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‎Thimig, Hans, Schauspieler und Regisseur (1900-1991).‎

‎Teilnachlass. Korrespondenzen. 8 eigenh. Briefe mit U. ("Papa") und zahlreichen kleinen Zeichnungen. Wien, Salzburg und O. O., 1950-1958.‎

‎16 SS. auf 10 Bll. (Qu.-)8vo und 4to. Außerdem 17 eh. Briefe von Thimigs Tochter Heidemarie mit U. ("Heidi") und mit vielen Kinderzeichnungen illustriert, eine eh. Postkarte von Thimigs zweiter Tochter Henriette ("Netterl"). Die Briefe und Zeichnungen meist in Bleistift. Mit einer Beilage (s. u.). Humorvolle Briefe in Blockschrift mit zahlreichen kleinen Zeichnungen, die ähnlich einem Rebus einzelne Worte ersetzen, geschrieben für seine zweite Tochter Henriette mit anspornenden Worten, gesund zu werden, brav zu bleiben und gut zu essen, während sie sich im Sommerhaus in Wildalpen befindet. Im Brief vom 18. IX. 1953 mit dem Wunsch nach Neuigkeiten: "Bitte schreib mir bald wieder! Was die [Kuh] macht und die [Ziege]! und vor allem auch die [Enten]! Wieviele sind es denn noch? [...]". Der Brief vom 22. VII. 1958 zu übersandten Bildern: "Naserümpfpapa! Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl! Liebe Netterl! Sei sehr bedankt für Deinen lieben Brief mit den tollen Zeichnungen! Die Strip-Tease Bilder sind aber für Jugendliche nicht geeignet, sodaß ich sie nur heimlich und ganz schnell angesehen habe [...]". - Die Kinderbriefe seiner Tochter Heidemarie an Mutter Helene (geb. Rauch) und Schwester Henriette mit zahlreichen kleinen und größeren Zeichnungen, meist zu schulischen Ereignissen, außerdem das Essen, Geschenke und Erlebnisse mit Papa Hans betreffend, wobei ein Brief der Schrift und dem Inhalt zufolge etwa in Heidemaries Jugendzeit zu datieren wäre. Die Postkarte der kleinen Henriette mit Zeichnung an Helene Thimig. Ebenfalls beiliegend eine weitere Zeichnung mit eh. Zeile der Haushälterin Irene. - Die Zeichnungen Heidemaries teilweise in Buntstift und Aquarell. Beiliegend ein gedr. Heft "Rolf Torrings Abenteuer" (Bd. 90) mit Besitzstempel "Netterl Thimig" am Titelblatt.‎


Wien, AT
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€1,800.00 Buy

‎Alajouanine, Théophile, Psychiater (1890-1980).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. und eh. Rezept mit U. Chalouze und [Paris], 15. V. 1934 und 29. VII., o. J.‎

‎2 SS. 4to. In französischer Sprache an den Schriftsteller und Verleger Maurice Delamain über die Erkrankung des Herrn Jacquéot und der Empfehlung, sich im Falle der Dringlichkeit an seinen Vertreter, Dr. Thurel, zu wenden, mit Freude über den verbesserten Gesundheitszustand von Delamains Tochter sowie Bedauern, dass diese nicht vollständig genesen sei: "Je pourrais, à ce moment, donner rendez vous à Monsieur Jacquéot, si son cas est urgent vous pourriez alors vous adresser à mon remplaçant le Dr. Thurel, 60, avenue Raymond Poincaré. Je suis heureux de savoir que l'etat de santé de Mademoiselle Delamain se maintient, tout en regrettant qu'elle n'était pas abordé à une amelioration plus complète [...]" (Chalouze, 29. VII., o. J.). Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf (die Adresse eh. korrigiert). - Therapieanweisungen für eine Patientin zur Einnahme von Tropfen und Tabletten insbesondere bei prämenstruellen Beschwerden: "1. Prendre une semaine sur deux, aux deux repas, trente gouttes d'Ionyl 2. Prendre la semaine suivante, avant les deux repas, un cachet d'Extrait surrénal total Choay 3. En cas d'exageration des troubles, par exemple, à la periode prémenstruelle, prendre le matin et au milieu de l'après-midi un comprimé de Valliol [...]" (120, Avenue Victor Hugo [Paris], 15. V. 1934). Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Adresse. - Mit kleinen Randläsuren. Der Brief aus Chalouze mit einer Rostspur.‎


Wien, AT
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€200.00 Buy

‎Bernard, Jean, Hämatologe und Onkologe (1907-2006).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. 82, rue d'Assas [Paris], 9. X. 1981.‎

‎1½ SS. 4to. In französischer Sprache an einen Freund über die Scheuermann-Krankheit, eine Wachstumsstörung in der Pubertät, auf deren Gebiet er kein Experte sei, mit Verweis auf ein Zentrum für Kinderkrankheiten zur Therapie sowie der Bemerkung, dass man sicher auch eine andere Meinung einholen könne, die jedoch den Therapieverlauf kaum verändern werde, und mit Dank für gute Wünsche zum 50. Hochzeitstag: "Je n'ai pas de compétence particulière en matière de maladie de Scheuermann mais 1) le centre des Enfants malades est bon 2) la conduite prevue et très raisonnable. On pourrat certes demontrer un autre avis mais je ne pense pas que cet avis modifierat le programme prevu. Je vous remercie de vos amicales félicitations. Et oui un demi siècle déjà [...]". - Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Briefkopf.‎


Wien, AT
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€120.00 Buy

‎Belmondo, Paul, French sculptor (1898-1982), father of Jean-Paul Belmondo.‎

‎Autograph letter signed and autogr. calling card. Paris, 22. XI. 1967.‎

‎Letter: 4to. ½ page. Calling card: 1 page. To a lady, inviting her to visit him "à mon atelier lors de votre passage a Paris". - His calling card, not addressed to anyone, also bears an invitation to his studio. - Both items with small rust stains.‎


Wien, AT
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€300.00 Buy

‎Ciry, Michel, Maler, Kupferstecher, Schriftsteller und Komponist (1919-2018).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Chatou, 11. XI. 1961.‎

‎1 S. 4to. Mit eh. adr. Kuvert. In französischer Sprache an den Kunstsammler Edouard Chapet mit Dank für den schönen Abend, voller Freude, dass er sein Manager werde und Dr. Frémont an Bord geholt habe, den er bald kennenlernen wolle, und mit dem Hinweis, dass er sich der Gefahr, seine Handschrift seiner Frau Jeannine Chapet zu überlassen, bewusst sei - wohl eine Anspielung auf eine Tätigkeit Chapets als Graphologin: "En dépit des dangers que je cours en livrant mon écriture à la science de Janine Chapet, je n'hésite pas à vous envoyer ce mot pour vous dire tout d'abord que la soirée d'hier fut des plus agréable et que c'est à moi à vous remercier pour tant de gentillesse. Non content d'être un charmant ami vous devenez mon manager! Merci de tout coeur pour l'acquisition du Docteur Frémont que j'espère bientôt rencontrer [...]".‎


Wien, AT
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€240.00 Buy

‎Bigeard, Marcel, frz. Offizier (1916-2010).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Paris, 22. III. [1975].‎

‎3 SS. auf 3 Bll. 4to. In französischer Sprache an General Buis und dessen Frau mit Überlegungen zur aktuellen Lage Frankreichs, darunter mit der Bemerkung, dass das Land eine Armee brauche, die seiner Bedeutung im Jahr 1975 als lediglich mittelgroße Macht unter Supermächten entspreche, sowie dem Bekenntnis, stets voller Glauben zu handeln, doch im Fall unüberwindbarer Hindernisse aufzugeben: "Je sais, je sais. Les idées furent de partout depuis des annés et chacun pretend détenir la vérité, en faite cela se traduit en 1975 par une année [...] pour retrouver un idéal, sa place dans la nation et surtout une certaine efficacité. Les choses sont plus simples qu'on ne le pense et tout est possible si le pays vient vraiment a être doté d'une armée correspondante à ce qu'est la France de 1975 - un demi grand parmi les Super [...] Ce qui est certain c'est qu'a ce qui me concerne j'agirai toujours avec foi [...] et prêt a décrocher si je me heurte à des obstacles insurmontables [...]". - Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf.‎


Wien, AT
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€120.00 Buy

‎Larrey, Dominique Jean, French surgeon and military doctor (1766-1842).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Udine, "1er jour an 5eme" [17 Sept. 1797].‎

‎Folio. 1 p. In French. To the general and later Minister of War Henri-Jacques-Guillaume Clarke (1765-1818), announcing his sending a document via general Jacques-Pierre Orillard de Villemanzy (1751-1830) that Clarke "appeared to desire". Larrey's ultimate goal was for the document to be passed on to the "général en chef", Napoleon, who at the time was negotiating the Treaty of Campo Formio near Udine. - During Bonaparte's Italian campaign of 1796/97, Larrey, a professor of anatomy at the Val-de-Grâce military hospital in Paris, had served as surgeon-in-chief of the Revolutionary armies in Italy. The document in question was certainly connected to his work during the campaign, as Larrey announces that Clarke will "recognize many battle sites where you saw me dressing the wounded". With the peace treaty pending, Larrey apparently was thinking about his possible demobilization: "I am afraid of losing my post at the Val-de-Grâce". As he did not personally know Napoleon at the time, Larrey needed his "works to speak for him" in order to win Napoleon's "confidence and estimation". - The following years suggest that Larrey was successful in winning Napoleon's confidence. He took part in the Egyptian campaign from 1798, during which he established a medical school for military physicians in Cairo. In several later campaigns, Larrey served as chief surgeon, including the catastrophic invasion of Russia and the final Waterloo campaign. He was universally estimated for his bravery and commitment, personally saving many lives and modernizing battlefield medicine. - On Larrey's personal stationery as "Officier de santé en chef de l'Armée d'Italie" with engraved personification of "Humanité" (ca. 62 x 52 mm). A tear to the upper margin affecting the engraving, fairly strong foxing, and traces of former mounting.‎


