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Number of results : 12,846 (257 Page(s))

[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 42 77 112 147 182 217 252 ... 257 Next page Last page

‎"Ordnance Survey Map of Scotland - Dunkeld and Pitlochry [Scotland 56]"‎

‎"Ordnance Survey". "1925/1926 (3rd revision). Folded map in very good condition. Popular edition ""one inch to one mile"". Pictures on request."‎

‎"1925/1926 (3rd revision). Folded map in very good condition. Popular edition ""one inch to one mile"". Pictures on request."‎

Bookseller reference : 7814

‎"Ordnance Survey Map of Scotland - Grampian Mountains and Blair Atholl [Scotland 49]"‎

‎"Ordnance Survey". "1925/1927 (3rd revision). Folded map in very good condition. Popular edition ""one inch to one mile"". Pictures on request."‎

‎"1925/1927 (3rd revision). Folded map in very good condition. Popular edition ""one inch to one mile"". Pictures on request."‎

Bookseller reference : 7813

‎"The Scottish Tartans with Historical Sketches of the Clans and Families of Scotland - The Badges Arms Slogans etc...of the Clans"‎

‎"Edinburgh. 11 5 cm x 16 cm. Cartonné et toilé. 120 pages. Edinburgh W. liste alphabétique des noms de famille et des clans auxquels ils sont apparentés description des clans des couleurs de leurs tartans de leurs armes de leurs devises et de leurs plantes. Très bon état" "Très bon état (TB)"‎

Bookseller reference : 100073476

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sedon
Rochefort France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Sedon]

€50.00 Buy

‎"The tartan map with list of septs of the clans"‎

‎"Edinburgh (Ecosse). 75 5 cm x 100 cm. 1979. Carte. 1 pages. Edinburgh (Ecosse) John Bartholomew & Son Ltd 1979. Carte dépliante 75 5 cm x 100 cm. Les 96 tartans d'Ecosse avec les clans et les familles s'y rattachant carte de l'Ecosse avec la situation géographique des clans la liste des régiments écossais. Texte en anglais. Très bon état" "Très bon état"‎

Bookseller reference : 100074467

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Sedon
Rochefort France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Sedon]

€20.00 Buy

‎A Graphic and Historical Description of the City of Edinburgh. Views in Edinburgh and Its Vicinity drawn and engraved by J. & H. S. Storer; Exhibiting Remains of Antiquity, Public Buildings and Picturesque Scenery in two Volumes.‎

‎Constable & Co. Ltd, Edinburgh 1818. 1. Auflage Halbleinen/Hartkarton. Sehr gut‎

‎Text Englisch. 2 Bände, so vollständig. Leinenrücken mit Titelschildchen professionell nachgebunden, goldgeprägte Leder-Einbände, golddekoriert, normale Altersspuren. Schnitt marmoriert. Buchblöcke weitgehend sauber, vereinzelt gering stockfleckig, Stiche gut und klar. Beide Bände jeweils 2 Vorbesitzerexlibris, zusätzlich Namenseintragung auf Schmutztitel. Verlagsmäßig nicht vollständig paginiert; 2 gestochene, gefaltete Stadtpläne, Bd. 1) 192 Textseiten "History of Edinburgh" plus 26 Stiche mit z.T. mehrseitigen Erklärungen. Zusätzlich Vignetten. Bd. 2) 71 Stiche mit z.T. mehrseitigen Erklärungen plus Vignetten. Two beautiful books, profusely illustrated with 97 clean engravings, very little foxing. Leather bound with cloth spine (newly added), with the ex libris of Henry Gee Barnard (1839) and Charles Cammell, two folding maps of the city of Edinburgh, altogether solid and fine. 1,35 Kg. 14 x 22,5 Cm. +++ Stichwörter: STAHLSTICHE SCHOTTLAND GESCHICHTE EDINBURG ALTE DRUCKE SCOTLAND HISTORY UNITED KINGDOM STEEL ENGRAVINGS STÄDTEGESCHICHTE‎

Bookseller reference : 000211

Antiquariat Clement
Germany Alemania Alemanha Allemagne
[Books from Antiquariat Clement]

