Hallberg (zu Broich), Franz Frh. von, Kabinettchef von Prinz Friedrich von Hohenzollern (1895-1982).‎

‎Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U. Sigmaringen, 2. V. 1961.‎

‎¾ S. 4to. Begleitschreiben zur Übersendung einer Erinnerungsphotographie von der Aufbahrung der Prinzessin Elisabeth von Rumänien in der Familiengruft in Hedingen: "Je puis maintenant vous envoyer, bien que très en retard, une belle reproduction photographique de la mise en bière da Sa Majesté, la Reine Elisabethe, au caveau de la Famille Princière à Hedingen en souvenir de la décédée [...]". - Mit Briefkopf und blindgepr. Wappen "Geheimes Kanzlei seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Fürsten von Hohenzollern".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Hallberg (zu Broich), Frh. Franz von, Kabinettchef (1895-1982).‎

‎Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U. Sigmaringen, 27. IX. 1956.‎

‎¾ S. 4to. Mit eh. adr. Kuvert. An Marquis Marc de Favrat mit der Ankündigung eines Besuchs des Prinzen Friedrich von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen bei Prinzessin Elisabeth von Rumänien, der früheren Königin von Griechenland, und mit der Bitte, für eine Unterbringung und Übernachtungsmöglichkeit während ein oder zwei Tagen zu sorgen: "Son Altesse Royale pense y séjourner un ou deux jours, et vous prie de bien vouloir prendre soin d'une possibilité de passer la nuit [...]". - Elisabeth von Rumänien (1894-1956) ließ sich einige Jahre nach ihrer Vertreibung aus Rumänien, als im Jahre 1947 die Rumänische Volksrepublik ausgerufen wurde, in Cannes nieder. In Frankreich hatte sie den um einige Jahre jüngeren angehenden Künstler Marc Favrat kennengelernt. Favrat wurde Elisabeths Liebhaber, ihr Kammerherr und schließlich im Jahr ihres Todes von Elisabeth adoptiert. - Mit Briefkopf und blindgepr. Wappen "Geheimes Kanzlei seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Fürsten von Hohenzollern".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

‎Hallberg (zu Broich), Frh. Franz von, Kabinettchef des Prinzen Friedrich von Hohenzollern (1895-1982).‎

‎Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U. Sigmaringen, 16. XI. 1956.‎

‎1 S. 4to. Mit ms. adr. Kuvert. An Marquis Marc de Favrat im Namen Friedrichs von Hohenzollern zur Überstellung des Leichnams der verstorbenen Prinzessin Elisabeth von Rumänien aus Cannes nach der Grabstätte in Sigmaringen sowie mit der Ankündigung der Teilnahme des Kronprinzen Friedrich Wilhelm, des Prinzen Johann Georg und Hallbergs selbst an der Begräbniszeremonie: "Son Altesse Royale, le Prince, m'a dit que le corps de Sa Majesté sera transfert à la Sepulture à Sigmaringen. A cet effet de différents papiers sont nécessaires [...]". - Elisabeth von Rumänien (1894-1956), die frühere Königin von Griechenland, ließ sich einige Jahre nach ihrer Vertreibung aus Rumänien (aufgrund der Ausrufung der Rumänischen Volksrepublik im Jahr 1947) in Cannes nieder. In Frankreich hatte sie den um einige Jahre jüngeren angehenden Künstler Marc Favrat kennengelernt. Favrat wurde Elisabeths Liebhaber, ihr Kammerherr und schließlich, im Jahr ihres Todes, von Elisabeth adoptiert. - Mit gedr. Briefkopf "Geh. Kanzlei S. K. H. Des Fürsten von Hohenzollern".‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€180.00 Buy

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