Wien, AT
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€1,500.00 Buy

‎Benoit, Pierre, Schriftsteller (1886-1962).‎

‎27 eigenh. Briefe mit U. und ein ms. Brief mit U. Dabei: 6 ms. Briefe von Dritten an bzw. über Benoit. Angora, Beirut, Alexandria, Saint-Céré, Paris u. a. O., 1922-1940.‎

‎Zus. 43 SS. auf 13 Doppelbll. und 22 Einzelbll. 4to und (qu.-)8vo. Einige mit eh. Adresse verso. Umfangreiche berufliche Korrespondenz mit den Journalisten Jacques de Marsillac bzw. Pierre Guinier von der französischen Tageszeitung "Le Journal". Benoit verfasste diese Briefe während seiner ausgedehnten Reisen, von denen er immer wieder Beiträge für das Journal lieferte, darunter Artikelserien über Ägypten, Syrien, Australien und die Hebriden. Hauptthemen der Korrespondenz sind diese Artikel sowie Vorschläge zum Druck und zum Datum der Veröffentlichung, jedoch finden sich auch immer wieder interessante historische Details, darunter ein Hinweis auf Benoits Besuch beim ägyptischen Premierminister Saad Zaghloul: "Voici un nouvel article, le huitième, je crois, de la serie Syrie. Zaghloul Pacha a accepté de me recevoir. Je quitte donc Beyrouth pour me rendre au Caire […]" (Beirut, 4. V. o. J.). - Als historisches Zeugnis besonders hervorzuheben ist der Bericht eines nächtlichen Angriffs britischer Bomber auf das von Deutschland besetzte Norwegen im Mai 1940, den Benoit als Augenzeuge beobachtete: "Dans le silence de la nuit, j'ai vu une Escadre Britannique pénétrer dans un Fjord [...] et je pouvais, à onze heures du soir, de la plus haute passerelle dominer le spectacle d'une escadre en formation d'attaque. Les eaux et le ciel avaient la blancheur de la neige, seules apparaissent les masses sombres des destroyers [...] Il est minuit [...] La nature s'eveille alors. Et les Destroyers ouvrent le feu sur la Baie et ses rives [...]" (o. O., 14. V. 1940). Ferner finden sich wiederkehrende Anspielungen auf die Besetzung Frankreichs durch die Nationalsozialisten und die Schwierigkeit, die Besatzungszone zu verlassen, sowie lukrative Angebote einer anderen großen Zeitung, des "Petit Parisien": "J'ai eu l'autorisation de sortir de la zone occupée jusque au 10 Novembre [...] Or, depuis, le Petit Parisien m'a faut faire une nouvelle offre - Il me propose cent cinquante mille francs - j'ai repondu [...] que je voulais vous voir d'abord. D'où ma venue en zone libre, où j'esperai vous voir […]" (Vichy, 8. XI. o. J.). - Die ms. Gegenbriefe von Jacques de Marsillac mit Lob bzw. Kritik an Benoits Arbeit, so etwa an einem Artikel über die Hebriden, von dem er befürchtet, er könnte protestantische Leser verärgern: "A propos des Hébrides, nous sommes bien embarrassés par un article intitulé: 'Tartuffe aux Hébrides', article qui est [...] un des meilleurs de votre série, mais dont nous craignons l'effet sur le public. Nous avons de nombreux lecteurs protestants et [...] il serait bien difficile de les empêcher de voir là une attaque contre leur religion [...]" (o. O., 20. VII. 1928.). - 2 kurze ms. Briefe des Verlegers Michel Albin an Jacques de Marsillac, einer mit einer beiliegenden ms. Beschreibung des Werkes und der Reisen Benoits: "Voici le petit papier demandé sur Pierre Benoit. Bien entendu, vous pouvez le modifier à votre convenance […]" (Paris, 22. II. 1928). - Einige Briefe auf Briefpapier diverser Institutionen, darunter eine dekorative Ansicht des Collège St. Joseph in Antoura im Libanon, der ältesten französischen Schule im Nahen Osten. Einige Briefe mit Stempel des "Journal" sowie der "Archives Centrales". Zum Teil mit kleinen Randläsuren; vereinzelt Spuren alter Heftung.‎


Wien, AT
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€120.00 Buy

‎Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker], American writer (1892-1973).‎

‎Autograph letter (fragment). [London], 18. IX. 1959.‎

‎8vo. 1 page. To the writer Jacques Bouteilleau, alias Jacques Chardonne, of the Paris publishing house Éditions Stock, with thanks for his invitation and about a business trip to Europe: "Thank you for your kind letter of the fourteenth, which reached me today. I should be happy to accept the invitations contained therein for September twenty fifth and twenty sixth. My son, Edgar Walsh, accompanies me on this journey [...]. The purpose of coming to Europe at this time is to arrange for the filming of my novel, Imperial Woman, and the production of my play, Desert Incident, in England [...]". - On headed stationery of the London Savoy Hotel. Fragment; slightly creased.‎


Wien, AT
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€550.00 Buy

‎Coppée, François, French poet and novelist (1842-1908).‎

‎Autograph calling card. 12, rue Oudinot [Paris], no date.‎

‎Calling card format. 1 page. In French. To a friend, cancelling his evening visit due to exhaustion: "Excusez moi pour ce soir, mon cher Ami, mais je suis brisé de fatigue. J'ai mené ces jours-ci une vie peu hygienique et il me faut un peu de repos [...]". - Somewhat brownstained.‎


Wien, AT
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€120.00 Buy

‎Thelen, Albert Vigoleis, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer (1903-1989).‎

‎4 ms. Gedichte, davon drei Gedichte mit eh. Korrekturen, jeweils mit eigenh. U. O. O., 1980, 1982 und o. D.‎

‎Zusammen 3½ SS. auf 4 Bll. 4to und folio. Das Gedicht "Thermopylenepigramm" zu vier Strophen und 16 Zeilen: "Kommst, Wanderer, du nicht nach Sparta, / dann bleibe lieber zuhaus, / zum Beispiel bei deiner Landgartha / oder sonst einem erotischen Schmaus [...]" blieb undatiert wie auch das einstrophige Poem zu 22 Zeilen "Alptraum" (Im Gläs der Worte: Gedichte, Claassen, 1979, 117). Das mit 10. XII. 1980 datierte Gedicht "Mutungswunsch zum Schichtwechsel 1980/81" zu drei Strophen und 14 Zeilen erschien in "Den Horen" (Bd. 29, K. Morawietz, 1984, 37) und wurden anlässlich des Jahreswechsels verfasst. So auch das Gedicht "Jahres-Obhut für 1983" zu zwei Strophen und acht Zeilen: "Wie chladnische Klangfiguren sich ordnend bilden, / je nach des Bogens Strich und der Platte Gestalt, / mögen die nahenden Zeiten milden / der Lose wie oft nicht blinde Gewalt [...]" (Dezember 1982). - Ein Gedicht mit stärkeren Läsuren am oberen Rand, ein Gedicht mit Kaffeerand sowie ein Gedicht mit kleinem braunen Fleck.‎


Wien, AT
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€1,200.00 Buy

‎Becker, Hugo, Cellist, Cellolehrer und Komponist (1863-1941).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Frankfurt a. M., 20. VII. 1901.‎

‎3 SS. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo. An einen italienischen Dirigenten mit der Frage, ob es möglich sei, "noch ein Konzert außerhalb von Florenz für März zu organisieren" (Übers.). Offenbar plante Becker eine Konzertreise in Italien; neben Florenz findet auch Triest Erwähnung: "Non avendo avuto una tua risposta m'imagino che la mia lettera fu smarrita e lo prego di nuovo di voler avere la grande compiacenza di colermi rispondere al più presto possibile per che io posso rispondere a Piccolettis et a Trieste dovo vogliono anche avere mio merito". - Becker war von 1884 bis 1886 Solocellist am Frankfurter Opernhaus, 1890-1906 Mitglied des "Heermann-Quartetts", Lehrer am Hochschen Konservatorium in Frankfurt/Main und seit 1901 Solist der Londoner Montagskonzerte. 1896 zum kgl. preuß. Professor ernannt, wurde Becker 1902 in die Kgl. Schwedische Akademie Stockholm aufgenommen und 1909 Lehrer an der Kgl. Hochschule für Musik in Berlin. - Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Briefkopf "La Villetta | Sandhofstrasse 17 | Frankfurt A/M." - Minimal gebräunt.‎


Wien, AT
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€350.00 Buy

‎Berlijn, Anton, Dutch composer (1817-1870).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Amsterdam , 16. II. 1868.‎