€400.00 Buy

‎A Tourist Guide to Scotland‎

‎32 pages, illustrated in colour. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€0.74 Buy


‎Paris, Fondation Mona Bismarck 1989 4° - 16,5 x 23,54° broché couverture illustrée, 126 pp. (3-122), (4) pp. Imprimé en octobre 1989 par GROU-RADENEZ, Paris ;‎

‎Exposition du 11 octobre au 2 décembre 1989, Fondation Mona Bismarck, 34, Avenue de New-York; LM*‎

Bookseller reference : 140

Livre Rare Book

Luc Monod
Paris France Francia França France
[Books from Luc Monod]

€25.00 Buy

‎Cahier B.E.G.N.A.M. L’Ecosse, Des Mac Alpin aux Stuarts. N.° 3.‎

‎1984, 295x210mm, broché. Bon état.‎

‎Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Bookseller reference : 77106

Livre Rare Book

Bouquinerie du Varis
Russy Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Bouquinerie du Varis]

€19.11 Buy

‎Correspondance secrette du chevalier Robert Cecil avec Jacques VI roi d'écosse publiée aujourd'hui pour la première fois à édimbourg, imprimée par A. Millar, sur le strand, à Londres 1766‎

‎1767 Sans lieu 1767 In8 broché 452 pages -pièce de titre papier au dos et couverture d'attente.‎

‎très bon état quelques mouillures sur la page de garde mais papier blanc à l intérieur. ouvrage traduit de l'anglais par Bessel de la chapelle. Edition originale française.‎

Bookseller reference : 512

Livre Rare Book

Le Monde à l'Envers
Montargis France Francia França France
[Books from Le Monde à l'Envers]

€250.00 Buy

‎Die Welt in Bildern. Dritter Bogen. Schottische Küste. - Deutscher Gebirgswald. - Ungarische Ebene. Von H. Leutemann.‎

‎Mchn, Braun & Schneider. 9. Auflage. Ca 43.5 x 33.5 cm (Höhe x Breite). (=Münchener Bilderbogen Nro. 275). 9‎

Bookseller reference : 70131AB

‎Edinburgh: Christmas Shopping in the Capital‎

‎12 pages, illustrated. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€1.78 Buy

‎Fünf Muster-Leporello mit farbigem Baumwoll-Garn.‎

‎Freiburg, Paisley, Milano, Barcelona. MEZ AG, J & P. Coats, Industria Sete Cucirine, Hilaturas Labor, S. A., um 1925. Fünf O-Musterkarten mit 17 Einzeltafeln mit farbigen Garnmustern. Tafeln mit Nutzungsspuren und angestaubt. Garnmuster intakt und zum Teil etwas angestaubt, Tafelgröße: ca. 14 x 20 cm.‎

Bookseller reference : 8774

‎Glasgow CathedralA short historyand guidebyThe Rev. Neville Davidson, D.D.Minister of Glasgow‎

‎Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow, s.d. [v. 1967]. In-12, plaquette agrafée, 32 pp. Preface - St. Kentigern - The building of the Cathedral - Bishops, Archbishops and Ministers of Glasgow - Friends of the Glasgow Cathedral.‎

‎Avec 5 planches en noir en hors texte.Texte en anglais. --- Plus d'informations sur le site‎

Bookseller reference : 8706

‎Glencoe and Dalness‎

‎9th edition. VG pbk.13476. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€0.28 Buy

‎Glencoe and Dalness‎

‎64 pages, illustrated, glossary, reading copy only some staining. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€0.59 Buy

‎Glencoe and Dalness‎

‎64 pages, illustrated, glossary. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€2.97 Buy

‎Great Days Out in the South of Scotland Including Edinburgh Castle, Linlithgow Palace, Melrose Abbey, Caerlaverock Castle, Glasgow Cathedral, Dirleton Castle‎

‎20 pages, illustrated, map. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€2.08 Buy

