Professional bookseller's independent website


About Marelibri Book Search

Since 2007, has been the premier book search site for new, used, and rare books from professional booksellers.

Originally formed by five independent European book listing services and marketplaces, Marelibri has since expanded to encompass independent book sites worldwide, growing its remarkable collection of rare and antiquarian books to over 80 million books in just a few short years.

Today, Marelibri is a leading book search site with a comprehensive selection that draws book collectors in thirteen languages from nearly every country on earth who desire to find the best books from quality professional booksellers.

Members of Marelibri all share the following characteristics:

  1. Each of the members operate a leading site within its own country. We think global cooperation is necessary for further improving the online services for booksellers and book lovers, but we also think its important to retain our own independence in order to best serve our respective markets.
  2. All participating sites of / are either associations of booksellers or are privately owned by booksellers. We think experience, knowledge, and connections in the (antiquarian) book trade are key to providing superior services to book buyers and collectors.
  3. All the booksellers whose books can be found on / are independent professional booksellers. As the online trade in both new and rare books is expanding and increasing, it is becomes ever more important to guarantee the quality of services. Amateurishness and unreliability often confuse and scare those who are new to the world of rare and collectible books. We think that only a professional service such as Marelibri that maintains high standards of professionalism and reliability can truly foster trust between customers and booksellers.

Marelibri Members

Also available in these languages: Français, Português, Deutsch, Nederlands, Kiswahili, Italiano, Español,