‎8vo. 1¾ pp. on bifolium. To François-Joseph Fétis, director of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, expressing his joy that his "ouverture" is programmed for the "3rd concert of the conservatory" and asking when the final rehearsal for this concert will be performed, as he plans to attend: "Cela sera pour moi un grand honneur si je pourrais être si heureux d'être présent à la dernière répétition, ainsi, l'exécution de la dite Ouverture, afin de l'entendre, sous votre habile direction". - It is not evident from the letter which ouverture was to be performed in Brussels. Anton Berlijn, a student of Louis Spohr and Ludwig Erk, was the long-term music director of the Amsterdam Stadsschouwburg theatre. Among his numerous compositions are nine operas, seven ballets, the oratory "Moses on Nebo", and a symphony. - With a note on the verso: "Vicomte Bernard Du Bus de Gisignies Mardi [?] 10", probably in Berlijn's hand. Minor ink damage. Collector's note in pencil.‎


Wien, AT
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€250.00 Buy

‎Blumenthal, Jacques, German pianist and composer (1829-1908).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. South Kensington (London), 11. VII. 1869.‎

‎12mo. 4 p. on bifolium. In Italian. To the Italian soprano Augusta Albertini-Baucardé, regretting that he has not yet managed to visit her and answering a question about the possibility of organizing concerts in London. Blumenthal underlines that it would be "most fortunate for London" to have a "singer of her merits, especially in concerts", but also points out that he "retired from the organisation of concerts" two years earlier, recommending instead to contact Julius Benedict, who "has virtually all concerts in his hands". - Today relatively little-known, the Hamburg-born Jacques Blumenthal settled in London in 1848, where he became the pianist to Queen Victoria. This position helped Blumenthal to establish himself among the sought-after piano teachers of London's high society. As a composer, his short piano pieces and songs achieved considerable popularity, though his efforts at larger pieces did not meet with similar success. - On stationery with printed letterhead "1, Queensberry Place | South Kensington. W.". Well preserved. With collector's note in pencil.‎


Wien, AT
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€220.00 Buy

‎Brink, Jules ten, Dutch composer (1838-1889).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. 9, rue de Douai [Paris], 1. III. 1888.‎

‎8vo. 1 p. on bifolium. To an unidentified editor, asking him to reprint an article from the French daily "L'Estafette" about the first concert of his son Henri ten Brink, a student of the Belgian violin virtuoso Martin-Pierre Marsick: "Mon fils Henri, élève de Marsick, vient de faire ses débuts dans le monde musical et a obtenu un beau succès. Je vous serais reconnaissant si vous vouliez bien reproduire le petit article ci-inclus et découpé dans l'Estafette". - Jules ten Brink was a student of Auguste Dupont in Brussels and Ernst Friedrich Richter in Leipzig. He worked as a bandmaster in Lyon from 1860 to 1868 and later as a piano teacher and composer in Paris. Ten Brink's compositions include an orchestral suite (1874), a symphonic poem (1876), a symphony, two violin concertos, as well as the comic operas Calonice (1869/1870) and Mascarille (1888). After his studies in Paris, Henri ten Brink (1856-1920) emigrated to South Africa, where he worked as a musician and composer. - Minor browning. Well preserved. With collector's notes in pencil (verso).‎


Wien, AT
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€250.00 Buy

‎Haydn, Joseph.‎

‎Dr Haydn's VI Original Canzonettas, for the Voice with an Accompaniment for the Piano-Forte. London, printed for the author & sold by him at No. 1 Bury Street, St James's, at Messrs. Corri, Dussek & Co., [1794].‎

‎Folio (246 x 333 mm). 31, (1) pp. Engraved title-page and engraved music throughout, signed "Haydn mp" in ink in lower right comer of title-page. Bound with 31 other pieces, including another collection of six Haydn canzonettas. Paginated by a contemporary hand and bound in early 18th century half calf with gilt-lettered red morocco label "K. M. M. Saunders / Songs / Vol. II" to upper board. Manuscript index at rear. Edges sprinkled red. First edition, signed by the composer with his characteristic paraph, as in all copies. This first set of "Canzonette" was issued by Haydn from his lodgings during his final visit to London in 1794. lt must have been a commercial success, for a fair number of copies survive, and remains one of the few generally obtainable examples of an original signature of one of the 18th century masters of Viennese classicism. Two examples have appeared at auction before: both at Stargardt in Berlin, in 2004 and 2006, commanding €3,600 and €4,400 respectively. In both cases it was only the separate signed title-page (with the beginning of "The Mermaid's Song" on the verso) that was sold, having been removed from the 32-page score. - The present example is clear and unfaded, having been "in situ" since its early life, part of a bound collection of 31 similar pieces and collections from an Irish source, including many scarce examples of Dublin-printed songs, including Hime's very rare 1706 Dublin edition of Haydn's second set of Canzonettas, but also Mozart (1), Handel (4), Thomas Philipps (6), and J. A. Stevenson (3), all published ca. 1794 to 1803. - Binding worn but sound with a few professional repairs to hinges and spine. Minor soiling and small stains throughout, but a very good copy. Provenance: Katherine M. M. Saunders, probably of Dublin (her label to upper cover and ink name at head of several of the scores). Hoboken IX (1991) 1525. Hirsch III, 799. RISM H 2656.‎


Wien, AT
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€12,500.00 Buy

‎Hentschel, Ernst Julius, Musikpädagoge (1804-1875).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Weißenfels, 1. X. 1851.‎

‎1 S. 4to. Mit eh. Adresse (Faltbrief). An den Pädagogen, Schriftsteller und Redakteur Friedrich August in Halle, dessen freundliches Angebot er infolge zahlreicher Verpflichtungen nicht annehmen könne: "Ich muß doch bitten, von mir abzusehen in Betreff des Journals. Meine andauernde Kränklichkeit macht mir große Schonung zur Pflicht, dennoch soll und muß ich den III. Theil meines Rechenbuches schreiben, habe zugleich die n. Auflage meines Choralbuches vorzubereiten, die Euterpe zu besorgen, für die Allgem. Schulzeitung Einiges zu arbeiten, Privatstunden zu geben u. an dem öffentl. Musikwesen der Stadt Theil zu nehmen, endl. auch für meine Knaben viel zu thun, da hier leider jede höhere Unterrichtsanstalt fehlt! - - Dazu kommt, daß ich einer Versetzung entgegensehe; wenigstens bin ich nach meiner wiederholten Bitte um [Ge]haltsverbesserung darauf verwiesen. Ich kann und darf mich also an irgend einem Neuen nicht betheiligen, so gern ich's auch thäte [...]". - Mit kleinen Randläsuren und einer kleinen Fehlstelle durch Siegelbruch (geringf. Buchstabenverlust wie oben ergänzt).‎


Wien, AT
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€450.00 Buy

‎Ravel, Maurice, French composer, pianist and conductor (1875-1937).‎

‎Autograph musical manuscript. No place, ca. 1897.‎

‎Oblong folio. 18 pages on 9 ff. Exercises in harmony and singing, probably executed while Ravel was studying at the Conservatory in the class of André Gedalge. Written in black ink on 12-line Italian style sheets; some parts have not been completed or are sketched in pencil. Others bear indications like "Syncopes", "Mode majeur", "Mélange de la 2de et de la 3me espèce". - Slight damage to edges and minor traces of handling, otherwise in good condition.‎


Wien, AT
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€7,500.00 Buy

‎Röder, Martin, Komponist und Chorleiter (1851-1895).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. Berlin, 4. III. 1871.‎

‎1 S. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo. An einen italienischen Musikverleger oder Kritiker namens Bianchi betreffend "langerwartete Klavierstücke". Röder legt dar, dass er auf ärztliche Anweisung das Haus derzeit nicht verlassen dürfe, und bittet den Empfänger daher um etwas Geduld. Er werde die Stücke abschicken, sobald ihm der Arzt erlaube, etwas Luft zu schnappen: "pure appena ch'il medico mi permette ispirar un po d'aria, il mio primo giro sarà soddisfar la Vostra preghiera - che credo aurà luogo fra qualche giorni - finqui vi pregherei aver un poco di papazienza". Röder bedankt sich für die Übermittlung einer "Divina Commedia", eventuell Franz Liszts 1857 entstandene Dante-Sinfonie, und kündigt an, Bianchi ein Stück von Donizetti zu schicken: "Della edizione minima vi dico la mia ottima grazia, che m'avete fatto passar della 'Divina Commedia' e farò passarvi cogli altri pezzetti, il pezzo di musica di Donizetti [...]". - Martin Röder machte sich als Chorleiter in Italien verdient. Als Chordirektor am Teatro del Verme zu Mailand begründete er dort die "Società del Quartetto Corale" und führte die bedeutendsten deutschen Chorwerke auf. Seine eigenen Kompositionen, darunter mehrere Opern, sind in Vergessenheit geraten. - Auf Briefpapier mit gedrucktem Briefkopf "Mart. Roëder Berlin". Leicht gebräunt. Mit Sammlervermerk in Blei (verso).‎