‎HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE , depuis le commencement du Monde juqu ' à présent ; compsée en Anglois par une Société de gens de lettres ; nouvellement traduite en françois par une société de gens de lettres ; Enrichie de figures et de cartes. HISTOIRE MODERNE con‎

‎P, Moutard , 1787 , in8 pleine basane , dos lisse orné , XXIV -451 pp .2 cartes gravées dépliantes hors texte ( Ecosse - Angleterre ) Langue: Français‎

Bookseller reference : M12084

Livre Rare Book

Nord - Sud
Kervignac France Francia França France
[Books from Nord - Sud]

€80.00 Buy

‎Illustrated Time-Table, Guide and Note-Book. Royal route to the Highlands by D. Macbrayne's Steamers. With 35 illustrations by David Small‎

‎Glasgow, David Bryce & Son., August 1885. original Broschur, 12?, 172 pages, am Map, a good copy‎

Bookseller reference : ED14-1011

‎L'école de médecine d'Edimbourg. ‘Revue Ciba’, 73.‎


‎Contient: F.W. Rieppel, Esquisse historique de l'Ecosse. / L'enseignement de la médecine à Edimbourg au XVIe et au XVIIe siècle. / L'apogée de l'école de médecine d'Edimbourg. / L'école de médecine d'Edimbourg au XIXe siècle.‎

Bookseller reference : 14729aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

€19.11 Buy




Bookseller reference : ABE-1476533844198

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Grégoire
Rennes France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Grégoire]

€12.00 Buy




Bookseller reference : ABE-1549272309810

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Grégoire
Rennes France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Grégoire]

€15.00 Buy

‎Loch Venachoir. With Ben Venue in the Distance. 'Drawn from Nature by F. Nicholson'. Original - Kreidelithographie.‎

‎London, Printed & published by Engelmann, Graf Coindet & Co. Nov. 1826. 30 x 21,5 cm. Bildgroesse + 3 - 4,5 cm. Papierrand. Gut erhalten.‎

Bookseller reference : 13436

‎Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch 1911. Herausgegeben vom Verein für niedersächsisches Volkstum e. V., Bremen.‎

‎Bremen, Niedersachsen-Verlag Carl Schünemann o. J. (ca. 1910). 1910. 99 S. mit zahlreichen s/w Illustrationen, Orig.-Leinen.‎

‎Graphische Gestaltung von Eduard Scotland.- Enthält u. a. Plattdeutsche Gedichte von Johann Beyer, Texte von Alwin Lonke.- Einbanddeckel leicht fleckig und im Vordergelenk leicht gelockert. Namenszug eines Vorbesitzers auf Titel. Seiten mit kleinen Stockflecken.‎

Bookseller reference : 92551

‎Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch 1912. Herausgegeben vom Verein für niedersächsisches Volkstum e. V., Bremen.‎

‎Bremen, Niedersachsen Verlag Carl Schünemann 1912. 1912. 87, (1) S. mit sehr vielen s/w Illustrationen und zahlreichen s/w Fotos, Orig.-Leinen.‎

‎Erste Ausgabe.- Graphische Gestaltung von Eduard Scotland. Mit Beiträgen u. a. über 'Die Ausstellung des niedersächsischen Kunsthandwerks in Stadt 1911', 'Die Bedeutung der Bauernkunst', 'Oldenburger Art' Gedichte von Georg Ruseler in plattdeutscher Sprache.-‎

Bookseller reference : 92482

‎Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch 1919. Herausgegeben vom Verein für niedersächsisches Volkstum e. V., Bremen.‎

‎Bremen, Niedersachsen-Verlag Carl Schünemann o. J. (ca. 1917). 1918. 95 S. mit s/w Illustrationen, Orig.-Karton.‎

‎Grafische Gestaltung der Kalenderblätter von Eduard Scotland.- Enthält u. a. die Beiträge: Aufgaben des Heimatschutzes nach dem Kriege von Gustav Brandes, Auf dem Pestruper Gräberfeld von Georg Droste, Sammlung deutscher Soldatenlieder.- Umschlagdeckel lose und mit kleinem Lichtrand. Auf Vorderseite mit Namenszug des Vorbesitzers. Seiten oben rechts leicht wellig,die ersten beiden Blätter unten rechts mit winziger Fehlstelle.‎

