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‎Behrer, Christian‎

‎Das unterirdische München : Stadtkernarchäologie in der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt. Erstausgabe.‎

‎München : Buchendorfer Verlag, 2001. 386 Seiten, 28 cm. Originalleinen mit Originalumschlag.‎

‎FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. - Enthält u.a.: Stadtarchäologie und Stadtkernforschung in München. Forschungsgeschichte der Archäologie in München. Die Herzogsburg. Die Frauenkirche. Stadtbefestigung. Die erste Stadtmauer. Funde aus München: Keramik, Metallfunde, Werkzeuge...Die Stadtgründung. Stadttopographie.‎

Bookseller reference : 226825


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters og andre Mærkværdigheders Historie og Beskrivelse.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, C. Steen, 1832. Orig. blåt hollandret bind. Ryg med rifter og permer løse. V,(2),142 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldetavler.‎


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters og andre Mærkværdigheders Historie og Beskrivelse.‎

‎Kjöbenhavn, C. Steen, 1832. Orig. blåt hollandret bind. Ryg med rifter og permer løse. V,(2),142 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldetavler.‎

‎Andenudgaven af hans Domkirke-beskrivelse.‎

Bookseller reference : 34077

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters Historie og Beskrivelse. kbhvn., 1815.‎

‎Ubeskåret i samt. hshirtbd. XII,127 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldetavler. Lidt brunplettet.‎


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters Historie og Beskrivelse.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Seidelin, 1815. Samt. papbd. Ryg itu, brugsspor. XII,127 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldeplancher. brunplettet.‎


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters Historie og Beskrivelse. kbhvn., 1815.‎

‎Ubeskåret i samt. hshirtbd. XII,127 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldetavler. Lidt brunplettet.‎

Bookseller reference : 19175

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy


‎Grundrids til Roeskilde Domkirkes og dens Monumenters Historie og Beskrivelse.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Seidelin, 1815. Samt. papbd. Ryg itu, brugsspor. XII,127 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne foldeplancher. brunplettet.‎


Bookseller reference : 34076

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€67.15 Buy

‎Beiser A. e redattori di TIME-LIFE.‎


‎(Codice CW/3326) In 4° (28 cm) 192 pp. Cieli, crosta terrestre, paesaggio, fossili ecc. Ottimo testo a cura di noti esperti, molte straordinarie foto a colori a piena pagina, vari bei disegni. Bibliografia, indici. Cartone editoriale. Buono stato. ~~~ SPEDIZIONE IN ITALIA SEMPRE TRACCIATA‎

‎Beiser Arthur e redattori di LIFE.‎


‎(Codice CV/4334) In 4° (28 cm) 192 pp. Cieli, crosta terrestre, paesaggio, fossili ecc. Illustrazioni a colori e in nero. Bibliografia, indici. Cartone editoriale, ottimo stato. Allegato grande poster a colori del National Geographic: NOTTE SULLA TERRA. ~~~ SPEDIZIONE IN ITALIA SEMPRE TRACCIATA‎

‎BELL Adrian‎

‎The Budding Morrow.‎

‎8vo., First Edition; cloth, gilt back, backstrip very lightly sunned else a very good, bright, clean copy in unclipped dustwrapper, the latter lightly soiled on rear panel and with very minor loss at head of backstrip.‎


‎British Hills and Mountains. [Second Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER‎

‎8vo., Second Edition, with coloured frontispiece, 2 coloured plates, 96 monochrome plates on 64 and endpaper maps; rose cloth, upper board and backstrip lettered in black, a bright, clean copy in price-clipped, lightly rubbed dustwrapper. Published in Batsford's notable 'The Face of Britain' series with wrap-around dustwrapper artwork by Brian Cook.‎


‎Solihull as it was. Compiled for Solihull Public Libraries.‎

‎Oblong 4to., First Edition, with 70 photographs in the text, small label scar on rear wrapper; original pictorial wrappers, wire-stitched as issued, a very good, clean copy.‎

‎BELL Walter George‎

‎The Great Fire of London in 1666. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY‎

‎8vo., with frontispiece, plates and maps (a number folding); red cloth, upper board blocked in gilt, gilt back, backstrip mildly sunned and chipped at head else a bright, clean copy.‎


‎Mayfield. Recollections by Anna Bell-Irving. Second Edition (Enlarged). BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN CLOTH‎