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€550.00 Buy

‎Webern, Anton von, Komponist (1883-1945).‎

‎Portrait mit eigenh. Notenzitat und U. O. O., März 1935.‎

‎192:140 mm. In Passepartout und hinter Glas gerahmt (270:210 mm). Drei Takte für Gesang aus Abendland II (aus den "Liedern nach Gedichten von Georg Trakl") mit unterlegtem Text "So leise sind die grünen Wälder unsrer Heimat". Laut einer kleinen Notiz verso war der Adressat der Widmung ("Ihres Anton Webern") der Wiener Photograph Ludwig Schwab (1899 od. 1900-1939). - Stellenweise leicht verblasst. Aus dem Nachlass des Dirigenten Hans Swarowsky mit dessen Nachlassetikett auf der Rückseite des Rahmens.‎


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€22,000.00 Buy

‎Bresson, Robert, Filmregisseur (1901-1999).‎

‎4 eigenh. Briefe mit U., 3 eh. Bildpostkarten mit U. und eh. Schriftstück. O. O., 1953-1991.‎

‎10 SS. auf 9 Bll. (Qu.-)8vo. Mit 3 eh. adr. Kuverts. Freundschaftliche Korrespondenz in französischer Sprache mit dem Ehepaar Micheline und Maurice Delamain, Leiter des Pariser Verlagshauses Éditions Stock, über bevorstehende Besuche, das Wetter und diverse Schwierigkeiten. - In der Hoffnung, sie bald auf der Insel Noirmoutier besuchen zu können, sowie dem Hinweis, dass sie noch 15 Tage in Mauléon bleiben, wo es momentan heftig regne: "Si chers amis, nous rêvons d'aller passer quelques jours à Noirmoutier avec vous, au retour. Mais nous sommes encore à Mauléon pour 15 jours [...] Il y a ici un dechaînement de la pluie [...]" (17. VIII. 1963). - Mit einem Hinweis auf Schwierigkeiten, die seine zweite Frau Marie-Madeleine bei ihrem Besuch erläutern werde, und in Vorfreude auf Neuigkeiten, die diese ihm bei ihrer Rückkehr berichten werde: "La vie est si compliquée (ces jours-ci). Mylène vous dira comment, et aussi me donnera des vos nouvelles si impatiemment attendues, à son retour [...]" (11. X. [1984]). - Die übrigen Briefe über einen Scheck, mit herzlichen Dankesworten sowie Bedauern über die durch sein Auto verursachten Unannehmlichkeiten: "Très chers amis, j'étais desolé d'être la cause par l'entremise de ma voiture, de vos tracas [...]" (7. IX. 1991). - Die Bildpostkarten mit Dank für eine Ausgabe der "Monde", der Ankündigung seiner Rückkehr nach Paris sowie Bedauern, nicht nach Gardépée zurückkehren zu können, und einem Hinweis auf das herrschende Weinlesewetter: "Cher amis, helas nul retour possible à Gardépée, comme nous aurions tant aimé. Pensons à vous. Il fait ici un temps de vendanges [...]" (Poststempel: Paris, 5. X. 1953). Die Bildseiten mit Ansichten von Paris, dem Baskenland und der Insel Noirmoutier, letztere in Farbe. - Ferner ein Schriftstück mit der Überlegung, dass die Zerstörung eines menschlichen Lebens wesentlich schlimmer sei als die Zerstörung der "wunderbaren Werke der Natur": "Et toi homme qui grâce à mes travaux, contemples les oeuvres merveilleux de la nature, si tu estimes que l'acte de les detruire est atroce reflechis qu'il est infinément plus atroce d'anéantir une vie humaine [...]". - Kleine Randläsuren.‎


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€2,500.00 Buy

‎Ampère, André-Marie, French physicist and mathematician (1775-1836).‎

‎Autograph letter signed ("A. Ampère"). Paris, 17. III. 1811.‎

‎Large 8vo. 3 pp. on bifolium. Probably to the politician and writer Jean-François Roger, editor of a bilingual edition of Joseph de Jouvency's "Appendix de diis et heroibus poeticis" for the study of Ovid. Ampère was charged by the "Commission des livres classiques" of the ministry of public instruction to evaluate the possible use of this publication as a textbook. He advises against discarding any parts of the notes: "indispensable for a beginner who would study alone, they cannot be regarded as useless for students in the various institutions of public instruction" (transl.). Ampère lauds the translations in "correct French" as "the best manner to make difficult passages understood". The only problem would be "the impossibility to examine pupils based on a copy of the book, where they see what they need to say at the bottom of the page". Therefore, Ampère conceives a system of cross-references that would allow for separating text and translation. But he immediately rejects his own ideas since they "probably have no foundation" and he might appear a second-guesser ("faire complètement le gros-jean"). - Ampère only calls the book in question "Appendix", and it is not quite clear to which edition he refers. Jean-François Roger (1776-1842) had first published his Latin-French version in 1806 and several editions followed when it was adopted as a textbook by the "Commission des livres classiques". Both Roger and Ampère were members of the Commission, and as Ampère addresses the recipient as his colleague, it is very likely that this was indeed Roger. - With a collector’s note in pencil. Minor browning.‎


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€7,500.00 Buy

‎Einstein, Albert, German physicist and Nobel laureate (1879-1955).‎

‎Typed letter signed ("A. Einstein"). Princeton, NJ, 2. II. 1940.‎

‎4to. 1 p. Signature and one handwritten correction in green ink. In German. Framed, matted and glazed (46 x 62 cm) with a photographic portrait. To the Russian-French hydrodynamic engineer Wsevolode Grünberg in New York City, concerning a contested inheritance matter in which Einstein had reluctantly agreed to assist. From 1939, Einstein acted as a go-between for Grünberg and his friend János Plesch, an important Hungarian physician who had emigrated to England. "Concerning the inheritance matter", Einstein writes, "I regret having to report that we were not successful in getting my friend to England, as the War prevented it. Nor can I imagine that any hindrance remains to proceeding with the final settlement. I intend once more to encourage Mr. Plesch to put everything in order. As regards your inventions, I suggest that you send them for evaluation to my friend Professor Karman at the California Institute of Technology, who is a first-class expert and has influential connections to the realm of construction and practical implementation in the field. I enclose a letter to him [...]" (transl.). - Wsevolode Grünberg was the nephew of the Russian orthodontist and collector Josef Grünberg, a close friend of both Albert Einstein, who gave him the nickname "Bolshie", and János Plesch during their time in Berlin. It appears that Einstein and his second wife Elsa had become acquainted with Wsevolode Grünberg shortly before their friend's death in 1932. Travelling to America in 1939, Grünberg approached Einstein for an introduction to fellow engineers in the U.S. and help with his inheritance issue back in Europe. The two men met in June 1939 at the home of Irving Lehman in Port Chester, New York, and Einstein subsequently did what he could for Grünberg. In the early 1940s, Grünberg's important hydrofoil designs were used by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) to build a seaplane model that was successfully tested at Langley, VA. Ironically, the classification of the project prevented the French citizen Grünberg from seeing the results of the tests until years after the war. Grünberg later became a U.S. citizen, changing his name to Waldemar A. Craig. - Traces of folds. On Einstein's embossed Princeton stationery.‎


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€8,000.00 Buy

‎Niebuhr, Carsten, cartographer and explorer (1733-1815).‎

‎Autograph letter signed ("Niebuhr"). Meldorf, 9 April 1780.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. Framed. Very rare letter by the great explorer, written (in German) to his publisher (possibly Nicolaus Möller in Copenhagen?), asking him to enlighten him as to the possible receipt of outstanding payments. Niebuhr writes that he would be interested to know whether "Messrs. van Ghelen, Brönner, and the Typographical Society in Berne [...] have paid. I do hope that it was not illness that prevented sending me an answer [...] I will, however, include here a list of what each and every gentleman is to pay. - Mr van Ghelen in Vienna owes, after having settled a bill, 54 Reichsthaler and 4 Groschen, and is instructed to pay me 2 Reichsthaler in Louisd'or on behalf of Professor [Maximilian] Hell [...] For 5 copies of the 'Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien', 1st volume, Mr Brönner in Frankfurt owes 5 Reichsthaler and 20 Groschen each [...] The Typographical Society in Berne owes payment for 4 copies of the 'Reisebeschreibung', part 1, at 5 Reichsthaler and 20 Groschen each, [...] and 4 Reichsthaler 4 Groschen for 1 copy of 'Beschreibung von Arabien'" (transl.). - Of the utmost rarity.‎


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€18,500.00 Buy

‎[Bauer, Leopold, Architekt (1872-1938)].‎

‎Ausführung der Zwischendecken mit 60 cm Konstruktionshöhe. Plan No. 1, Variante 1. Wien, 2. VII. 1929.‎

‎Handkolorierte Lichtpause. 1 Bl. Qu.-Folio (498 x 320 mm). Plan zur Neuerrichtung des Warenhauses Gerngroß in der Wiener Mariahilferstraße. - Vereinzelte kl. Rostfleckchen; mit Stempelung und Unterschrift des Baudirektors der Wiener Baugesellschaft.‎


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€150.00 Buy

‎Huyghe, René, Kunsthistoriker (1906-1997).‎

‎Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U. und eh. Brief mit U. Paris, 13. II. 1951 und 5. XI. 1952.‎

