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‎Çengel Yunus A.; Dall'Ò Giuliano; Sarto Luca‎

‎Fisica tecnica ambientale. Con elementi di acustica e illuminotecnica. Con Connect (bundle)‎

‎br. Il manuale affronta i principi fondamentali della termodinamica e della trasmissione del calore, riportando anche numerose applicazioni tecniche, senza far ricorso a complesse elaborazioni matematiche. La materia di studio è presentata in modo da suscitare l'interesse degli studenti, coinvolgendoli attraverso la soluzione di vari problemi pratici ampiamente illustrati. La seconda parte del manuale, scritta da Giuliano Dall'O' e Luca Sarto del Politecnico di Milano, illustra i fondamenti di acustica e di illuminotecnica artificiale e naturale con particolare riguardo alle applicazioni nel campo della progettazione architettonica e dei componenti per l'edilizia. Il manuale è pensato per i corsi di laurea di Ingegneria Edile, Architettura e per tutti i corsi in cui si affrontano i temi di Fisica Tecnica e i fondamenti di Acustica e Illuminotecnica. La conoscenza delle norme sulla protezione acustica degli ambienti interni ed esterni è divenuta di primaria importanza per i progettisti e tutti gli operatori del processo edilizio dopo l'entrata in vigore dei numerosi decreti applicativi della legge quadro sull'inquinamento acustico. La classificazione acustica degli edifici, che è in fase di recepimento a livello legislativo italiano, affiancherà presto la certificazione energetica, così come la verifica e la progettazione dell'illuminazione artificiale e naturale degli ambienti interni è oggetto di obblighi normativi. Le recenti norme sull'efficienza energetica degli edifici impongono che nella progettazione dell'involucro edilizio si tenga conto anche delle condizioni per l'illuminazione naturale degli ambienti interni, oltre ad assicurare valori adeguati di schermatura dall'irraggiamento solare. Il manuale è venduto in abbinamento alla piattaforma Connect, che offre numerosi esercizi per l'autovalutazione.‎


‎Mindetale over det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Præses...Herr Ernst Heinrich Greve Schimmelmann...holden i Selskabets Möde den 14de Juli 1831.‎

‎Kbhvn., Popp, (1831). Orig. blankt kardusomslag. 39 pp.‎


Bookseller reference : 29030

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎Mindetale over det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Præses...Herr Ernst Heinrich Greve Schimmelmann...holden i Selskabets Möde den 14de Juli 1831.‎

‎Kbhvn., Popp, (1831). Orig. blankt kardusomslag. 39 pp.‎


‎Aanden i Naturen. 1-2.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Andr. Fred. Høst, 1850. 2 samtidige helshirtbind. Lidt umage, det ene i det brune originalbind, det andet i det sorte originalbind med blindtrykte permer. Bind 2 med svag indre fals og startende revnedannelse ved forerste fals. Begge rygge med rig forgyldning. X,190VII,206,(2, avertissement) pp. Lidt spredte brunpletter, men gennemgående er begge bind rene, trykt på velinagtigt papir.‎

‎Originaludgaven af Ørsteds naturfilosofiske hovedværk‎

Bookseller reference : 41425

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€134.30 Buy


‎Bidrag til at udfinde Loven for Legemernes Sammentrykning.‎

‎(Købenavn, 1826). 4to. Contemp. blue blank wrappers. (34) pp. and 2 engraved plates.‎

‎First edition.‎

Bookseller reference : 37954

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€80.58 Buy


‎Breve fra og til Hans Christian Ørsted. Udg. af Mathilde Ørsted. 1.-2. Samling (alt). 2 Bd.‎

‎København., Th. Linds Forlag, 1870. Et samt. hldrbd. Rygforgldnin og forgyldt skindtitel. Ryg med lettere brugsspor. Kobberstukket portræt af Ørsted. Øverste venstre hjørne med en skjold, som ikke når ind til billedfladen. (6),322,(6),305 pp. Indvendig ren og frisk.‎