Bookseller reference : 92552

‎Picturesque and Romantic Edinburgh‎

‎Small introduction for visitors to the capital of Scotland. Illustrated with photographs in both B & W and colour, as well as pretty watercolours. 63p. map. No date ,but seems c.1930 ( predates WWII ) Book‎


Kalamos Books
[Books from Kalamos Books]

€9.27 Buy

‎Pitlochry & Highland Perthshire‎

‎1st edition. Fine pbk. ISBN 0948387025. 16941. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€2.97 Buy

‎Scotland / Ecosse. - Respublica, sive Status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Diversorum autorum. 2 parts in 1 volume.‎

‎Lugd. Bat. (Leiden), ex officina Elzeviriana, 1627, in-24to (10.x6 cm), 280 p. including fine engraved frontispiece title + 1 leaf, full page hw. old notes on first white end paper, browning, engraved book plate on inside frontcover, (a hand holding 3 roses) calf binding on raised bands, gold tooled spine, spine ends damaged, worming on covers, hinges starting, red edges. (Orig.-Binding fragile).‎

‎Description of Scotland and Ireland, with contributions by George Buchanan, William Camden, and Hector Boëtius and others. Another edition with the same title page and date, was actually printed in 1630. Willems 287. image disp.‎

Bookseller reference : 42387aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

€95.57 Buy

‎Shetland Ponies and Other Stories‎

‎Faded, worn cover. Age-toned pages. Black and white illustrations. Unpaginated. 5 1/8"w x 7 3/8"h.‎

‎Souvenir of Edinburgh‎

‎32 pages, illustrated. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€2.97 Buy

‎Souvenir of the Firth of Clyde. Leporello album containing 23 views of the Firth of Clyde. Charming views of little villages with captions below the images. Advertisment for Ormiston & Glass and its publications at the back inner paste down. Blind pressed cloth portfolio with gilt title at the front board. Fine condition.‎

‎Edinburgh, Ormiston & Glass, (1890). Firth of clyde‎

‎Very good.‎

Bookseller reference : 14384BB

‎The Cabinet album views of Edinburgh - Historical and descriptive account of the cabinet album views of Edinburgh‎

‎s.l.n.d. - pet; in-8, 15 pp et 21 vues n.b., format à l'italienne - rel. percaline rouge, titre doré‎

‎t. bon ex.‎

Bookseller reference : 2686

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Art et Arts
Bordeaux France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Art et Arts]

€92.30 Buy

‎The Scots Magazine July 2005‎

‎112 pages, illustrated, includes articles on jazz trumpeter George Paterson and on St Andrews. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€0.35 Buy

‎The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh literary miscellany: being a general repository of literature, history, and politics, for 1810. Vol. LXXII. [1810. 2 Bände.]‎

‎Edinburgh, Archibald Constable and Company, 1810. 8°. 21,5 cm. 971, 80 Seiten. Halblederbände der Zeit mit goldgeprägten Rückentiteln auf schwarzen Lederschildchen.‎

‎1. Auflage. Englischsprachige Ausgabe. Beigebunden: Ausgabe Januar 1811. Mit einigen Kupfern. Außenfalze komplett eingerissen, Bindungen gelockert. Einbände berieben, mit Fehlstellen im Bezug. Blätter kaum fleckig. Gutes, innen gutes bis sehr gutes Exemplar. First edition. English language edition. Included: Issue January 1811. With some copper engravings. Half leather bindings with gilt lettered spines. Outer folds with complete tears, binding lightly loose. Covers rubbed, with small missing parts. Sheets rarely spotted. Good copy, nearly fine on the inside.‎

Bookseller reference : 6850EB

Antiquariat Lenzen
DE - Düsseldorf
[Books from Antiquariat Lenzen]

€120.00 Buy

‎The Scots Magazine, and Edinburgh literary miscellany: being a general repository of literature, history, and politics, for 1809. Vol. LXXI. [1809. 2 Bände.]‎