‎Zusammen 3 SS. auf 2 Bll. 4to und 8vo. Mit eh. adr. Kuvertfragment. An den Schriftsteller und Verleger Maurice Delamain (1883-1974) mit Lob für dessen kunsthistorische Abhandlung und verwundert, dass ihm diese Schrift bislang entgangen sei, da er selbst in seinem Werk über Jean-Antoine Watteau ähnliche Überlegungen formuliert habe: "J'ai été passionné par vos études sur le symbolisme de l'espace et la peinture. Je suis confus de les avoir ignorées car dans un livre récent sur Watteau, ayant abordé le problème pour l''Embarquement pour Cythère', j'ai répéré sans le savoir des idées que vous aviez déjà exprimées 10 ans plus tôt. Désormais, quand je reprendrai ces problèmes qui m'intéressent beaucoup, je ne manquerai pas de me référer à vous. J'ai trouvé toute votre étude d'une rare pénétration, pleine de nuances et de mesure [...]" (13. II. 1951). Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf des Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale. - An denselben mit Bedauern, aus Zeitmangel in diesem Jahr nur an einer einzigen graphologischen Konferenz teilnehmen zu können, mit dem Versprechen einer engeren Zusammenarbeit im kommenden Jahr und dem Vorschlag, dabei die posthume Stigmatisierung der Person durch den Graphologen zu thematisieren: "Vous savez tout l'intérêt que je porte à la Societé de Graphologie et combien je désire être agréable à son président. Mais cette année mon emploi de temps est déjà fixé jusqu'en mai prochain, et je vous assure que je n'ai pu assurer qu'une partie des conférences qui m'étaient demandées [...] Mais je vous promets par l'année suivante de vous apporter une collaboration [...] Je pensais peut-être à [...] le 'Stigmatic [!] de posthume' qui permettait sans doute aux graphologues [...] à une observation assez analogue [...]" (5. XI. 1952). Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf des Collège de France. - Mit kleinen Randläsuren.‎


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€120.00 Buy

‎Laurens, Jean-Paul, French painter and sculptor (1838-1921).‎

‎Autograph note signed and monogrammed. N. p. o. d.‎

‎12mo. 2 pp. With autograph envelope. For his student René Schüzenberger, announcing a new student in the atélier and asking to relay the news to his fellow students: "Mr Biaari [!] de qui j'ai vu les études ne pensait pas entrer demain? En ce cas faites passer ces mots a vos confrères de l'atelier". On the reverse: "Prière de reçevoir Mr Biarri [!] que je présente à mon atelier". The new student referred to in the note may be the Canadian painter, cartoonist, and animator Raoul Barré. - Jean-Paul Laurens was one of the last French academic painters. He trained many young artists in his studio and as a teacher at the Académie Julian. René Schützenberger (1860-1916) was a successful Post-Impressionist painter close to the Les Nabis group. - Well preserved.‎


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€160.00 Buy

‎Albani, Carlo Francesco, Principe di Soriano nel Cimino (1749-1817).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Milan, 14. II. 1816.‎

‎4to. 3 pp. on bifolium. With autograph address and traces of seal. Highly interesting business letter to a Parisian banker who handled the sale of the famous Albani collection that had been confiscated by the French army, transferred to Musée Napoléon in Paris, and finally was restituted in 1815. The letter appears to be part of the final settlement for the "entirely completed sale" of the collection. Albani makes several revenue statements, mentions a bill of exchange for Geneva, "a tiny miscalculation of F. 50" in his disfavour, and the urgent collection of "F. 3000 from the purse of the King". Louis XVIII had bought 20 of the 59 antique marbles from the collection for the Louvre on 5 December 1815, including the famous "Minerva Albani". Only a few objects of the prestigious collection returned to its original owners, as underscored by Albani: "I also ask you to investigate whether the mentioned pieces are still in Paris and for when we can hope that they will be shipped to be transported to Rome". Prince Albani also mentions his brother Cardinal Giuseppe Albani, who was a co-owner of the collection that had been created by their paternal uncle, cardinal Alessandro Albani, with Johann Joachim Winckelmann serving as his art consultant and curator. Alessandro Albani also built the Villa Albani in 1760 to display his collection. It was likewise sold by his nephews to the Chigi family. - With a tear from breaking the seal. Minimal browning.‎


Wien, AT
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€650.00 Buy

‎[Album amicorum].‎

‎Denkmal der Freundschaft. Meist Hamburg, aber auch Hannover, Baden, Berlin und Paris, 1809-1817.‎

‎80 Einträge auf 82 Bll. Mit 3 Aquarellen (davon 1 sepiafarbenes), 1 aquarellierten Federzeichnung, 1 Bleistiftzeichnung, 2 Notenmanuskripten und 3 Notenzitaten. Roter Schaflederband der Zeit mit umlaufendem Goldschnitt, goldfarbener Bordüre, floraler Rückenvergoldung und goldgepr. Rückenschildchen ("Denkmal der Freundschaft"). Marmorierter Vorsatz. Qu.-8vo. Hübsches Stammbuch der Nanette Valentin, geb. Dellevie (1758-1850), Salonnière und Gattin des Pariser Bankiers Sebastian Valentin. Begonnen wenige Monate vor ihrer Hochzeit am 15. April 1809, mit zahlreichen Einträgen aus der Hamburger Bourgeoisie, einige mit Zeichnungen oder Notenzitaten, großteils in deutscher, vereinzelt auch in französischer und italienischer Sprache. Hervorzuheben sind Beiträge einiger prominenter Persönlichkeiten aus Musik, Kunst und Literatur, darunter der Cellist und Komponist Bernhard Romberg (1767-1841), die Sängerin Félicitas Blangini (1794-1844), der Komponist Anton Bohrer (1783-1863) und dessen Bruder, der Cellist Maximilian Bohrer (1785-1867), die Pianistin, Komponistin und Sängerin Helene Riese, verh. Liebmann (1795-1869), der Maler Leo Lehmann (1782-1859), die Schriftstellerin Regina Frohberg (1783-1850) und der Musiker, Privatgelehrte und Musikaliensammler Georg Poelchau (1773-1836) sowie der Jurist Carl August Buchholz (1785-1843). - Ferner sind einige bedeutende Familien der florierenden jüdischen Gemeinde Hamburgs vertreten; diese war im Jahr 1812 mit etwa 6300 Mitgliedern (rund 6 Prozent der Stadtbevölkerung) die größte in Deutschland. Zu nennen sind Moses Lazarus Dieseldorff und seine Frau Betty, deren Kinder von Salomon Heine, dem Vater von Heinrich Heine, unterrichtet wurden, der Bankier Moses Jacob Hertz (1752-1833) sowie Clara Hertz (1781-1851), Gattin eines Teilhabers des Bankhauses Moses Hertz Söhne, Jules und Betty Arrong, Marianne und Louise Oppenheim aus der Bankiers-Familie Oppenheim, Henriette und Jeannette Schlesinger sowie Suzette und Henriette Benjamin, und Ernestine Robert-Tornow, geb. Victor, Schwägerin der jüdischen Schriftstellerin und Salonnière Rahel Levin Varnhagen. Weiters sind verewigt der Hamburger Kaufmann Ludwig Franz Völckers sowie Nanettes Schwestern Serina und Friederike sowie ihr Cousin Leonhard Dellevie. - Unter den Illustrationen finden sich eine hübsche Bleistiftzeichnung eines Dorfpanoramas mit Windmühle, gezeichnet "G. Sutz", Blumenaquarelle sowie eine Profilansicht einer antiken Skulptur. - Einband etwas berieben. Etwas gebräunt, vereinzelt leicht fingerfleckig.‎


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€14,500.00 Buy

‎Aldini, Antonio, Italian politician (1755-1826).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Paris, 23 Aug. [1810].‎

‎4to. 1 p. on bifolium. To the magistrate Pietro Cavagnari from Piacenza, concerning bills of exchange ("tratte") in Milan and their termination: "Vi avete la bontà di dirmi che avevate pensate all'estenzione delle nostre tratte in Milano or de pronunciarmi, presto e puro, il termine di lei [...] come appunto desiderava". Aldini asks Cavagnari to send his response to Dieppe. - With minor tears and a small pinch fold affecting the signature. Minor stains.‎


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€150.00 Buy

‎Aldini, Giovanni, Italian physicist (1762-1834).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Bologna, 2. VIII. 1805.‎

‎4to. 2 pp. In French, to a fellow member of a learned society, probably the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, announcing that he will finally send tables of the population of Bologna and its surroundings. Aldini points to the recent appointment of his elder brother, Count Antonio Aldini, as first minister of the newly formed Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy as the right occasion "to accomplish my duty". - In an interesting "political note" that Aldini adds in Italian for "more clarity", he draws a connection between the Catholic jubilee years in Italy and a rise in birth rates, arguing that the forced closure of theatres and the lack of public spectacles "invite immorality". - Well preserved.‎


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€1,800.00 Buy

‎Alfieri di Sostegno, Carlo Emanuele, Italian diplomat (1764-1844).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. In French. Paris, 12. III. 1827.‎

‎4to. 1¼ pp. on bifolium. With autograph address and traces of seal. To the Parisian publisher Gabriel-André Dentu, concerning a problem with a Piemontese Count Provera. Apparently, Provera had stolen or embezzled two treatises that were "confided" to him by Dentu in 1813. Di Sostegno mentions that the Count had long-standing "financial difficulties because of bad business", which does not "justify his actions and particularly his silence". Although he points out that the French ambassador in Pavia is responsible for French "interests with Sardinian subjects", Di Sostegno offers to try to resolve the affair personally "in the manner that he can desire as much as you". - Carlo Emanuele Alfieri di Sostegno served as the Sardinian ambassador to France from 1814 to 1828. - Traces of folds. With some browning and a tear from breaking the seal.‎