Bookseller reference : 43292

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€114.15 Buy


‎Erindringsord til Forelæsninger over Lyset. (Trykt som Haandskrift for Tilhørerene).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Schiellerup, 1835. Senere marmoreret omslagspapir. Et par samtidige marginalier i blæk. De første sider lidt brunplettede. (1),50 pp., 1 kobberstukket foldetavle med 57 figurer.‎

‎Originaludgaven hvori Ørsted giver en sammenfatning af sin opfattelse af lysets natur, et emne, som han var meget optaget af omkring 1815. Han udvikler en bølgeteori i lighed med Huygens, men i opposition til Newton's emmissionsteori. Ørsted var den første som vendte tilbage til bølgeteorien hvor han forestillede sig oscillationen i lysets retning, men tilføjer her, at oscillationen har elektrisk karakter.‎

Bookseller reference : 34759

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€268.60 Buy


‎Mindetale over det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Præses... Herr Ernst Heinrich Greve af Schimmelmann... holden i Selskabets Möde den 14de Juli 1831.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, Poppske Trykkerie, (1831). Orig. blåt blankt omslag. 39 pp.‎


Bookseller reference : 53482

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎Naturvidenskabelige Skrifter. Samlet Udgave med to Afhandlinger om hans Virke ved Kirstine Meyer./ Scientific Papers. Collected Edition with two Essays on his Work by Kirstine Meyer. 3 vols. Copenhagen, 1920.‎

‎4to. Bound in 3 solid private hcloth. CLXVI,345,593,420 pp., 3 portraits, plates and textillustrations.‎

Bookseller reference : 17816

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€470.05 Buy


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel.‎

‎København, C.A. Reitzel, 1844. Samt. hldrbd. med rig rygforgyldning. Ryg med brugsspor og hjørner stødte. XXII,360,(2) pp. Talrige tekstillustrationer i træsnit. Her og der brunplettet og de første sider med mindre skjold i indre hjørner.‎

‎Originaludgaven af Ørsteds lærebog.‎

Bookseller reference : 30797

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€134.30 Buy


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel. Tredie udgave ved C. Holten.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1859. Samt. halvlæder. Lidt brunplettet. XVI,329 pp. Med talrige figurer i teksten.‎

Bookseller reference : 41262

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€53.72 Buy


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel. Tredie udgave ved C. Holten.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1859. Samt. halvlæder. Rygforgyldning. Stempler på titelbladet. XVI,329 pp. Med talrige figurer i teksten. Indvendig ren.‎

Bookseller reference : 51340

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€53.72 Buy


‎Tale ved det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Mindefest over dets Præses...Adam Wilhelm Hauch, holden af Selskabets Sekretaier H.C. Ørsted.‎

‎Kbhvn., Bianco Luno, 1838. Orig. sort glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp. Lettere brunplettet.‎


Bookseller reference : 29031

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎Tale ved det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Mindefest over dets Præses... Herr Adam Wilhelm Hauch. Med den til Festen digtede Cantate af Professor C. Hauch.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1838. Glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp.‎


Bookseller reference : 53483

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎To Capitler af det Skjönnes Naturlære.‎

‎Kbhvn., (1845). Blankt omslag. (4),52 pp. Lidt brunplettet.‎


Bookseller reference : 11590

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€114.15 Buy


‎Videnskaben om Naturens Almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume [all that was published]).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Beskedent samtidigt hshirtbd. Permer løse. Brugsspor, her og der brunplettet. En del blade med svag fugtskjold. XXX,378 pp. samt 11 kobberstukne plancher. Ydremargin af plancher med brugsspor.‎

‎Originaltrykket af Ørsteds første bog, som er meget sjældent forkommende. Scarce first edition of Hans Christian Oersted's first printed book (The Science of the General Laws of Nature). Oersted is universally known for his discovery of the Electro-Magnetism in 1820. In this his first printed book, Oersted proposes at least three theses that he were to follow for the rest of his life, and which he made the foundation for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism: the crucial role that experiments and thereby empiricism play in the perception of nature the fact that each individual phenomenon in nature in accordance with the philosophy of nature must be understood as a whole" and that the laws of nature are the same everywhere, in the smallest and in the greatest parts of the universe. The sort of philosophy of nature that Oersted studies and develops is by him comprehended as a product of human striving towards with its reason to ""include and penetrate the entire nature, and to explain it in its full context"" (from ""Science of the General Laws of Nature"" - own translation), which is why this philosophy is also the science of the general laws of nature (that are the same everywhere). It thus not only includes the science of movement, but also that of electricity, magnetism, light, warmth, and chemical connections, such as they all follow directly from ordinary forces of nature, and Oested's discovery in 1820 of the connection between magnetism and electricity must be seen in this connection.Both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man).‎