‎8vo., Second Edition, with 8 plates and a photograph in the text; newly bound in cloth, original wrappers preserved, uncut, wrappers lightly age-browned else a very good, clean copy of a very scarce work. The author is the daughter of Elizabeth Margaretta Bell-Irving who published the first dedicated history of the village in 1903. VERY SCARCE.‎

‎BELLARS Margaret‎

‎Kingston Then and Now. with Surbiton, Malden, Worcester Park, Tolworth, Chessington, Thames Ditton. [Second Edition] IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS‎

‎8vo., Second Edition, with plates toned in sepia; pictorial wrappers, covers mildly creased else a very good, bright, clean copy. Published two years after the first edition.‎


‎Carte de l'Empire du Mexique pour l'Histoire Generale des Voyages 1754. Par M. B. Ing. de la Marine. Kupferstich-Karte von Jacques Nicolas Bellin.‎

‎o.J. 21 x 28,5 cm, mexiko‎

‎Mexiko bergrenzt durch Durango, der Mündung des Panuco, Veracruz und Acapulco mit Mexiko-City im Zentrum der Karte. - Im Rand leicht gebräunt, kleine Randläsuren.‎

Bookseller reference : 11539BB

‎BELLOC Hilaire‎

‎The Old Road. With Illustrations by William Hyde. THE SCARCEST OF BELLOC'S ROAD STUDIES‎

‎Roy. 8vo., First Edition, on laid paper, with frontispiece and 10 plates in photogravure, 17 illustrations in the text and 6 large folding maps coloured in outline, endpapers mildly browned, some light marginal dust-soiling; original green cloth, upper board lettered in gilt with illustration mounted in gilt frame, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, expertly rebacked with old backstrip (browned) laid down, a good, firm copy. The second edition, published in 1911 but bearing no date, is often represented as the first edition. SCARCE. Cahill 18.‎

‎BELLOC Hilaire‎

‎The Road. [Sketches by Sydney R Jones.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with a frontispiece, 7 plates and 15 maps and diagrams in the text; broad-weave cloth, buckram back with leather label lettered and ruled in gilt, uncut, covers lightly age-soiled else a very good, bright, clean copy. With small neat institutional stamp on front paste-down. This attractively produced work, published for the British Reinforced Concrete Engineering Company, is perhaps the scarcest of the author's studies of the history and development of the English road. Cahill 80.‎

‎BELLOC Hilaire‎

‎The Stane Street. A Monograph. Illustrated by William Hyde. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY‎

‎Roy. 8vo., First Edition, on laid paper, with frontispiece in photogravure (original tissue guard present), 15 fine plates, 22 sketch-maps in the text and folding map coloured in outline; original tan boards, upper cover blocked with road map and lettered in darker brown, oatmeal buckram back lettered in brown, uncut, boards unevenly sunned else a very good, bright, clean copy. Bonser, 2451; Cahill, 57C.‎

‎BELLOC Hilaire‎

‎The Stane Street. A Monograph. Illustrated by William Hyde. IN FULL MOROCCO‎

‎8vo., First Edition, on laid paper, with frontispiece in photogravure (original tissue guard present), 15 fine plates, 22 sketch-maps in the text and folding map coloured in outline; handsomely bound in dark red full morocco, back gilt with five raised bands, second and fourth compartments lettered and ruled in gilt, all other compartments tooled and ruled in gilt, uncut, a most attractive copy ideal as a gift or for presentation. Bonser, 2451; Cahill, 57A.‎

‎Belosevic, Stejpan‎

‎Zupanija Varazdinska i slob. i kralj. grad Varazdin.‎

‎Zagreb, Vlastita, 1926. 180 S. 23 (1 doppelblattgr.) Tafeln. 8°. Lwd. der Zeit mit Deckeltitel (etw. fleckig, beschabt und bestoßen).‎

‎Erste Ausgabe dieser historischen und topographischen Beschreibung der Stadt Varazsdin und ihrer Umgebung. - Titel mit hs. Notizen, Text teils mit Anstreichungen und hs. Notizen. Etw. gebräunt und teils etw. fleckig.‎

Bookseller reference : 13938

Matthäus Truppe
AT - Graz
[Books from Matthäus Truppe]

€51.40 Buy

‎Beltrami Luca‎

‎Note di topografia dell'antico centro di Milano. S. Tecla, L' Arengo, Il Coperto dei Figini. Per le fauste nozze Pio Gavazzi - Virginia Beltrami‎