Wien, AT
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€280.00 Buy

‎Caissotti di Chiusano, Pietro Gioacchino, last abbot of San Giusto di Susa (fl. 1764).‎

‎4 documents. Susa, 1762-1764.‎

‎(Oblong) 4to. Together 4 pp. With papered seals. All documents are recommendations "pro dispensatione pauperum" that were issued by dioceses on behalf of engaged couples who could not afford the marriage fees. The certificates could to be presented to the local priest who would waive the fees connected with the wedding ceremony. - Pietro Gioacchino Caissotti di Chiusano was the last commendatory abbot of the territorial abbey San Giusto. In 1772 Susa was erected as a diocese by Pope Clement XIV, and since then the former abbey church served as the cathedral of the new diocese. The documents are issued in his name but they bear the signatures of a Francesco Felice and a second church offical. - All documents affected by old water damage. The 4to document has a significant tear to the lower margin, affecting the second signature, and a deep vertical tear from the upper margin to the centre of the sheet, affecting most of the text. The three oblong 4to documents have tears resulting from water damage to the left margin, minimally affecting the text of one of the documents.‎


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€150.00 Buy

‎Casati, Gabrio, Italian politician (1798-1873).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Da Casa [Turin], 12. IV. 1858.‎

‎8vo. 1 p. on bifolium. Together with a lithographic portrait of Casati (92 x 128 mm mounted on paper) and a lithograph showing Casati pleading before Emperor Charles I for the life of Federico Confalonieri in 1824 (275 x 192 mm). To Camillo Benso di Cavour, written in support of the naturalization of the jurist and politician Cesare Beccalossi (1799-1868) from Brescia. Casati mentions that Beccalossi has been recommended to him by a "Sr. Dossi mio collega nel Governo provvisorio", referring to the Five Days of Milan in 1848, and underlines that Beccalossi does not ask for anything but "the Sardinian citizenship, as he is currently of no state". - A liberal who supported the unification of Italy, Cesare Beccalossi had emigrated from Brescia to Piedmont in 1857. He was able to return to Brescia following the Second War of Independence in 1859. On 25 March 1860 he was elected as a deputy to the Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Sardinia. - On mourning paper. With a minor tear to the fold.‎


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€350.00 Buy

‎Cortenovis, Angelo Maria, Italian priest and archaeologist (1727-1801).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Dal Colegio [Udine], 22. VIII. 1784.‎

‎4to. 6 pp. on bifolia. Important letter with ample details on Cortenovis' research on early medieval ivory carvings in Cividale del Friuli, written to an unidentified correspondent upon his return to Udine: "Ieri sul tardi sono ritornato da Cividale, e per tutto il viaggio ho avuto in mente la dolce compagnia di V. S. ed il forzieretto d'Avorio, ed il desiderio di godere un altra volta di quella mi faceva crescere il desiderio di vedere compito il disegno di questo. Il Cononico Giorgini, che è il Custode delle Reliquie, si è posto subito all'opera per lavare, e ripulire quegli intagli [...]". Cortenovis speculates about antique origins of certain motives, for example linking intaglios of the mentioned "little cassette of ivory" to figurative offerings of the Saturnalia. In this context he quotes a distich from Martial's Epigrams: "Hos nisi de flava loculos implere moneta / Non decet: argentum vilia ligna ferant" (14, XII, Loculi Eborei). - Minor browning.‎


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€450.00 Buy

‎Cybo-Malaspina, Carlo, Prince of Massa-Carrara (1581-1662).‎

‎Letter signed. Massa, 18. VII. 1637.‎

‎Small folio. ¾ p. With address (folding letter). To Fabio Orlandini in Pisa, concerning a bill of exchange, asking for news about its payout in Florence: "Dall'ultima sua lettera sento, che aveva ricevuto la polizia di cambia di [...], con mia procura, et inviatole a Fiorenza per riscuoterle, che tutto sta attendo sentire che ne sia seguito il, et io con prima occ.e di persone sicura, manderò costi da V.S. a pigliare il denaro, [...]". - Minimal tears and duststains. With collector's notes in pencil.‎


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€350.00 Buy

‎Cybo-Malaspina, Carlo, Prince of Massa-Carrara (1581-1662).‎

‎Letter signed. Massa, 13. I. 1613.‎

‎4to. 1 p. With address (folding letter). Probably to his grandfather and predecessor on the throne of Massa-Carrara, Alberico I Cybo-Malaspina (1534-1623), thanking him for the "good announcement" from Christmas: "V. E. conserva una viva memoria di favorirmi, mà non si raccorda di commandarmi, e pur sa alo desiderio di servirla. Bacio a V. E. le mani del buon annuncio fattomi nelle sante festi di Natale, et augurando a Lei, in ogni tempo tutte le contentezze. Finisco". - Very slight staining. With collector's notes in pencil and crayon.‎


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€350.00 Buy

‎D'Elci, Marquese, Florentine general (fl. 1814).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Florence, 5. IX. 1814.‎

‎4to. 1 p. To a registrar named Sarti, announcing his retirement from the army with the rank of a lieutenant general that had been awarded to him by the recently reinstated Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, along with a "yearly pension of six thousand livres". D'Elci expresses his hope that he did not wrong anyone during his 29 years of service and that he will have some time left to reflect and do good deeds: "Ecco cosi finita la mia vita pubblica, o sia negli impieghi, e questa carriera mi pare d'averla sempre percorsa, per grazia di Dio e con il suo ajuto, con onore, e non mi sento rimorsi d'aver fatto male ad alcuno, almeno nessuno ha fatti mai ricorsi contro di me, ne alcuno mio superiore m'ha mai correto, o fatto de rimproveri, con tutto, che abbia sempre avuti molti sottoposti per tutto il tempo, che sono stato impiegato, che e estato di 29 anni senza contare i quattro al corpo legislativo, ed in temp difficilissimi; Ora per questo resto di vita, m'occuperò tutto, a pensare, un poco meglio, che non ho fatto fin qui, a salvare l'anima con fare delle opere buone". - The D'Elcis are a Florentine noble family of Sienese origin, the most prominent family member being the writer and bibliophile Angelo Maria d'Elci (1751-1824), possibly the brother mentioned in the first sentence of the letter. - Traces of folds. With minor ink damage, some worming, and stains.‎


Wien, AT
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€60.00 Buy

‎D'Este, Francesco III, Duke of Modena (1698-1780).‎

‎Document signed. Milan, 10. XII. 1754.‎

‎Folio. 1 p. on bifolium. WIth papered seal. Instructing his magistrate to pay out the stipends for October and November "to the Bargelli, Tenenti, and Fanti of the three legal teams". - Counter-signed five times. Some browning to the margins and minimal foxing.‎


Wien, AT
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€300.00 Buy

‎Delfico, Melchiorre, Italian economist (1744-1835).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Milan, 25. VII. 1804.‎

‎4to. 1¾ pp. Probably to his elder brother Giamberardino Delfico, announcing his departure from Milan, a stay in the Republic of San Marino, a subsequent visit to the recipient in Ascoli Piceno, and answering questions concerning the educational institutions of San Marino: "Io partirò di qui senza fatto nella ventura settimana. Mi tratteno in S. Marino fine ai principi di Settembre; e poi passerò in Ascoli, doce ricevei il dono della vostra amcizia. Che posso dirvi di stabilimenti letterari di questa Republica? Buono, mediocre, cattivo, sono qualità che si combinano in tutti i stabilimenti umani [...]". In a short postcript, Delfico supposes that the recipient must have received "the book", possibly his 1804 "Memorie storiche della Repubblica di San Marino", also mentioning his friend, the archaeologist Giuseppe Micali. - Fearing retributions for his participation in the provisorial government of the short-lived Parthenopean Republic or Republic of Naples in 1799, Melchiorre Delfico went into exile in San Marino for seven years and was awarded citizenship of the small republic in 1802. From 1806 to 1815 he served as counsellor to the Bonapartist Kings of Naples, Joseph Bonaparte and Joachim Murat. During the Bourbon restoration of Ferdinand IV he was appointed president of the commission of archives, from which office he retired in 1825. - With recipient's note in ink. Traces of folds. Minimal browning.‎


Wien, AT
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€150.00 Buy

‎[Drinkwater collection] - John Drinkwater, English poet and playwright (1882-1937).‎

‎Collection of autograph letters, signed menus, photographs and other ephemera, assembled for Penelope Ann Drinkwater, daughter of poet and dramatist John Drinkwater. Various places, ca. 1929-1934.‎