Bookseller reference : 39205

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€604.35 Buy


‎Videnskaben om Naturens Almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume [all that was published]). - [THE DEBUT OF HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED - THE BASIS FOR THE DISCOVERY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM]‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Cont. hcalf. Richly gilt spine with gilt lettering. Corners bumped. XXX,378 pp. and 11 engraved plates with many figs. Title-page and the first few leaves with a brownspot in inner margin. A few brownspots, but internally clean.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Hans Christian Oersted's first printed book (The Science of the General Laws of Nature). Oersted is universally known for his discovery of the Electro-Magnetism in 1820. In this his first printed book, Oersted proposes at least three theses that he were to follow for the rest of his life, and which he made the foundation for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism: the crucial role that experiments and thereby empiricism play in the perception of nature the fact that each individual phenomenon in nature in accordance with the philosophy of nature must be understood as a whole" and that the laws of nature are the same everywhere, in the smallest and in the greatest parts of the universe. The sort of philosophy of nature that Oersted studies and develops is by him comprehended as a product of human striving towards with its reason to ""include and penetrate the entire nature, and to explain it in its full context"" (from ""Science of the General Laws of Nature"" - own translation), which is why this philosophy is also the science of the general laws of nature (that are the same everywhere). It thus not only includes the science of movement, but also that of electricity, magnetism, light, warmth, and chemical connections, such as they all follow directly from ordinary forces of nature, and Oested's discovery in 1820 of the connection between magnetism and electricity must be seen in this connection.Both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man).‎

Bookseller reference : 53678

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,343.00 Buy


‎Videnskaben om Naturens almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume (all published).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Cont. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on top of spine. Stamps on title-page. XXX,378 pp. and 11 engraved plates with many figs. A fine copy.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Hans Christian Oersted's first printed book (The Science of the General Laws of Nature). Oersted is universally known for his discovery of the Electro-Magnetism in 1820. In this his first printed book, Oersted proposes at least three theses that he were to follow for the rest of his life, and which he made the foundation for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism: the crucial role that experiments and thereby empiricism play in the perception of nature the fact that each individual phenomenon in nature in accordance with the philosophy of nature must be understood as a whole" and that the laws of nature are the same everywhere, in the smallest and in the greatest parts of the universe. The sort of philosophy of nature that Oersted studies and develops is by him comprehended as a product of human striving towards with its reason to ""include and penetrate the entire nature, and to explain it in its full context"" (from ""Science of the General Laws of Nature"" - own translation), which is why this philosophy is also the science of the general laws of nature (that are the same everywhere). It thus not only includes the science of movement, but also that of electricity, magnetism, light, warmth, and chemical connections, such as they all follow directly from ordinary forces of nature, and Oested's discovery in 1820 of the connection between magnetism and electricity must be seen in this connection.Both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man).‎

Bookseller reference : 57779

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€1,275.85 Buy


‎Bidrag til at udfinde Loven for Legemernes Sammentrykning.‎

‎(Købenavn, 1826). 4to. Contemp. blue blank wrappers. (34) pp. and 2 engraved plates.‎


‎Breve fra og til Hans Christian Ørsted. Udg. af Mathilde Ørsted. 1.-2. Samling (alt). 2 Bd.‎

‎København., Th. Linds Forlag, 1870. Et samt. hldrbd. Rygforgldnin og forgyldt skindtitel. Ryg med lettere brugsspor. Kobberstukket portræt af Ørsted. Øverste venstre hjørne med en skjold, som ikke når ind til billedfladen. (6),322,(6),305 pp. Indvendig ren og frisk.‎