‎Edinburgh, Archibald Constable and Company, 1809. 8°. 21,5 cm. 977 Seiten. Halblederbände der Zeit mit goldgeprägten Rückentiteln auf schwarzen Lederschildchen.‎

‎1. Auflage. Englischsprachige Ausgabe. Mit einigen Kupfern. Ein Hinterdeckel lose, Außenfalze komplett eingerissen, Bindungen gelockert. Einbände berieben, mit Fehlstellen im Bezug. Blätter etwas fleckig. Gutes Exemplar. First edition. English language edition. With some copper engravings. Half leather bindings with gilt lettered spines. One back cover completely looseded, outer folds with complete tears, binding lightly loose. Covers rubbed, with small missing parts. Some sheets spotted. Good copy.‎

Bookseller reference : 6851EB

Antiquariat Lenzen
DE - Düsseldorf
[Books from Antiquariat Lenzen]

€120.00 Buy

‎Voyages aux Montagnes d’Ecosse et aux Isles Hébrides, de Scilly, d’Anglesey, etc. Traduits de l’Anglais par une Société de Gens-de-Lettres, avec les notes & les éclaircissemens nécessaires. Ouvrage enrichi de cartes & de beaucoup de vues & dessins, gravés par les meilleures artistes. Tome premier.‎

‎Genève - Paris, chez Paul Barde - Moutard - Merigot 1785, 210x125mm, XII- 375pages, demi-basane de l’époque, pièce de titre et de tomaison au dos.‎

‎3 ff., 5 planches gravées dépl., Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Bookseller reference : 108416

Livre Rare Book

Bouquinerie du Varis
Russy Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Bouquinerie du Varis]

€71.68 Buy

‎VUE de la Grande rue et du Chateau à Édimbourg.‎

‎Vista óptica grabada en cobre, siglo XVIII, en colores, de 26 x 40 cm. (Las vistas ópticas, de moda en el Siglo XVIII, son grabados en plancha de cobre para ser vistos a través de las cajas ópticas, con inversión del texto y del grabado, que constaban de un espejo inclinado y una lente).‎


Malaga, ES
[Books from Mateos]

€139.00 Buy

‎Welcome to Edinburgh 2001-2002‎

‎24 pages, illustrated, maps, small crease to front cover. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€2.08 Buy

‎Welcome to Orkney: The Guide to the Enchanted Isles‎

‎Published around 1980, 46 pages, illustrated, map. eng‎


Gravity Books
Bridlington, GB
[Books from Gravity Books]

€3.26 Buy

‎Whitaker's Scottish Almanack 2000‎

‎rubbing along the edges and ends of the cover and bumps to the ends.‎


‎Carte de la Mer D'Ecosse contenant les Isles et Costes Septentrionale et Occidentales D'Ecosse et les Costes Septentrionale D'Irlande.‎

‎(No place, no date(1693)). Very large engraved seechart, measuring 60 x 86,5 cm. in original outline colouring. The chart showing the Northern part of England from Lancaster to Banf, of Ireland from Blackrock to Carlingford and all the Islands to the north: Shetland, Orkney, Faroe etc. etc. A fine impression on good thick paper with the watermark: BYCOLUMBIER. Folded down the center.‎

‎The ""Neptune Francois"" was published in 1693, and its charts are larger and more lavishly decorated than those of any preceding book of its kind. The chart is without year, place and ""par Ordre du Roi"", pointing to a later impression, but issued from the original copperplate. It is also without ""Imprimerie Royale"" belonging to the imprints from 1792. Koeman IV,425:9.‎

Bookseller reference : 16116

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,343.00 Buy


‎Scotiae Regnum. (Verso: Scotiae II. Tabula. In qua sequentes, Comitatus, Vicecomitatus & uniuersitates...).‎

‎(Duisburg, 1595). 35x44,5 cm. Engraved map of the Northern part of Scotland from 58-61',20''North, showing Orkney Island, hebrides and Skye. Fine orig. handcolouring.‎

‎Koeman Me 12 (83). From Mercators ""Atlantis, Pars Altera, Geographia Nova. Duisburg 1595""‎