‎Album containing ca. 50 autograph and typed letters letters, signed menus, photographs and other ephemera. Oblong folio (365 x 265 mm). 31 leaves, brown calf giltstamped "Penelope Ann Drinkwater / July 26 1929" on upper cover (scuffed and stained, burn marks to spine). With a folder of ca. 100 loose autograph and typed letters, a printed Churchill address, and typed transcripts of letters by Rupert Brooke and others in folder annotated "sold to America" (ca. 160 pp., 8vo and 4to). Also, an original cartoon by David Low (pen, ink and coloured pencil, image 295 x 450 mm / 457 x 610 mm with frame, published in the Evening Standard, 28 April 1930, and in The Best of Low, 1930). An album assembled by John Drinkwater for his daughter Penelope Ann, celebrating the first years of her life from her birth in 1929 to her fifth birthday with a collection of letters and ephemera from literary and political figures of the day, and including an encounter with royalty. Despite being in the running for Poet Laureate, as the Low cartoon included here suggests, the position was taken by John Masefield after the death of Robert Bridges in April 1930. The collection comes from the family of Penelope Drinkwater. - Comprises: notes written by the Prince of Wales (the future Edward VIII) for his speech at the Stage Golfing Society Dinner, Savoy Hotel, 2 Nov. 1930 ("Handicapp / B-DARWIN / Filthy golfer / Filthy speaker / Keep pun clean"), accompanied by an explanatory letter from Drinkwater ("I was the guest of Sir Gerald du Maurier who sat between me and the Prince of Wales [...] The response was made by the Prince, and he put his notes on two sheets of paper. These were pocketed by Sir Gerald, and he gave me one of these for you [...] another scrap of history in a tiny way for you when you are growd up"). Also, some 50 autograph and typed letters by Edward Elgar (thanking him for the "exquisite Penelope's Trees - a beautifully inspired poem"), Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy (including a poem in her honour), Hugh Walpole, Joan Sutherland, Sybil Thorndike, Harold Nicholson, William Rothenstein, Herbert Hoover (two on White House headed paper), E. G. Robinson, Ramsay Macdonald, and others; a menu from the Savoy Hotel, 24 June 1930, signed by Drinkwater, J. B. Priestley, H. G. Wells, Arnold Bennett, Edgar Wallace, Desmond Macarthy and others, with another from a dinner on 19 September 1930 inscribed by Max Beerbohm ("to dear little Penelope Anne. I know she is little because she is so young. And I know she is a dear because I know her parents"); ephemera including a programme for Drinkwater's play "A Man's House" signed by the cast (with Errol Flynn as 'First Soldier'), telegrams of congratulations (including James Joyce and John Galsworthy), a printed copy of Drinkwater's 1930 poem "Penelope's Trees", inscribed "This copy is darling Penelope's own / John Drinkwater", numerous photographs and press cuttings of the family, etc. - The folder of loose correspondence includes H. G. Wells (postcard, "warmest thanks for the poem. It's a nice habit this poetry" and autograph letter to Miss Jeffreys sending love to Penny, "I think she is a dear"), a pencil drawing annotated "sketch by T[homas] H[ardy] of a hay-knife", Edmund Blunden ("I would like you to leave me out of your anthology"), Vita Sackville West ("She seems to be a fruitful source of inspiration to you"), Eddie Marsh, Shane Leslie, Stefan Zweig, and others; with a printed Churchill address from 25 April 1925 with covering letter, as well as typed transcripts of letters by Rupert Brooke and others. - The David Low cartoon, signed "Low" and titled "Situation Vacant", depicts Drinkwater, Masefield, Kipling, Edith Sitwell and other possible candidates for the post of Poet Laureate lining up to see the Prime Minister ("W. B. Yeats and W. H. Davies arriving by the next bus"), labelled "The Property of Penelope Ann Drinkwater" on reverse.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€28,000.00 Buy

‎[Elisabeth von Rumänien].‎

‎Korrespondenzsammlung von 6 eigenh. Briefen mit U., 1 ms. Brief mit U., 1 ms. Briefentwurf mit eh. Korrekturen, 2 eh. Briefkarten mit U., 1 eh. Tagebuchblatt sowie 5 gedr. Quittungen mit ms. oder hs. Eintragungen und eh. U., 1 hs. Liste mit eh. Ergänzungen und 1 ms. Liste verschiedener Personen aus dem geschäftlichen und persönlichen Umfeld Elisabeths. Verschiedene Orte, 1955-1961.‎

‎Zusammen ca. 40 SS. auf 34 Bll. (Qu.-)8vo und 4to. Mit sechs hs. adr. Kuverts und Beilagen (s. u). Dokumentsammlung aus dem letzten Lebensjahr der Prinzessin Elisabeth von Rumänien, der früheren Königin von Griechenland, umfassend neben persönlich gehaltenen Briefen auch spätere Schriftstücke in Zusammenhang mit ihrem Ableben, der Adoption ihres Geliebten Marc Favrat sowie dessen weiteren Verpflichtungen und Weg. - Drei Briefe in französischer Sprache: ein Brief von Marc Favrat an einen Pierre zum Besuch der Schwester Elisabeths, Prinzessin Iléana, in Cannes, zu seiner Adoption und zum Leiden Elisabeths: "Iléana est venue, spécialement de Boston passer huit jours ici à la maison et avec énormément d'affection et de soutien. Elle allait 2 fois par jour voir sa sœur à la clinique [...]" (30. IV. 1956). Ein Brief an Favrat von einer "Simone" zu dessen Überfahrt nach Amerika (3. V. 1957), ein weiterer an Prinzessin Elisabeth von einer gewissen "Janine" zu einem Urlaubsaufenthalt (1956). - Zwei Briefe in englischer Sprache, davon ein Brief mit verspäteten Geburtstagswünschen und Erkundigungen nach Zeichenübungen mit U. "Marr" an eine "Madame" (20. X. [o. J.]), und ein Brief von Francis H. MacGibbon an Prinzessin Elisabeth mit Dank für übersendete Bücher (24. V. 1956). - Ein Brief an Marc Favrat in niederländischer Sprache mit Beileidsbekundungen zum Tod Elisabeths (November 1956). - Das eh. Tagebuchblatt von Favrat zu einer Diner-Einladung (8. IX. 1959). - Die ms. Liste "Kurze Inhaltsangabe" in deutscher Sprache zu Gewährung verschiedener Unkostenpositionen "Klinikkosten" und "Ueberfahrtsgeld für die Zofen nach Amerika" kurz vor Elisabeths Ableben, mit dem etwas irritierenden fünften Punkt: "Ausschaltung FAVRATS und Rücksprache mit Iléana allein, möglichst gleich nach Ankunft [...]" (20. X. 1956). Die hs. Liste mit eh. Ergänzungen Favrats zu den Blumenspenden für das Begräbnis Elisabeths. - Der ms. Briefentwurf ohne U. in französischer Sprache an Friedrich Fürst von Hohenzollern ("Friedel"), den Vetter Elisabeths. - Ein Brief (gezeichnet "Billy", 2. V. 1956) und zwei Briefkarten (17. XII. 1955, "J. A. [...]", u. 6. V. 1956, "Margareta K. Papadimitriou"), diese anlässlich des Oster- und des Weihnachtsfestes, in rumänischer Sprache, der Brief sowie letztere Briefkarte an Elisabeth adressiert. - Eine Quittung von "Morgan & Cie" (31. XII. 1956) an Elisabeth mit einer Gutschrift von 13.618 Francs, die weiteren Quittungen an Favrat adressiert wegen der Kosten für den Hundefriedhof in Asnière (21. II. 1958), für Laboranalysen des "Institut de Biologie" (10. X. 1956) in Cannes in Höhe von 1.000 Francs, für Grab-Blumenspenden in Höhe von 21.000 Francs (7. V. 1957) und zu einer Kostenaufstellung über insgesamt 675 Francs des Genfer Anwalts Georges Rychner (26. X. 1961). - Beiliegend zahlreiche Zeitungsartikel zum Tod und Todestag Elisabeths, diese auf Trägerpapier montiert, ein ms. Brief-Durchschlag mit ms. Briefkopf des Frh. Franz von Hallberg (zu Broich) zur Adoption Marc Favrats, das ms. "Journal officiel No. 224" (27. IX. 1959) mit ms. Begleitschreiben, jeweils in Kopie, betreffend Reparationszahlungen der Rumänischen Volksrepublik. Der ms. Briefentwurf je Blatt mit gepr. Wappen und Rostspur einer Büroklammer. Die Quittungen stellenweise braunfleckig. Ein Kuvert mit Rostspur einer Büroklammer. Die Listen etwas knittrig an den Rändern und mit stärkeren Randläsuren. Ein Brief mit größerem Einriss und leicht lädiert am linken Rand.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€2,500.00 Buy

‎Ferdinand I, Austrian Emperor (1793-1875).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Vienna, 31 Jan. 1846.‎

‎Small 4to. 2 pp. on a bifolium. A letter of condolence on the occasion of the death of Duke Francis IV of Modena and Reggio: "Den Schmerz, den Euer Liebden in Ihrem Schreiben vom 23. d. M. über den unerwarteten Tod des Herzogs, Ihres Vetters ausdrücken, ist gerecht, und halten Sich Euer Liebden versichert, daß ich ihn ganz theile. Der Herzog war nicht bloß ein zärtlicher Vater, er war auch ein von den lautersten Grundsätzen beseelter und erfahrener Regent, und hat Euer Liebden ein Vorbild hinterlaßen, welches dieselben gewiß aus kindlicher Liebe und Überzeugung nachahmen werden [...]".‎


Wien, AT
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€2,500.00 Buy

‎Ferretti, Fra Benedetto, Commander of the Order of Malta (fl. 1726).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Rome, 25. III. 1726.‎