‎<p>21,5 cm, Cartoncino originale con sovracop in pergamino, titolo e vignette ai piatti P. 16, (12), una tavola in antiporta e 3 figure nel testo. Comprende il decreto ducale del 1490 relativo alla Basilica di S. Tecla. Edizione di 200 esemplari</p>‎

‎BENASSI Umberto‎

‎Esposizione di cartografia parmigiana e piacentina nel Salone della Palatina. Catalogo‎

‎In 16, pp. 43 + (5). Br. ed. con annotazione manoscritta al piatto anteriore. Catalogo delle carte parmigiane e piacentine esposte durante il primo congresso della Societa' italiana per il progresso delle Scienze (Parma, settembre 1907) contenente l'elenco delle piante e carte topografiche delle Province parmensi, piante prospettiche di Parma, bozza di lavori idraulici per il Duca a tre miglia da Fontevivo, disegno per l'abbellimento del palazzo del governatore di Parma... Non contiene illustrazioni.‎

‎BENATI Amedeo -‎

‎I confini altomedievali fra Bologna e Imola (appunti di storia e di topografia) .‎

‎Faenza, 1978, 8vo stralcio con copertina posticcia muta, pp. 35/64 con una cartina. - !! ATTENZIONE !!: Con il termine estratto (o stralcio) intendiamo riferirci ad un fascicolo contenente un articolo, completo in se, sia che esso sia stato stampato a parte utilizzando la stessa composizione sia che provenga direttamente da una rivista. Le pagine sono indicate come "da/a", ad esempio: 229/231 significa che il testo è composto da tre pagine. Quando la rivista di provenienza non viene indicata é perché ci è sconosciuta. - !! ATTENTION !!: : NOT A BOOK : “extract” or “excerpt” means simply a few pages, original nonetheless, printed in a magazine. Pages are indicated as in "from” “to", for example: 229/231 means the text comprises three pages (229, 230 and 231). If the magazine that contained the pages is not mentioned, it is because it is unknown to us.‎


Libreria Piani
Monte San Pietro, IT
[Books from Libreria Piani]

€14.00 Buy


‎Life in an Irish Country House. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with photographs in the text; green cloth, backstrip lettered in silver, blue endpapers, a near fine copy in price-clipped dustwrapper.‎


‎The Parish Church of Clifton 1154-1954. A Brief History. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with 9 plates on 8; original pictorial wrappers, wire-stitched as issued, yapped edges, a very good, clean copy. With trade advertisements at front and rear.‎

‎bendinelli g.‎

‎Un problema di topografia medievale torinese: Porta Fibellona. (In: Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino - Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche. Vol. 71, Tomo II, Disp. 2a. Segnaliamo anche: FAGGI A., Echi delle "Confessioni" di S. Agostino nei "Promessi Sposi" del Manzoni - ARTOM E., Su Alessandra, la regina dei Farisei - FUBINI M., Storia della poesia alfieriana: l'"Agamennone" e l'"Oreste"...).‎

‎Torino, R. Accademia delle Scienze, 1936, in-8, br., pp. (132). Sciolto e privo del dorso.‎


‎Efterretninger om Rønninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, 1820. 4to. Pænt nyere hshirtbd. med rygforgyldning. Det trykte titelblad mangler, ellers komplet. (10),157,(5) pp. Fint rent eksemplar på skrivepapir.‎


‎Efterretninger om Rønninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, 1820. 4to. Pænt nyere hshirtbd. med rygforgyldning. Det trykte titelblad mangler, ellers komplet. (10),157,(5) pp. Fint rent eksemplar på skrivepapir.‎

Bookseller reference : 21701

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€87.29 Buy


‎Efterretninger om Rönninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, 1820. 4to. Meget smukt hldrbd. i oaseged (Axel Jensen). Litograferet titelblad, hvorpå en runesten. (14),158 pp. Lettere brunplettet.‎


‎Efterretninger om Rönninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, Hempel, 1820. 4to. Ubeskåret i orig. blåt blankt omslag. Kobberstukket titelblad med runesten. (14),157,(1). Dette eksemplar har trykte dedikationsblade til Johan von Bülow, Lucie Charlotte de Sehested Iuel, Christen von Lemvigh. Her og der med lidt brunpletter.‎


‎Efterretninger om Rönninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, 1820. 4to. Meget smukt hldrbd. i oaseged (Axel Jensen). Litograferet titelblad, hvorpå en runesten. (14),158 pp. Lettere brunplettet.‎