Bookseller reference : 25266

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€671.50 Buy

‎(British) Army Bureau of Current Affairs; Blake, George‎

‎Current Affairs, Number 53: Scotland. October (Oct.) 9th, 1943‎

‎16 pages. "Not to be Published - the information given in this publication is not to be communicated, either directly, to the Press or to any person not holding an official position in His Majesty's Forces." - from front cover. Reprinted in Canada, October, 1943. Contents: Why learn about Scotland?; Scottish Quiz; "Here's Tae Us! - What's Like Us?"; Information about Scotland; The Scottish set-up today; The Scottish Achievement; Scotland and the Future. Unmarked with moderate wear. A sound copy. Book‎

‎(Campbell, S.M.).‎

‎THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL: INCLUDING THEODRIC, And Many Other Pieces Not Contained In Any Former Edition.‎

‎pp. 183, 38 [Notes] + Engraved frontis by E.G. Perkins with original tissue guard. Title page clipped at top edge. Small ink stain on fore edge. 24mo. 150 mm. Original red leather binding, worn and rubbed. Boards ruled in gold gilt. Spine perished. Front board detached. Hardbound. Fair. Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) was a Scottish poet chiefly remembered for his sentimental poetry. He seems to have been highly regarded in Pennsylvania for his 'Gertrude of Wyoming; A Pennsylvanian Tale' (1809). It is a romantic epic in Spenserian stanza that is set in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania, and deals with the massacre that occurred there on July 3, 1778. On that day, more than three hundred American Revolutionaries died at the hands of Loyalists and their Iroquois allies. At the time, it was widely believed that the attack was led by Joseph Brant; in the poem, Brant is described as the "Monster Brant" because of the atrocities committed, although it was later determined that Brant had not actually been present. The poem has been criticized for other historical inaccuracies. Nonetheless the poem enjoyed great popularity. PAIMP 25‎


‎Revue Digraphe, n°89. Printemps-été 1999. "L'Écosse dans tous ses état"‎

‎Revue littéraire consacrée à l'Écosse. Pour le sommaire voir photos. Langues : français et anglais. In-8 br. 131 p. Maquette de Massin. Bon exemplaire.‎

‎Port France métropolitaine; 3 euros.‎

Bookseller reference : AQW-246

Livre Rare Book

L'Autre Sommeil
Bécherel France Francia França France
[Books from L'Autre Sommeil]

€12.00 Buy

‎(Lang, William).‎

‎MESMERISM; Its History, Phenomena, and Practice : With Reports of Cases Developed in Scotland.‎

‎pp. xii, 240 p. 16 mo. 175 mm. Original full cloth binding. Spine and front board require attachment repair. Still, a nice example of a very scarce book. Hand colored engraved bookplate of Samuel Parsons Scott (1846-1929) who left much of his substantial fortune and library to Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. **PRICE JUST REDUCED! OCCULT 14‎

‎(PEPLOE Samuel John / HUNTER George Leslie / FERGUSSON John Duncan / CADELL Francis Campbell Boileau) / COLLECTIF‎

‎Les coloristes écossais de 1900 à 1935‎

‎Paris, Somogy Editions d'Art & Mona Bismarck Foundation / Glasgow, Hunterian Art Gallery, université de Glasgow / Londres, Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation, 2004, 26 x 28,5, 120 pages sous percaline éditeur et jaquette illustrée. Iconographie couleurs. Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition présentée à la Mona Bismarck Foundation du 21 avril au 26 juin 2004.‎

‎Très bon état.‎

Bookseller reference : PEINTURECOSS1123

Livre Rare Book

Le Plaisir du Texte
Lyon France Francia França France
[Books from Le Plaisir du Texte]

€20.00 Buy


‎Discovery and Excavation in Scotland.‎


‎Loch Katrine & Loch Earn: Ordnance Survey Map of Scotland. Sheet 62. Scale One Inch to One Mile. Folded map mounted on cloth.‎

Number of results : 12,846 (257 Page(s))

[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 42 77 112 147 182 217 252 ... 257 Next page Last page