‎4to. 1 p. on bifolium. To a member of the Sicilian noble family Requesens in Turin, concerning letters of exchange: "Sotto li 4 del corr.te accusai a V.a la ricevuta della cambiale di 1000 [...]". - With collector's note in ink and pencil. Well preserved.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€950.00 Buy

‎Gibbone, Italian general (d. 1874).‎

‎Lithographed document with ms. entries signed. Florence, 30. III. 1871.‎

‎Small folio. 1 p. Permission to travel to France with a passport issued in Chieti for Claudio Guillemin, captain of the "Corpo di Stato Maggiore", issued by the Italian Minstry of War. General Gibbone, then general director at the Ministry, signs for the minister. - Traces of folds. Several small tears. Somewhat creased.‎


Wien, AT
[Books from Inlibris]

€220.00 Buy

‎La Farina, Giuseppe, Italian journalist and revolutionary (1815-1863).‎

‎2 autograph letters signed. Turin, 1 Jan. and 23 Feb. 1860.‎

‎8vo. Together 4 pp. on bifolia. Historically significant letters by the president of the "Società nazionale italiana" to the Italian revolutionary and member of the society, Livio Zambeccari, just months before Garibaldi's Expedition of the Thousand. The earlier letter, written on the first of January 1860, is a fervent call to action against Angelo Brofferio's democratic unification society "Liberi Comizi". The comitia were founded in 1859 with the goal of uniting the left and liberal factions in Turin and strengthening the government of Alfonso Ferrero La Marmora and Urbano Rattazzi in order to prevent a new premiership of Camillo Benso di Cavour. On 31 December 1859, Garibaldi accepted the presidency of the "Liberi Comizi" under the condition that they changed their name to "Nazione Armata" - a huge symbolic victory for Brofferio. The "Società nazionale italiana" was in support of Cavour and thus in direct opposition to the "Liberi Comizi". In the letter, La Farina accuses Brofferio of "burying the national question and with it Cavour" and of instrumentalizing Garibaldi, with hints at his fraught relationship with Cavour and La Farina: "When public opinion was rising with great energy, they looked for a name that would serve as a lightning rod, and they took that of Garibaldi. They surround and deceive Garibaldi, detach him from me, seemingly based on a bit of resentment for my conduct in Bologna, exploit his resentment for the governments of central Italy, and induce him to resign from the presidency of the Società italiana and to accept the presidency of the Free Comitia, which assumes the sufficiently ridiculous name of Nazione Armata! [...]" (transl.). Despite Brofferio's coup, La Farina sees the public on their side, ridiculing the "Liberi Comizi" and the "Stendardo Italiano", wherein Brofferio had published several articles: "The country is completely with us and will show it in the next election: the entire press of liberal opinion, the Gazzetta del Popolo, except for the famous Stendardo, are with us [...]. To slander Cavour, to call yourself Nazione Armata, deify Garibaldi, and make the panegyric of La Marmora, wanting the entire nation to take up arms and shake hands with the minister who disarms Piedmont!" Nevertheless, Giuseppe La Farina calls on Zambeccari to "double his usual zeal for the national cause" and to inform the local president of the Società italiana in Bologna, Rinaldo Simonetti. - On 21 January 1860, the weakened government of La Marmora resigned and Cavour was called to the premiership. Despite this important success, the second letter from 23 February 1860 strikes a similar tone. La Farina expresses his sorrow as Zambeccari had lost his bid for the election of the Bologna communal council. His main concern, however, is the Società, probably in the context of a conflict with Giuseppe Mazzini's "Partito d'Azione" that was also competing for Garibaldi's endorsement: "In our Society at least the various liberals have to close ranks and the fatal ancient divisions of moderates and fanatics must disappear. But not everyone understands this truth; every day I should like to gnaw at my liver seeing my words wasted, and the project of concord ruined, for which I have spent my life day and night [...]". La Farina informs Zambeccari that Carlo Michele Buscalioni, the secretary of the Società Italiana, had been charged with settling the affair and thanks him for being a loyal member of the society. - On stationery of the "Società nazionale italiana". With recipient's notes in ink. Traces of folds; the letter from 1 January somewhat brittle along the folds of the second leaf, with tears slightly affecting the text and some browning.‎


Wien, AT
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€1,800.00 Buy

‎Lacouture, Jean, Journalist, Historiker und Autor (1921-2015).‎

‎Eigenh. Brief mit U. [Paris], 10. X. 1980.‎

‎1 S. 8vo. Mit eh. adr. Kuvert. An Huguette Buis, Gattin des Offiziers und Autors Georges Buis, über einen Brief von Pierre Mendès France (von September 1944 bis April 1945 Wirtschaftsminister in der Regierung Charles de Gaulle), mit der Bitte einer wohl graphologischen Analyse desselben: "Voici une lettre de Pierre Mendès France, alors ministre des finances de de Gaulle en septembre 1944. Pour expertise, bien sûr. Merci de le faire pour moi. Prenez tout votre Temps [...]". - Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf des Verlagshauses Éditions du Seuil.‎


Wien, AT
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€220.00 Buy

‎Marinelli, Francesco, Italian bishop and prefect of the Papal Sacristy (1807-1887).‎

‎Lithographed document with handwritten entries signed. Rome, 22. VI. 1860.‎

‎Oblong folio. 1 p. With papered seal. Authentification certificate for relics "sacras ex ossibus" of the Blessed Germaine Cousin (1579-1601), a shepherdess from the area of Toulouse who had died a virgin after a most humble and pious life and whose body was said to have been found fresh and intact in 1644 and again in 1701. Germaine Cousin had been beatified in 1854, and on 29 June 1867 Pope Pius IX proclaimed her a saint. According to a note from 29 November 1860, the relics here authenticated were venerated in Avignon. - Traces of folds. With collector's note in ink. Several brownstains.‎


Wien, AT
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€220.00 Buy

‎Muratori, Lodovico Antonio, Italian historian (1672-1750).‎

‎Autograph letter signed. Modena, 8. IV. 1739.‎

‎Large 8vo. 2 pp. Highly interesting letter to the curator of a museum of antiquities, concerning inscriptions from a "glorious collection of marbles" and other research-related issues. Muratori thanks the recipient for copies of inscriptions, writing enthusiastically that some were unknown to him and scolding himself for wrongly believing that he already knew the entirety of the collection: "Ho più volte fatto un rimprovero a me stesso, perché sapendo cotesta gloriosa unione di marmi, io sia stato si trascurato di non cercarne conto coll'immaginarmi d'averle già in mano." Therefore, Muratori announces that he will again name the recipient as he had before in his "Antiquitates italicæ medii ævi". - In the second part of the letter, Muratori answers several questions of the recipient. He has performed fruitless research on a Niccolò Bendedei in the archives of the chambers of Modena ("Libri Camerali") but still hopes to find his name in the lists of salaried magistrates ("nel ruolo dei salariati"). Niccolò Bendedei was a ducal secretary of the late 15th century. Muratori continues to advise the recipient that the book he had asked for was not Pellegrino Rossi's "Vita di San Geminiano" (Modena, 1736), but rather a criticism of Rossi's book that had been banned from sale. Nevertheless, he promises to send the recipient a copy, if he can "obtain one under the cloak", although he is sceptical whether this will be possible: "Appena se ne vide copia qui che fu proibite ai Libri il tenerne e venderne. Se mi riuscirà di poterne aver una sotto il mantello ella sarà servita. Ma non so se mi verrà fatto. Né pur` io ne ho copia". - Finally, Muratori confirms that the second volume of his "Delle Antichità Estensi Ed Italiane" is "already under the printing press", complaining about the tardiness of his publisher Bartolomeo Soliani: "but this publisher Soliani works so slowly that I cannot say when it will appear". The recipient will be "among the first to have it". Effectively, Muratori's book was only published in 1740. - Two corners reinforced with paper, some stains and browning.‎


Wien, AT
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€2,500.00 Buy

‎Nigra, Constantino, Italian diplomat (1828-1907).‎

‎Letter signed. Paris, 2. VI. 1864.‎

‎Small folio. 2 pp. To the Italian minister of Foreign Affairs, Emilio Visconti-Venosta (1829-1914), in response to an official request from the Italian government concerning the treatment of Polish refugees on the French border as a result of the unsuccessful January Uprising against the Russian Empire. Nigra relates information that he obtained from the French minister of Foreign Affairs, Édouard Drouyn de Lhyus. According to Drouyn de Lhuys, the Polish refugees were allowed to enter the country and were allocated minor financial support in view of the "scarcity of the treasury". Nigra adds that the Imperial minister "does not believe that the hospitality granted by France under these circumstances could give reason to international complaints". - The Polish-Lithuanian insurgency of 1863/64 was inspired by the successful Italian independence movement. A small Italian unit of volunteers called the "Garibaldi Legion" joined the Polish struggle but was crushingly defeated in the Battle of Krzykawka on 5 Mai 1863. - Constantino Nigra served in France as chargé d'affaires and later as minister plénipotentaire of the young Kingdom of Italy between 1855 and 1876. Postings as ambassador in St Petersburg, London, and Vienna followed. - Traces of folds. With marks of receipt and registry. Minor tears and browning to the upper margin.‎


Wien, AT
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€200.00 Buy

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