Bookseller reference : 14490

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€201.45 Buy


‎Efterretninger om Rönninge og Rolfsted Sogne.‎

‎Odense, Hempel, 1820. 4to. Ubeskåret i orig. blåt blankt omslag. Kobberstukket titelblad med runesten. (14),157,(1). Dette eksemplar har trykte dedikationsblade til Johan von Bülow, Lucie Charlotte de Sehested Iuel, Christen von Lemvigh. Her og der med lidt brunpletter.‎

Bookseller reference : 33947

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€134.30 Buy



‎8vo., First Edition, with frontispiece, 48 plates and large folding map; original series binding of green cloth, upper board blocked in gilt, gilt back, a near fine copy in price-clipped dustwrapper, the latter lightly browned on (predominantly white) rear panel. Published in Hale's seminal 'County Books' series‎



‎8vo., First Edition, with frontispiece map and 11 plates, neat signature on front free endpaper, one or two neat annotations in the text; red cloth, gilt back, a very good, bright, clean copy in unclipped, lightly age-soiled dustwrapper.‎


‎City and County of the City of York. Official Guide. NEAR FINE COPY‎

‎Sm. 8vo., First Edition thus, with 3 pages of arms in gilt, silver and colours, numerous monochrome photographs and illustrations in the text, a folding coloured street plan and a full-page map coloured in outline; original coloured pictorial wrappers, wire-stitched as issued, a remarkably bright, clean copy. With numerous trade advertisements, many illustrated, at rear. SCARCE IN THIS CONDITION.‎


‎The Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights of the City of London 1670-1970.‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with a coloured frontispiece and 20 plates on 16; cloth, gilt back, a near fine copy in unclipped dustwrapper.‎


‎Nord-Friserne og deres land, Skildringer fra Vesterhavs-øerne. Med 6 helsides Billeder.‎

‎Århus, Backhausen, 1890. Beskedent samt. hldrbd. 66,(2) pp. Litograferet frontispiece samt 5 store udfoldelige litograf. plancher, hvoraf de 3 er i farvelitografi. (Lith. Brødr. Backhausen, Aarhus).‎


‎Nord-Friserne og deres land, Skildringer fra Vesterhavs-øerne. Med 6 helsides Billeder.‎

‎Århus, Backhausen, 1890. Beskedent samt. hldrbd. 66,(2) pp. Litograferet frontispiece samt 5 store udfoldelige litograf. plancher, hvoraf de 3 er i farvelitografi. (Lith. Brødr. Backhausen, Aarhus).‎

Bookseller reference : 34290

Livre Rare Book

Herman H. J. Lynge & Son
Copenhagen Denmark Dinamarca Dinamarca Danemark
[Books from Herman H. J. Lynge & Son]

€87.29 Buy

‎BENOIST (Félix).‎

‎La Normandie illustrée, monuments, sites et costumes de la Seine-Inférieure, de l'Eure, du Calvados, de l'Orne et de la Manche dessinés d'après nature. Les costumes dessinés et lithographiés par Hte Lalaisse…‎

‎1852 demi-chagrin noir (quelques défauts à la reliure). 2 vol. in-folio. T. I : (2ff.) XXXIVpp., (2ff.), 108pp. (1f.), 84pp., (1f.), 29pp., .5 frontispices, 1 carte en coul., 145 planches dont 24 de costumes en couleurs. T. II : (2ff.), 118pp., (1f.), 48pp., (1f.), 74pp., Nantes, Charpentier 1852,‎

‎Frère : " Cet ouvrage est particulièrement remarquable par l'exactitude des recherches historiques et des descriptions locales ; les costumes et les monuments sont représentés avec une fidélité minutieuse ". Lithographies en deux teintes, sans rousseurs.Colas I-294. Brunet I-776.‎

Bookseller reference : 10783

Livre Rare Book

Librairie ancienne Georges de Lucenay
Charolles France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie ancienne Georges de Lucenay]

€1,750.00 Buy

‎BENOIT, P. M. N.‎


‎Paris, Barrois, 1825.In 8°, pp. XII + 196 n. + VI tavole ripiegate incise in rame (da Hacq), contenenti 70 figure. Mezza pelle coeva e titoli in oro al d. tagli colorati.‎


Libreria Regina
Napoli, IT
[Books from Libreria Regina]