‎Erindringsord til Forelæsninger over Lyset. (Trykt som Haandskrift for Tilhørerene).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Schiellerup, 1835. Senere marmoreret omslagspapir. Et par samtidige marginalier i blæk. De første sider lidt brunplettede. (1),50 pp., 1 kobberstukket foldetavle med 57 figurer.‎


‎Tale ved det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Mindefest over dets Præses...Adam Wilhelm Hauch, holden af Selskabets Sekretaier H.C. Ørsted.‎

‎Kbhvn., Bianco Luno, 1838. Orig. sort glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp. Lettere brunplettet.‎


‎Videnskaben om Naturens Almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume [all that was published]).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Beskedent samtidigt hshirtbd. Permer løse. Brugsspor, her og der brunplettet. En del blade med svag fugtskjold. XXX,378 pp. samt 11 kobberstukne plancher. Ydremargin af plancher med brugsspor.‎


‎Videnskaben om Naturens almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume (all published).‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Cont. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on top of spine. Stamps on title-page. XXX,378 pp. and 11 engraved plates with many figs. A fine copy.‎


‎Aanden i Naturen. 1-2.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Andr. Fred. Høst, 1850. 2 samtidige helshirtbind. Lidt umage, det ene i det brune originalbind, det andet i det sorte originalbind med blindtrykte permer. Bind 2 med svag indre fals og startende revnedannelse ved forerste fals. Begge rygge med rig forgyldning. X,190 VII,206,(2, avertissement) pp. Lidt spredte brunpletter, men gennemgående er begge bind rene, trykt på velinagtigt papir.‎


‎Mindetale over det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Præses... Herr Ernst Heinrich Greve af Schimmelmann... holden i Selskabets Möde den 14de Juli 1831.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, Poppske Trykkerie, (1831). Orig. blåt blankt omslag. 39 pp.‎


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel.‎

‎København, C.A. Reitzel, 1844. Samt. hldrbd. med rig rygforgyldning. Ryg med brugsspor og hjørner stødte. XXII,360,(2) pp. Talrige tekstillustrationer i træsnit. Her og der brunplettet og de første sider med mindre skjold i indre hjørner.‎


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel. Tredie udgave ved C. Holten.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1859. Samt. halvlæder. Lidt brunplettet. XVI,329 pp. Med talrige figurer i teksten.‎


‎Naturlærens mechaniske Deel. Tredie udgave ved C. Holten.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1859. Samt. halvlæder. Rygforgyldning. Stempler på titelbladet. XVI,329 pp. Med talrige figurer i teksten. Indvendig ren.‎


‎Tale ved det kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Mindefest over dets Præses... Herr Adam Wilhelm Hauch. Med den til Festen digtede Cantate af Professor C. Hauch.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1838. Glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp.‎


‎To Capitler af det Skjönnes Naturlære.‎

‎Kbhvn., (1845). Blankt omslag. (4),52 pp. Lidt brunplettet.‎


‎Naturvidenskabelige Skrifter. Samlet Udgave med to Afhandlinger om hans Virke ved Kirstine Meyer./ Scientific Papers. Collected Edition with two Essays on his Work by Kirstine Meyer. 3 vols. Copenhagen, 1920.‎

‎4to. Bound in 3 solid private hcloth. CLXVI,345,593,420 pp., 3 portraits, plates and textillustrations.‎


‎Videnskaben om Naturens Almindelige Love. Første Bind (alt som udkom). (The Science of the General Laws of Nature. First volume [all that was published]). - [THE DEBUT OF HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED - THE BASIS FOR THE DISCOVERY OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM]‎

‎Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Fr. Brummer, 1809. Cont. hcalf. Richly gilt spine with gilt lettering. Corners bumped. XXX,378 pp. and 11 engraved plates with many figs. Title-page and the first few leaves with a brownspot in inner margin. A few brownspots, but internally clean.‎

‎Überall, Herbert‎

‎Electron Scattering From Complex Nuclei : Part A‎

‎Hardcover, 1971. Dust jacket lightly worn at edges and is in a new Brodart Mylar protector. Remainder mark on bottom edge. Unmarked, clean, tight. Loose errata laid in. ...‎

Number of results : 23,934 (479 Page(s))

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