€85.00 Buy



‎8vo., First Edition, with coloured frontispiece (repeated on wrapper) by Rowland Suddaby; original blue cloth, gilt back, a near fine copy in price-clipped dustwrapper, the latter with minor loss (affecting lettering) at head of backstrip. Collects no fewer than ninety-nine short (and longer) stories by the laureate of the Essex marches. SCARCE IN ANYTHING LIKE THIS CONDITION.‎


‎Comment from the Countryside. Introduction by H. . Gwynne. Photographs by Marian Bensusan.‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with plates toned in sepia, contemporary inscription on front free endpaper; green cloth, gilt back, a very good, clean copy. Collects no fewer than sixty-seven short stories by the laureate of the Essex marches. SCARCE.‎


‎Marshland Calling. Illustrations by Betty Aylmer.‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with illustrated title-spread and numerous illustrations (a number full-page) in the text, neat inscription on front free endpaper; cloth, gilt back, red top, a very good, clean copy in unclipped dustwrapper, the latter lightly frayed at extremities. A scarce Bensusan title, especially in this condition.‎


‎History of Sandwich in Kent. 500 COPIES WERE PRINTED‎

‎8vo., First Edition, with photographs and illustrations in the text, neat signature on front free endpaper; original dove-blue cloth, gilt back, a near fine copy in unclipped dustwrapper EDITION LIMITED TO 500 COPIES SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR (THIS COPY NO. 76).‎

‎Benz, Friedrich und Karl Rinner‎

‎Jordan Eggert und Kneissl: Handbuch der Vermessungskunde. HIER: Band VI: Die Entfernungsmessung mit elektro-magnetischen Wellen und ihre geodätische Anwendung. 10. völlig neu bearbeitetete und neu gegliederte Auflage.‎

‎Stuttgart, Metzler, 1966. XV, 1038 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen farbigen und Schwarz-Weiß- Illustrationen. Originalleinen mit Original-Schutzumschlag.‎

‎Nur der vordere Innendeckel mit Tesa-restspuren. Sonst aber FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der NEUBEARBEITUNG. ( NEUPREIS 1957: DM 220.- !!)‎

Bookseller reference : 264387


‎Balaïtous et Pelvoux.‎

‎Reliure de l'éditeur. 254 pages. (Etat de neuf).‎


Librairie Loic Simon
Saint Sulpice sur Loire, FR
[Books from Librairie Loic Simon]

€12.00 Buy

‎BERARD (Joseph-Balthazard).‎

‎Mélanges physico-mathématiques, ou recueil de mémoires contenant la description de plusieurs machines et instrumens nouveaux, de physique, d'économie domestique, etc.‎

‎A Paris, de l'imprimerie des sourds-muets, sous la direction d'Adrien Le Clére, an 9 (1801), 1 demi veau, dos orné (frotté). in-8 de VIII-222 pp. + 4 planches dépliantes (photophore, poêle, serrure, moulin-rape) ;‎

‎Le mathématicien Joseph-Balthasard Bérard était juge au tribunal de Briançon, du jury d'instruction publique des Hautes-Alpes, des sociétés d'agriculture de Paris, Grenoble, Carpentra et Gap.[...] Nouveau photophore. - Miroir parabolique. - Nouveau poêle économique. - Nouvelle serrure à consigne. - Moulin-rape. - Echelle stéganographique. - Mathématiques palpables ( musique et livres, encre en relief, etc..). - Mètre de poche. - Nocturlabe. - Topographie. - Navigation ancienne. Etc...‎

Bookseller reference : 13898

Livre Rare Book

Librairie Ancienne du Vivarais
Saint Etienne de Boulogne France Francia França France
[Books from Librairie Ancienne du Vivarais]

€400.00 Buy

‎Berchier , J.‎


‎um 1940, Image 41x56 cm, lithogrtaphie originale, signée J. Berchier, Nr. 7/10. avec cadre 60x76 cm.‎

‎Image disp.‎

Bookseller reference : 372.1aaf

Livre Rare Book

Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.
Fribourg Switzerland Suiza Suíça Suisse
[Books from Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.]

€334.49 Buy


‎Bilder fran en mälarfärd ar 1688. Gripenhielms Mälarkarta och dess vyer‎

‎208pp.with ills. (of which some in colour) + large folding map, 25cm., in the series "Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis" vol.3, softcover, few stamps, text in very good condition, [text in Swedish], G75413‎

Number of results : 7,727 (155 Page(s))

First page Previous page 1 ... 27 28 29 [30] 31 32 33 ... 50 67 84 101 118 135 152 ... 155 Next page Last page